The Fun of Electioneering 221

I just received a phone call from a very nice lady. concerned that the obstacles being placed in my way as a candidate may be getting me down. On the contrary, I haven’t had so much fun in ages.

We sit down to dinner about 10pm every evening after the day’s campaigning, usually about 16 of us, guitars come out, someone strikes up on the piano and we have enormous fun, except for my singing, for which the politest word is loud.

If we didn’t scare the political establishment, they would not react so fiercely to us. We get abuse from party hacks on the street, while the parties are tellingly polite to each other and connive to keep me out of broadcast events. Lots of flak now coming on the internet from Tories, Lib Dems (see the immensely dull Norfolk Blogger) and Greens, and lots of trolls on this website. I might start a flyposting storm to wind them up further.

A prize of twenty pounds is offered to anyone who spots Chloe Smith in public with less than six minders.

Reaction on the doorsteps can only be described as extremely warm – and we have witnessed many instances of outright hostility in public reaction to the political parties. So despite the efforts of overpaid BBC execs to bolster the political parties, something really interesting is happening with real people here in Norwich North. The challenge is to turn that in to action at the ballot box.

Get yourselves to Norwich now – you are missing a lot of fun!

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221 thoughts on “The Fun of Electioneering

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  • Abe Rene

    Just seen your election video on Youtube. I thought it was well made, and right from the start made it clear that the speaker knew well the people and region of which he was speaking, and clearly had deep ancestral roots in the place. Since the voters of NN now all have a chance to see it on both DVD and the internet (and I will make the Youtube known to one or two people I know), it could well be a crucial help in your getting elected MP, no matter what detractors might say. Good luck!

  • Rob Speare

    Craig if you value free speech so highly, why are comments disabled on your YouTube videos?

    You also need to learn how to speak in front of a camera without sounding like you are a scared little boy.

  • mary

    Is your comment supposed to be constructive? If not, do you understand the meaning of the phrase ‘Clear off’ and get back to your affiliates in the Greens. (I have checked back on your previous posts)

  • dreoilin

    Who are the “little boys” here? The ones who throw rotten eggs and sneers from the sidelines, but never engage in debate (other than quoting spew from their party websites).

  • AndyMcDee

    Rob Speare you say that Craig needs to “learn how to speak in front of a camera without sounding like you are a scared little boy.”

    Watch the C4 report about the election I linked to above and compare.

    The three main parties interviewed, to me, say absolutely nothing.

    Also the interview with the Tory candidate has been cut out from the C4 online version. She didn’t make a good impression when question about something on the original C4 report. Sorry I can’t remember what it was.

  • JimmyGiro

    Rob Speare wrote:

    “You also need to learn how to speak in front of a camera without sounding like you are a scared little boy.”

    Tell us Rob, where did you gain your experience of scared little boys on camera? Is there something you need to confess?

  • mary

    On the Channel 4 link that Andy sent earlier, I thought that Chloe Smith looked like a self conscious little girl who was on an outing with the grown ups. Also thought that George Osborne’s voice sounded rather strangulated in this clip.

  • eddie

    Rob Speare – don’t worry about the abuse. They rarely engage in debate and only throw abuse when you make a telling point. The clones Mary and Dreiolin are two of the worst.

  • eddie

    Christ, I’ve just watched a bit of the video – it is piss poor. You really need to learn some presentation skills and it looks like you have been eating too many of those Norfolk pork pies. No serious politiccian would ever wear shades. Anyone watching it would be asleep after a couple of minutes. But there is no such thing as “criminal trespass” so the policeman was wrong. Civil law and criminal law are separate.

  • mary

    Paddy Power

    Conservatives 1/25

    Labour 8/1

    Greens 12/1

    Craig Murray 20/1

    Liberal Democrats 33/1

    UKIP 80/1

    BNP 200/1

    Bill Holden 250/1

    Libertarian Party 400/1



    Conservatives 1/16

    Labour 10/1

    Greens 25/1

    Craig Murray 25/1

    Liberal Democrats 25/1

    UKIP 100/1

    Anne Fryatt 200/1

    BNP 200/1

    Libertarian Party 500/1

    Bill Holden 1000/1

    Official Monster Raving Loony 1000/1

    Peter Baggs

  • George Dutton

    “You also need to learn how to speak in front of a camera without sounding like you are a scared little boy.”

    Rob Speare

    I read somewhere that solvent abuse distorts one’s view of reality. You sound like you need help Rob?.

  • MJ

    eddie: catch up little fella, trespass is now a criminal offence and has been for several years. Time perhaps to give up being an ‘untroofer’ and get real.

  • anon

    Islam and chemotherapy.

    Islam is established in the UK, not because Muslims are now well-off, but because of freedom of speech and belief in this country. To be sure racist parties like the BNP can campaign for restriction of freedom of speech, which would, if it happened, finish the BNP themselves.

    Chemotherapy is selective, targeted treatment. Thus in this metaphor it means: selective attack / Racism.

    The last time Islam started to have influence in this country, in the 16/17th century, it was extinguished by a civil war. Maybe Gordon Brown wants to repeat the exercise by handing back control of our money to the spiv bankers we have just bailed out with 2 trillion pounds, to ruin us completely next time.

    Tony Blair deliberately set fire to Iraq, so Brown is capable of the same here. Would he have enough pseudo-socialist crocodile tears, Eddie, to extinguish the flames?

  • Rob Speare

    If Craig is an honest man, why wont he allow comments on his Piss Poor youtube videos? Is he afraid of the abuse he will get for being a quivering wreck whilst trying to read out a shit script?

    His videos are worse than UKIP’s!

  • eddie

    I don’t believe filming on a railway station that is open to the public can be classed as criminal trespass. Nothing on the network rail site about this. Unless you can prove otherwise I believe the policeman was wrong.

  • HappyClappy

    @ eddie

    You also believe in Santa, and tooth-fairy too, but that is besides the point.

    Section 44 anti terror measures make a criminal offense of photographing any means of public transport, and or related structures there of.

    Your employers have seen to it that even German Tourists photographing double decker buses have been arrested and their cameras purged from the offending photographs, of course only white German tourists get this treatment, given any hints of colour the unfortunate forefinger will be shot in all probabilities, and the police will proceed to cover it all up, by blaming him for acting “suspiciously”.

  • Rob Speare

    I think the guy that told Craig to move on was in fact Dreolin, and the whole thing was a stunt! It was a stunt to add to the whole “they are stopping us” paranoid conspiracy theory rubbish exhibited on this site.

    Let’s review the list of people Craig can blame if he doesn’t win:

    1) Other candidates

    2) The BBC

    3) UCU

    4) National Express

    5) The Police

    6) The voters of Norwich North

    7) The UK government

    8) The Zionist world elite

    9) Aliens

  • Craig Muzz

    That video was half an hour long! What self-respecting Norwich North voter is going to waste half an hour watching a dribbling, incoherent old man rambling on about random things?

  • MJ

    The station is private property. It is open to the public by the consent of the property owner, but that consent can be withdrawn if the owner wishes. Rather like a shop, or a pub, where the management have the right to eject unwanted customers. Got it now, little eddie the untroofer?

  • dreoilin

    “You really need to (1) learn some presentation skills and (2) it looks like you have been eating too many of those Norfolk pork pies. (3) No serious politiccian would ever wear shades.”

    I just love a good informative analysis of a video before I go to the rental shop …

  • dreoilin

    “What self-respecting Norwich North voter is going to …”–Craig Muzz

    It’s a damn sight more interesting than the shower of useless confetti thrown at people by the “elite” who think they own the entire system.

  • Rob Lewis

    Is it Rob Speare as in an anglicised Robespierre? Because I quite like that, if it is.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with being christened plain old Rob Speare. It’s just you’re awful trollish to be commenting under your own name.

  • dreoilin

    “I think the guy that told Craig to move on was in fact Dreolin”–Rob Speare

    That’d be kinda hard, dear. For a variety of reasons. But don’t worry your little head about it.

  • avatar singh

    sign at to stop this war criminal tony blair from immunity.

    please sign at to stop this war criminal tony blair from immunity.

    to stop this war criminal tony bastard blair from hodling any offoice let alone eu presidency. that is his ands british trick to make him immune from prosecution for war crimes.

    better never ratify the lisbon treaty then there will be no uneelctable president of eu.

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