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570 thoughts on “Missing You

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  • MJ

    “I find it impossible to believe that any US elite could be solely responsible for 911”

    Clark: bin Laden’s career as a CIA asset, since at least 1979, is well-known. As late as July 2001 he was visited by the CIA at the American Hospital in Dubai, where he was undergoing treatment for problems associated with renal failure. This was originally revealed by Le Figaro and a translation is available here:

    It might be wise to take all alleged statements from bin Laden with a rather generous pinch of salt.

    Note also that the US has quietly dropped its allegation that bin Laden was responsible for 911. It’s now pointing the finger at a Guantanamo detainee who, after years of ‘interrogation’, is admitting to being the mastermind.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    glenn seems to think that only republicans believe that 19 Arab Muslims led by Atta did 911. No, you silly goose. As explained to you, (i) Obama and his crew don’t want to hear your craziness and (ii) the only truthers left in the States are right-wing extremist nuts.

    Good luck with your partners in conspiracy:

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Craig Murray must be very embarrassed that so many 911 conspiracy kooks are attracted to this blog.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    MJ, you lie. bin Laden was never a CIA asset, and he was certainly never treated in an American hospital. This has been thoroughly debunked.

    Given what passes as evidence for someone like you, I’m beginning to think you might be as crazy as Roderick Russell.

  • dreoilin

    As I understood it, the (obviously) fake bin Laden video was the one in which he took responsibility for 9/11? — which seems to be the only/main reason for that video? I’m talking purely from memory. Haven’t been engaged in any 9/11 arguments anywhere. The stuff being rehashed here, by Angry and his mate, seem to be extremely old, and thrashed out already elsewhere several thousand times. IMO, the pair of them seem intent on hijacking this place.


    Haiti, and the US role in what’s happening down there, has not been mentioned by me as an attempt to smear the US. There are many (including Americans) talking about what exactly US intentions are, and why combat troops are there — but with the US in firm control (as it appears that they are – rather than the UN) aid agencies are not getting the aid to the people half quickly enough. The US-controlled airport diverting a Medicins sans Frontieres plane to the Dominican Republic can’t have helped … they’re having a hard enough time getting stuff from the airport to Port au Prince itself. But the emphasis seems to be on “security” rather than getting medical attention for people who are dying in makeshift hospitals.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    MJ, also – the U.S. gov’t did not dropped its focus on bin Laden for 911. That’s just stupid. Also, KSM did not admit to it after years of interrogation – he admitted to it before capture and immediately after capture. The interrogations – sometimes perhaps in violation of the law – were meant to elicit information about the organization and future attacks.

    Now that I’ve explained that to you, until you drop dead, you’ll be arguing that KSM admitted to 911 only because he was tortured. That makes you dishonest. And probably not that smart.

  • dreoilin

    “Now that I’ve explained that to you, until you drop dead, you’ll be arguing that KSM admitted to 911 only because he was tortured. That makes you dishonest. And probably not that smart.”

    and it makes you a crystal-ball-gazer. Which is not that smart.


  • Larry from St. Louis


    Fuck you. The U.S. military is down there shouldering the burden of aid distribution. (In full view of the media, mind you). Those guys are getting very little sleep while you whine and whine and whine and pick up on any tiny shred of anti-Americanism that you can pull out of this.

    To state the obvious, what the fuck do you mean by “security”? “Security” for whom?

    When is the magical United Nations going to step in and handle distribution? Is anyone at the U.N. seriously arguing that the U.S. armed forces are supplanting them?

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “and it makes you a crystal-ball-gazer. Which is not that smart.”

    There is nothing more predictable than the stupidity of a truther.

  • MJ

    “Given what passes as evidence for someone like you”

    At least I cite evidence Larry. You appear content to make unsupported assertions.

  • angrysoba

    MJ: “Note also that the US has quietly dropped its allegation that bin Laden was responsible for 911.”

    It has done no such thing.

    You can still bag yourself 25 million dollars if you catch him.

    “It’s now pointing the finger at a Guantanamo detainee who, after years of ‘interrogation’, is admitting to being the mastermind.”

    Khalid Sheikh Muhammed has long been known to have been involved in terrorism. He’s also the uncle of Ramzi Yousef who tried to blow up the WTC the first time round.

  • Abe Rene

    The USA were willing enough to use Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, so I see nothing surprising about a CIA agent talking to Bin Laden before 9/11. Rumsfeld was willing to talk to Saddam when the USA helped him fight Iran. Subsquently Saddam did the dirty on America by invading Kuwait, and Bin Laden’s gang organised 9/11. Another example, which cost a British ambassador his career telling others about it: favouring Uzbekistan’s rulers and receiving intelligence of doubtful value derived from torture. Result: as soon as Americans criticised the massacre in Andijan, the Uzbeks kicked them off their air base and gave it to the Russians.

    In all cases Americans were bitten by an unworthy hand that they had fed. But that’s what happens to people who favour nurturing snakes for use against enemies and think they’re clever enough to end up unscathed. The lesson is: Change your attitude and abandon this worthless policy!

  • Larry from St. Louis

    MJ, the article you cite has no evidence. It’s made up, and has been thoroughly debunked.

    But you keep believing unattributed rumors – knock yourself out.

  • angrysoba

    “Haiti, and the US role in what’s happening down there, has not been mentioned by me as an attempt to smear the US. There are many (including Americans) talking about what exactly US intentions are, and why combat troops are there — but with the US in firm control (as it appears that they are – rather than the UN) aid agencies are not getting the aid to the people half quickly enough.”

    This is exactly what I was talking about. Any opportunity to sneer at the US.

    So what are the US military’s intentions, do you think dreiolin? To loot the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?

    You previously linked to some guy going on about how the US had funnelled their aid to NGOs and aid agencies instead of the Haiti’s corrupt central government in the years leading up to the earthquake. Can you not think of any non-cynical reason why the US wouldn’t have given its aid directly to Haiti’s corrupt central government?

  • MJ

    “It’s made up, and has been thoroughly debunked”.

    Perhaps you would care to cite your source for that.

  • Vronsky

    As anyone noticed that American sci-fi movies or TV series, the characters are always military? Think of Star Trek or Stargate – all in uniform. In Britain the sci-fi chartacters are civilians – Dr Who, Blake’s 7, Hitchiker’s Guide. If we take US media to be representative of their nation, they must all be in the bloody army. In Avatar, the bad guy is a soldier. But so is the good guy – he’s a jarhead too!

    Can you imagine the Second Coming if it takes place in the US of A? A cigar-chewing General Jesus H. Christ and his platoon of disciples – Lootenant Peter, Sergeant Andrew, Private Judas. And no more Mr Nice Guy – this messiah is gonna kick some ass. Shit, yeah.


    Sorry – just spinning out the thread…

  • MJ

    “I see nothing surprising about a CIA agent talking to Bin Laden before 9/11”

    I think the point is that by July 2001 bin Laden and al-Qaeda were already being publicly blamed for the bombing of the USS Cole.

  • angrysoba

    “The USA were willing enough to use Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, so I see nothing surprising about a CIA agent talking to Bin Laden before 9/11.”

    They did not fund Al-Qaeda. They gave their funds to Pakistan’s ISI who distributed the money to those resistance movements they liked best. Arguably, they were as bad if not worse than bin Laden. Gulbuddin Hakmatyar, for example.

  • dreoilin

    “At least I cite evidence Larry. You appear content to make unsupported assertions.”

    Posted by: MJ

    He does it constantly — unsupported assertions, lots of opinions + aggressive insults. Not worth debating … waste of time.

    “Khalid Sheikh Muhammed has long been known to have been involved in terrorism. He’s also the uncle of Ramzi Yousef who tried to blow up the WTC the first time round”

    and clearly (now) pushed to the mental brink. He confessed to everything except the sinking of the Titanic. I can’t remember if shooting JFK was included. Probably was.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    MJ, your article, which has no sources yet you take as gospel states the following:

    “A few days later, the CIA man boasted in front of friends that he had visited the Saudi millionaire.”

    Do you understand why you’re laughed at?

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Abe Rene writes: “The USA were willing enough to use Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, so I see nothing surprising about a CIA agent talking to Bin Laden before 9/11.”

    You anti-Americans really need to start thinking about why you believe the things that you choose to believe. There’s absolutely no evidence that the CIA backed al-Qaeda and/or bin Laden. There’s evidence of U.S. support for not-so-nice people in Afghanistan, but it wasn’t al-Qaeda.

    But it doesn’t matter. You don’t need evidence, because you have no respect for the truth.

  • MJ

    “your article, which has no sources”

    If you read it again you’ll see it has several sources, but they are not all named. Le Figaro is a serious newspaper.

  • technicolour

    asoba: point of order: I was in the NWFP/Afghanistan. The USA directly funded Hekmatyar.

    david, I posted that video 🙂 you’re very welcome.

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