Workaday Terrorism 184

Let us assume for a moment that the parcel bombs sent to Jewish targets in Chicago were viable devices and this was a real attack by anti-Jewish, and probably Islamic, terrorists. There are other possible explanations, but it is not improbable this was a real attempted attack.

We are looking at low level, workaday terrorism. Parcel bombs were not infrequent in the UK in my youth, and the Unabomber caused extraordinary levels of alarm in the United States. Any loss of life is deplorable, but the scale of this threat appears to have been small.

It is hard to believe that a parcel bomb would have killed more than a couple of people – there have been a large number of parcel bombs used over decades, and they do not cause mass casualties. Now two or three dead or injured people is too many, but the worldwide media coverage is completely disproportionate to the threat – if they covered every two or three actually, not potentially, dead Afghans in this depth, they would never cover anything else.

It is of course possible that the media coverage was the aim rather than two or three unfortunate people in Chicago. The easy and extremely detailed tip off from the Saudi security services is very interesting. If publicity rather than death was the aim, that rather widens the field of people who might have been behind it.

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184 thoughts on “Workaday Terrorism

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  • somebody

    The BBC have just had these warmongers in turn over the last ten minutes.

    Jon Leyne – BBC Correspondent now based in Cairo. Famous for carrying the anti Iranian propaganda during the ‘Green Revolution’. He was thrown out of Iran.

    Gordon Correra – BBC Security Correspondent

    Dr Tobias Feakin (who?)- Royal United Services Institute

    Kim Ghattas – BBC Correspondent USA

    Only Gardner is missing. Probably at some posh house party.

    It is noticeable how the BBC studio presenters on the News Channel are desperate to get their interviewees to up the ante and almost put words into their mouths, unnecessarily as they are quite capable of repeating the stuff ad nauseam.

  • Anonymous

    “Gardner is missing. Probably at some posh house party.” – or sifting through possible saidi patsy’s for the next frame-up.

    He used to carry small Qur’ans in his ass pocket to give to people as gifts.

  • Roderick Russell

    Somebody at October 30, 2010 5:39 PM said “Interesting that LfStL weighed in here so heavily today”. Also interesting was that LfstL weighed into the debate at 10.58 AM GMT; which was in the night in St. Louis and suggests to me that this particular Larry isn’t from St. Louis.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Prospect magazine (anyone remember ‘Encounter’ magazine?) awarded RUSI recently. How very nice, how very, very nice.

    Encounter magazine was CIA-funded.

    Nowadays, the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) overtly does much of the work the CIA used to do covertly vis a vis the moulding of opinion, etc., etc. esp. in Europe and other parts of the world outside the USA.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Prospect’s website doesn’t allude to who funds them. I see they have a new editor.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    So, in China one has Falun Gong; in former Soviet central Asia, this ‘Gulen’ Movement.

    The previous post contains an interview with Sibel Edmonds on the subject.

    Now take a look at Falun Gong.

    And now tell me why we on this blog – and many millions in the world – are wrong to be deeply suspicious of the official ‘terror’ narrative with which we are being swamped, day-after-day-after-day.

    I am indeed suspicious of religious organisations of this type, and of the media organs which seem to promote them, because it seems arguable that many of the organisations are being run by the CIA.

    Nothing new there. It’s the 1980s, folks, the 1980s, which never ended (more’s the pity).

  • Ruth

    Hey, Suhayl,

    Why don’t you compose a song about this delusional bombing hype?

    Rage against terror or Let’s get the bastards’ maybe.

    PS I like ‘The man in the jar’

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Good idea, Ruth! Leave it with me…

    I see that now the asteroid again has spun into the picture: FEAR. Perhaps there’s a woman in Yemen who controls the asteroids in the sky with the power of her cosmic thought-patterns, specifically, the modulated delta waves she is able to emit – it’s a new mutation, don’t-you-know.

    It’s been named, ‘The Yemeni Delta-wave’, which could refer either to a type of football terrace movement or to a particularly difficult Californian surf move.

  • alan campbell

    “delusional bombing hype”. Oh dear. Sometimes I wonder why posters here are so in denial that AQ and its affiliates might want to kill people? It’s what they say they want to do after all. If they could’ve taken out 30,000 on 9/11,they would have.

    Ah, but no. I then remember it’s because so many of you are oh-so-clever-condescending-liberati moral relativists who can only see wrong when it’s committed by the US/Europe.

  • Apostate

    This guy suhayl comes over as a cross between Edward Lear the nonsense poet and T.S.Eliot the other…….nonsense poet.

    What the fuck are you on about,man?

    We’re talking re-false flag terror. I mean are you familiar with Guy de Bord of Gianfranco Sanguinetti?

    If not,and I’m pretty sure it is NOT read this:

    After reading and digesting you may find you have something to say worth listening to or even vaguely appropriate.

    Now cut the Boy Scout bullshit and come back and tell us something re-the Society of the Spectacle and its relevance to the issue.

    We’ve got all the bollocks we need coming out of the corporate media right now without turning up here and having to read the piffle you write,mate.

    No disrespect you understand.

  • Ruth

    Look what I’ve just found in the Mail

    The ‘bomber’ left her phone number with the courier company!

    ‘Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates had provided him with information that helped identify the woman as a suspect.

    He said security forces had surrounded a house in the capital city of Sanaa that was believed to be holding the woman. A security official later confirmed the woman had been arrested.

    Investigators in Yemen confirmed they traced the woman through a telephone number left with courier company UPS. They are also searching for several accomplices linked to Al Qaeda.’

  • dreoilin

    ‘The ‘bomber’ left her phone number with the courier company!’

    That’s a “hallmark” of Al Quaeda. A bit like the passport found in the ruins of the twin towers.

  • Roderick Russell

    Somebody at October 30, 2010 7:23 PM said “RUSI are always on the BBC … Does anyone know anything about them and who funds them.” Apparently they get involved with * Counter-terrorism policy *, and we sure could use their help in Canada since elements within our own intelligence agency seem to have gone rogue. Here is an article describing

    Spooks, Lies and Threats: Canada’s Shameful Cover-up

  • Kieron Golding - Student


    Came across this while sleep-walking –

    don’t care about your eggs or orange pumpkins because;)

    A secret government agency has developed a scanner which determines whether a person is a terrorist.

    The scanner is fairly reliable; 95% of all scanned terrorists are identified as terrorists, and 95% of all upstanding citizens are identified as such.

    An informant tells the agency that exactly one passenger of 100 aboard an aeroplane in which in you are seated is a terrorist.

    The agency decide to scan each passenger, and the shifty looking man sitting next to you tests positive.

    Were you sitting next to a terrorist?

    What are the chances that this man really is a terrorist?

    A reward for the best answer. (no googling)

  • somebody

    Gordon Corera has thought up a new acronym for us…. AQAP

    ‘Further investigations in Yemen are likely to focus on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)’

    I read that the use of the phrase Arabian Peninsula is sanctioned by (S)Hillary Clinton rather than the usual Persian Gulf. This is designed to aggravate Iran.

  • Steve

    I think we all need to step back and draw breath. I think most of you know what I do for a living. As such I know a little about the subject. A few obvious observations.

    It appears to have taken the experts several hours to conclude it was a viable device. Waiting for it to get to some laboratory for analysis. This would lead me to believe that it was very sophisticated and disguised. Not a quick knock together home made bodge job.

    the Saudis knew everything including the consignment number of this parcel. Inside man perhaps? The bomb was targeting an obscure synagogue in Chicago that had been alerted of the threat.

    My humble thoughts.

    A few vulnerable people with sympathy with AQ were infiltrated by some secret service. A plot was hatched genuine in as much as the people doing it wanted a bomb. The agent provocateur leaked the despatch number etc info to the secret service and the CIA found a happy dupe victim probably via mossad to play the role. The package was safely intercepted and the media circus gets to work. Budgets are secured the public are kept in check through terror tactics and everybody is happy.

    It always makes me wonder how you can be so bloody bad at bomb making that they nearly always fail to go off. But in Afghanistan and Iraq and Israel terrorists successfully make IEDs day in day out with extreme skill that hardly ever fail to detonate.

    I dont want one person to die I dont want one successful bomb but i dont want to live in a police state where we are kept in check by a corrupt state and a corrupt media working for them.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    OK, Steve, so I’ll count that as a vote for “The Jews did it.”

    How original.

  • Vronsky

    Alan asks:

    “I condemn attacks carried out on civilians by religious extremists of whatever religion.

    Yes or no?”

    The inclusion of a qualification tends to suggest that if the phrase were shortened to “I condemn attacks carried out on civilians” then it would have a different sense, and Alan would not sign up to it.

    Yes or no Alan?

    Same thing in his earlier post:

    “unable to bring themselves to condemn attempted terrorist outrages planned by religious extremists”

    ..except the language there is so value-laden it’s difficult to extract any specific meaning – Alan, you might as well ask: “Don’t you disapprove of really, really nasty things?” Excuse me if I answer for everyone: we do, we do. Hope I’ve cleared that up for you.

    That bomb:

    At the last elections letter bombs were sent to addresses ‘in the north’ and were (according to a compliments slip thoughtfully enclosed) from Scottish nationalists. I think in the end someone go into trouble for thinking Blackburn was in Scotland, and a franking machine at Vauxhall Bridge had to be replaced.


    “The policies of the major powers cause the problems and then the major powers find the need for ever-more-grandiose military interventions in order to ‘sort-out’ the problems which they have caused. ”

    I heard an HR department (used to be ‘personnel’) described as the people who spend 95% of their time sorting out problems that they created in the other 5%. I can think of a few more parallels between the major powers and the HR function, but I’ve got to go and paint the stairs.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Alan Campbell: “Ah, but no. I then remember it’s because so many of you are oh-so-clever-condescending-liberati moral relativists who can only see wrong when it’s committed by the US/Europe.”

    Actually, I think these people are way beyond that. The people you are describing admit that – once in a while – a jihadist might do something bad, but the reason they’re doing something bad is because of the West. You know the type.

    But the people at this blog:

    1) never think a Muslim can do wrong;

    2) explicitly root for al-Qaeda and such when, in contradiction to #1, does wrong;

    3) aren’t smart enough to be condescending; and

    4) are more the Tim McVeigh type that anyone else.

    They’re the most ignorant members of the British Left – so ignorant that they’ve signed up for 75% of the agenda of the American Right.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Roderick Russell,

    What’s the best piece of evidence that the government is after you? Remember that you writing a letter to the editor of the Toronto Weekly Examiner and Auto Trader does not constitute evidence that the government is after you.

    Not only do I doubt your claims – it’s quite obvious to me that EVERY OTHER PERSON AT THIS BLOG doubts your silly delusional stories.

  • technicolour

    ah, I see, when in doubt, resort to outright lies. Brilliant strategy, you must be proud of yourselves.

  • Mark Golding

    You are clever Larry (not from St Louis) – ready to strike like a snake when the chance opens for character assassination – that is a paid troll roll.

    Your bait varies but McVeigh is the latest – most are aware Larry that McVeigh murdered children and babies in the basement nursery.

    So take your bait back to your paymasters with the words, ‘sorry their Brits, too sane, too stable, too wise.’

    Oh and people – never click on a spam bot – it records your IP with a time-stamp.

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