Two Damians: Compare and Contrast 10

The disgraceful episode of the arrest and taping of Damian Green hs been brought to a close. It is another shameful episode in New Labour’s attack on civil liberties.

The most important point is that all of the information leaked by or to Damian Green should have been public in the first place. That it was classified is symptomatic of the politicisation of Home Office officials under New Labour.

I have already written much in support of Mr Green. But for now, I will again ask the question: why did we see this police action against Galley and Green, where there is still no investigation into Damian McBride for the offence of Misconduct in Public Office, of which he looks to me as guilty as can be?

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10 thoughts on “Two Damians: Compare and Contrast

  • John D. Monkey


    Shouldn’t the Home Office officials concerned also be investigated for Misconduct in Public Office?

    I don’t expect they will, as the government will want to protect them just as McBride has been protected and the police have been protected.

    The civil service has been so politicised over the last 25 years that they see their role as promoting the government of the day not serving the people.

    Ditto in spades the police. There’s a horrifying letter in the Grauniad today from an Austrian tourist who had his pictures wiped by two plods – for the heinous offence of daring to photograph a bus!

  • Stephen

    Thanks Craig,

    Two points:

    1. Damian Green is innocent and should never have been arrested. Anyone released without charge has been investigated and is known to be clean. We cannot be so sure about any other holder of public office until they have had their offices, homes and computers searched, and been interrogated.

    2. As usual, the accuser is guilty of the crime in this case. Those accusing Mr. Green of malfeasance are guilty of it themselves, firstly in the very act of accusing and wrongly arresting Mr. Green and secondly by classifying information that, as you say, belonged in the public domain. He broke no law and they abused their power to bully him for challenging them. The executive branch violates the sacred sovereignty of the people when it uses its power to usurp the legislative function in this way.

  • MJ

    Not to mention the use of the word ‘grooming’, in a pathetic attempt to make us associate him in our minds with paedophiles.

  • spivver

    I understand that so called “anti-terrorism” powers were used in this phoney excuse for this police state charade. Seems these powers are used for everyone except real terrorists.

    Not that I believe in this bogus “war on terror”, it is in reality a war on our freedoms!!

  • Jaded

    I understand that so called “anti-terrorism” powers were used in this phoney excuse for this police state charade. Seems these powers are used for everyone except real terrorists.”

    Ha, that sums it up nicely.

  • jives

    Yep agreed..

    Your War On Turr,Inc summation is spot on Spivver.

    It’s all a load of absolute bollocks.

  • David McKelvie

    Wasn’t it a previous attempt to arrest an MP in the Commons that led to the Civil Wa (Round Two)r; and weren’t Parliamentary Privileges the outcome of that? I suppose that the present Speaker isn’t up to the job that William Lenthall held during the Long Parliament.

  • Anonymous

    Amen to all of the above. We must remember though that the police are almost totally politicised – and there are no senior officers who are not carefully selected by politicians. So, they know which side their bread is buttered. It will also take many years before their ranks are purged.

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