A bright young Republican, Vitter
Wanted, for God, to be fitter;
So did exercise
On splayed teen thighs
Now bitter Vitter’s in the shitter.
Copyright Craig Murray All Rights Reserved
May only be reproduced after poking your head out of the window and shouting “George Bush is a moron!” at a passing stranger.
Vitter's a father of four,
The wife wouldn't have any more
So he speared a young hooker
On top of the cooker
But the Rethugs won't show him the door.
The USA rep in Tashkent
Didn't like what the FCO sent
So his bosses got vague
In their backing for Craig
And instead of him coming he went.
I have to say that I agree with the earlier comments, now disappeared, on scansion (maybe it comes from wasting too much of my education in trying to compose Latin and Greek verse)?
I have tried to keep some of the original features and come up with the following:
The God squad Republican Vitter
Was a fighter, and never a quitter,
But a big whorehouse scandal
Was too much to handle,
Now Vitter (the bitter)'s in t' shitter.
Well done.
A perfectionist might quibble with that last "t'", but nicely done. 🙂