American and Israeli Religious Nutters: Loving Each Other to Hell 233

You really do need to watch all of this video from the Christian Broadcasting Network:

A couple of years ago, while giving a lecture at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, I was astonished when a lecturer told me that half of his students would agree with the proposition that a war in the Middle East would lead to Armageddon, and that would be a good thing. In Ann Arbor, bot the Deep South.

The extent to which US support for Israel is driven by these christian violent religious extremists should not be underestimated. They are a major force in US politics.

The extraordinary thig is that violent religious extremists in both the US and Israel look forward to fighting sude by side against the forces of evil in the Last Battle in the Middle East, yet extremist jews and extremist christians each also believe that at the climax, when the world ends, their cherished allies will go to Hell with their enemies.

It is of course the American christians who are the most destructive violent religious extremists in the world.

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233 thoughts on “American and Israeli Religious Nutters: Loving Each Other to Hell

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  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    So many Americans have been let down by the promise of ‘change’ – so much is the culture I have described embedded, the reasoning I have put forward, given false hope, many in America believed that a messiah had arrived from nowhere to put America on the right path.

    Yetall we witness is the ’emperor of drones’ and many more young American lives lost in a lost ‘war’ – the lessons of Iraq failed to plagiarise the souls of America’s new leaders so her demise is assured.


    if that’s all you can say Larry – I’m out of here!

  • glenn

    Suhayl: I’m afraid I might have missed that Billy Connolly joke, would you mind repeating it, so that I can avoid offending anyone by mentioning such a joke myself? And you’re right – I should not use the name of a good and decent socialist as an expletive, I wouldn’t say “Marx!”, so should not say “Jesus!” any more readily. My loose-tongued comment only struck me when I considered using “Marx” and St. Loony’s quotes in close proximation.

    It’s sad that the holy-roller Petek has not stayed around – perhaps he was raptured up, after all we can only expect to miss 144,000 people worldwide. It might not raise enough attention for widespread comment.

    But trolls are for what trolls do – disrupting useful discussions and annoying/insulting participants into leaving. A time honoured practice. But when they are unsophisticated, we can see very easily what they fear to be discussed.

    I do feel sorry for St. Loony, because – as he’s mentioned – he clearly does’t like the people that he spends time with. Imagine having to be in detestable company for so long? I’d like to say I hope he’s well paid for it, but given his obvious lacking, I very much doubt my good wishes would be realised.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Oh no, Glenn, I wasn’t in any way getting at you. As I say, I say and write all kinds of stuff. But I sense that when Larry uses langauge, he uses it an attack weapon rather than a means of communication. It can be used thus, it’s one of language’s potential functions. But it ilustrates a paucity. nonethless, I am gratefful Larry, that at least you did finally deign to answer my question. Thanks.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Ah, my typos – it’s late, it’s late… as the White Rabbit said. Time to wind up and go off to the Land of Nod. I bid everyone a very good night.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Mark Golding, if you’re citing a source, you should put quotes around it, and attach some form of attribution. You should not attempt to pass off other people’s words as your own.

    You’ve done this before.

  • angrysoba

    What a load of fucking garbage!

    Who do you think make up the roving death squads in Iraq who pick off either Sunnis or Shias or who attack groups of Ashura pilgrims with suicide bombings? I suppose these would be the American Christians or the Zionists or the Israelis, would they? Or is there some kind of tortured reasoning which makes Muslims incapable of agency and that they are “driven to it” by America’s support for Israel?

    I suppose the murder and mayhem in Kashmir is the fault of the Zionists or America’s support for Israel and the violence in East Turkestan is a result of America’s support for Israel or that in Chechnya or the Philippines or the south of Thailand, the south of Sudan or in Nigeria. All of these cases of violence are all the fault of happy-clappy Christian fundamentalists in the US and their evil little satanic entity Israel?

    Is that right?

    Jesus Christ! If your self-satisfied unctuous smirking were any wider the top of your head would fall off.

  • glenn

    Hot-dang, Angry! You’re living up to your name tonight, eh? Could you please keep it going though – you’re a bit late on this waning thread, and it’s cooled off. We need a _serious_ Mr. Angry to get the crowd going again.

    Everyone got bored with the St. Loony thing – finally! – and despite our best advice, you’ve made yourself his side-kick. So what would St. Loony’s better half have to say about murderous kristianist religiosity while awaiting his glass to be refreshed, Mr. Angry?

  • Losing Larry of St Foodstamps

    Loopy from St Larry in his wisdom spaketh thusly:

    “Mark Golding, You should not attempt to pass off other people’s words as your own.”

    Holy shit. That’ll be an end to all those US and Israeli false flag ops then, eh.

    Methinks you ain’t cleared this one with HQ.

    You’re so very losing it Larry, really like.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Oh, I see now that Michael Petek has never left us but remains in carnal form as ‘Michael’.

    Hallo Mikhail, ‘ow are ya, me boy?

    Ah, I get it now. Any mention of the word, ‘Israel’ and you re-emerge from the primeval soup. ‘Instant Creationism’, one might call it.

    One, two, three…

    Watch out for the Ajuj-Majuj. They’re out to get ya! They’re three-foot tall and speak in sideways Syriac.

  • Anonymous

    Suhayl Saadi,sorry for troubling you, but could you tell me when did Larry from St. Louis,angrysoba first turn up on this blog?. I just have this feeling they know each other?. I think this blog is under a kind of organised yet subtle verbal attack. Its effect is starting to destroy the blog.

  • glenn

    Anonymous above, at 24/6 09:38 – St. Angry-Loony showed up just before xmas last year, as I recall, telling us what a bunch of useless crazies we were, and have been resolutely telling us the same every single day since.

  • McIntyre

    “and have been resolutely telling us the same every single day since”

    But never produce the evidence.

    This is why “Larry from St Louis” (sometimes in Seattle, mostly in CA) chose to write (bad) “satire”. It’s much easier to do than produce genuine arguments — on any topic. Good satire, on the other hand, is well informed.

  • McIntyre

    “have you concluded that I am the proprietor of that website because my name is Larry and I was in the Seattle area earlier this month on vacation?”

    (from an earlier thread)

    This website?

    No. But you are, and it’s just as childish as what you produce here. You’re a juvenile, Larry, trying to mix with the adults. Btw, proprietor is a little overblown for the person behind a typepad blog.

  • Abe Rene

    Larry from St Louis, having checked something that Suhayl wrote, I find your juxtaposition of the man from Nazareth and swear words, offensive. Just what good does this misuse of freedom of speech serve? Alastair Cooke, the great broadcaster wrote in his book on America, “Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.” He went on to say that America’s future could depend on the balance in its civilisation between creative and degenerative impulses. Just how do you wish to influence this vital balance that could determine its fate, whether survival or fall?

    Blasphemy has always seemed to me reckless. We don’t live forever, and when we cross the Big River, as I see it, we face in some form a final examination. A good reason to be careful that what we say exerts a good, not bad influence, is that we may be held to account for it.

  • Anonymous

    glenn, thank you.

    “telling us what a bunch of useless crazies we were”

    I think they are right. Most of you seem to have fallen over each other to let them accomplice their aims in almost destroying one of the best blogs on the web.

  • Anonymous

    I don’t see any “almost destroying”. Anyone reading can see who is contributing and who is flinging sand and pebbles. If they can’t, they probably don’t understand this blog anyway.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    The so called ‘death squads’ were US trained government police as reported by the Washington Post, “the Baghdad morgue reports that dozens of bodies arrive at the same time on a weekly basis, including scores of corpses with wrists bound by police handcuffs.”

    At the time Rumsfeld pretended to not even know about them, calling the reports, “unverified comments” in a press conference.

    The bastards wanted ‘civil war’ a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy, Angrysoba, that murdered families already stricken by malnutrition, phosphorus burns and unexploded cluster bombs dangling in kids play-grounds. So before you ‘kick-off’ why not do some research?

    Luckily Rumsfeld’s ignorance did not prevail and America was forced into a more humane strategy of appeasing the Badr Organisation.

  • Anonymous

    June 24, 2010 12:29 PM

    Yes, you are partially right in what you say, but having to weigh through so many posts of “sand and pebbles” to find “who is contributing” is becoming overwhelming.

  • glenn

    Mark: Note that these bodies, bearing the marks of torture and wearing the handcuffs, started showing up in very short order after John “Death-Squad” Negroponte arrived in Iraq, to impose the astonishingly frankly termed “Salvidor solution”. That’s what this man does – sets up death squads, and makes no secret of it. The handcuffs are left in place as a calling-card, so others will get the message.

    This stinking mass murderer started his career by throwing villagers out of helicopters in Vietnam, whether they knew anything or not, to intimidate their fellow passengers into talking.

    Instead of being thrown in jail as a war criminal, he went on to head up death squads all around central America as Reagan, then Bush the elder’s programme of eliminating democratic but left-leaning governments. If there was opposition to a military-led CIA stooge running the country, “Death-squad” John was there to make sure sat down and shut up, if you knew what was good for you.

  • Matthew Huntbach

    One might note that throughout the history of Christianity there is no notion at all of the Jews getting together and re-forming a state as somehow an aspect of what Christianity is about.

    In recent years there has been a religion invented in the USA which has almost no connection with Christianity as traditionally and historically understood, apart from calling itself “Christian” and picking those bits of texts which can be twisted to fit their ideology. The religion seems to be essentially a form of USA nationalism. As such, any true Christian should regard it as at best mistaken, at worst Satanic. That last word needs to be viewed in terms of the presentation of “Satan” in the New Testament as the tempter who tries to encourage Jesus to turn away from the hard path and follow an easy one of wealth and power. As such, I use the word not to be hyperbolic but conscious also that this USA-nationalism religion is also tied up the “theology of prosperity”, a movement which is the opposite all that true Christianity is for.

    The greatest victims of all this have been the true Christians of the Middle East, forced out by all sides. Iraqi Christians form the major part of refugees fleeing Iraq. There was once a substantial Christian Palestinian population, it is now down to 2% of Palestinians. These people are Catholic or various Eastern Churches, keeping alive the Christian inheritance of the pre-Muslim Middle East, in some cases still using the actual language spoken by Jesus as their liturgical language.

    I would urge anyone not to let these weird USA-nationalists get away with their description of themselves as “Christian”.

  • Richard Robinson

    “having to weigh through so many posts of “sand and pebbles” to find “who is contributing” is becoming overwhelming”

    I agree, it’s offputting. It raises the threshold, makes it harder to talk sense and to see sensible responses; more noise, less signal. It has identifiably driven people away, and there’s no way of counting those who have taken a look and decided it wasn’t even worth getting involved.

  • Mac

    A question for the US patriot Loony Larry from St. Louis ;

    Regarding just the case of the Israeli super-spy Johnathan Pollard,, is your irrational Islamophobia so extreme that you still continue to support a country that ;

    a)was spying against the US.

    b)was passing intelligence onto an enemy of the US.

    c)had ensured that the enemy would win in any war with the West.

    d)whose spying had directly lead to death of 100 CIA agents.

    No need to answer as you have already demonstrated that yes, anybody can do absolutely anything to absolutely anybody, just as long as they are also killing Muslims as well.

    (BTW angrysoda, I believe that your self-deluding & self-righteousness rant, is a piss-poor attempt at the diversionary debating tactic, commonly known as “whataboutery”)

  • angrysoba

    “The so called ‘death squads’ were US trained government police as reported by the Washington Post, “the Baghdad morgue reports that dozens of bodies arrive at the same time on a weekly basis, including scores of corpses with wrists bound by police handcuffs.””

    The police were massacring Sunnis because most of them were Shia.

    You’re not telling me…oh you are… that John Negroponte flipped a switch in their brains that turned them into killing machines. That they were indoctrinated by the Zionists to do this?

    No, they killed them because they were killing heretics from the Muslim religion who had also been their oppressors under Saddam Hussein. If anyone in the US military were knowingly involved in encouraging this slaughter then they should be prosecuted but it was nothing to do with the Christian fundamentalists trying to wipe out the Muslims (this is crazy talk).

    Now Sunni and Shia are at each others’s throats all over the place. If you go to school in Saudi Arabia you’ll learn that the Shia are essentially Jews (and we all know how serious an accusation that is).

    Of course, many of you will look at a man throwing acid in the face of an unveiled woman and say, “Ah! That’s America’s fault for backing Israel and they back Israel because they believe in the rapture!”.

    Pretty much any old crap to avoid the elephant in the room.

  • angrysoba

    “BTW angrysoda, I believe that your self-deluding & self-righteousness rant, is a piss-poor attempt at the diversionary debating tactic, commonly known as “whataboutery””

    No, bringing up Jonathan Pollard is an example of that.

    What Craig Murray said is this:

    “It is of course the American christians who are the most destructive violent religious extremists in the world.”

    I was refuting it. So it isn’t “whataboutery” at all. “Whataboutery” is when someone says, for example, “Oh fuck me! I heard there was a suicide bombing against Ashura pilgrims in Kabala” and then some stupid twat says, “Ah! Well think about the things that Israel does!”

  • angrysoba

    “You’re Australian.”

    You’re Anonymous.


    Have you ever used the handle “Mandible Claw”?”

    And the punchline is…?

  • Anonymous

    Have you ever used the handle “Mandible Claw”?”

    And the punchline is…?

    So you have, then. Thanks.

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