Julian Assange wins Sam Adams Award for Integrity 564

The award is judged by a group of retired senior US military and intelligence personnel, and past winners. This year the award to Julian Assange was unanimous.

Previous winners and ceremony locations:

Coleen Rowley of the FBI; in Washington, D.C.

Katharine Gun of British intelligence; in Copenhagen, Denmark

Sibel Edmonds of the FBI; in Washington, D.C.

Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan; in New York City

Sam Provance, former sergeant, U.S. Army, truth-teller about Abu Ghraib; in Washington, D.C.

Frank Grevil, major, Danish army intelligence, imprisoned for giving the Danish press documents showing that Denmark’s prime minister disregarded warnings that there was no authentic evidence of WMDs in Iraq; in Copenhagen, Denmark

Larry Wilkerson, colonel, U.S. Army (retired), former chief of staff to Secretary Colin Powell at the State Department, who has exposed what he called the “Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal”; in Washington, D.C.


Not sure yet where this year’s award ceremony will be held, but I’ll be there.

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564 thoughts on “Julian Assange wins Sam Adams Award for Integrity

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  • Jaded.

    Ruth – ‘I think the reason is that the revelations have given Wikileaks a lot of publicity and anyone who wants to leak something will think immediately of doing it through WikiLeaks especially now as it’s involved with Iceland in setting up a ‘safe haven’ for whistleblowers.

    With their hands in it, how easy will it be for the CIA, MI6 etc to censor the leaks?

    Most certainly in the near future as more and more people lose their jobs, they’ll have nothing to fear in divuging the corrupt practices of their employers particuly when they’ve been working for a government.’

    So an anonymous person leaks something from an anonymous connection and Wikileaks censor it. What would happen? They would go elsewhere and say

    Wikileaks didn’t publish it probably. The C.I.A. etc. aren’t Gods. They couldn’t be sure to know who leaked it, whether they had made copies, whether they had told anyone else and where they currently were. That’s the beauty of the internet. If you are right about Assange, then i’m not convinced that’s the right reason. Like you said, we will all be watching closely…

    All this conspiracy stuff eh? Why can’t everything be incredibly simple to figure out like 9/11, 7/7, the War On Terror and the N.W.O. ambitions of the secret societies and financial elites. Darn it! :-0

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Thanks for the link

    April 9th 2003 Rumsfeld described the operation (falling Saddam statue) as ‘breathtaking’ – the British Army called the event, ‘historic’ and the media said it was ‘amazing, which it was because the whole event was staged.

    “The art of life is to show your hand. There is no diplomacy like candor. You may lose by it now and then, but it will be a loss well gained if you do. Nothing is so boring as having to keep up a deception.”

    E. V. Lucas

  • technicolour

    I was working in a care home when the Saddam statue came down and the footage was everywhere and no-one – no-one, careworkers or residents – was taken in. I didn’t have to say anything.

    dreoilin, thank you. I feel we’ve had the Kelly discussion, and am disinclined to tangle again in depth, hence the one foot. Also not sure how I’m being useful – apart from disturbing the sounds of silence and hopefully stopping some bullying, natch. All good things, and a hug to you.

  • Anonymous

    Wikileaks Afghanistan papers leak does not harm US national security says U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense David Lapan:



    White House spokesman Tommy Vietor [said] no one in the White House has pointed to any specific revelation from the WikiLeaks trove that harms national security.

    Ha, so we really can trust Trikileaks for integrity in [counter]intelligence. Give

    Assange the gong, by all means.

  • KingofWelshNoir

    I must admit when I heard that Julian Assange & Wikileaks had resurrected Osama bin Goldstein I smelt a rat.

  • Jaded.

    Unknown – ‘Wikileaks Afghanistan papers leak does not harm US national security says U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense David Lapan:



    White House spokesman Tommy Vietor [said] no one in the White House has pointed to any specific revelation from the WikiLeaks trove that harms national security.

    Ha, so we really can trust Trikileaks for integrity in [counter]intelligence. Give

    Assange the gong, by all means.’

    And who said it had harmed U.S. national security? All I recall is that there were some accusations about informants becoming endangered. The leaks further harmed U.S. national reputation mainly due to the revelations on civilian deaths.

    KingofWelshNoir – ‘I must admit when I heard that Julian Assange & Wikileaks had resurrected Osama bin Goldstein I smelt a rat.’

    Bin Laden was never dead in the mass media so Wikileaks had no need to resurrect him. The TV networks haven’t even mentioned Bin Laden in relation to Wikileaks from what i’ve seen. It’s only to be suspected that the U.S. had some fictional Bin Laden bullshit on their files.

    It seems to me that some genuine people here are suspicious, and that’s healthy, while others are are trying to smear Assange as a certified, outright stooge. That makes me even more suspicious. Every single dissident isn’t one of them and under their control. That’s a fact!

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Jaded, I agree with your posts on this. I think we need to keep an open mind as well as a healthy skepticism. I’m not sure what revelations people are seeking in relation to the US wars of the early C21st. In my view, while every new piece of information is welcome and reinforcing and sometimes also eye-opening and often shocking, there is more than enough damning evidence already in the public domain (and has been right from the beginning) to allow to people to say that these wars are hugely damaging to the world and to campaign against them.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    You are right there is enough damning information, but I think more importantly, the people in Iraq and Afghanistan are already well aware of what is going on in their countries.

    They don’t need to read Wikileaks. Torture and black ops killings are happening right before their eyes and to their friends and families. They know all about it. Most stopped seeing coalition troops as their saviours a very long time ago.

    It is of course the British public who are being lied to and misled about what’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan in an attempt to keep up political and popular support for the wars, while most of us, if we knew what was really going on, would be demanding our troops be returned home as soon as possible.

    We constantly hear the words “support our troops” because they are “protecting our freedoms” while our very freedoms are being taken away by and our troops lives put at risk to protect us from terrorism, when, in reality, the danger to us from terrorism is increased and our troops are fighting a war even they have no faith in any more.

    Thanks to organisations like ‘Wikileaks’, fearless journalists and the few politicians who dare to speak the truth, those who really give a damn about the troops have even more reason, to demand their return home as soon as practically possible and not have them constantly used as political pawns fighting an endless and unwinnable wars to benefit corporations, governments and oil the cogs of a massive war machine.

    I find it abhorrent ordinary folk being tricked into a false patriotism by the popular press and start condemning the few politicians and whistle-blowers prepared to risk assassination by disclosure. Of course operational war plans need protection, but such plans are always encrypted by my knowledge.

    Leaks might serve as propaganda for the terrorists but those radicalised have been so long ago; the over-arching concern is to try and prevent the deaths of innocent families and put pressure on governments to end operations and start building infrastructures hopelessly destroyed so that clean water and electricity is available and families can start re-building their homes and lives.

  • somebody

    Propaganda was being transmitted by the BBC last night, namely The Wounded Platoon which attempted to elicit sympathy for the footsoldiers.

    We were shown not just a mad society, but a psychopathic one.


    We will have to wait for the BBC to produce a 20 part film in one hour segments on the maiming of bodies and minds in the olive skinned peoples – the ‘hajjis’ as the Iraq people were called.

    Brutality by a brutal society was shown – 52 years in jail was handed down for one of the platoon members (culprit/victim) who obviously had mental disturbance. But the possibly more lethal man, Eastridge, got off largely with a plea bargain.

    It was a peep into the supreme war crime, supreme because from it all other crimes flow.

    ‘all hajjis are all guilty’

    ‘open up on anything – any male, shoot ’em up – didn’t need to be armed’

    ‘when they got back from Iraq, they buy out the gun stores and drink the bars dry.’

    You might know at in the last 10 years more have died of suicide, than were killed in ‘battle’. In this country we have a major propaganda exercise called ‘Help for Heroes’. It is less to do with the wounds of unlawful war but more with glorifying it.

  • nonbeliever

    As a small aside, Assange has rubbished ‘9/11 Truth’.

    He is the CIA’s boy all right.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Yes you are right – who the hell is controlling the Beeb – we learn this morning from News24 that, quote, a senior official in Washington has said the Taliban will exploit the floods and attack and kill foreign aid workers.

    This is a prelude; next we will learn that foreign aid workers have been bombed, shot or attacked – I say to the BBC – NAME your official now.

    The story appeared in Fox News here:


  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Assange helped Iraqi doctors get information on murdered civilians out using cypher and other means. To get involved with a past terrorist attack on America will damage his credibility.

    My own reputation has been warped by investigating the events in September 2001; however I stated in the Washington Post two years ago I would pursue the truth even if it took 25 years to unravel the spectrum of gross incompetence at one end to false-flag at the other. Bush was on watch then and two years later murdered, crushed and destroyed the lives of more than 300,000 innocent infants and children. He has to pay and his atonement is my mission.

  • Jaded.

    Mark Golding – ‘somebody,

    Yes you are right – who the hell is controlling the Beeb.’

    We all agree on something then! It does stretch the mind as to how it all works. The only concluson one can draw is organised conspiracy. Some wallies must actually sit in a room discussing all the propaganda they sre going to put out.

    Dissidents denying 9/11 truth doesn’t automatically discredit them in my eyes. I’m sure ‘some’ of them are controlled stooges, but many of them will try to avoid the ‘conspiraloon’ tag and think that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. I find this a little puzzling as 9/11 truth is pretty obvious and mainstream now, but each to their own. They may well have other reasons too.

  • nonbeliever


    “each to their own”?…..

    Sorry, but this is one issue that no one has the right to deem ‘insignificant’. The official story is clearly, provably a lie. The laws of physics and professionally executed chemical analysis do NOT lie.

    It is one of the darkest and most telling facts proving our collective degeneracy that when incontrovertible proof is available for all to see……to nail the lies, to nail the criminals and to expose the reality behind our murderous presence in Iran and Afghanistan…..the mainstream media refuse to present it to the public.

    9/11 is an acid test. It is just too important and will remain so because the proof and all that follows from that proof is right there before us. Once the evidence is seen, only the terminally stupid or the morally disabled can ignore it.

  • nonbeliever


    “each to their own”?…..

    Sorry, but this is one issue that no one has the right to deem ‘insignificant’. The official story is clearly, provably a lie. The laws of physics and professionally executed chemical analysis do NOT lie.

    It is one of the darkest and most telling facts proving our collective degeneracy that when incontrovertible proof is available for all to see……to nail the lies, to nail the criminals and to expose the reality behind our murderous presence in Iran and Afghanistan…..the mainstream media refuse to present it to the public.

    9/11 is an acid test. It is just too important and will remain so because the proof and all that follows from that proof is right there before us. Once the evidence is seen, only the terminally stupid or the morally disabled can ignore it.

  • Jaded.

    As long as they have the same goal as us what’s the problem? Everyone can fight in their own way. And don’t forget that the higher profile you have, the more likely you are to have negative things happen to you for actively endorsing 9/11 truth. Try and save your criticism for those saying nothing about anything.

  • angrysoba

    “New article from foremost 9/11 investigator, Christopher Bollyn, today.”

    I don’t care at all unless I can blame the Jews!

    Oh great! Your article does exactly that!


  • Larry from St. Louis

    “New article from foremost 9/11 investigator, Christopher Bollyn, today.”

    Yep, once again a thread at Craig Murray’s blog wraps up with racist Jew hatred.

    Proud, Craig?

  • Jaded.

    Ah, soba from St. Louis is showing his racist colours. No, I don’t think Craig is proud of you little boy.

    You may have fooled some, but I think you are one and the same. Don’t forget, Jaded is smarter than thou… 🙂

  • RB

    Somebody said:

    “I am advised that this has just been released


    Oh,ho. Are we supposed to take an interest in something because it’s been released by Wikileaks?

    Who the fuck are Wikileaks and Julian Assange?

    No one knows, but people here seem to lap up everything they say because the call themselves Wikileaks, and because they got a gong from a bunch of CIA hacks.

    LOL. Are people stupid or what?

    If they called themselves Trikileaks, or CIATriks or some such thing, folks would maybe get it.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Ok, ok. I’m a bit of an idiot and so is my other half angrysoba. There’s no need to bully and rub it in though.

  • Naomi

    Congratulations to Julian for his award. He’s a very courageous man and I hope these ‘molestation’ charges are dropped. I find it difficult to believe that these charges are genuine. Why would such a high profile person behave in that way, knowing that the tabloid media and right wing press would have a field day.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Here is an example of a journalistic piece, which, it might be argued, has been fashioned – moulded, sculpted, shall one venture – to accord with the disinformative constructions currently emanating from, one suspects, that entity euphemistically known as the ‘security and intelligence community’.

    Apart from obvious nudge-nudge, wink-wink suggestiveness of the content, it possesses a prose style peculiar to that type of article. Read the last sentence: The kick in the tail, something to leave readers with, that which sticks in the mind, is common journalistic practice. Yet here, on top of the general thrust of the article, it has a not-very-subtle, yet ever-so-gentle (one is allowed to rock gently in a womb of warm Ambrosia), progandising effect, so that to me, it comes across more like the poorly digestive and hack-written product of a briefing than a piece of genuine journalism.

    In other words, it looks like the kind of government propaganda one sees often in some other countries but which often is more skillfully disguised in this sceptred isle.


    On which note, did anyone mention the name, Con Coughlan? Why not check out the glorious Mr Coughlan’s website? Let’s do it right now. I can’t wait!

    Ah, the man’s right on cue – we learn that the Baddies, none of whom are named, Illiam, William or Quilliam, are ready, RIGHT NOW, to ATTACK BRITAIN!! Your country needs you!

    Incidentally, has anyone thought of the possibility that the recent ATTACKS!! on William Hague might have been an attempt to undermine the Foreign Secretary in favour of ‘the lovely, the wonderful, the auspicious, the brilliant, the cuddly, the Cadducean, the suave, the brave, the forceful, the thrusting, the keen-eyed, the coiffured, the sanguine, the sharp, the Right Honourable, the medicinal, the pharmacological, the…’ Liam Fox?

    Ah, yes, right on cue again, I see a piece critical of Hague (and Osborne – re. Trident) and very positive about Liam Fox.

    Link to Connie’s blog in next post.

    Any mention of Gareth Williams? I can’t find one in August or September. Odd, that.

    And so it goes.

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