Angrysoba Doesn’t Like This Blog 225

“Am I sometimes exasperated by the barmier entries, including by those who appear to believe that all terrorism is always false flag? Yes, I am sometimes. But no more than I am exasperated by those who swallow the entire war on terror agenda and the associated wars and attacks on liberty at home.”

I am having an interesting dialogue with angrysoba in comments on his blogpost about one of my blogposts. Some people don’t seem to get the concept of open debate. Angrysoba appears to be angry because he believes it is wrong for anyone to be allowed to express views which he deplores.

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225 thoughts on “Angrysoba Doesn’t Like This Blog

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  • Mark

    ‘angrysoab” is either an ignorant condescending fool, or a ignorant condescending facilitator.

    I tend to believe he’s a facilitator’

    A condescending fool seems more likely; in one of his earlier comments he praised Daniel Goldhagen and Raul Hilberg in the same sentance. Goldhagen is an overrated hack historian, Hilberg was a pioneering scholar. Only a fool would be unable to discern the difference between the two.

  • Jaded.

    ‘Paranoia and panic again.

    I recognise your far-right UKIP views and bigotry and you associate me with the BNP?


    Typical punk ‘reasoning’.’

    Oh Babs, you are such a silly little thing some times. I strongly suggest you leave the BNP and stop acting up.

  • angrysoba

    “Does angrysoba think that the Jews deserve to be free in their own country?”

    Yes, of course I do. What are you interrogating ME for?

  • angrysoba

    From the latest anti-semitic weirdo, Steelback: “Thirteenth Tribe was published in 1976 in the US by Random House and in London by Hutchinson in the same year you dingbat!

    That’s less than thirty years ago.

    Your Maths is as dumbed-down as your politics.”

    1976 is less than thirty years ago?

    “Koestler was something of a polymath.(No that doesn’t mean he was good at maths jerk-off!)His non-fiction included autobiography and biography as well as history,psychology,philosophy,and travel.He was far too erudite to have any appeal a retard like you.(No,airhead-erudite is not a glue!)”

    If by polymath you mean am all-round crank on many subjects then you’re right. He wrote books on Lamarckian evolution and telepathy which appealed to proto-Troofers. People like you.

    “The term “semite” more accurately describes the indigenous Palestinians than it does the so-called “Jews”.”

    If you don’t like the term “anti-semite” (not many anti-semites do) we could always replace it with “Jew hater”.

    Steelback and Jaded are Jew haters, there are no two ways about it. Someone asked either earlier on this thread or somewhere else if I could tell the difference between “anti-semitism” and “anti-zionism”. The answer is no. I see absolutely no difference from this rabble of Holocaust denying “anti-Zionists”.

    Scratch the surface of the “Zionism is bullshit” crowd and it doesn’t take long for the whole putrid and rancid stench to come bubbling up.

  • angrysoba

    “A condescending fool seems more likely; in one of his earlier comments he praised Daniel Goldhagen and Raul Hilberg in the same sentance. Goldhagen is an overrated hack historian, Hilberg was a pioneering scholar. Only a fool would be unable to discern the difference between the two.”

    Who said I couldn’t tell the difference?

    Goldhagen praises Hilberg. I praise both. So what’s your point?

  • Jaded.

    ‘The guy is a gate-keeper.The knee-jerk resort to the term “conspiracy theorist” to describe anyone who questions official historical accounts of the “Holocaust”,the JFK assassination,9/11,Dr Kelly,7/7 is a clue to the way this guy is covering the backsides of the elites he pretends to critique.’

    As I said, your analysis was first class. However, I must air my view that calling this BNP weasel a ‘gatekeeper’ perhaps makes him sound a tad more important than the senior turdhole sentinel that he actualy is? These vermean specimens are invariably low in the intelligence stakes, as we have readily witnessed, and do not hold positions of any significance. If they did, they would not be left to spread their foul messages online during 12 hour sessions like the despicable dogsbodies that they truly are…

  • Barbara

    You are deterring potentially interesting debate with your constant nervously inadequate self-promotion.

    I’d rather have a dialogue with people of different ideas who are mature enough to avoid annoying accusations, personal insults and name-calling.

    Please tone down the belligerence and contribute more to the exchange of ideas, if you can.

  • Steelback

    According to Victor Ostrovsky there were 1000 sayanim in London in 1990.

    There’s likely more now and a number of these cockroaches currently infect this site.

    They’re pretty much the dumb dupes you would expect the Mossad to hire.

    I bet you’ll get loads of their predictable “in defence of secular democracy” propaganda on the Danish cartoons thread too.

    Don’t fall for it-it’s Mossad psy-ops and useful sayanim idiots like “Gordon Bennett” and other cryptoes.

  • Anonymous

    Zionist propagandists like you are the syphillitic spots on the arsehole of humanity we can well do without.

  • Gordon Bennet

    “Zionist propagandists like you are the syphillitic spots on the arsehole of humanity we can well do without.”

    Yup, the language of the Nazi in all its glory.

  • Gordon Bennet

    My apologies, angrysoba. I may have misunderstood something you wrote (I can’t find that particular post now). Or maybe you were quoting someone else – sometimes the lack of html here makes it difficult to see.

  • angrysoba

    “My apologies, angrysoba. I may have misunderstood something you wrote (I can’t find that particular post now). Or maybe you were quoting someone else – sometimes the lack of html here makes it difficult to see.”

    I don’t know. I am confused about what you could possibly have meant. I almost never refer to “Zionism” or Israel in any way because I have very few opinions on it. The only opinions I have been gaining on the issue is that “We’re not anti-semitic, we’re anti-Zionist” is becoming an ever more familiar bleat from people who then go on to say “Ever heard about Koestler’s theories?” or “Why can’t we deny the Holocaust?” and other bullshit.

    There are no posts on my blog about Israel, as far as I know, except those which laugh at idiot Troofers who conclude I must be a Mossad agent.

    In terms of Israel as a safe haven for Jews I am completely in favour. I have a friend who once taught TEFL to a Mexican woman who was sadistically and brutally murdered by radical Islamists (the idiots on this forum would probably believe it was a false flag attack).

    Why was this Jewish woman killed? What was her crime?

    There is only one answer and it is an answer that people such as Craig Murray scrupulously avoid and an answer that many commenters here deny at best and cheer at worst.

  • dreoilin

    “sometimes the lack of html here makes it difficult to see”

    It’s the red mist, Gordon.

  • angrysoba

    “According to Victor Ostrovsky there were 1000 sayanim in London in 1990.

    There’s likely more now and a number of these cockroaches currently infect this site.

    They’re pretty much the dumb dupes you would expect the Mossad to hire.”

    Beyond parody!

  • eddie

    Hello everyone and happy new year. I had half forgotten about this site and stumbled across it through another link, but oh dear, I must say the level of debate seems to have gone downhill judging by the above. Not surprising given the type of people it seems to attract: troofers, anti-Semites and community care cases (“waxed-fleshed out patients”) all feasting off Craig’s liberal approach to free speech. But Anticant’s comment about these people meeting in a bar and duffing each other up is probably wrong – they would more likely be terribly polite to each other. That’s the power of the interweb for you and the disinhibition it creates among small minded people. It’s a problem all over the web. Much better to go out and talk to real people.

  • eddie

    Hello Dreoilin and I hope Ireland is well (the economy is in a right old mess fom what I hear) – I saw Craig mentioned on Harry’s Place and came on over to have a look. The comments from angrysoab seemed to chime with my views so I had a read of this thread in particular. The old regulars seem to be here and a few new people by the look of it, not all of them benign. I have made a new year’s resolution to be polite and optimistic so any baiting will not work! For now.

  • angrysoba

    “The comments from angrysoab seemed to chime with my views so I had a read of this thread in particular.”

    Well, it was the weirdo Jew-haters here that christened me “angrysoab” (S.O.A.B = son of a bitch, apparently).

    I’m angrysoba.

  • Anonymous

    no, you’re a facilitator from japan, who acts like a child on someone elses site, then goes on to write up naughty things about the owner of said site.

    you’re an ignorant fool, according to the consensus in this comment thread, so go buzz off, angrysoab.

  • Barbara

    I think angrysoba could be interesting if the multi-nick attacks held off long enough for him to be able to express himself.

  • dreoilin


    Ireland is surviving – despite bringing in a mad law against blasphemy on New Year’s Day, and loss of jobs and pay cuts/freezes bothering everyone except bankers.

    “so any baiting will not work! For now.”

    I don’t bait. You know that. I just hold up my own end. 🙂

  • angrysoba

    “no, you’re a facilitator from japan, who acts like a child on someone elses site, then goes on to write up naughty things about the owner of said site.

    you’re an ignorant fool, according to the consensus in this comment thread, so go buzz off, angrysoab.”

    You’re tedious. You pretend to be some kind of original thinker with your declarations about who was behind this and that terrorist attack and yet all you do is repeat the same old drivel being spouted by thousands of other tinfoil hatted fantasy dissidents.

    You have nothing new to say but repeat the same old factoids about flight manifests, sharply-dressed men, “Zionism” and “usury” and get bent out of shape when I demonstrate that you are not only wrong but an anti-semite (actually it was you who first called yourself one pre-emptively when you knew what you were saying was anti-semitic).

    So you resort to the tried and tested fall-back of saying I’m a “black-ops shill”, a moron, a paid agent for Mossad and the usual entirely predictable nonsense in the fervent hope that anyone in Mossad or the CIA actually cares one iota about your worthless existence. The only person who came up with anything original was the person who called me “angrysoab” but with the level of wit and charm on display here I can only assume it was a serendipitous typo. Since then it has been chorused repeatedly by the same idiots who want me… get this… banned because I’m interfering with your freedom of speech! I don’t think I should take the “consensus view” of such a rabble of conspiracy theorizing anti-semitic loons particularly seriously, do you?

  • Anonymous

    You are deterring potentially interesting debate with your constant nervously inadequate self-promotion.

    ‘I’d rather have a dialogue with people of different ideas who are mature enough to avoid annoying accusations, personal insults and name-calling.

    Please tone down the belligerence and contribute more to the exchange of ideas, if you can.’

    Babs, I didn’t ask for shills to show up here. I can only work with what i’m given i’m afraid.

  • Jaded.

    Gordon Bennet:

    ‘Yup, the language of the Nazi in all its glory.’

    Yes, right out of your filthy BNP mouth.

  • Jaded.


    ‘Beyond parody!’

    It certainly is! 😉


    ‘Hello everyone and happy new year. I had half forgotten about this site and stumbled across it through another link, but oh dear, I must say the level of debate seems to have gone downhill judging by the above. Not surprising given the type of people it seems to attract: troofers, anti-Semites and community care cases (“waxed-fleshed out patients”) all feasting off Craig’s liberal approach to free speech. But Anticant’s comment about these people meeting in a bar and duffing each other up is probably wrong – they would more likely be terribly polite to each other. That’s the power of the interweb for you and the disinhibition it creates among small minded people. It’s a problem all over the web. Much better to go out and talk to real people.’

    Sure thing you BNP cockroach.


    ‘I’m a “black-ops shill”, a moron, a paid agent.’

    Indeed, you ARE certainly all three of those things.

  • MJ

    eddie: good to hear from you, happy new year to you too. The level of debate on this thread is indeed woeful – full of people with nothing of interest to say but saying at great length. Angry sure, but sober, I fear not.

  • angrysoba

    “The level of debate on this thread is indeed woeful – full of people with nothing of interest to say but saying at great length. Angry sure, but sober, I fear not.”

    You should see what was posted on my blog:

    “”troof” or not, the likes of you are on the losing side, and the “troof” is liberating people.

    However, your condescension upon us all (apparently you ought to have a gcse with an ology of some sorts appended to), as reflected in the copious verbiage to boot, the length of which does not somehow take accounts of the developing craks in the exploding pants episode of the keystone terror merry go around.

    Start reading instead of pontificating you may even find “troof” a lot closer to reality than the “reality” brand you are peddling.

    PS perception of terror, has been the back bone of the Western governance for the duration of the last decade without the aid of which the ideologically baron and morally bankrupt political apparatus of neo liberal/conservative construct; might as well had been holding court in the relevant dock-house on the relevant pond.”

    I can’t tell if that is meant to mean anything at all or whether it’s a parody of a Troofer.

  • Anonymous


    no one gives a flying rats ass about your anonymous blogger site.

    you ooze despair, and your comments on this thread shows it. you apparently must have a last word, so feel free to reply with more “9/11 twoooooofers hate jooooos” comments…

  • Jaded.


    no one gives a flying rats ass about your anonymous blogger site.

    you ooze despair, and your comments on this thread shows it. you apparently must have a last word, so feel free to reply with more “9/11 twoooooofers hate jooooos” comments…’

    Give hime some credit. He called one thing right:


    ‘Feasting off Craig’s liberal approach to free speech.’

    A self-description that is 100% correct. Great observaion from the BNP Nazi site resident Angrysoba. Bravo, bravo my son… 😉

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