Jamie is co-organising a music festival at Dounce Castle, largely I think because this is the kind of music he likes, and it sounded fun. Makes me wish I were young again. Acts confirmed so far include
Francois and The Atlas Mountains
Les Bof!
The Junipers
Adam Stearns
My Old Blue Terraplane
The Fast Camels
The Koolaid Electric Company
Punch and the Apostles
The Higher State
Paul Messis
The One Ensemble
The Wise Guys
Sunken, Drunken, and the Broken Boat
While the pitch is enticing:
Doune the rabbit hole is a two day tea party situated in the beautiful countryside surrounding Doune Castle, Stirlingshire. Come sit at our table and let me tell you what treats we have in store. Expect the tea to be strong; a blend of the finest psychedelic music complimented with a dash of folk brewed to perfection in a big pot of sunshine. And we mustn’t forget the cakes; indulge yourself in a delicious array of freshly baked delights comprising of poetry, dancing, philosophy, forests, stories, lights, trees, cows, theatre, comedy, dressing up boxes, whisky, games, face-painting, giant mushrooms, rainbows (but no rain), local ale and cider, lovely organic food, and many more surprises to come.
Interesting to see how they get on with a festival featuring a style of music rather than anybody famous.
I had found it odd that neither David Kelly’s wife or children have never pursued the death of David kelly. But in my own experience there is very strong evidence to show that government agencies have used and attempted to use my children as a lever to stop sensitive matters being exposed.
Fuck off with your sanctimonious allegations of Islamophobic racism, soba. I used a slightly offensive word to refer to murderous Jihadis (bin Laden’s henchmen), and everybody jumps in saying I’m the bad guy. Jeeeezzz! Just goes to show where the sympathies really lie on this blog.
Thank God we have the US army and the NRA to protect us from these freaks, or you’d all be lying in the gutter with sickles in your chests.
Larry Chomstein?? Who??? Every claim you guys make about me demonstrates your willingness to convince yourselves of any crazy horsecrap just to try to shore up your implausible little fantasies. You’re the biggest gaggle of loons on the net.
People die from falling off chairs, yet you think a stessed-out old man stoked up on a bucketful of co-proxamol with a dodgy heart and clogged arteries who slashed his own wrists had to be murdered by MI6/Mossad, because you can’t think what he might possibly have died from? Oh, please …
Am I a “raghead”, Larry from St Louis? What is a “raghead”, Larry from St Louis? Define “raghead”, Larry from St Louis. Why are you using the word, “raghead”, Larry from St Louis. Are you a “raghead”? Larry from St Louis. You got Angrysoba angry. He was right to be angry. You’re not performing, Larry from St Louis. You’re not performing well, at all. You’re losing it, Larry from St Louis, you’re losing it fast. Perhaps soon, you will need a wet rag, for your head!
You are a lawyer in the USA, so you tell us, and you’ve just referred in writing, in public, to “ragheads”.
Am I a “raghead”, Larry from St Louis? Is Craig a “raghead”? Are we all “ragheads”? All your constructed enemies are “ragheads”, are they? Are you an Anti-Semite, Larry from St Louis? Do you have Anti-Semitic attitudes, Larry from St Louis?
“You’re not performing well, at all. You’re losing it …”
Calm down, freak. Incoherent hypocritical babble like that would get you sedated even in an ayslum.
Your head sounds like it’s full of old rags. Possibly soaked in petrol.
Only kidding! Don’t be so damn touchy, you wordy wimp.
“Am I a “raghead”, Larry from St Louis?”
I don’t know, are you? I reserve the word for crazed Jihadists who despise freedom and democracy and would slaughter themselves and their own people to get their filthy hands on 72 virgins in some imaginary afterlife. Would you do that, Suyahl? If so, you’re a ‘raghead’.
“This has been hashed and rehashed numerous times on this blog and I’ve provided links in the past.”
I’ve read the main David Kelly thread here. You did not provide a link to reports of where anyone had BLED OUT from cutting ONE ULNAR ARTERY. If there is such a thing, provide it, instead of asking me to prove a negative. Or you can just slink off as you were planning to do.
I see ‘Chomstein’ is back, pretending he doesn’t know who ‘Chomstein’ is — despite posting right here that he had been over to BlameBush and ‘noticed’ that it hadn’t been updated since January ’09. Hah! he “noticed”.
What a hypocritical lying racist jerk you are.
“I reserve the word for crazed Jihadists who despise freedom and democracy and would slaughter themselves and their own people to get their filthy hands on 72 virgins in some imaginary afterlife.”
“Thank God we have the US army and the NRA to protect us from these freaks”
Yet he calls it an “implausible little fantasy” to suggest he’s Larry Chomstein. Why is he so afraid to take ownership of his “scholarship” when it reflects his views so perfectly?
Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
“Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap”
Shit! Now he’s deploying the magic Bible language! Dodge the thunderbolts!!
Ye talk utter rot, so ye cause much mirth.
I gave a certain amount of respect for you some time back, but now realise you are an ignorant bastard, hoisted by your own petard. I’ll go so far with you to say I was, like some folk here intimately and sincerely involved and moved by Janice Kelly’s grief and her daughter Rachel’s moving testimony of the hate inflicted during David’s cross examination.
Janice Kelly’s compelling and dignified statements are proof positive to men of standing, lions with loving hearts that David was not ‘driven’ to his death.
You know nothing of this man, a loving father, dedicated to his family and disabled wife. Can you ever imagine the feelings of abandonment of such a punishing verdit of suicide – the anger the self reproach magnified? No I thought not.
Your belittling reminded me of Jack Straw and the MOD; the betrayal and the absence of protection. This is a human story, iconic and deserving of our compassion – which it is – Janice, Rachel and my friends here have trounced the insensate destruction of the Blair government and I am proud to be part of this team.
Come on, the world and its maiden aunt know that “raghead” is a contemporary racist slur used to refer to Arabs in reference to traditional male Arab head-dress. It is not ‘reserved for Jihadists’. ‘Jihadists’ is the term ‘reserved for ‘Jihadists’. It’s been really obvious right from the start – and when was that, January 2010? – that he does hate Arabs, Muslims, whatever, not because of what a tiny minority of them do, not because that tiny minority holds particular political or religious beliefs, but essentially because of who all Arabs and all Muslims are, simply because they are Arab and /or Muslim. I think we should call a spade, a spade. I’ve called for this on a number of occasions. I think if someone hates a group of people because of who they are, they should say so and not pretend. I’m glad that the term has been used in this context, because now it is blindingly obvious.
nothing “magic” about *that* biblical quote, is there? Just common sense. Have you heard of common sense?
“Ragheads”, “Towelheads” – aren’t those the terms the Blackwater operatives used about the Iraqis that they shot so liberally?
Oops, Suyahl, did I offend “bin Laden’s buddies” (the people I applied the term to). Of course it’s rude, dickwad! It’s also rude to demolish huge buildings when people are inside.
By the way, I didn’t mean to insult all dickwads there – just you, Suhayl, just you. That’s why it was a particular statement about you and not a generic statement about anyone who may or may not consider themselves a dickwad. See how the logic works?
And butt out, Krypton-balls. I’ve nothing to do with Blackwater whatsoever, so stop trying to slur by association.
He hates all Arabs and all Muslims. He is a racist. But he is also subcontracted. It’s just a job.
When was the first psychedelic music festival, anyone know? Was it the 14-hour Technicolour Dream and/or the UFO Club? Or was it in San Francisco around 1965?
The 13th Floor Elevators: Texan magic. Go to the source.
+digged 😀
Now, here is a fascinating Yale academic and writer, of whose work had not been aware until today. It’s an intriguing area and one which is contested because of power and both recent and long histories.
Anyone who has explored the output of the love courts of Southern France and the poetry of the Sicilian School would be likely to be very interested in her work.
I post this on this thread because I think that one of the aspects, or concepts, of psychedelia is to explore links which have been denied or obscured and yet which are crucial and part of the heart of civilisation.
@Suhayl – you have every right to be angry at racism, but don’t let Larry wind you up. Yes, “ragheads” is a derogatory term for people who wear a turban, and he knows that. He’s been using “Mohammed” emoticons in an attempt to offend Muslims who pose here too. He’s a miserable racist who’s getting increasingly angry – best ignored.
As too are Steelback/Apostate on another thread, but they hate the Jews rather than the Muslims. Same intense racism though. I googled Steelback and found that s/he recently posted on a blog post called ‘Ugly Jews’.
Jon, I agree, he’s a dip stick, a stick shaker and juvenile, at best a sad injury compensation git who prays on peoples misery. ‘ If you ever been injured in an accident’…. ring Larry’s mooom, she knows him weeell and caan get him to do stuff before he had his fried chicken licking breakfast.
Brilliant video Suhayl, but will he get it?
He’s no Southerner, republican or Texan, they would have his balls for on a pancake with talk like that coming from his only orifice.
Congested Larry? go shag the dog
Thanks, folks. You’re right.
The Thirteenth Floor Elevators video link was for all of you (and me, the universe and the neighbour’s dog) – the jug, the jaam, the cup, makes us One. Glad you enjoyed it.
Austin – where the 13th Floor Elevators came from and whence, as legend has it, they had to escape – has been a musical centre for decades – still is – it’s a lovely city, I think the University feeds into that. James Kelman was visiting professor there for a year, a few years ago. It says a lot that he, of all British writers, got invited there.
Austin, the capital of Texas, was where the late Ann Richardson was based as Governor; she was an effective politician and was progressive. She was shamefully (the manipulation of ‘democratic’ politics; a harbinger of Florida chads and the disenfranchisement of black people) unseated by the Bush gang – that’s how George W. got his start, rising from the pit to become the most pathetic American president of modern – or possible of any – times.
S’all in the jug.
What another tastey morsel from your charmed plate Suhayl. I followed the link to this article sort of about songs and tomes before the Inquistion,
The first article I ever published was on the much-disputed etymology of “troubadour”?”which in fact has a perfectly plausible Arabic etymon, perhaps two. The apparent mystery of where the Proven
Fabulous, sandcrab! Is that article of yours on the web? I’ve read about that etymology somewhere, a long time ago, not on the web though. I’ve definitely read a treatise on it. Something about the root ‘TRB’. Maybe it was your article! Now that would be an truly oceanic coincidence – or even an apt synchronicity.
Even more oddly, this evening I’ve just returned from a meeting with a Jewish writer and what we talked about was precisely this type of nexus – Andalusia, Sepharad, Maimonedes and all that, as well as more modern stuff.
We’re thinking to trying to set up interviews and maybe public discussions like at book festivals, etc. to chat about various streams, confluences and other matters, as they might pertain to (our) fictions. I also promised that I would post him a link to the story below. I hadn’t read your post today, until this moment. History works in mysterious ways…
Here is a link to a novella which you might enjoy – apologies if I’ve already let you know about this, I think I’ve posted it hereabouts before. But since you have a specific interest in such matters, sandcrab, here it is, an attempt, to paraphrase from Menocal, “to evoke the sounds and smells of the vanished libraries, literal and metaphoric”.
heehee, no sorry, that was not my article. Those were /*..quotes..*/ from Maria Menocal’s article linked from the wikipee. She has a profile here too:
Im a slow reader Suhayl, but i was thinking about this subject today too, just as a crab dreaming of ancient sands :p no seriously i thought it would be great to learn about, to absorb a bit. To reach into the sonorous deep forgotten past to transcend this military industrial racket.
Also Ive really been meaning to read your work proper, meaning to get a book… but this is great, amazing even! seriously, world + internet + magic author! im beaming at my laptop trying to keep composure. Thanks Suhayl – will read, slowly 😀
Oh yes, I see that now!
“A crab dreaming of ancient sands…”
That’s the key.
‘The United States of America’ was another pioneering group of the time, incorporating electronic sounds and other aspects of beauty. The main singer was Dorothy Moscowitz, who had an amazing voice. Nowadays, I read that she writes music for, and teaches music to, children in the Bay Area.
Al Basim, a guitarist from Iraq, made a brilliant psychedelic-jazz-rock album back in 1979-80, entitled ‘Revival’. One can listen to some of it here. Rightly, it is regarded as a classic of the progressive genre, but it defies categorisation. He lives in France nowadays.
Not many people know that Pakistan – Lahore and Karachi – had a very active psychedelic music club scene during the late 1960s and early 1970s. As far as I am aware, sadly, this music was not commercially recorded. It’s very important, I feel, that history like this is documented and not allowed to fade into oblivion in the hands of those who would re-write history for their own ends. Some of these musicians are in Pakistan, others, in Canada. UK bands used to tour there. It’s all been air-brushed.
Turkey, of course, had an enormous corpus of psych music. Most of these musicians remain very active. This is widely available.
I see from a prog. website that Al Basim, the Iraqi musician, would be interested in re-releasing his iconic album, together with a ‘Part Two’ on which he’s been working for years. If anyone’s interested, feel free to contact him via his website. I think this guy ought to be at WOMAD and more.
You may see that over the years, a rumour seemed to do the rounds, insinuating that he was dead – and they got his nationality wrong and called him Iranian! I found all this on the web and I think he’s made sure disclaimers are posted on most of the websites. But they’ve still not removed the fake story!
This is an Iraqi musician who played in a band with American musicians and who recorded an iconic album and he wants to release more music. He ought to use the new technologies and release it on the web. The opportunity nowadays are much greater than ever before for the dissemination of such work.
Kentish Town Mod group, The Action evolved into Mighty Baby and thence into The Habibiyyah. This is the website of their former keyboardist/ flautist/ saxophonist, Ian Abdellateef Whiteman:
The amazing voice and oud playing of Solomon Feldthouse, with David Lindley, in The Kaleidoscope: