Rachel Corrie Illegally Boarded 206

The Rachel Corrie has now been illegally boarded by the Israeli military in international waters.

As usual the BBC’s immediate reaction is simply to retail Israeli propaganda. The Rachel Corrie has been boarded “with the full compliance of the crew”, BBC News tells us. That is almost certainly not true, unless you count without violent resistance as “full compliance”.

If that were true, you might wonder why Israel had jammed – again contrary to maritime law – all the Rachel Corrie’s communications with the outside world, and why they are still jammed. The BBC did not mention that.

The organisers have just posted this:

“For the second time in less then a week, Israeli naval commandos stormed an unarmed aid ship, brutally taking its passengers hostage and towing the ship toward Ashdod port in Southern Israel.”


But the BBC is much more concerned to help ensure that the Israeli version has unquestioned domination of the initial news.

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206 thoughts on “Rachel Corrie Illegally Boarded

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  • StefZ

    just to correct one of the typos in my earlier question to Michael Petek

    when I said ‘in the face’ I, of course, meant ‘in the back of the head’

  • doug scorgie

    Neil Barker. spreading lies is something the Zionists use constantly. Martin McGuiness IS the Deputy First Minister for Northern Ireland and also a UK Member of Parliament. If you know about McGuiness’ background you also know the truth: you are a deliberate liar.

  • Michael Petek

    Craig, perhaps not a one-state solution, at least not yet.

    Consider our own country. England and Scotland were at war for centuries. Then we shared a line of Kings from the House of Stuart, a personal union of two states. Political union came a century later.

    As for voting for Hamas, it’s like votong for the Nazis. Put a cross next to those madmen on your ballot paper and you’re bound to get the war and death you wish for.

    Romanticise al-Fatah? I don’t think so. They’re the less bad of two sets of bad guys.

    To the anonymous poster who asks what would Jesus say about Israeli forces hijacking vessels on the high seas and shooting people in the face, I say as follows.

    I’m absolutely certain he takes exception to the representation of Mohammed as a messenger of God. He’d tell the Hamas regime to change its religion, serve and obey him, and stop killing people who leave Islam for Christianity.

    He’d also say, all who take the sword will perish by the sword.

  • writerman

    Hamas and Hezboallah reprent the future of resistance to the occupation. Whether Israel, the corrupt Arab states, or anyone else, likes it or not.

    Both groups are a kind of mirror-image of the dedicated, religious, well-trained and militant Zionists who carved Israel out of Palestine.

    Israel is a kind of modern Sparta, not a democracy in the normal sense. It’s obvious that such a culture and state, as successful culture and state, would encourage imitation and that others would learn from Israel’s methods. This is exactly what Hamas and Hezboallah have done. They too are becoming Spartans. And they have both shown that resistance to Israel is possible and that Arabs are not doomed to eternal defeat and humiliation. This alone, is a massive and historic propaganda victory for them, which explains there collosal popularity and why the Arab leaders, who prefer to surrender to Israel are scared stiff of what the future holds.

    The current leadership of Israel are a gang of corrupt, deluded, quasi-religious, heretical, nationalist, fanatics; who are leading Israel towards eventual disaster. Because they are too greedy for more Arab land and they think they will have the upper hand militarily for ever. A big, big, mistake. Their brutality is creating the circumstances for their own undoing.

    The Zionist don’t want ‘peace’ with the Arabs, repeat, the don’t want ‘peace’. What they want more is piece by piece to take more Arab land and drive the Arabs out, based on a crazed and lunatic misreading of the Bible and God’s covenant with Israel.

    Peace would mean Irael becoming just another state in the Middle East and the Israelis becoming just another ethnic minority. That’s not what they want. Peace would be a threat to the very foundations of the Zionist delusion over time because of demographics; gradually the Israelis would become absorbed into the surrounding Arab population and the ‘unique’ nature of Israel as an exclusive home for the Jews would disappear with peace. War, eternal war, or somehting like it, is necessary to unphold the Zionist delusion.

    Zionism is more than merely ‘bullshit’. It is a very dangerous and ultimately a counter-productive ideology and mythology, which could lead the entire region towards disaster, for all the semetic people.

  • Neil Barker

    “Neil Barker. spreading lies is something the Zionists use constantly. Martin McGuiness IS the Deputy First Minister for Northern Ireland and also a UK Member of Parliament. If you know about McGuiness’ background you also know the truth: you are a deliberate liar.”

    I pointed out that he isn’t a member of the Irish government. He isn’t.

  • shmulk

    @Michael Petek

    You have stated that you are a Christian by faith, and from the link Craig has provided with a website which you associate with it seems you really are into it.

    However, do you not find it troubling to be a lapdog of the Zionists when they revile your King Jesus, and His Mother Mary in the most insulting manner?

  • alan campbell

    “I think Israel must be really intimidated by Craig’s blog”

    – Christina

    I suspect not, love. Delusions of grandeur or what.

  • Michael Petek

    Hello, writerman! Wrong first time!

    Zionism is nothing other than the Jews’ sense of their own capacity political nationhood and their aspiration to actualise it. It is no different in kind from a similar sense in any other nation, or ethnic group in potentiality to political organisation.

    Secular Arab nationalism is similar, and like Zionism can take many different expressions. Both nationalisms can evolve such that either can compromise with the other, but it will take decades.

    Hamas and Hezbollah represent something different. These organisations have chosen to wage the Arab struggle as a religious war.

    Given the nature of religious war, this is a terrible development. Hamas and Hizbollah are the irreconcilable, existential blood enemies of all who do not share, and will not embrace, their false religious beliefs. Either the Israelis crush them as King John III Sobieski did before the gates of Vienna, or they go the way of the Armenians.

  • Michael Petek

    Ed, I would say the the Old Testament is a real estate contract in the following sense: The LORD, the God of Israel, has given eternal sovereignty of Israel to David and his sons by an inviolable covenant (2 Chronicles 13:5).

    Shmulk, I do wish you wouldn’t call me a lap dog of the Zionists. The Jews have the same right as anyone else to imagine themselves as a nation, to behave as one and to aspire to nationhood. It is anti-Semitic to hold that they of all peoples don’t.

    But I have to say I am rather troubled when Jews, or for that matter anyone else, revile Jesus and Mary, as they run the risk of going to hell when they die, or even of being punished in this life. But I’ll let Him deal with that one. As for those who take the sword, they will perish by the sword, or by an IDF Uzi 9 millimetre.

  • writerman

    Hamas are not madmen. This is typical Zionist propaganda and hyperbole, designed to divert attention for the central issues.

    For decades the Zionists labelled the main Palestinian resistance groups as terrorists and fanatics, and Arafat was an evil monster, and on and on… Today the tune has changed and one is almost sentimental about Fatah.

    Arafat pleaded with Israel to make ‘peace’ with him before it was too late, give me some crumbs to feed my people, because when I’m gone, look at the people who are coming over the horizon to replace me!

    Hamas won the election in Gaza and the West Bank, in probably the most democratic and fair election held in the entire Middle East, apart from the last election in Iran and the ‘rigged’ elections inside Israel itself, but they don’t really count as half the potential electorate have been expelled and are not allowed to take part in the democratic process, very smart move indeed.

    Hamas has repeated offered Israel ‘peace’, as have the Arab states for decades. But Israel repeatedly rejects the offers of peace, because it’s still dreaming of grabbing more Arab land and creating a bigger and bigger Israel, mostly because it has the military might to do it, and that kind of temptation is difficult to resist when one is trying to create a new nation, and Israel is far from unique in this repsect. It is what the state does, what it is for.

    Anyway, Israel could have ‘peace’ tomorrow, or rather a ‘deal’ which they are crazy to keep rejecting. Israel should take the Arab deal which is on the table and be thankful, before it becomes irrelevant and compormise becomes irrelevant as new, determined, forces take over on the Arab side, forces like willing to make peace than Hamas.

    The Arabs have offered over and over again to normalise relations with Israel, recognise Israel and make peace, ‘all’ Israel has to do is pull back to the pre-1967 borders. Now I think the Arabs are being incredibly generous with this offer. After all time is on their side. Soon they will be the majority inside Israel, in few short decades. What happens to the Zionist fantasy then? Strangely the Zionists choose to ignore these demographic facts, prefering to hold on to their fantasies about God and providence.

    And, finally, if Israel pulled by to its old borders, it would still be perfectly safe. It would still, de facto, be part of the United States, it would still have the biggest military in the Middle East, it would still be protected by two or three hundred nuclear warheads…

    What is taken by the sword, can also be taken back by the sword.

  • Matt Keefe

    Michael – No, they don’t register the truth of the claims of Islam a matter of civil interest. I am as uninterested in those claims as I am in the claims of Christianity, Judaism and any other religion. Where does the truth or otherwise in any religion enter into the provision of human rights for the Palestinians?

  • StefZ

    “To the anonymous poster who asks what would Jesus say about Israeli forces hijacking vessels on the high seas and shooting people in the face, I say as follows. I’m absolutely certain he takes exception to the representation of Mohammed as a messenger of God. He’d tell the Hamas regime to change its religion, serve and obey him, and stop killing people who leave Islam for Christianity. He’d also say, all who take the sword will perish by the sword”

    So nothing to say to the Israeli face-shooters themselves then? Maybe your version of Jesus would just give them the thumbs up, eh?

    So much for all that Love God, Love Your neighbour, blessed are the meek, turn the other cheek, pacifist decency crap then

    If nothing else, your contributions do underline the point that Christian Zionists are just as OK with murder as Jewish Zionists

  • Michael Petek

    Writerman, my case against Hamas is not that they are madmen – let me concede that they’re not – but that they wage war in furtherance of a false religion which imposes and enforces a law irreconcilable with universally accepted human rights and fundamental freedoms. The fact that they have a democratic mandate to do so is neither here nor there.

    Hamas doesn’t offer peace. It offers a ‘hudna’, which is what Muslims in jihad may do for ten years at a time if they are in a position of weakness.

    My counsel would be to take advantage of that weakness and crush the enemy while he is weak.

    Now what about peace with the Arabs?

    Egypt and Jordan have peace treaties with Israel and they keep them. Lebanon and Syria maintain their claim of belligerency arising from their aggressive war against Israel in 1948, and they haven’t implemented the international legal consequences of their aggression, as Egypt and Jordan have.

    As for peace with Hamas and Hizbollah, forget it. Let them change their religion, then think about talks.

  • Steelback

    Check out Rachel Corrie’s I’m Here Because I Care Videos.

    If the hairs on the back of your neck don’t stand up you’re only half alive.

    Rachel was keen to improve the quality of all human lives from Day One.This comes out strongly from the video of her in 5th Grade school posted by her parents.

    If there ever was someone who deserved to have a ship named after her it was Rachel!

    Rachel Corrie RIP


  • Arsalan


    That is exactly what the Americans proposed as the solution to the Zionists killing people on that ship.

    “Let the Israelis do the investigation!”

    And Craig, why are you giving Larry’s latest incarnation the time of day???

    Angry sober, Larry, Stephen and this new bastard? whats the difference?

    And the very fact that this new bastard as well as other Zionists see Hamas as worse than fatah should tell us they are better than Fatah.

    Fatah had sold out, but even though they had sold out, the Zionists bombed them to bits, right up until the point when Hamas were elected. Then they because the solution and Hamas became the problem.

    Now someone mentioned Jesus?

    What would he do?

    He would destory Israel, the Zionist and the rest of those bastards, who are clearly manifestations of the Antichrist!

    Jesus was not a racist, those Zionist bastards are.

    And New Bastards, you say those who live by the sword will go the same way?

    I agree, that is the way Israel will go.

    Because they are burning each and every bridge they have for a peaceful solution.

    Craig who the Palestinians elect is there business not yours. I agree, they shouldn’t have elected Hamas, because hamas shouldn’t have been stupid enough to take part in the election. They should have known thatdemocracy is a load of bollocks. That the imperialist nations that call on Brown people to take part in elections, don’t mean brown people should choose who rules them. Imperialists, the white man are just telling brown people, to elect the people the white man orders them to elect. And if the Browns elect anyone else, they will be sloughtered and starved.

    As the new bastard Michael Petek, stated, putting a cross next to who the Zionist don’t want you to vote for means death.

    Craig, I know I have said this before. And you have disagreed with me on this before. But there is only one solution to this problem. Israel has lived by the sword it is time for it to go the same way.

    The middle east carve up after ww1 must be reversed. Reunification of the whole middle east, if Israel chooses to join it peacefully, they can all live in peace anywhere they want.

    If they don’t, then they deserve what the likes of the New bastard says the palestinians desrve.

  • Michael Petek

    Matt Keefe, the truth claims of a religion are usually irrelevant in politics, but not when religion is invoked in favour of war.

    Hamas insist that Allah has commanded them to fight and kill the Jews and to establish an Islamic state implementing Islamic law.

    In a pig’s eye he has!

  • Michael Petek

    Arsalan, why would Jesus destroy Israel when he is a son of Israel and a patriot, assuming that patriotism is a virtue?

  • arsalan

    Michael Petek, says he will have peace with Muslims when they change their religion?

    Why am I not surprised.

    Muslims will not change their religion.

    Muslims will unite, and fight Israel.

    If Muslims lose, they will fight again.

    And this will repeat until Israel is defeated.

    there are 1.5 billion of Muslims and growing, Muslims can loss as many times as they want. Muslims only need to make Israel loss once!!!

  • Michael Petek

    Arsalan, I assume from your name that you’re Turkish.

    Your guys got a hell of a beating at the gates of Vienna in 1683, didn’t they!

  • Larry from St. Louis


    Thank you for showing up here and not being shy about being a true Muslim.

  • Arsalan

    Michael Petek

    I assume your name is a name for hell fire.

    Aren’t your parents buring well in the deepest pit of hell waiting for you to join them?

  • Arsalan

    Larry the lying bitch, I knew you to were togeather.

    You both can carry on being togeather eternally in deepest pits of hell.

    So your latest incarnation pretends to believe in God?

    While using your name you state your atheism?

  • Michael Petek

    Don’t distort my words, Arsalan.

    I said there will be no peace with Hamas until they change their religion. I can live with Muslims fine as long as they don’t try to kill me.

    Now, be warned O Muslim who would take the sword and fight to destroy Israel. One of these days you will be opposed in battle by Israel’s immortal King, whom you cannot see and against whom you cannot fight.

  • StefZ

    The story so far…

    Christian Zionists are bestest buddies with the Jewish Zionists because they believe that if Jewish Zionists are successful this will fulfill Biblical prophecy and Jesus, like some kind of performing animal, will return

    Jewish Zionists think this is bollocks and that Jesus was a false prophet who is boiling for Eternity somewhere. But they play along with the Christian Zionists because they like getting F-16s without paying for them

  • Polo

    Now that the last of the “flotilla” ships has been “deactivated” by the Israelis, the huge section, west of Israel, including the entrance to the Suez canal,in the marinetraffic.com map, which was devoid of ships over the last while, is suddenly full of them.

    Was this a jamming blackout or what?

  • craig

    “Now, be warned O Muslim who would take the sword and fight to destroy Israel. One of these days you will be opposed in battle by Israel’s immortal King, whom you cannot see and against whom you cannot fight.”

    Poor Michael thinks he’s in Narnia.

  • Michael Petek

    Arsalan, where my parents are in eternity is for God to disclose on the Day of Judgement.

    You people still got a good thrashing at Vienna in 1683, didn’t they.

    Prince Eugene of Savoy was pretty good with the sword as well.

    Then there’s Vlad the Impaler. Not exactly Geneva Convention, was he?

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