Julian Assange Gets The Bog Standard Smear Technique 1895

The Russians call it Kompromat – the use by the state of sexual accusations to destroy a public figure. When I was attacked in this way by the government I worked for, Uzbek dissidents smiled at me, shook their heads and said “Kompromat“. They were used to it from the Soviet and Uzbek governments. They found it rather amusing to find that Western governments did it too.

Well, Julian Assange has been getting the bog standard Kompromat. I had imagined he would get something rather more spectacular, like being framed for murder and found hanging with an orange in his mouth. He deserves a better class of kompromat. If I am a whistleblower, then Julian is a veritable mighty pipe organ. Yet we just have the normal sex stuff, and very weak.

Bizarrely the offence for which Julian is wanted for questioning in Sweden was dropped from rape to sexual harassment, and then from sexual harassment to just harassment. The precise law in Swedish, as translated for me and other Sam Adams alumni by our colleague Major Frank Grevil, reads:

“He who lays hands on or by means of shooting from a firearm, throwing of stones, noise or in any other way harasses another person will be sentenced for harassment to fines or imprisonment for up to one year.”

So from rape to non-sexual something. Actually I rather like that law – if we had it here, I could have had Jack Straw locked up for a year.

Julian tells us that the first woman accuser and prime mover had worked in the Swedish Embassy in Washington DC and had been expelled from Cuba for anti-Cuban government activity, as well as the rather different persona of being a feminist lesbian who owns lesbian night clubs.

Scott Ritter and I are well known whistleblowers subsequently accused of sexual offences. A less well known whistleblower is James Cameron, another FCO employee. Almost simultaneous with my case, a number of the sexual allegations the FCO made against Cameron were identical even in wording to those the FCO initially threw at me.

Another fascinating point about kompromat is that being cleared of the allegations – as happens in virtually every case – doesn’t help, as the blackening of reputation has taken effect. In my own case I was formerly cleared of all allegations of both misconduct and gross misconduct, except for the Kafkaesque charge of having told defence witnesses of the existence of the allegations. The allegations were officially a state secret, even though it was the government who leaked them to the tabloids.

Yet, even to this day, the FCO has refused to acknowledge in public that I was in fact cleared of all charges. This is even true of the new government. A letter I wrote for my MP to pass to William Hague, complaining that the FCO was obscuring the fact that I was cleared on all charges, received a reply from a junior Conservative minister stating that the allegations were serious and had needed to be properly investigated – but still failing to acknowledge the result of the process. Nor has there been any official revelation of who originated these “serious allegations”.

Governments operate in the blackest of ways, especially when it comes to big war money and big oil money. I can see what they are doing to Julian Assange, I know what they did to me and others (another recent example – Brigadier Janis Karpinski was framed for shoplifting). In a very real sense, it makes little difference if they murdered David Kelly or terrified him into doing it himself. Telling the truth is hazardous in today’s Western political system.

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  • Suhayl Saadi

    So is Somebody actually Craig? Well, Craig is certainly ‘somebody’ (!)

    Richard, I am fascinated and envious – re. tunes in and of Morocco et al.

    Glenn, those were stunning posts.

    Clark, you are cosmic. No borders. We are all eagles. Absolutely.

    Technicolour, thanks for your… sanity and stats on ‘Leicester and all that’.

    Did I say sanity?

    Technicolour, you sang to cows…?? They liked flamenco…?? Cante chico or cante jondo? Malaguenas? Penas? Siguirriyas? Solearas? Fandangos? Did they prefer the Cadiz or Granada styles? Were they aficionados of El Lebrijano, El Camaron, La Nina de los Peines or Enrique Morente? Or of cante quejio, the wordless primal scream of the earth’s creatures. Yes, I think it was that one!

    But seriously, I think that’s fabulous, brilliant and wonderful. In this sense, I can say, with immense pride, with frankness and without qualification, that I strive to be Ermintrude.

    Listen, technicolour, I don’t care what you were on, I tell you, I want some. I’d have loved to have been a fly-on-the-hide!

  • Suhayl Saadi

    And here’s the original, unadorned joik:


    Btw, anno, it is argued by those that know that the word, ‘sufi’ probably has nothing to do with wool, but rather represents the sound of exhalation: Hu! As in Allah-hu! It is in essence, not a school, but simply the sense of gnosis, of direct connection – no intermediaries necessary – which is central to Islam.

  • technicolour

    Suhayl, joik! Wowed the first, now trying to find older ones:


    Like Sinead O’Connor does, but on nature not love, do you think?

    Me was on deep countryside, sometimes stopping to sing to the local cows halfway through my morning run. It was Welsh hill sheep that liked the flamenco btw (he’s a fine guitarist). The cows had to put up with me.

  • technicolour

    Sorry, exceeding post ratio, but Richard, doing the hippy thing sounds like a dance. I suppose it is, in a way.

  • tony_opmoc

    To be honest, I’ve been to funerals that were far more fun, but this wasn’t a funeral, a marriage or a birth.

    Both my wife and myself kind of enjoyed it, but it went on for over an hour – and they were making large clouds of smoke inside – which I thought was illegal…

    And I could tell – they were all getting really high – well the ones who were doing all the exercises – stand up sit down, stand up sit down – over and over again….

    The music I have to admit was just fantastic – pure quality…

    I had my full gear with me, and I nearly got it out, except that I remembered when we were in India -and got invited into the inner sanctum – where we had to take off our shoes, that photography was a definite no no.

    Then they got to the juicy really spiritual bit, and everyone was supposed to kneel.

    I thought fuck this, so I sat down.

    Then they got to the Holy Communion, and so I thought well – as I hadn’t actually gone to the trouble of saying Bless Me Father For I have sinned, it is 42 years since my last Confession, then I wasn’t really qualified to go up to the alter to eat Jesus Christ’s Body – and Presumably also Drink His Blood – so I whispered to my wife – I’m going out for a Smoke – She said – You Can’t Do That – But I Did…

    I came back and they were still at it – and thankfully his brother’s sister – who is really nice – was breast feeding her baby – so I chatted to her about it. She said she saw the Pope last week – in fact apparently they all did.

    So eventually I got back to my pew – being as diplomatic and inobtrusive as I could possibly manage – and my sister said to me – have you been outside taking drugs? I said – I don’t take any drugs – which is why I am so fit and healthy…She interrogated me. I said no – and I was telling the truth.

    Later my wife told me, that the only reason she hasn’t moved to America – is because she wouldn’t be able to afford the drugs…

    Anyway, the University Town – was O.K. – and I spent several hours videoing it – and pub crawling before the event…

    But the University Town our daughter is at, is far more beautiful, and the pubs are far better – particularly the food.

    Anyway, My Brother’s Son – seemed to enjoy it – and loads of Nuns turned up.

    Personally I prefer a Normal Relationship With God – even if She is a bit of a control freak.

    She’s Georgeous and The Mother of Our Children.

    I reckon he will make Pope.

    He is perfectly qualified – and currently their ain’t much competetion. So far as I am aware, he has never had a girlfriend.


  • Richard Robinson

    “doing the hippy thing sounds like a dance. I suppose it is, in a way.”

    Heh. Only way I do, I prefer to be playing in the ceilidh band.

  • Clark


    it’s not so surprising that cows remain curious; sometimes people bring them things that they like. The farmer brings food and cow-licks, and people give them fruit and stuff. In Wales I saw a farmer who visited his sheep on a quad-bike. As soon as they heard the engine they all started running to the gate that he would arrive at.

    Suhayl Saadi,

    I recommend singing to cows. I usually sing them Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’, but with the words “Hello you cows, hello you-ou cows, he-e-elow you funny cows”, because (a) I like the tune, (b) it sounds sort of moo-y and (c) I don’t know the proper words. But I tried the guitar intro from ‘Theme for Thought’ by the Virgin Prunes once, and it started a stampede!

  • tony_opmoc

    Is Craig O.K. ????

    Its Nearly a Full Calendar Month Now…

    I think I might have read something from ingo – about him making his house sparkle…so I guess – he actually got the house and has moved in – and hasn’t yet got an internet connection in deepest – erm where was it West London ?

    For a man who was posting after 1:00 am on his wedding night – and I told him to go to bed – he may have subsequently deleted at least some of the messages, but I have a memeory like an elephant for such things.

    I hope he is O.K. and not having one of his Girly Period Pains – or potentially even worse – going through the Male Menopause…??

    If so, I recommend he doesn’t go anywhere near The Viagra, and just cut down on the Whisky…

    Or is his Film Finally in Production – and he has got Daniel Craig playing Craig Murray.

    I actually really rate Daniel Craig – not on his 007 stuff – but on the film that featured a hot air balloon at the beginning.

    It is called “Enduring Love”


    But Craig Murray – did 007 for Real…


  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Interesting ‘Deep Journal’ link. Bush allocated $400M for covert action in Iran:


    According to my source it was PJAK Kurds who are funded by the US. They are armed with SAM 7 missiles.

    Alistair Burt condemned the attack; He is of course a member of the Westminster Knesset as follows:

    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ?” William Hague

    Minister of State ?” Jeremy Browne

    Minister of State ?” David Lidington

    Minister of State ?” Lord Howell of Guildford

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State ?” Henry Bellingham

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State ?” Alistair Burt

    Gentlemen – Where was the British Navy when Israeli gunboats “intercepted” the Free Gaza flotilla 90 miles out to sea?

    “Just for a change the British people wanted their government to do them proud on the international stage and protect those brave souls on their peaceful mission to bring relief to Palestinians whose lives have been made a living hell by the bully-boys of the Middle East.”

    When are you going to show some leadership AND ACTION Mr Clegg or are you just talk talk?

    Do we lose our country to rabid Conservative Zionists who devote so much of their energies to the service of Israel or will the British people still incensed by the Iraq war and lies finally take Britain into their own hands – YOUR CHOICE!

  • Richard Robinson

    Flamenco Sheep is a splendid thought. I wonder what it would take to persuade them to dance ?

    While we’re mentioning cows, does anyone rememberthe early days of demon Internet ? Long-distance dialup over slow modem … They had a whole bunch of machines, and clarified things for the punters by designating one of them as the Centre Of the World, which they then abbreviated. cow.demon.co.uk. If you poked around a bit, it was noticeable that this was actually two machines – one called “ermine”, the other called “trude” …

  • Larry from St. Louis


    You’re an idiot who believes that 911 was an inside job. Why would anyone believe anything else you have to say?

  • tony_opmoc

    O.K. – well you can’t really make any reasoned comment on it – unless you have seen it, read the book – or actually experienced it…

    So I have been slagging the entire concept off for years…

    So I tried it (for various reasons – some of which I thought were reasonable)

    But For Fucks Sake

    Its like a fucking Swarm of Friends – some of who’m you vaguely remember – did I actually shag her – and if I did did I wear a condom?

    Facebook is Fucking Dangerous


  • glenn

    Tony: Please don’t bog this thread down with that double-spaced stream-of-consciousness bilge. C’mon dude.

  • tony_opmoc

    I didn’t recognise her – well of course I recognised her – but I thought She Was Her Mum

    Because She Looked Almost IDENTICAL

    She is about 20 years younger than her Mum

    She was with this most Beautiful Blonde Haired Little Boy – who is coming up to FOUR

    When he was born he looked Almost IDENTICAL to My Son – but I thought that was probably just a baby thing

    Now he is 4

    He looks Almost IDENTICAL to My Son when he was 4

    I guess its all in the genes.

    We are not like the Jews and shag close relations

    Probably shouldn’t have said that – but someone is really slagging off the Catholics and it isn’t me…

    Let me explain – the real statistics with regards to people who decide to become Catholic Priests – and their relationships with little boys…

    None of the Priests tried to Shag Me – when I was a little boy – and I met loads of them.

    Most of them in my experience are completely honourable lovely people – who are trying to do good – and do provide a really useful social and spiritual service

    They ain’t trying to screw anyone.

    They are full of real love, humility and charity. They literally give their lives to serve “God”

    And in reality God is Us

    So stop Fucking With The Catholic Priests

    96% Of Them Are Really Good Men

    4% of Them Might Be Psychos – But They Are Statistically No More Evil Than Any Other Group of Human Beings

    I Feel The Need To Defend My Tribe

    The Music Was AWESOME

    Best Vocals I’ve Heard This Year


  • tony_opmoc


    Go and Start Your Own Website

    You Really Should Look at Yourself – and Get Out More

    The 10 of You Have Been Sat at Your Computer Screens Posting Complete and Utter Bollocks For The Last 2 Years

    I Post For The Second Time in 6 Months and You Tell Me To Fuck Off

    You are as Much a Fascist – as The Fascists You Complain About

    Bye Bye


  • glenn

    Tony – be reasonable. I wasn’t asking you not to post, and this isn’t the second time in 6 months you’ve posted either – you’ve got 17 posts on this thread alone! What I am asking – and what Craig Murray asked you repeatedly – was not to post this double-spaced drivel about bands, your wife, gigs and any other maudlin crap that disjointedly springs to mind. You can be, and have been, a very worthwhile contributor. But not while drunk, it appears.

  • tony_opmoc

    Thanks to whoever on here posted a link to a link that resulted in me reading this a few days ago – I can’t remember who it was – but I like reading it…

    “A Stateless War

    Posted on September 12, 2010 by georgiebc

    About this huge, world wide war that most of the population doesn’t seem to have realized we are in yet. An elementary overview.

    What war?

    The military industrial complex against the anonymous cloud, with an ignorant populace as the prize.

    This is a war about information, governance, trade, ownership, personal and environmental health … in short, everything. The establishment is the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) . You know them, these are your banks, the government you elected, the big businesses, the lackey media and the organized crime. You know them, maybe you trust them, you may have started feeling a little, or more than a little, uneasy about them in the past decade or several.

    The revolutionaries are the Anonymous Cloud. You know them too. These are the people who have caused every successful revolution the world has ever seen. They have been likened to a flock of birds, a group of individuals who happen to decide all at the same time to head in the same direction. Some split off, in groups or singly, some are shot, but the flock will continue. If the entire flock is captured, a new flock will form. The idea is the thing, and if the idea is right it will survive.

    Occasionally a leader will come out and draw some focus, a Martin Luther King or perhaps a Malcolm X or even a Rosa Parks. Usually there are many leaders. In a war as huge as this, there will be many, many, leaders, in every location and aspect of the war. This is not a war for followers. It is the responsibility of each person to become as educated, informed and healthy as possible if you are to make a contribution.

    Why do we need a war?

    Most of you have probably noticed that most of the world is already at war, has been for a very long time, and there does not seem to be an end in sight or any plans for an end. But some people still have not noticed that this is not a Muslims vs. Christians war, or a United States vs. the world war, it is a war of the MIC against the general populace. This is a war where the populace is kept sickly, ignorant, desperate and above all fearful to keep them from rising up against the MIC. The tools used are drugs (legal and illegal), poor nutrition, environmental hazards, misinformation, blocked access to good information, poverty, stress, crime and, above all, war. The weapons against them will be information, solidarity, good health, great optimism, and mass participation in every aspect of government.

    Where is the War?

    The internet is the most important location, but not the only location. Wherever communication is possible. A true democracy is conducted in the open, and open government is the enemy of all bad government.

    When is the War?

    I will hopefully write an article about pivotal times and events one day soon. Like all large conflicts, this war is a continuation of cycles that began a long time ago. In this case, the beginnings of hacking and BBS networks would probably mark the prologue. This summer which presented so many huge triggers: the BP oil spill, the Afghanistan escalation, the Iraq pullout/non-pullout, and, most of all, the Wikileaks dump of Afghanistan documents on July 25, 2010, will almost certainly be marked as the beginning.

    How do we fight this war?

    That is what this blog is about. Get healthy, get strong, get educated and informed, and start contributing to your own governance.”

    Love & Peace,


  • tony_opmoc

    You see – my Brother was a Genius

    When I was 10 years old – in 1963 – he nicked MY metal globe of the Earth

    I said its mine – you’re not having it – but he was bigger than me – so I said O.K.

    And he made it spin stably in FREE AIR…

    No – You Don’t Understand

    It Levitated – It Was Real –

    He had an electomagnet – above and below

    If the globe went down – the magnetic effect at the top would go up – and the one at the bottom would go down…

    Sounds quite simple in principle – but I think he was the first person to actually do it for real…

    This was before he started working on computers – in fact software – and memory hadn’t really been invented then

    So he coded it in hardware in his bedroom

    His Youngest Son got closer to God yesterday

    My other brother has also died much before his time

    So I had to witness it


  • tony_opmoc

    So he got his top numero uno – is that number one? phd at Cambridge – and like you do – accept the job – in the secret government outsourced – private company close to where David Kelly was rumoured to work….

    And then he realised

    What The Fuck I Am I Doing Here Designed Weapons of Mass Destruction?

    “My Dad – Never Did That”



  • tony_opmoc

    So My Sister-in-Law Touched My Hair – whilst we were in the Pew – Before The Ceremony had Started

    What is This?

    Have You Decided To Become a Teenager Again???

    I said No

    I have Decided to Become



    My sister – asked – do you play guitar???

    I replied – well yes – a bit – and because I learnt it in 6 months – just by playing it every single day – just for 5 or 10 minutes -even when I really didn’t want to…

    Now I am learning violin…

    And then next – I have to learn how to sing – but I know a lady who teaches it – and God is She Good.


  • tony_opmoc

    I used to do all this stuff nearly 50 years ago

    I used to do the Stations of The Cross, and I used to Be an Altar Boy – and My Parents were Delighted when The Parish Priest recommended Me For The Priests Training College

    So I turned up and left the same day

    Even when I was 10 I realised I much Preferred Girls

    And so My Brother-in-Law was going on about cradle catholics – and converts

    (like about 7 hours ago)

    I said – well when I was 15, it was like I had a Revelation From God….

    It was like I was Saint Paul on The Road To Damascus…

    It was a Flash – a Moment of Complete Beauty…

    I Told My Parents That I Wasn’t Going To Church Any More…

    i Was a Free boy

    i had escaped these controlling religious people who wanted me to have faith

    And I became a Scientist


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