A New Constitution
Constitutional Reform is in the air. I thought I might set out what I would wish to see. I could write a book – indeed I have been thinking about doing so – detailing the reasoning behind my prescriptions, but I thought that at the very least this should provoke some thought:
Independence for England, Scotland and Wales.
A United Ireland.
Each of them Republics.
Written constitution.
Bill of Rights.
International law automatically incorporated in domestic law.
Fixed term four year parliaments in the lower chamber.
100% elected upper chamber, one third elected every two years.
All elections by single tranferable vote.
Elected President for 7 years with ceremonial role.
Prime Minister chosen from lower chamber.
Powerful parliamentary committees which can compel witnesses and evidence.
Local Income Tax.
Minimum 80% of all local government spending to be be locally funded – 100% in wealthier regions.
Local government to decide local law on social issues (in conformity with equality provisions of national Bill of Rights) – eg alcohol and enternainments licensing laws, legality of drugs, euthanasia, prostitution.
No public money for any political party (ie no special advisers, subsidies etc).
Now I doubt there is anyone else who agrees with the entire prescription…