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463 thoughts on “And in next week’s Guardian, Joseph Goebells reviews Mein Kampf.

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  • Ruth

    It’s becoming quite obvious now that the police are following a political agenda to suppress demonstrations. It seems to me they want to do two things. The first is to frighten people against

    demonstrating by intimidating them through the use of kettling, charging at them on horseback, beating up them up and even killing them.

    The second thing is to make the demonstrations look violent presumably so that demonstrations can easily be made illegal in the near future. The police took one hour to arrive at the Tory headquarters after the security guards phoned them for help. In the latest demonstration it seems the police deliberately left the van to be vandalised. I wonder if an agent provocateur was there to give the van its first hit.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    This is what I mean when I say that Israel actually needs a truly statesman/woman figure. Mick Davis has had the courage to say what I sense is on a lot of people’s minds. But why the aggression against him? Is what he says not obvious to anyone who has not been asleep for the past x number of years? Of course, it is because some people want only one solution in the Levant and it entails complete annexation and expulsion.

  • glenn

    Straying slightly from the topic(s), it finally occurred to me why Cameron and Obama have been wooing India and China so much recently. Obviously, there is a trade war underway, and we’re losing. Were they there to ask them to play nice, to stop accepting our outsourcing of labour and manufacturing? To stop manipulating their currencies and make things easier on us?

    These are, we’re always told, “emerging markets” in which we want be involved. Why are they emerging? Because they’ve got our manufacturing base. Millions of jobs have been outsourced, and so even more millions of families in India now have a disposable income, courtesy of the British/American consumer in particular, that they never had before. They’re going to spend it on products that we can sell them, particularly if sophisticated messaging persuades them they’re just a step away from nirvana should they do so. Naturally, these consumer products will also be manufactured in China in the main, but the investor class still can turn a considerable buck by facilitating that transaction.

    Once the western countries, led by Ireland in particular, and the likes of the UK/US in general are bankrupted, China will be able to say, “Goodbye! Thanks for all the money, but we don’t need you anymore.” They’ll have already bought us up in large part by then anyway. Their own emerging markets, together with that of the other BRIC counties (Brazil, Russia, India) will provide a growing customer base for the foreseeable future. Our fearless leaders are aware of this, and are smoothing it over so the investor class gets a good piece of the action. They must have concluded it’s too late to save our industrial base and even most of the great Services Industry, and they are not interested anyway – it suits the investor class better to stay with the massive gains of cheap labour with India and China until the last, even as it hollows out our own economy.

    This seems to be suiting the ideologues of the hard right, who always believed an aspiring upper-working/middle class was a disaster to social order. There should be the working poor, and the very rich, with maybe a sprinkling of the ultra-skilled working class allowed a comfortable living. Even at such an enormous cost to our nations, regaining that social order appears to make the destruction of the middle class, and the death of our manufacturing base, a price worth paying.

  • tony_opmoc

    So I asked who The Fuck Is FC United Manchester…

    When they came up on Th TV Screen and They Gad Got a Draw at Brighton and Hove Albion

    So I went to have a piss whilst The All Blacks were All Over The Welsh..

    And I asked – Do You Know Who The Fuck

    FC United of Manchester


    He said I haven’t got a clue, in fact, I got my days wrong and should have stayed in bed

    Chelsea Play Tomorrow…

    The London Gentleman Kind Of Blew Me Away…

    He said to me – you have changed my life today….

    I didn’t think it still existed….

    He said to me – you have never seen me before in your life…

    And you have been telling me all day…

    About your wife – and what she has done today – and how proud you are of her because she is just so welcome open and genuinely friendly to everyone she meets…

    And he says to me – you didn’t have to say that about her…

    I said we come from Lancashire


  • tony_opmoc

    You see I am a human being too, and I know I sometimes write things that you don’t want to read me say

    But he criticism of me – REALLY HURTS

    I am soft and Gentle Like My Wife

    O.K. – I admit my failures –


    I write stuff when I get up in the morning – using The Fresh Milkman’s MILK

    And I Bring Her a Cup Of Coffee in Bed…

    And I go for a walk in The Country With Her and in 3 Hours 225 people all over the world have ticked a little box saying they Liked what I had written…

    And I think well for every person who read what I wrote….

    225 people all over the world have ticked a little box saying they Liked what I had written…

    How many people read it – even on a conservative estimation of 100 to 1 reafers will respond

    That is 22,500 people who actually read what I wrote in the morning – and 225 ticked a box….saying they Liked what I wrote…

    What did I say?


  • tony_opmoc


    Are You Trying To Stop Our Children



    because you think you know so much…..

    Haven’t you actually had any Children of Your Own…


    Are YOU Trying To Atack MY Children???

    Because We Fought For Our HUMAN RIGHTS and GOT OUR MAGNA CARTA IN 1215

    And We WILL JAIL YOU after you have had a Fair Trial – and All The EVIDENCE HAS BEEH HEARD AND SEEN IN DETAIL…

    I am on your side. I am trying to keep you alive – whilst they just want to rip out your guts by hand…

    But that is too kind…

    So we keep these Evil Bastards Alive as Long as Possible – As An Example To The Future Of OUR HUMAN RACE


  • CheebaCow

    While people are waiting for Craig to make another post, I recommend the blog It provides some interesting content about the current financial situation.

  • somebody

    FYI from Media Lens Message Board

    From –

    Hi guys,

    A very troubling issue has come up.

    The UK military have issued a D notice to news editors that leaked info from wikileaks should not be published.

    This means that the info will go around the blogs. At the same time Nominet which runs .uk domains is letting the police remove ‘illegal’ domains from the net. Today, one of the most respected bloggers on the UK scene has advised bloggers to use hosts outside the UK and not use .uk domain.

    Here is the Nominet briefing: (

    I think this may be used as a pretext to close down some political blogs. I am the economy editor of a new site ( and we are very concerned about this.

    Can you please warn people. I’m sure Alex at inforwars would be interested in this development too.



  • dave from france

    Hi CRAIG,

    I see that ‘somebody’ at newsnetscotland wrote at 6.34AM.

    Quite a coincidence, as they are publishing articles from GolemXIV’s blog, which I was just calling in to recommend to you . I think you will be interested , the same actually for NakedCapitalism also recommended a very few posts back .

    Regards, dave or frog2

  • CheebaCow


    Thanks for the recommendation, seems like an interesting site and the style isn’t quite as dry as Naked Capitalism:

    “And so it has come to pass for Ireland. European and UK banks are now going to use Ireland as their sphincter. And the Irish people are going to clean it up for them. Ably volunteered for the job by their loyal political class. Loyal to who and what is another question.”

  • Clark


    thanks for that link. carried the only confirmation of the D-Notice on WikiLeaks material that I could find.


    Nominet heads DNS lookups for the UK; am I right? But do we actually need URLs converted to IP addresses in order to access websites? If I know an IP address, how do I use it to bypass DNS lookup?

  • dreoilin

    Sphincter-nomics. And as someone said at the protest yesterday (which people are claiming was a lot bigger than 50,000, btw) we’ve had a government with no mandate doing a deal with unelected officials.

    A majority of those polled by the Sunday Independent favoured defaulting. But “the Europeans went completely mad” at the very idea.

    Just for the record: I’ve never voted Fianna Fail. I voted against the EEC in 1972, and everything else since, including Lisbon twice. But none of us could vote against the banks. Very hard to operate nowadays without one.

    This D-Notice: Can they stop publication entirely?

  • CheebaCow


    It’s prbably easier to use a free DNS service rather than trying to surf via IP. Check out: or

  • angrysoba

    “Hi guys,

    A very troubling issue has come up.

    The UK military have issued a D notice to news editors that leaked info from wikileaks should not be published.”

    What is this about?

    Has Wikileaks actually published anything by today?

    I don’t know how they can expect to keep everything off the net.

    From here in Japan, when I go to the Wikileaks site it just has information about the Iraq and Afghan war blogs.

  • angrysoba

    “I don’t know how they can expect to keep everything off the net.”

    “They” being the British government.

  • CheebaCow

    “But none of us could vote against the banks. Very hard to operate nowadays without one.”

    Seems like it’s equally hard to operate with one. The Irish people didn’t cause the problems, it was the banks. (Sorry, I know I’m preaching to the choir)

  • Clark


    WikiLeaks announced the D-Notice on their Twitter feed a couple of hours before I commented on it above (November 26, 2010 8:26 PM). I Googled for confirmation, and found only Since then, the MediaLens post has appeared.

  • Clark

    Angrysoba, no, we’re still waiting for the latest leak; the WikiLeaks Twitter feed has not changed for a day or so.

    CheebaCow, of course, OpenDNS etc, thanks. I’d still like to know if I can do DNS manually.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Just enter the ip in the browser address bar ie is my server. The problem is a large number of domains are usually hosted on the same server. To see a list of logical domains on the same server go here:


    Good post – tells me the WTO is virtually redundant.


    Looks like we disclosed or stumbled upon too much information and SOC are involved – History channel is repeating JFK anyone see this version of events?

    I love dogs – the four legged kind not the likes of Cherchoff and his body scanners that will cost the UK £300,000 EACH here:

  • Clark


    you misunderstand the purpose of news management. There will always be a minority who discover the hidden truth. The intention is to keep that group a small enough minority that it lacks mainstream credibility and can be ignored. The point isn’t to completely suppress certain facts but to deprive those facts of mainstream credibility, or to release them slowly enough to minimise public protest.

  • Clark


    I hope you’ll be blogging when this WikiLeaks release comes out. These are diplomatic telegrams; us mortals are going to need a translator we can trust!

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Another tip – faster surfing and more reliable. Use ‘open dns’

    How-to: Windows users

    Right-click on your network connection

    Select ‘Properties’

    On the ‘General tab’ highlight ‘Internet protocol (TCP/IP) and select the ‘Properties tab’

    Click the ‘Use the following DNS server setting’ radio button.

    In preferred DNS server box put:

    In the alternate DNS server box put:

    Hit OK

    You are now using open DNS a quality service.

  • angrysoba


    you misunderstand the purpose of news management. There will always be a minority who discover the hidden truth.”

    No, Clark, I think YOU misunderstand the point of my question.

    I was saying that I live in Japan and if this Wikileaks thing is released, the D-notice probably wouldn’t cover where I live. Why should anyone but a parochial yokel living in a meaningless backwater such as the UK think that the UK government slapping a D-notice on Wikileaks matters to the rest of the six billion people in the world? Oh yes, because only those parochial yokels such as yourselves who find “the hidden truth” actually mean anything!

    No! Think again!

    If Wikileaks release important information that YOU in the UK are somehow forbidden from seeing maybe you can still get people who live OUTSIDE THE UK to download the stuff or to publicise the stuff or otherwise pass it on to people in the UK to disseminate.

    Now do you know ANYONE who lives outside the UK who would be able to do that? Hmmm?

  • Clark


    yes, I know you. I also know how to use a proxy so I appear to be outside the UK. But so what? If I tell my bus driver that, say, UK/US diplomatic telegrams prove the invasion of Irag was for oil, will he believe me if there’s been on mention on TV news or in the press? It’s no use my saying “But I know Angrysoba in Japan”; he still won’t believe me.

    The point is not to suppress the truth, it’s to manipulate the consensus of the electorate.

    The UK is not a “meaningless backwater”, it’s holds important components of the Military-Industrial Complex. Voter satisfaction must not be permitted to fall too far, or the illusion of democracy is shattered and the democratic mandate is revealed as hollow.

  • Clark

    Mark Golding, if I put Craig’s server’s IP address into the browser address bar, all I get is a message from the Apache server. Likewise with coia. Appending “/index.html” gives the same result. Something is obviously missing, the directory, perhaps?

  • angrysoba

    “If I tell my bus driver that, say, UK/US diplomatic telegrams prove the invasion of Irag was for oil, will he believe me if there’s been on mention on TV news or in the press?”

    And presumably if you tell the bus driver and he believes you he’ll say, “Oh, I better vote the government out and get the Labour Party in!”

    “The point is not to suppress the truth, it’s to manipulate the consensus of the electorate.”

    Maybe you should tell the bus driver to read “Manufacturing Consent” then.

    “The UK is not a “meaningless backwater”, it’s holds important components of the Military-Industrial Complex.”

    I think the MIC was what Eisenhower meant by industries that drained the US budget. There are, of course, versions around the world of vested interests, particularly in military or security industries that have a close relationship with politicians, particularly those who hold the key to certain jobs or who make exorbitant demands on food and resources but that doesn’t mean there is a single Military Industrial Complex of which the UK produces components. That is just silly. The US, China, Russia and soon India, Brazil and a number of other countries will have no need of the UK.

    Some of that will bring a smug grin to the lips of a few fatuous lefties whose sole purpose in life was to flagellate themselves into abject submission until the terrible realization that their own political project was no great shakes.

    “Voter satisfaction must not be permitted to fall too far, or the illusion of democracy is shattered and the democratic mandate is revealed as hollow.”

    And, er… explain to me what could possibly show that the “democratic mandate is hollow”. Are you just making this up?

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