I have been obliged to self-publish my new book, The Catholic Orangemen of Togo and Other Conflicts I Have Known, because legal threats from mercenary commander Tim Spicer scared off my publisher:
https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/Schillings.pdf I
I have accordingly decided to make it available free online from 12 January as a PDF hosted on over a hundred different websites, in almost thirty different juridictions. I have, however, had physical books printed for those who wish (and purchased carbon offset). I hope to get copies into bookstores shortly, though this is difficult. It is available from Amazon.co.uk for just £11.87
You can however purchase it here, direct from me, for the cover price of £17.99. This includes postage and packing to anywhere in the World, plus a signature and message if you wish.
I should fess up that I stand to make 80p profit on every copy sold though Amazon, but about £3.60 on every copy sold direct here. So, in addition, for every copy sold direct I will make a donation of £1 to either People and Planet, Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch. You can choose the nature of your donation below when you make your purchase via PayPal, and your donation choice will be confirmed by email.
If you want a signed copy, please note this in the “Special Instructions to Merchant” box when you enter the delivery address, together with any dedication you want with the signature.

The book is an autobiographical prequel to Murder in Samarkand and covers the period 1998 to 2002. It exposes the links between blood diamonds, crime and British mercenary involvement in Africa. it argues that the disregard Tony Blair showed for both British and international law in dealing with Sierra Leone prefigured the disaster of Iraq. It also covers my role in the dawn of democracy in Ghana.
More importantly, it is intended in an entertaining way to present questions of African development, drawing on thirty year’s practical experience. I am deeply critical of current fashionable doctrines in the field of overseas aid. I hope it will inform and entertain as Murder in Samarkand did, but on a different set of issues. Here is the blurb from the book:
Craig Murray’s adventures in Africa from 1997 to 2001 are a rolliciking good read. He exposes for the first time the full truth about the “Arms to Africa” affair which was the first major scandal of the Blair Years. He lays bare the sordid facts about British mercenary involvement in Africa and its motives. This is at heart an extraordinary account of Craig Murray’s work in negotiating peace with the murderous rebels of Sierra Leone, and in acting as the midwife of Ghanaian democracy. Clearly his efforts were not only difficult but at times very dangerous indeed. Yet the story is told with great humour. Not only do we meet Charles Taylor, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jerry Rawlings and Foday Sankoh, but there are unexpected encounters with others including Roger Moore, Jamie Theakston and Bobby Charlton! Above all this book is about Africa. Craig Murray eschews the banal remedies of the left and right to share with us the deep knowledge and understanding that comes over 30 years working in or with Africa. Gems of wisdom and observation scatter the book, as does a deep sense of moral outrage at the consequences of centuries of European involvement: even though he explains that much of it was well-intentioned but disastrous.
If you wish to pay by cheque or postal order, please write with your details to Craig Murray, 31 Sinclair Gardens, West Kensington, London, W14 0AU. Cheques for £17.99 should be made payable to Craig Murray.
Gie it laldy, Craig!
Hi Craig,
i would like to buy direct and pay by cheque if possible as can't pay via paypal.
I'll add a para this evening telling people how to do that
Hello Craig, I also cannot use paypal.
Would it be possible to send you a postal order?
all the best John Gibson
What an excellent idea to incorporate a donation to Amnesty, HRW etc.
I look forward to receiving my copy. I'll put it on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum shelf beside Peter Wright's "Spycatcher". Although yours is a better read!
Craig, do you sign copies of your books?
algernon, john
I have added a new para at the bottom of the entry.
I have added a para to cover your point. Those who have already ordered will have to send me the dedication they want with a signature.
Hi Craig
I'd like to purchase the book direct. One point though, I advise you not to give one single penny to Human Rights Watch. It has been severely co-opted by US Elite interests and can no longer be relied upon to do its job.
How about donating to the Palestinian Human Rights Group instead?
Ok thanks, cheque's in the post!
Would it be possible to buy both "The Catholic Orangemen of Togo and Other Conflicts I Have Known" and "Murder in Samarkand" signed by you ?. I will make chq out to more then cover cost of both.
Should have added this to my post above.
"Some steps have already been taken. The Kimberly Process, launched in 2003, is a well-known attempt to stop the trade in conflict diamonds"…
No problems with both book order.
I suggest adding an additional option for the £1 donation, 'The Craig and Nadira Night Out Fund' – I'm sure you guys deserve to celebrate your book launch in an appropriate manner…
I see the full text as a PDF has been placed on a popular (non torrent) web site. Hope it inspires some people to discover Craig and maybe buy a copy.
D (who has just ordered his hardback)
D wrote:
– "I see the full text as a PDF has been placed on a popular (non torrent) web site. Hope it inspires some people to discover Craig and maybe buy a copy."
It shouldn't have been. It's supposed to be available from January 12th.
I've ordered my copy.
I look forward to reading it!
Would love to read a copy, but just have to wait until my current economic situation improves, I'd just finished Gommorah by Roberto Saviano, a cracking read, says a lot about our filthy habits, ( waste deals Kent/China), how our libel laws are used to safeguard mafiosis and how this nation safeguards rich villains of all nations, whilst p…..g on legit EU workers that are trying to fit in. Very recommendable if one is thinking of moving to Italy.
BTW. How was the demo yesterday, I could not go, otherwise I would have not been able to post this.
It will be free online from midnight tonight, so lack of money no problem.
Demo was great – much larger than I anticipated. I went up to the mike feeling blank, but was pleased with what I said – unfortunately nobody seems to have videoed or recorded it.
Thanks for speaking up, I am sure that certain people will know exactly what was said and by whom. (:-)
Are you going to the BGG this year? I am sure that Nadira would appreciate a few days in the sunny, cheddar producing countryside, who knows she might even be able to perform there, usually the agenda's are quiet open and flexible. enjoy whats left of sunday.
Money for those?
Human Rights Watch in Venezuela
Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups
by James Petras
Their work in Uzbekistan was excellent and definitely NOT waht the US government wanted, whether overtly or covertly. But that's why you have a choice.
Incidentally the human rights abuse in the article you quote is Chavez' expulsion of those who criticise his human rights record (that remains true whether the criticisms were well-founded or not).
Not been invited to speak this year.
You can set up payment through Paypal in such as way that people are not required to create a Paypal account, but can instead opt to just pay by credit card. Since some people are likely to be resistant to setting up a Paypal account that would be a good idea.
By the way, there is a rebuttal of the article hostile to HRW at http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/letter/3868, specifically against the allegation that Jose Miguel Vivanco (HRW Americas director) somehow served under Pinochet.
I did look at the other Paypal options, but frankly the backroom setting up got too complcated for me to understand. So the cheque/postal order option is the best answer.
Your speech on Saturday 10th at the rally was angry but quite splendid, and entirely justified. Any denouncements of Zionism will be leaped on by folk keen on war, but it was a brave thing to do and I applaud you for it.
So, I will be sending a cheque through in due course for the book. Sod off Schillings!
Blogged at my place
Best of luck
Great news, thanks. I haven't read Murder in Samarkand though have read about it. May well be putting in an order for the 'real' versions.
Best wishes.
Book ordered……… the word being spread.
Good stance, plenty of folk behind you.
Up yours Schillings, ya boo sucks
Book ordered
"So, in addition, for every copy sold direct I will make a donation of £1 to either People and Planet, Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch."
Taking the above into consideration, I will not only refrain from buying direct, but also forgo the free version. A more damning association is hard to imagine.