Tortured Law 5

This brief documentary is wel worth watching. Sadly there is nothing equivalent on UK complicity that I am aware of, and we are still struggling to get the comparable documents. It feels like I am one of only a handful of campaigners who really seems to care. Obama’s collusion in the US cover-up is just one reason why it was a farce to give him the Nobel peace prize.

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5 thoughts on “Tortured Law

  • Courtenay Barnett

    I think that there is a perfectly credible issue for discussion as regards the award of the peace prize to Obama. That is one level for consideration – honest analysis – the post and comment that started this thread.

    There is also the question of the symbolism of the prize:-

    i) Since some countries can blow the world up fivefold and others tenfold – then – do we all go down that path, or do we seek an alternative path?

    ii) As corrupt as things are in politics ( and most of the ones posting on Craig’s site are politically savvy) – what way forward – more war – or peace?

  • Courtenay Barnett

    I think that there is a perfectly credible issue for discussion as regards the award of the peace prize to Obama. That is one level for consideration – honest analysis – the post and comment that started this thread.

    There is also the question of the symbolism of the prize:-

    i) Since some countries can blow the world up fivefold and others tenfold – then – do we all go down that path, or do we seek an alternative path?

    ii) As corrupt as things are in politics ( and most of the ones posting on Craig’s site are politically savvy) – what way forward – more war – or peace?

  • anon

    Obama’s collusion in the US cover-up is just one reason why it was a farce to give him the Nobel peace prize.

    I like that statement.

    It means that the awarders of the prize collude with torture and foreign aggression and they believe in and trust the Obama/Brown/Freemason New World Order.

    If salt loses its flavour, with what will you salt it? At least the Taliban are fighting against the obscenity of this superpower and its apologists. Something I believe that the world will come to be grateful for even if it doesn’t agree with everything it stands for. To those who still say that the evils of the West can be reversed by argument and discussion, please note that the official watchdogs are busy chewing their official bones.

  • Jaded.

    Maybe it was a savvy move to give him the prize? Makes it more awkward for him to warmonger. Just a thought.

  • Evin Ormond

    craig writes:

    “Obama’s collusion in the US cover-up is just one reason why it was a farce to give him the Nobel peace prize.”

    Regarding the three ongoing US wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, there does not exist any justification to award Obama with the Nobel peace prize.

    Obama doesn’t get the Nobel peace prize for what he was/is doing, but for what he is/will be refraining from doing, now and during the rest of his presidency.

    A Nobel peace price winner cannot start another war. If Obama for example would try to start a preemptive war against Iran, I’m sure the Noble prize commitee would not hesitate a second to dispossess Obama of his price again, letting him lose his face before the world.

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