Julian Assange Gets The Bog Standard Smear Technique 1895

The Russians call it Kompromat – the use by the state of sexual accusations to destroy a public figure. When I was attacked in this way by the government I worked for, Uzbek dissidents smiled at me, shook their heads and said “Kompromat“. They were used to it from the Soviet and Uzbek governments. They found it rather amusing to find that Western governments did it too.

Well, Julian Assange has been getting the bog standard Kompromat. I had imagined he would get something rather more spectacular, like being framed for murder and found hanging with an orange in his mouth. He deserves a better class of kompromat. If I am a whistleblower, then Julian is a veritable mighty pipe organ. Yet we just have the normal sex stuff, and very weak.

Bizarrely the offence for which Julian is wanted for questioning in Sweden was dropped from rape to sexual harassment, and then from sexual harassment to just harassment. The precise law in Swedish, as translated for me and other Sam Adams alumni by our colleague Major Frank Grevil, reads:

“He who lays hands on or by means of shooting from a firearm, throwing of stones, noise or in any other way harasses another person will be sentenced for harassment to fines or imprisonment for up to one year.”

So from rape to non-sexual something. Actually I rather like that law – if we had it here, I could have had Jack Straw locked up for a year.

Julian tells us that the first woman accuser and prime mover had worked in the Swedish Embassy in Washington DC and had been expelled from Cuba for anti-Cuban government activity, as well as the rather different persona of being a feminist lesbian who owns lesbian night clubs.

Scott Ritter and I are well known whistleblowers subsequently accused of sexual offences. A less well known whistleblower is James Cameron, another FCO employee. Almost simultaneous with my case, a number of the sexual allegations the FCO made against Cameron were identical even in wording to those the FCO initially threw at me.

Another fascinating point about kompromat is that being cleared of the allegations – as happens in virtually every case – doesn’t help, as the blackening of reputation has taken effect. In my own case I was formerly cleared of all allegations of both misconduct and gross misconduct, except for the Kafkaesque charge of having told defence witnesses of the existence of the allegations. The allegations were officially a state secret, even though it was the government who leaked them to the tabloids.

Yet, even to this day, the FCO has refused to acknowledge in public that I was in fact cleared of all charges. This is even true of the new government. A letter I wrote for my MP to pass to William Hague, complaining that the FCO was obscuring the fact that I was cleared on all charges, received a reply from a junior Conservative minister stating that the allegations were serious and had needed to be properly investigated – but still failing to acknowledge the result of the process. Nor has there been any official revelation of who originated these “serious allegations”.

Governments operate in the blackest of ways, especially when it comes to big war money and big oil money. I can see what they are doing to Julian Assange, I know what they did to me and others (another recent example – Brigadier Janis Karpinski was framed for shoplifting). In a very real sense, it makes little difference if they murdered David Kelly or terrified him into doing it himself. Telling the truth is hazardous in today’s Western political system.

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1,895 thoughts on “Julian Assange Gets The Bog Standard Smear Technique

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  • Clark

    “The system cannot read from the high-energy proton sensor in Reactor 3. Abort, Retry or Cancel?”

    “The system is busy waiting for the Radiation Monitor window to be displayed. Press any key to return to Windows and wait. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart your system. You may lose control of any unsecured reactors”.

  • Richard Robinson

    The Far-Ultraviolet Screen of Death ?

    (the geekheim link has a comment remarking that the Siemens scada s/w in question will only run on windows platforms; so if you decide on the first you’re obliged to eat the second).

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Clark – I’m not surprised, I found it odd some years ago that official Iran government sites used asp and later aspx generated web pages from SQL Server. Most odd considering the security risk. Thanks for the advice on the PLC chips.

  • Clark

    Ultimately, vulnerability to Stuxnet comes down to abdication of responsibility. Yes, it’s quicker and thus cheaper to let some third-party company design your chip programming software, but if you do, you’ll never really know exactly what instructions get written to your process-control chips. You can analyse the programming suite, but (1) you’re on dodgy legal ground, as the supplying company would call this ‘reverse engineering’, and (2) it would be just as much work as writing your own chip programming suite in the first place.

    Can you hear the clipity-clop of my hobby horse approaching? The only way to be safe AND save time and money is to only use published source code and never use proprietary object code.

    To bring us (marginally) back on topic, my frank.geekheim link above references the following Wikileaks article by Assange, and suggests that Stuxnet has already completed its mission by creating the nuclear accident in Iran that the leak refers to:


  • angrysoba

    Why is Anno treated with such kid-gloves around here when he is one of the most bigoted posters I have ever seen.

    Your simpering and groveling around him is utterly vomit-inducing.

  • Clark


    that is truly horrific. Radioactivity. Everywhere the warmongers go, they release radiation. The nuclear industry’s waste used as a weapon. I’m sickened.

  • Clark


    I think it may be because many contributors here are angry about many of the same things as Anno. I have disagreed with him on this board and so have others. But look at the sequence of posts above; Anno responds to reasoned argument, whereas those who support the aggressors generally do not.

  • Clark


    are you suggesting that I should be rude to Anno? I think that would be counter productive, with Anno or anyone else.

  • Richard Robinson

    Falluja, DU, etc – John Pilger did a (UK) television program on the state Iraq was in under sanctions, must have been c. ’98, ’99 – long before ’03, anyway. He had interviews with hospital people in Basra – they were desperately worried then, about the way their stomach-cancer rates were up by a factor of 10 compared with pre-’91, and guessing at DU as the cause. (Pain-killers were blocked under the sanctions. A handful of aspirin a month each).

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Angrysoba, as you know, like many others I’ve argued with anno, avatar singh, Arsalan (where’s he gone?), Alfred (what is this about ‘A’s?) and others. But sometimes, one just has to agree to disagree on specific topics. There’s nothing else one can do, assuming one has made one’s views clear as I think anyone ould agree I have done in relation to anno, slightly earlier in this thread.

  • Clark

    A is for Argumentative. Technicolour was quite forceful with Anno, as was Suhayl Saadi. Didn’t Glenn have a go at Anno’s faith? Alfred was very critical. A is also for Angrysoba!

  • Richard Robinson

    “anno, avatar singh, Arsalan (where’s he gone?), Alfred (what is this about ‘A’s?)”

    … Abe. That had struck me, too. Angrysoba …

    *While* noting, that to lump them all together would probably give offence to all. As per above, some of these talk humanly, too.

    But, having previously remarked on Angrysoba’s ability to argue rationally, and then observed his subsequent outbreaks of howling, I’ll pause it there for now.

    I shouldn’t even be here, I have things to do – in which context, http://kenmacleod.blogspot.com/2010/08/filling-much-needed-gap.html might amuse.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Richard Robinson – Britain has a lot of blood on its hands. And here is what John Pilger said :-

    Iraq: the great cover-up

    ” 19 Jan 2001

    On the eve of an election campaign, the Blair government is attempting,with mounting desperation, to suppress a scandal potentially greater than the arms-to-Iraq cover-up. This is the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps many more, caused by decisions taken in Whitehall and Washington.

    Moreover, the evidence of deceit and lying points to at least two Cabinet ministers and three junior ministers. At its centre is the unerring, wilful destruction of a whole society, Iraq, the aim of which is to keep the regime in Baghdad weak enough to be influenced by the west and yet strong enough to control its own people.

    This is longstanding Anglo-American policy. Contrary to the propaganda version about protecting Iraq’s ethnic peoples, the objective is to prevent a Kurdish secession in the north and the establishment of a Shi’ite religious state in the rest of the country, while maintaining the west’s dominance of the region and its access to cheap oil.

    The victims of this policy are 20 million Iraqis, uniquely isolated from the rest of humanity by an economic embargo whose viciousness has been compared with a medieval siege. The word “genocide” has been used by experts on international law and other cautious voices, such as Denis Halliday, the former assistant secretary general of the United Nations, who resigned as the UN’s senior humanitarian official in Iraq, and Hans von Sponeck, his successor, who also resigned in protest. Each had 34 years at the UN and were acclaimed in their field; their resignations, along with the head of the World Food Programme in Baghdad, were unprecedented.

    After more than a decade of sanctions, no one on the Security Council wants them, except the United States and Britain. The French foreign minister, Hubert Vedrine, has called them “cruel, because they exclusively punish the Iraqi people and the weakest among them, and ineffective, because they don’t touch the regime”. Had Saddam Hussein said on television “we think the price is worth it”, referring to Unicef’s figure of half a million child deaths, he would have been called a monster by the British government. Madeleine Albright said that.

    Whitehall remained silent.

    The Blair government has played the traditional role of Washington’s proxy with particular enthusiasm. The latest Security Council resolution,1284, was drafted by British officials in New York. They are said to be proud of it. Peter Hain, the Foreign Office minister, constantly refers to it as “Iraq’s way out”. In fact, it is a specious set of demands, requiring the return of weapons inspectors, but not offering any guarantee that sanctions will be suspended if the regime complies. Last year, Jon Davies, then head of the Iraq desk at the Foreign Office, admitted the “lack of clarity in exactly what the provisions will be”. The suspicion all along, says Dr Eric Herring, the Bristol University specialist, is that “US and British policy is one of continually moving or hiding the goalposts so that compliance [by Iraq] becomes impossible and so that the sanctions cannot be lifted”.

    In recent months, in the columns of the New Statesman and the Guardian, Peter Hain has defended a sanctions regime that, says Unicef, is a principal cause of the deaths of at least 180 children every day. Hain’s articles and letters are scripted by Foreign Office officials using the familiar, weasel lexicon that denied British support for the Khmer Rouge, the use of Hawk aircraft in East Timor and the illegal shipment of weapons parts to Britain’s favourite 1980s tyrant,Saddam Hussein. Sir Richard Scott’s inquiry acknowledged their “culture of lying”.

    You get a sense of the scale of lying from Hain’s latest letter to the NS (15 January), in which he claimed that “about $16bn of humanitarian relief was available to the Iraqi people last year”. Quoting UN documents, Hans von Sponeck replies in this issue (page 37) that the figure was actually for four years and that, after reparations are paid to Kuwait and the oil companies, Iraq is left with just $100 a year with which to keep one human being alive. That Hain does not appear even to question the competence of those who write his disinformation is remarkable. That he allows the bureaucracy of a rapacious order he once opposed to invoke his anti-apartheid record is a bleak irony. That he is said privately to have serious doubts about sanctions, which he rejected for Zimbabwe, saying they would “hurt the ordinary people, not the elite”, is a measure of his ambition, and perhaps explains why he refuses to engage his critics, preferring rhetoric and abuse. Each time he calls a principled, informed critic, such as Halliday and von Sponeck, “a dupe of Saddam Hussein”, there is an echo of the apartheid regime calling a young Hain “a dupe of communism”.

    The sanctions issue is one of three related scandals involving epic suffering and loss of life. The truth about the effects of depleted uranium in shells fired in the 1991 Gulf war and Nato’s 1999 attack on Yugoslavia, is that the Americans and British waged a form of nuclear warfare on civilian populations, disregarding the health and safety of their own troops. This was largely to test the Pentagon’s post-cold war strategy of “all-out war”.

    On 9 January, John Spellar, the Defence Minister, told the House of Commons that the conclusion of many years of research showed “there is no evidence linking DU to cancers or to the more general ill health being experienced by some Gulf veterans”. This echoes Peter Hain, who said there had been “no credible research data”. In fact, the data is credible and voluminous, dating back to the development of the atomic bomb in 1943, when Brigadier General Leslie Groves, the head of the Manhattan Project, warned that particles of uranium used in ammunition could cause “permanent lung damage”. In 1991, the UK Atomic Energy Authority warned that, if particles from merely 8 per cent of the DU used in the Gulf were inhaled, there could be “300,000 potential deaths”.

    Spellar claimed there had been no rise in the number of kidney ailments or cancers among veterans of the Gulf war. The Ministry of Defence has been told by the National Gulf Veterans and Families Association of a dramatic increase in both diseases among veterans. Last year, Speller said: “We are unaware of anything that shows depleted uranium has caused any ill health or death of people who served in Kosovo or Bosnia.” Again, this was false.Nato’s own guidelines include: “Inhalation of insoluble depleted uranium dust particles has been associated with long-term health effects including cancers and birth defects.” It was only after six Italian soldiers, who had served in Kosovo, died from leukaemia, that the scandal caused panic in Nato, with the Defence Secretary, Geoffrey Hoon, contradicting himself, saying DU posed a “limited risk”, then “no risks”, then, bizarrely, that it is “protecting British forces”.

    For the Iraqi people, however, the cover-up continues. What has been striking about the political and media reaction over the past fortnight is that most of the victims of depleted uranium have rated barely a mention. Yet Tony Blair himself was made aware of their suffering when he was sent, in March 1999, UN statistics, published in the British Medical Journal, showing a sevenfold increase in cancer in southern Iraq between 1989 and 1994.

    It is in southern Iraq that the theoretical figure of “500,000 potential deaths” can be applied, in a desert landscape where the dust gets in your eyes, nose and throat, swirling around people in the street and children in playgrounds. In Basra’s hospitals, the cancer wards are overflowing.

    Before the Gulf war, they did not exist. “The dust carries death,” Dr Jawad Al-Ali, a cancer specialist and member of Britain’s Royal College of Physicians, told me. “Our own studies indicate that more than 40 per cent of the population in this area will get cancer in five years’ time to begin with, then long afterwards. Most of my own family now have cancer, and we have no history of the disease. It has spread to the medical staff of this hospital. We are living through another Hiroshima. Of course, we don’t know the precise source of the contamination, because we are not allowed [under sanctions] to get the equipment to conduct a proper scientific survey, or even to test the excess level in our bodies. We suspect depleted uranium. There simply can be no other explanation.”

    The Sanctions Committee in New York has blocked or delayed a range of cancer diagnostic equipment and drugs, even painkillers. Professor Karol Sikora, as chief of the cancer programme of the World Health Organisation, wrote in the British Medical Journal: “Requested radiotherapy equipment, chemotherapy drugs and analgesics are consistently blocked by United States and British advisers [to the Sanctions Committee]. There seems to be a rather ludicrous notion that such agents could be converted into chemical or other weapons.” Professor Sikora told me: “The saddest thing I saw in Iraq was children dying because there was no chemotherapy and no pain control. It seemed crazy they couldn’t have morphine, because for everybody with cancer pain, it is the best drug. When I was there, they had a little bottle of aspirin pills to go round 200 patients in pain.”

    Although there have since been improvements in some areas, more than 1,000 life-saving items remain “on hold” in New York, with Kofi Annan personally appealing for their release “without delay”.

    I interviewed Professor Doug Rokke, the US Army health physicist who led the “clean-up” of depleted uranium in Kuwait. He now has 5,000 times the permissible level of radiation in his body, and is ill. “There can be no reasonable doubt about this,” he said. “As a result of the heavy metal and radiological poison of DU, people in southern Iraq are experiencing respiratory problems, breathing problems, kidney problems, cancers. Members of my own team have died or are dying from cancer . . . At various meetings and conferences, the Iraqis have asked for the normal medical treatment protocols. The US Department of Defense and the British Ministry of Defence have refused them. I attended a conference in Washington where the Iraqis came looking for help. They approached myself, officials of the Defense Department and the British MoD. They were told it was their responsibility; they were rebuffed.”

    The third strand in the cover-up is the killing of Iraqi civilians by RAF and American aircraft in the “no-fly zones”. As Hans von Sponeck points out in his letter, these violate international law. In a five-month period surveyed by the UN Security Sector, almost half the casualties were civilians. I interviewed eyewitnesses to one of the attacks described in the UN report. A shepherd family of six – a grandfather, the father and four children – were killed by a British or American pilot, who made two passes at them in open desert. Pieces of the missile lay among the remains of their sheep. United Nations staff – not the Iraqi government – confirmed in person the facts of this atrocity. The Blair government has spent ?800m bombing Iraq.

    In his 15 January letter to the NS, Peter Hain described my reference to the possibility that he, along with other western politicians, might find themselves summoned before the new International Criminal Court as “gratuitous”. It is far from gratuitous. A report for the UN Secretary General, written by Professor Marc Bossuyt, a distinguished authority on international law, says that the “sanctions regime against Iraq is unequivocally illegal under existing human rights law” and “could raise questions under the Genocide Convention”. His subtext is that if the new court is to have authority, it cannot merely dispense the justice of the powerful. A growing body of legal opinion agrees that the court has a duty, as Eric Herring wrote, to investigate “not only the regime, but also the UN bombing and sanctions which have violated the human rights of Iraqi civilians on a vast scale by denying them many of the means necessary for survival. It should also investigate those who assisted [Saddam Hussein’s] programmes of now prohibited weapons, including western governments and companies.”

    Last year, Peter Hain blocked a parliamentary request to publish the full list of culpable British companies Why? A prosecutor might ask why, then ask who has killed the most number of innocent people in Iraq: Saddam Hussein, or British and American murderous policy-makers? The answer may well put the murderous tyrant in second place.”

  • Suhayl Saadi

    And to think that I used to admire Peter Hain, who, among other things – anti-apartheid, etc. – in his pre-governmental power days, in the early 1980s, co-wrote a book called ‘Political Trials in Britain’.

    What happened? How do people lose their souls?

  • Richard Robinson

    Courtenay Barnett – thanks. Is it a direct transcript of a video ? It confirms my memory very closely (except I did think it was a year or two earlier, but that’s not too relevant).

  • Qark

    “Craig Murray thinks you are a conspiraloon. Go back to the 911 thread. He called you idiots conspiraloons.”

    Thus, with Angrysoba, speaks Craig Murray’s bodyguard of 9/11 Liars.

    Larry keeps jeering at “9/11 Truthers” then hoots and howls if anyone has the timerity to respond.

    If Larry is banned, why does is he keep posting here? If mention of 9/11 is prohibited on this thread, why is Larry permitted to continually raise it on this thread?

  • Larry from St. Louis


    So do you think that Craig Murray is involved in the conspiracy to cover up the Truth of 911?

  • Courtenay Barnett

    Hey – Larry from St. Louis – why not go through the forty plus reasons from the truth 9/11 web site and respond on and on and on and see if you can get this thread to 2000 posts.

    Cheers mate.

    THE TOP 40


    … An outline in simple talking points …

    We are continuing to compile the best documentation links for every single point on this page, and intend to post the updated version as soon as possible, and create teaching tools and more from the info. This is a significant and time-consuming process–if you have useful links, please send them to janice[at]911truth[dot]org. Thanks for your help!

    If you use the search function with title key words, you will discover that 911Truth.org is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by cooperativeresearch.org), the 9/11 Reading Room (911readingroom.org), and the NY Attorney General Spitzer petition and complaint (Justicefor911.org). For physical evidence discussion, see Point 7.


    1) AWOL Chain of Command

    a. It is well documented that the officials topping the chain of command for response to a domestic attack – George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers, Montague Winfield – all found reason to do something else during the actual attacks, other than assuming their duties as decision-makers.

    b. Who was actually in charge? Dick Cheney, Richard Clarke, Norman Mineta and the 9/11 Commission directly conflict in their accounts of top-level response to the unfolding events, such that several (or all) of them must be lying.

    2) Air Defense Failures

    a. The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights.

    b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies – NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission – gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable.

    c. Was there an air defense standdown?

    3) Pentagon Strike

    How was it possible the Pentagon was hit 1 hour and 20 minutes after the attacks began? Why was there no response from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away and home to Air National Guard units charged with defending the skies above the nation”s capital? How did Hani Hanjour, a man who failed as a Cessna pilot on his first flight in a Boeing, execute a difficult aerobatic maneuver to strike the Pentagon? Why did the attack strike the just-renovated side, which was largely empty and opposite from the high command?

    4) Wargames

    a. US military and other authorities planned or actually rehearsed defensive response to all elements of the 9/11 scenario during the year prior to the attack – including multiple hijackings, suicide crashbombings, and a strike on the Pentagon.

    b. The multiple military wargames planned long in advance and held on the morning of September 11th included scenarios of a domestic air crisis, a plane crashing into a government building, and a large-scale emergency in New York. If this was only an incredible series of coincidences, why did the official investigations avoid the issue? There is evidence that the wargames created confusion as to whether the unfolding events were “real world or exercise.” Did wargames serve as the cover for air defense sabotage, and/or the execution of an “inside job”?

    5) Flight 93

    Did the Shanksville crash occur at 10:06 (according to a seismic report) or 10:03 (according to the 9/11 Commission)? Does the Commission wish to hide what happened in the last three minutes of the flight, and if so, why? Was Flight 93 shot down, as indicated by the scattering of debris over a trail of several miles?


    6) Did cell phones work at 30,000 feet in 2001? How many hijackings were attempted? How many flights were diverted?

    7) Demolition Hypothesis

    What caused the collapse of a third skyscraper, WTC 7, which was not hit by a plane? Were the Twin Towers and WTC 7 brought down by explosives? (See “The Case for Demolitions,” the websites wtc7.net and 911research.wtc7.net, and the influential article by physicist Steven Jones. See also items no. 16 and 24, below.)


    8) What did officials know? How did they know it?

    a. Multiple allied foreign agencies informed the US government of a coming attack in detail, including the manner and likely targets of the attack, the name of the operation (the “Big Wedding”), and the names of certain men later identified as being among the perpetrators.

    b. Various individuals came into possession of specific advance knowledge, and some of them tried to warn the US prior to September 11th.

    c. Certain prominent persons received warnings not to fly on the week or on the day of September 11th.

    9) Able Danger, Plus – Surveillance of Alleged Hijackers

    a. The men identified as the 9/11 ringleaders were under surveillance for years beforehand, on the suspicion they were terrorists, by a variety of US and allied authorities – including the CIA, the US military”s “Able Danger” program, the German authorities, Israeli intelligence and others.

    b. Two of the alleged ringleaders who were known to be under surveillance by the CIA also lived with an FBI asset in San Diego, but this is supposed to be yet another coincidence.

    10) Obstruction of FBI Investigations prior to 9/11

    A group of FBI officials in New York systematically suppressed field investigations of potential terrorists that might have uncovered the alleged hijackers – as the Moussaoui case once again showed. The stories of Sibel Edmonds, Robert Wright, Coleen Rowley and Harry Samit, the “Phoenix Memo,” David Schippers, the 199i orders restricting investigations, the Bush administration”s order to back off the Bin Ladin family, the reaction to the “Bojinka” plot, and John O”Neil do not, when considered in sum, indicate mere incompetence, but high-level corruption and protection of criminal networks, including the network of the alleged 9/11 conspirators. (Nearly all of these examples were omitted from or relegated to fleeting footnotes in The 9/11 Commission Report.)

    11) Insider Trading

    a. Unknown speculators allegedly used foreknowledge of the Sept. 11th events to profiteer on many markets internationally – including but not limited to “put options” placed to short-sell the two airlines, WTC tenants, and WTC re-insurance companies in Chicago and London.

    b. In addition, suspicious monetary transactions worth hundreds of millions were conducted through offices at the Twin Towers during the actual attacks.

    c. Initial reports on these trades were suppressed and forgotten, and only years later did the 9/11 Commission and SEC provide a partial, but untenable explanation for only a small number of transactions (covering only the airline put options through the Chicago Board of Exchange).

    12) Who were the perpetrators?

    a. Much of the evidence establishing who did the crime is dubious and miraculous: bags full of incriminating material that happened to miss the flight or were left in a van; the “magic passport” of an alleged hijacker, found at Ground Zero; documents found at motels where the alleged perpetrators had stayed days and weeks before 9/11.

    b. The identities of the alleged hijackers remain unresolved, there are contradictions in official accounts of their actions and travels, and there is evidence several of them had “doubles,” all of which is omitted from official investigations.

    c. What happened to initial claims by the government that 50 people involved in the attacks had been identified, including the 19 alleged hijackers, with 10 still at large (suggesting that 20 had been apprehended)? http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/sns-worldtrade-50suspects,0,1825231.story

    THE 9/11 COVER-UP, 2001-2006

    13) Who Is Osama Bin Ladin?

    a. Who judges which of the many conflicting and dubious statements and videos attributed to Osama Bin Ladin are genuine, and which are fake? The most important Osama Bin Ladin video (Nov. 2001), in which he supposedly confesses to masterminding 9/11, appears to be a fake. In any event, the State Department”s translation of it is fraudulent.

    b. Did Osama Bin Ladin visit Dubai and meet a CIA agent in July 2001 (Le Figaro)? Was he receiving dialysis in a Pakistani military hospital on the night of September 10, 2001 (CBS)?

    c. Whether by Bush or Clinton: Why is Osama always allowed to escape?

    d. The terror network associated with Osama, known as the “base” (al-Qaeda), originated in the CIA-sponsored 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. When did this network stop serving as an asset to covert operations by US intelligence and allied agencies? What were its operatives doing in Kosovo, Bosnia and Chechnya in the years prior to 9/11?

    14) All the Signs of a Systematic 9/11 Cover-up

    a. Airplane black boxes were found at Ground Zero, according to two first responders and an unnamed NTSB official, but they were “disappeared” and their existence is denied in The 9/11 Commission Report.

    b. US officials consistently suppressed and destroyed evidence (like the tapes recorded by air traffic controllers who handled the New York flights).

    c. Whistleblowers (like Sibel Edmonds and Anthony Shaffer) were intimidated, gagged and sanctioned, sending a clear signal to others who might be thinking about speaking out.

    d. Officials who “failed” (like Myers and Eberhard, as well as Frasca, Maltbie and Bowman of the FBI) were given promotions.

    15) Poisoning New York

    The White House deliberately pressured the EPA into giving false public assurances that the toxic air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe. This knowingly contributed to an as-yet unknown number of health cases and fatalities, and demonstrates that the administration does consider the lives of American citizens to be expendable on behalf of certain interests.

    16) Disposing of the Crime Scene

    The rapid and illegal scrapping of the WTC ruins at Ground Zero disposed of almost all of the structural steel indispensable to any investigation of the collapse mechanics. (See also item no. 23, below.)

    17) Anthrax

    Mailings of weapons-grade anthrax – which caused a practical suspension of the 9/11 investigations – were traced back to US military stock. Soon after the attacks began in October 2001, the FBI approved the destruction of the original samples of the Ames strain, disposing of perhaps the most important evidence in identifying the source of the pathogens used in the mailings. Were the anthrax attacks timed to coincide with the Afghanistan invasion? Why were the letters sent only to media figures and to the leaders of the opposition in the Senate (who had just raised objections to the USA PATRIOT Act)?

    18) The Stonewall

    a. Colin Powell promised a “white paper” from the State Department to establish the authorship of the attacks by al-Qaeda. This was never forthcoming, and was instead replaced by a paper from Tony Blair, which presented only circumstantial evidence, with very few points actually relating to September 11th.

    b. Bush and Cheney pressured the (freshly-anthraxed) leadership of the Congressional opposition into delaying the 9/11 investigation for months. The administration fought against the creation of an independent investigation for more than a year.

    c. The White House thereupon attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger as the chief investigator, and acted to underfund and obstruct the 9/11 Commission.

    19) A Record of Official Lies

    a. “No one could have imagined planes into buildings” – a transparent falsehood upheld repeatedly by Rice, Rumsfeld and Bush.

    b. “Iraq was connected to 9/11” – The most “outrageous conspiracy theory” of all, with the most disastrous impact.

    20) Pakistani Connection – Congressional Connection

    a. The Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, creator of the Taliban and close ally to both the CIA and “al-Qaeda,” allegedly wired $100,000 to Mohamed Atta just prior to September 11th, reportedly through the ISI asset Omar Saeed Sheikh (later arrested for the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was investigating ISI connections to “al-Qaeda.”)

    b. This was ignored by the congressional 9/11 investigation, although the senator and congressman who ran the probe (Bob Graham and Porter Goss) were meeting with the ISI chief, Mahmud Ahmed, on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11th.

    c. About 25 percent of the report of the Congressional Joint Inquiry was redacted, including long passages regarding how the attack (or the network allegedly behind it) was financed. Graham later said foreign allies were involved in financing the alleged terror network, but that this would only come out in 30 years.

    21) Unanswered Questions and the “Final Fraud” of the 9/11 Commission:

    a. The September 11th families who fought for and gained an independent investigation (the 9/11 Commission) posed 400-plus questions, which the 9/11 Commission adopted as its roadmap. The vast majority of these questions were completely ignored in the Commission hearings and the final report.

    b. The membership and staff of the 9/11 Commission displayed awesome conflicts of interest. The families called for the resignation of Executive Director Philip Zelikow, a Bush administration member and close associate of “star witness” Condoleezza Rice, and were snubbed. Commission member Max Cleland resigned, condemning the entire exercise as a “scam” and “whitewash.”

    c.The 9/11 Commission Report is notable mainly for its obvious omissions, distortions and outright falsehoods – ignoring anything incompatible with the official story, banishing the issues to footnotes, and even dismissing the still-unresolved question of who financed 9/11 as being “of little practical significance.”

    22) Crown Witnesses Held at Undisclosed Locations

    The alleged masterminds of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) and Ramzi Binalshibh, are reported to have been captured in 2002 and 2003, although one Pakistani newspaper said KSM was killed in an attempted capture. They have been held at undisclosed locations and their supposed testimonies, as provided in transcript form by the government, form much of the basis for The 9/11 Commission Report (although the Commission”s request to see them in person was denied). After holding them for years, why doesn”t the government produce these men and put them to trial?

    23) Spitzer Redux

    a. Eliot Spitzer, attorney general of New York State, snubbed pleas by New York citizens to open 9/11 as a criminal case (Justicefor911.org).

    b. Spitzer also refused to allow his employee, former 9/11 Commission staff member Dietrich Snell, to testify to the Congress about his (Snell”s) role in keeping “Able Danger” entirely out of The 9/11 Commission Report.

    24) NIST Omissions

    After the destruction of the WTC structural steel, the official Twin Towers collapse investigation was left with almost no forensic evidence, and thus could only provide dubious computer models of ultimately unprovable hypotheses. It failed to even test for the possibility of explosives. (Why not clear this up?)

    25) Radio Silence

    The 9/11 Commission and NIST both allowed the continuing cover-up of how Motorola”s faulty radios, purchased by the Giuliani administration, caused firefighter deaths at the WTC – once again showing the expendability, even of the first responders.

    26) The Legal Catch-22

    a. Hush Money – Accepting victims” compensation barred September 11th families from pursuing discovery through litigation.

    b. Judge Hallerstein – Those who refused compensation to pursue litigation and discovery had their cases consolidated under the same judge (and as a rule dismissed).

    27) Saudi Connections

    a. The 9/11 investigations made light of the “Bin Ladin Airlift” during the no-fly period, and ignored the long-standing Bush family business ties to the Bin Ladin family fortune. (A company in which both families held interests, the Carlyle Group, was holding its annual meeting on September 11th, with George Bush Sr., James Baker, and two brothers of Osama Bin Ladin in attendance.)

    b. The issue of Ptech.

    28) Media Blackout of Prominent Doubters

    The official story has been questioned and many of the above points were raised by members of the US Congress, retired high-ranking officers of the US military, the three leading third-party candidates for President in the 2004 election, a member of the 9/11 Commission who resigned in protest, a former high-ranking adviser to the George W. Bush administration, former ministers to the German, British and Canadian governments, the commander-in-chief of the Russian air force, 100 luminaries who signed the “9/11 Truth Statement,” and the presidents of Iran and Venezuela. Not all of these people agree fully with each other, but all would normally be considered newsworthy. Why has the corporate-owned US mass media remained silent about these statements, granting due coverage only to the comments of actor Charlie Sheen?


    29) “The Great Game”

    The Afghanistan invasion was ready for Bush”s go-ahead on September 9, 2001, with US and UK force deployments to the region already in place or underway. This followed the failure earlier that year of backdoor diplomacy with the Taliban (including payments of $125 million in US government aid to Afghanistan), in an attempt to secure a unity government for that country as a prerequisite to a Central Asian pipeline deal.

    30) The Need for a “New Pearl Harbor”

    Principals in US foreign policy under the current Bush administration (including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle and others) have been instrumental in developing long-running plans for worldwide military hegemony, including an invasion of the Middle East, dating back to the Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations. They reiterated these plans in the late 1990s as members of the “Project for a New American Century,” and stated a clear intent to invade Iraq for the purpose of “regime change.” After 9/11, they lost no time in their attempt to tie Iraq to the attacks.

    31) Perpetual “War on Terror”

    9/11 is supposed to provide carte-blanche for an open-ended, global and perpetual “War on Terror,” against any enemy, foreign or domestic, that the executive branch chooses to designate, and regardless of whether evidence exists to actually connect these enemies to 9/11.

    32) Attacking the Constitution

    a. The USA PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, Homeland Security and the “Shadow Government” were developed long before 9/11, and plans for rounding up dissidents as a means for suppressing civil disturbance have been in the works for decades.

    b. 9/11 was used as the pretext to create a new, extra-constitutional executive authority to declare anyone an “enemy combatant” (including American citizens), to detain persons indefinitely without habeas corpus, and to “render” such persons to secret prisons where torture is practiced.

    33) Legal Trillions

    9/11 triggers a predictable shift of public spending to war, and boosts public and private spending in the “new” New Economy of “Homeland Security,” biometrics, universal surveillance, prisons, civil defense, secured enclaves, security, etc.

    34) Plundered Trillions?

    On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced a “war on waste” after an internal audit found that the Pentagon was “missing” 2.3 trillion dollars in unaccounted assets. On September 11th, this was as good as forgotten.

    35) Did 9/11 prevent a stock market crash?

    Did anyone benefit from the destruction of the Securities and Exchange Commission offices at WTC 7, and the resultant crippling of hundreds of fraud investigations?

    36) Resource Wars

    a. What was discussed in the Energy Task Force meetings under Dick Cheney in 2001? Why is the documentation of these meetings still being suppressed?

    b. Is Peak Oil a motive for 9/11 as inside job?

    37) The “Little Game”

    Why was the WTC privatized just before its destruction?


    38) “Al-CIA-da?”

    The longstanding relationship between US intelligence networks and radical Islamists, including the network surrounding Osama Bin Ladin. (See also point 13d.)

    39) Historical Precedents for “Synthetic Terror”

    a. In the past many states, including the US government, have sponsored attacks on their own people, fabricated the “cause for war,” created (and armed) their own enemies of convenience, and sacrificed their own citizens for “reasons of state.”

    b. Was 9/11 an update of the Pentagon-approved “Project Northwoods” plan for conducting self-inflicted, false-flag terror attacks in the United States, and blaming them on a foreign enemy?

    40) Secret Government

    a. The record of criminality and sponsorship of coups around the world by the covert networks based within the US intelligence complex.

    b. Specifically also: The evidence of crime by Bush administration principals and their associates, from October Surprise to Iran-Contra and the S&L plunder to PNAC, Enron/Halliburton and beyond.



    Ground Zero aftermath movements:

    – Justice for the air-poisoning cover-up (wtceo.org)

    – “Radio Silence” (radiosilencefdny.com)

    – Skyscraper Safety (www.skyscrapersafety.org).

    Election fraud and black box voting, 2000 to 2004. (BlackBoxVoting.org)

    Lies to justify the invasion of Iraq. (afterdowningstreet.org)

    Use of depleted uranium and its multi-generational consequences on human health and the environment.

    Longstanding development of contingency plans for civil disturbance and military rule in the USA (See, “The War at Home”)

    Oklahoma City Truth movement. (Offline, but not forgotten – May 9, 2008!)

    Whether you call it “Globalization” or “The New World Order” – An unsustainable system of permanent growth ultimately requires warfare, fraud, and mass manipulation.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Courtenay Barnett:

    Those items have been answered again and again and again. But, just like evolution deniers and Holocaust deniers, you people will never listen or learn.

    Craig Murray thinks you’re a conspiraloon for bringing up all these points. How does that make you feel? Why do you keep coming back to a site owned by someone who thinks you’re a nutjob?

  • Richard Robinson

    “Why do you keep coming back to a site owned by someone who” has already made it clear you’re not welcome to do this shit ?

  • Lucretius

    “Goebbels/Goering, what’s the difference, eh?”

    Well, they both begin with Goe, don’t they, which must have seemed close enough at 4.00 AM.

    But according to the song, “Goering he only had one ball” (which is anatomically correct, apparently, the other testicle having been lost in the Beer Hall Putsch of1923 — details unavailable), whereas “Poor old Goebbels had no balls at all” (which is unlikely unless his numerous children were all adopted).

    Good video on Cass Sunstein’s (and Larry’s) business — the manufacture of consent:


    And it’s Larry, not Qark, who presumes to speak for CM when he says:

    “Craig Murray thinks you are a conspiraloon. Go back to the 911 thread. He called you idiots conspiraloons.”

  • Anonymous

    A week after the streetcleaners’

    ‘plot’, we now have a terrrrr threat announced by Theresa May. Keep it going ConDems – Blair and Brown would be proud of you.


    The threat level to Great Britain from Irish-related terrorism has been raised from moderate to substantial. Home Secretary Theresa May said it meant an attack was a “strong possibility”. It was the first time this threat level had been published, the Home Office confirmed. Tonight Liz Mackean investigates what’s happened to prompt the raising of the threat level and we hope to speak to senior politicians and terror experts.



  • Suhayl Saadi

    Perhaps weaponised buffing-machines have been exported from London to Loch Ness to Belfast! Beware the cleaners! On second thoughts, beware the terror experts.

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