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463 thoughts on “And in next week’s Guardian, Joseph Goebells reviews Mein Kampf.

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  • Clark

    Angrysoba, of course I’m just making it up. What are you doing? What is it that you think I should be doing? Reading the autocue properly?

  • somebody

    BBC ae just saying that Wikileaks is under severe cyber attack at the moment.

    Seperately, this is on medialens on the US Department of Homeland Security taking down websites. Fitwatch of course was taken down in this country recently.


    US govt. control of the internet? DHS takes over 76 websites for ‘copyright’ infringement

    Posted by walter on November 28, 2010, 12:54 pm, in reply to “Police seek powers to shut websites”

    US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

    “Over 75 websites were seized and shut down last week, and there is no indication that the government will stop such efforts. Right now, their focus is websites that they claim “violate copyrights,” yet the website that was seized by DHS contained no copyrighted content whatsoever. It was merely a search engine website that linked to destinations where people could access copyrighted content. Google also links to copyrighted content — does that mean the feds will soon seize Google, too?”

    This looks very bad.

    Posted by Stephen on November 28, 2010, 3:04 pm, in reply to “US govt. control of the internet? DHS takes over 76 websites for ‘copyright’ infringement”

    Thanks Walter,

    This looks very bad. It looks as if the only thing to do is host with so-called “bullet proof” hosts, as wikileaks has done in Sweeden. But it may only be a matter of time before US and UK influence the Swedes to change their laws, or perhaps even their constitution, thus forcing wikileaks to move and eventually shut-down under pressure from international agreements.

    Read about Wikileaks’ host here:

    In any case, it will get expensive going with these sorts of hosts, and that in itself will be a deterrent. They are closing the noose.

    It’s interesting, isn’t it, that this is happening at the same time in both the US and the UK. Just a couple of weeks ago we had the UK police closing down fitwatch, with the help of their obsequious host provider, and now we have the UK police seeking executive powers to close down any .uk website through Nominet. This bypasses the host altogether, but of course people can always register with other top level domains, such as .com or .tv or .nl or whatever, until they too are brought under control by international agreement. Have there ever been powers to close down printing presses, I wonder? Does the government really need these powers?

    And so, slowly, we see this brief enlightenment of internet freedom dim under the crushing power of governments of the so-called free world, increasingly hard to distinguish from their erstwhile totalitarian counterparts from the cold war.

    Best Wishes,


  • ingo

    Apparently, this french site will keep us informed as to whats going to come out, shoudl the Grauniad get cold feet at the last minute.

    They created a seperate site just for this purpose so it seems.

    If people work together, nobody can stop this reaching cloud nine, for all to see.

    Issuing a D notice and making such a fuzz to continue with misleading the publics perceptions, is ludicrous, by tommorrow morning half of the world will know and they will look silly and controlling.

  • dreoilin

    Sky News is now reporting that the Wikileaks material is going up slowly on the Guardian and Der Spiegel websites.

  • dreoilin

    The Irish people didn’t cause the problems, it was the banks.


    That’s why I said, “But none of us could vote against the banks.” Some of these shysters have run off to the US. Not one of them has been in court so far. We have had no “Bernie Madoff” moment, and we badly need one.

    I gather H Clinton has been telling US diplomats to spy on others at the UN.

  • dreoilin

    I hope Craig does a post on Wikileaks. It could take days for the contents of 2.7 emails to come out.

  • dreoilin

    Above link from the Guardian

    “Mouse over the map to find stories and original documents by country, subject or people”

  • somebody

    From what I have seen of the Wikileaks ‘releases’ so far, there is a distinct anti-Iran slant. A gift to the Zionists in Israel and the US.

    Peter on medialens has it spot on.

    ‘There are some cables the Guardian will not be releasing or reporting . . .

    Posted by Peter on November 28, 2010, 7:35 pm, in reply to “US Embassy Cable on Honduran Coup”

    . . . owing to the nature of sourcing or subject matter. Our domestic libel laws impose a special burden on British publishers’.

    Anyone know if Wikileaks will be releasing the full set of cables on their site for people to search/read/download for themselves? Because i’m not sure I like the idea of ‘reading’ them through a Guardian/any newspaper filter.

    I.E., on the first day, when interest will arguably be at it’s highest, the cables they’ve chosen to report/highlight have a highly anti-Iran slant. As you can see here. Iran seen as a nuclear danger in the region, Iran which should be bombed, Israel shrinking in the face of it’s regional enemies, and so on. Doesn’t that help reinforce a certain narrative in which Iran is seen as a military threat that needs to be dealt with?

  • dreoilin

    “In what could discredit the US’s role in the Middle East peace process, missions in Israel, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt were asked to gather biometric information ‘on key Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders and representatives, to include the young guard inside Gaza, the West Bank’.

    “Details of the US spying mission were sent to the CIA, the US Secret Service and the FBI under the heading ‘collection requirements and tasking’.

    “International treaties ban spying at the UN.

    “The 1946 UN convention on privileges and immunities states: ‘The premises of the United Nations shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the United Nations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.’

    Daily Mail (on Wikileaks)

  • Julian Assange

    I understand that some people at this site adhere to the “inside job” narrative as it relates to September 11. In my next release of documents, which is likely to occur next week, I shall release documents that quite clearly implicates the U.S. government in the World Trade Center explosions and the explosion at the Pentagon. I have changed my mind, and I have people like you to thank for this.

  • dreoilin

    That’s funny “Julian”. You’re drip-feeding the current lot over a matter of days, if not weeks, but you’re going to do 9/11 next week? Right.

    Don’t call us we’ll call you.

  • ingo

    i’m somewhat surprised that there is not much relating to central asia, unless its being surpressed from appearing.

    What off Uzbekistan? Kyrgistan? what

    I hope that this will expose not only the false paranoia of some numpties in the middle east, fearing a nuclear bomb when they should be fearing a currency crisis, but also show who is worth their mettle, does conduct serious diplomacy.

    This release to newspapers like the Spiegel, a magazine that highly censors its online forum, is currently being fed through the spinning machine, aaaand its Iran all over!

    Sorry I’m not buying it.

    How come Israeli transfers, one of the US’s most communicative ally/symbiot are sparring?

    Don’t like the spin thats being put on the release, although its expectable for a rat to jump up when its in a corner.

    Maybe we should wait and see what other servers have retreaved, unfiltered by those internal MI’s.

    Calm ye Oh Dreolin, enjoyed your link re: Joe Higgins.

    And welcome julian, hope you are genuine and not just another tosser wanting to vent his air over the spin that is developing as we speak. be warned about the Larry’s of this world.

    Unless Saudi Arabia is absolutely sure that their air force and army are crap and useless, despite the billions spent, they should not be scared and paranoid as they appear.

    Saudi is scared about Iran dveloping a nuclear weapon which scientists say is five years away? minimum, more likley to be 10 years?

    Its hysteria, amplified! lets wait and see.

  • Anonymous


    “Please donate to WikiLeaks to defend this information.”

    Defend it?

    What’s that supposed to mean?

    Either the info has been leaked or it hasn’t. If it has, what’s to defend.

    Anyhow, no one’s going to read it. All you’ll know is what the Guardian, the NYTimes and the rest of the MSM wants you to know, which is that Iran and North Korea and Pakistan are very bad places, and fully deserve whatever’s coming to them.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    The North Korean government and generals really do deserve whatever happens to them. They have their own people starved, tortured and used as slave labour. I can’t see how even a war of “regime change” could make things worse for most North Koreans. It might even make it better.

    Iran and Pakistan are very different. Their governments are both pretty corrupt and brutal, but no more so than many of our supposedly “stable” allies like the Saudis, and war would make things much worse for them (it already has in Pakistan), as it did for Iraqis.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    The “Julian Assange” post is most definitely Larry. He tries to turn every thread into a 9-11 “inside job or not” thread in order to try to claim everything posted by anyone here is a conspiracy theory. It’s really quite dull and possibly an obsessive compulsive disorder (and likely a conspiracy theory of Larry’s too).

  • Anonymous

    “if I put Craig’s server’s IP address into the browser address bar, all I get is a message from the Apache server. Likewise with coia. Appending “/index.html” gives the same result. Something is obviously missing, the directory, perhaps?”

    Most websites are set up as “VirtualHosts”, which means that the webserver (the software running on the machine with that IP address) is set up to know what to do when asked for a web-page from a named site.

    ie, you ask for a page from thingy.whatnot, which resolves to the IP address in question, and the web server there works out what to do by looking at the name it was called by, thingy.whatnot – it’s been set up to know what to do when asked for stuff coming from that name. But, otherthingy.whatsit and thirdthingy.whoareyou might also resolve to the same IP address, in which case the webserver there has probably been (ought to have been) configured to know about them too; and will respond differently in each case, as designed by whoever built those sites.

    It’s not the only way of doing it, raw IP numbers might work in some cases where the server isn’t configured like that, but mostly they are, and why wouldn’t they be ? Lots of servers all running off the same hardware, behave differently according to what you ask for – ‘course they would. The name’s the thing. Give it just the IP address and you get nothing because it only behaves like when you ask for .

    Sheesh. insert “http” “colon” where appropriate, it goes into moderation if I don’t delete them. Fuck. This is the sort of thing that gets computers a bad name.

  • somebody

    What’s going on here ???

    29 November 2010 Last updated at 07:57 Iran nuclear scientist ‘killed in bomb attack’

    An Iranian nuclear scientist has been killed and another wounded in two separate, but similar attacks, according to Iranian media reports.

    The scientists were targeted in Tehran by attackers who attached bombs to each of their cars, reports said.

    The scientist killed has been named as Majid Shahriari of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, according to the official Irna news agency.

    Another scientist was killed in a bomb blast at the beginning of the year.

    Dr Shahriari was a member of the nuclear engineering department of Shahid Beheshti University.

    His wife is said to have been injured in the attack.

    The scientist injured in the second attack was named as Fereydoon Abbasi, another nuclear scientist. His wife was also wounded.

    There has been much controversy over Iran’s nuclear activities.

    Tehran says its nuclear programme is for peaceful energy purposes, but the US and other Western nations suspect it of seeking to build nuclear weapons.

  • Clark

    Ingo, I read somewhere that the cables are being released region by region. My impression is that WikiLeaks gave the five newspapers the whole leak weeks ago, and the negotiation since then was to agree a schedule for release.

    “” at November 29, 2010 2:24 AM; thanks, but that still doesn’t answer my question. However, we’re diverting the thread. I’d appreciate a link to a decent tutorial, or we could continue by e-mail.

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