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Ukraine, Diplomacy and War March 3, 2025: - When politicians in power are extremely unpopular, they generally turn to militarism and jingoism for a quick boost. Starmer is now the darling of the UK media for his sabre-rattling over Ukraine and is busily churning out tweets of military imagery. In doing so he is attempting to pose as in defiance of Trump, and capitalise on Trump's unpopularity in the UK, even though just two days earlier he was fawning on Trump in the White House and inviting him on an "unprecedented" second State visit. As ever, there is a great deal of smoke and mirrors here. The European…
Islamic Resistance Movements and Israel February 28, 2025: - We were searching for a site in the northern Bekaa valley recently bombed by Israel. Hadi knew near which village it was located but, as we drove between large expanses of fertile, well-cultivated fields, it was plain his information was vague. We pulled up at a garage to ask the way. Lebanon has not gone the way of Western economies in making consumers perform the very service for which they are paying, and in Lebanese service stations they still have attendants. A scruffily dressed old man sat on the front step of a dilapidated and very basic kiosk constructed of…
UN Peacekeepers Watch Civilians Massacred February 12, 2025: - On 26 January, 26 unarmed civilians were shot dead by Israel and 147 wounded in a massacre observed by heavily armed UN Peacekeepers who did not intervene. I asked the UN the very hard questions which nobody else is asking them. The civilians were simply attempting to return to their homes in accordance with both UNSCR 1701 and the current ceasefire agreement, and indeed UNIFIL has a specific mandate under 1701 to assist displaced people to return. So what has gone wrong with UNIFIL? Is this Srebrenica syndrome? What is the purpose of the heavy weaponry deployed by the UN's…
United Nations Censures UK Over Abuse of Terrorism Act Against Journalists and Activists February 6, 2025: - Four UN Special Rapporteurs have written jointly to the UK government demanding explanation of its inappropriate persecution of journalists and political activists under the Terrorism Act. They state that those persecuted: appear to have no credible connection to "terrorist" or "hostile" activity The cases taken up by the United Nations are those of Johanna Ross (Ganyukova), John Laughland, Kit Klarenberg, Craig Murray (yes, me), Richard Barnard and Richard Medhurst. The UN letter is signed by: Ben Saul Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism Irene Khan Special Rapporteur on the promotion…
Israel Slaughters and Destroys in Southern Lebanon January 31, 2025: - We could very easily - in fact more easily - have made these mini-documentaries featuring the bodies of children slaughtered by Israel and the hideous aspect of the maiming of tens of thousands, or focusing on the tears of the bereaved and orphaned. We chose to go a different way and make that unavoidably implicit, but not shown, in the interests of attracting and engaging the widest audience possible. Yet I believe what we do show highlights Israeli barbarity and makes it stark in another way. I would be grateful for your thoughts. ----------------------- To be blunt, our three months…
Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon January 27, 2025: - Yesterday, not only did Israel fail to evacuate its army from Southern Lebanon as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, Israel also shot over 130 Lebanese civilians attempting to return home in accordance with the deal, killing 23 and wounding 109 (of whom some are in critical condition). This included a 12 year old boy wounded in the neck in Kfarkela, standing right next to my local producer Mahmood. I was twenty yards away and on my way to them. Four were killed in Kfarkela and overnight the Israeli army demolished numerous homes there in "punishment". Over 100 people shot by…
Real Reporting Appeal January 18, 2025: - Our new mini-documentary from the Middle East shows again the kind of reporting that no Western media either can or will do. We hope to visit Damascus where Western media is giving entirely sycophantic and false coverage to the new HTS regime, praising the return of Pringles to the shops while ignoring massacres. But we are completely out of funding. I have made an overall loss now in five figures on our work in the Middle East since October. There has been not one mainstream journalist here showing the truth of Israeli bombing and occupation in Lebanon. There are some…
A Ceasefire is Not an End January 16, 2025: - The Genocide of the Palestinian people began 76 years ago. What may be drawing to a close is merely a particularly intense phase in the Genocide. Gaza is destroyed. 92% of its housing has gone. Its water treatment and sanitation, electricity generation, food processing, farming, and fishing are all now incapable of sustaining much life. Its hospitals, health centres, universities, colleges, and schools are all now destroyed, as are its municipal buildings, waste disposal, road surfaces, drainage channels, theatres, cultural centres, cinemas, cafés. What is left is 1.8 million cold and starving people, malnourished, soaked, ill-clothed, living in tents and…
The United States’ Pet General Appointed President of Lebanon January 10, 2025: - Yesterday I did two short video reports from outside the Lebanese Parliament - inside a military cordon that totally sealed off downtown Beirut - on the appointment of General Joseph Aoun, Head of the Lebanese Armed Forces, as President of Lebanon. There is no other Western source giving any of this detail - not even that it is directly unconstitutional for a present or former Head of the Armed Forces to become President in Lebanon. This report by William Christou is fascinating because it is a dark image mirror of my report. The facts are the same, but presented in…
Will Section 12 Die of Shame? January 7, 2025: - There was absolutely nothing stopping them, but not one single member of Western mainstream media ever visited a bomb site in Lebanon to verify whether Israeli claims it was a Hezbollah base or missile site were true. Because they knew the answer is negative, as I found across dozens of bomb sites, and that is not the narrative they are paid to promote. But when a narrative they are paid to promote came to the fore, they flocked to Damascus - driving right past the bombed civilian homes, ambulance centres and schools of Lebanon's Bekaa Valley to get there -…
The Bank Israel Bombed December 23, 2024: - Israel has relentlessly bombed all 38 branches of the Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association in Lebanon. Why is it so important to the Zionist cause to specifically obliterate a savings and loan institution? I investigate in our fourth mini-documentary from Lebanon. Click on the "Closed Captions" option at the bottom of the video and you will get the subtitles including translation from Arabic. --------------------------------- My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire. Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in…
Lebanon and Syria: My Interview for L’Indipendente December 17, 2024: - What's happening in Lebanon: interview with former British Ambassador Craig Murray 11 December 2024 - 19:00 The current situation in Lebanon is more delicate than ever. Despite the entry into force of the fragile cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel, the Jewish state continues to violate the terms of the agreement, claiming that it is only conducting defensive operations. At the same time, in Syria, the opposition front to Assad has conquered Damascus, bringing down a dynasty that lasted over half a century without its ally Hezbollah being able to do anything. Against this backdrop of uncertainty, Craig Murray travelled to…
Imperialism is Winning December 16, 2024: - After six weeks in Beirut, duing which I witnessed a substantial swing in the balance of power in the Middle East in favour of the Greater Israel project, it is time to take stock. --------------------------------- My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire. Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in translation. Because some people wish an alternative to PayPal, I have set up new methods of payment including a GoFundMe appeal and a Patreon account. I have… Abolishing Democracy in Europe December 14, 2024: - On 4 October I spoke to a meeting of the United European Left group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Arriving a bit early, I sat through a presentation by a Moldovan judge, Victoria Sanduta, who was formerly the President of the Association of Judges in Moldova. She had recently been dismissed, along with other judges, after investigation by a committee set up by the President to vet judges. She said the "vetting" was openly political, and the purpose was to remove any judges who were not "Western-oriented" and who might query the process in a forthcoming…
Costs – Much Less Boring Than You Expect December 12, 2024: - You have probably noticed my frenetic and uncharacteristic appeals for donations across social media. This has been an experiment as to whether genuinely independent reporting from a colonialist war zone is possible, and the answer may be "No". I want to explain the costs to you. Leaving aside for a paragraph or two the costs of cinematographer Niels Ladefoged and myself getting here and living here, let me tell you about the cost just of the 5-minute piece I did from the Syrian/Lebanese border. After obtaining our general permits to report from the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Defence… On the Lebanese/Syrian Border December 11, 2024: - Where reality is very different from what the BBC and CNN are telling you. --------------------------------- My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire. Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in translation. Because some people wish an alternative to PayPal, I have set up new methods of payment including a GoFundMe appeal and a Patreon account. I have now also started a Substack account if you wish to subscribe that way. The content will be the same as…
The End of Pluralism in the Middle East December 6, 2024: - A truly seismic change in the Middle East appears to be happening very fast. At its heart is a devil's bargain - Turkey and the Gulf States accept the annihilation of the Palestinian nation and creation of a Greater Israel, in return for the annihilation of the Shia minorities of Syria and Lebanon and the imposition of Salafism across the Eastern Arab world. This also spells the end for Lebanon and Syria's Christian communities, as witness the tearing down of all Christmas decorations, the smashing of all alcohol and the forced imposition of the veil on women in Aleppo now.…
Baalbek Before the Fragile Ceasefire December 4, 2024: - This mini-documentary gives much more extensive coverage of our visit to Baalbek just before the ceasefire. The day before we went, sixty civilians had been killed in Israeli bombings throughout the small city. This video captures something of the terror with which the inhabitants had been living for months, and their extraordinary resilience. With thanks to Niels Ladefoged for the filming and editing. All content on this blog is freely available to republish or reproduce, including in translation. We are entirely dependent on your donations and subscriptions. We receive no state, corporate or grant funding. Because some people wish an…
Lebanon’s Unbalanced Ceasefire Teeters on the Brink November 30, 2024: - Only Israel has opened fire since the start of the "ceasefire", and Israel has done so repeatedly. Nobody has fired back. Israel has for three days in a row attacked alleged Hezbollah rocket sites with bombs or missiles, killing at least four people and probably more. Israel has opened fire on journalists. It has critically wounded two mourners at a funeral. There are numerous reports of Lebanese civilians returning to their homes in the South coming under fire from Israeli troops. This video shows the two people shot by snipers at a funeral. The man is saying that they had…
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