This blog keeps going offline. I have no idea why – perhaps maintenance work on the server?
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On a Saturday !?
Yes, I’d noticed. Also, immediately after I made those comments about the financial institutions and the mafia, a couple of hours ago someone from a particular very prominent bank in London, a bank which allegedly has been extensively involved in various international ‘affairs’ including allegedly those purported African affairs of a certain Mister Mann, checked out my own website for almost 30 minutes. I’m probably just paranoid and grandiose. Hmn… They’re probably just interested in literature, right?
Perhaps you have annoyed the Telegraph?
“On a Saturday !?”
FWIW, it’s not unusual for server/network maintenance to be done at the weekend when it won’t affect businesses as much.
40 minutes, actually. And 13 seconds. I know, I’m insane…
Not so sure this was maintenance.
The actual server ( on which this blog is hosted appeared to remained during the outage.
Some disagreement/change of opinion/period of reflection/listing to higher up advice/whatever in your host’s head office how to react to yet another lawyer’s letter seems to me just as possible.
Fair enough Leo,
My bad for seeing things from a game players point of view; we let the banks use OUR internet during the off-peak daytime hours
I think it is safe to say thay there is an innocent explanation.
Don’t get so far up your own arse to think that “they” are carrying out DDOS attacks on you.
If the government, certain banks and accountancy firms were involved in vast money laundering scams then it would be quite reasonable to think the banks or the secret services were monitoring this blog site.
Another question to mull over, is where are all the billions from excise duty fraud and VAT carousel fraud that HMRC has failed to find over the last fifteen years?
Oh, I’d be really disappointed if they weren’t monitoring it! After all, when not facilitating entrapment schemes for patsy Jihadists, they seem to spend most of their time undermining dissidents and infiltrating any countercultural groups who are critical of the machinations of the powerful. To use a decidely unaromatic paraphrase, dear Mister Keep, it is they who are up our arses.
I’m don’t know if anything is fishy here or not, but it’s a cast iron certainty that this blog is monitored. I also know that certain individuals have had their internet screwed with in the past. Gina Pardaens to name but one. I’m sure you must have a top techie you can access through your contacts Craig. See what they reckon.
It is saturday, some fat techie on weekend support probably forgot to plug a cable back in for an hour or so since he was absorbed in WoW, or downloading some japanese cartoon porn.
No, that was me.
It’s not just today; this site was down in the late evening – 22.30 to midnight approx – on at least three days last week.
After all, when not facilitating entrapment schemes for patsy Jihadists, they seem to spend most of their time undermining dissidents and infiltrating any countercultural groups who are critical of the machinations of the powerful.
I don’t quite agree. The time they spend setting up the unaware/naive in VAT/excise frauds has to be included and once the operation is slaughtered they spend quite a bit of time making sure no sensitive disclosure reaches the public domain.
Interesting, about the VAT/ excise frauds… I’d not heard of this before. Is there a link or something to enable one to find out more?
Going down intermittently in Ireland also. Hope it’s the contention ratio and nothing more sinister.
“Sorry .. posts over last 24 hours have been lost”…
Suhayl Saadi
You won’t find any link to this as secretly removing taxpayers’ money from the country is a major issue and blatantly illegal. There are two ongoing cases at the moment, an excise fraud where there is very strong evidence the principal was a participating informant. This case is at the IPCC alleging abuse of process at the appeal. The other case, a VAT fraud, is at the High Court alleging procedural misconduct by the CCRC, who in their analysis manipulated and omitted crucial evidence, including evidence which points to participating informants.
Many of the companies in the VAT fraud are linked to many other VAT cases in the UK, which must involve a common denominator. Also there are reputable companies in the UK involved in VAT fraud.
Ruth, if you know detailed stuff about this, I mean more than someone who checks out financial and other sites, etc., then maybe you ought to think about approaching Robin Ramsay at Lobster Magazine with a view to writing it up. Just a suggestion.
Ruth, if you have detailed information about this, I mean more than one might glean from relevant webites and so on, then perhaps you ought to consider approaching, say, Spinwatch or Robin Ramsay at Lobster Magazine with a view to writing it up. Just a suggestion.
Suhayl Saadi
Just for the record, I have had a lot of problems with this site for the past couple of weeks as well.
T&G Scotland
Regional Industrial Organiser
D. Munro
Just reporting that I am getting periodic timeouts on the website, database errors etc. It’s either under too much load or the anti-takedown hosting is not as great as it needs to be (or someone is monkeying around with it, but I view that as unlikely).
Something for Tim Ireland or related techies to comment upon?