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360 thoughts on “Back in Ghana

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  • Apostate

    Hey Bornfree

    Don’t bother quoting Orwell to these airheads! And the Holocaust is off-gatekeeper limits!

    It’s a fact that dawned on me visiting this site some time ago their grasp of the “truth” concept remains still very much in its infancy.

    I agree that the Israeli forest fires are a poignant reminder of the charred edifice of lies and propaganda used at the end of WW2 to create the Jewish state.

    The current figure for Israeli dead in the forest fires is 40.

    How long before it’s inflated to 4m?

    The gnarled stumps of the trees should also remind Zionists-who so often played God in the past-of their crimes against the indigenous population.

    The Jewish settler-fascists are notorious for their crimes of arson against Palestinian olive groves and crops.

    We shall weep no tears for the Chosenites over this inferno in which the Hand of God may well have played a role.

    The Metanoia site these intellectually- challenged dingbats are wetting their pants about would appear to specialize in Gestalt therapy and Transactional analysis! (LOL)

    Just what these guys need-counselling!

    On the exerminationist myth they don’t want to talk about check out Metapedia:

    World almanac figures cited there show the Jewish population INCREASED relative to Christians who were decimated during WW2.

    Um………..wait for the scissors…..

  • Vronsky

    Juan Cole echoes a point about WikiLeaks that I was trying to make earlier. He of course puts it better:

    “I think leaking can be an ethically heroic act if one is leaking a covered-up crime. The leaking of documents from the tobacco industry showing they covered up their own knowledge that cigarettes cause lung cancer was such a noble deed. But relatively few covered-up crimes are coming to light in these Wikileaks documents unless one is an anarchist and considers government in general to be a crime. In many instances, the documents are little more than gossip, producing hurt feelings, without having obvious policy implications. Scattershot massive infodump is not the same thing as leaking for purposes of securing justice in some particular instance.”

  • ingo

    good to hear that you friend is better dreolin, you get better soon.

    Thanks for that excellent metanoia link Suhayl, its relevance has a bearing on all of us, it is a global concern.

    The reaction world wide to Wkileaks revellations, showing us the real diplomatic enpasse and what happening behind their smiling faces, is akin to the Fatwa against Rushdie.

    They have been found out and I have to gurdgingly agree with Brezinski, after the first leak, new information given to Wiki could have been slanted.

    Since when did they know about Mannings activities? the key question to the originality, imho.

    What if Manning was found out copying the transfers much earlier and was allowed to carry on? the possibilities exist.

    That not much deals with Israel and its policies, that not one leak refers to the secretive talks held between the US,Britain and Israel, some month before the Iraq war.

    It is a mixed bag we are sorting though, but I still would support the release of information of such kind and more.

    Bradley Manning could have gad access to NATO comms, cosmic top secret stuff maybe.

    Can I take this opportunity to thank all of you, even the most obvious guttersnipes, on here in their capacity as thermometers of ‘their’ discontent, for the excellent research links your beavering activities have come up with.

    We must persuade Craig to save all his archive and move it lock stock and barrel to a safer more suitable and modern site.

    I’m a luddite in IT, but some of us here could easilty help him achieve it, somehow I think its worth while and a good move for the future of this site.

    I think that good blogs who speak up should follow Wiki’s example and have preacautionary talks with a multiple of servers, as assurance in case of sites being attacked, Ideally this should be private enteties, companies that operate/sell/manufacture for a profit are always vulnerable to pressure from the establishment.

    Can one not link computers up in networks? Can these computers talk to each other? and be processing what comes in as to where/when it comes in, storing it in multiples on other servers as it happens?

    the principles I know of, but how to get there is far too technical for me.

    Whatever information comes alight, and whistleblowers are threatened again under this ConDem Government, can then be published in the knowledge of having ‘reserve sites’ sleeping, ready to ping into life when required.

    The only disadvantage in having to be paranoid is, that this will be at the cost to the environment. Still in balance to the perceived evil on one side, I think that the future of our kids, on the other side, is still the pre dominant priority, I can and have to live with it.

    The fires in Israel might have the unusual effect of bringing the two sides closer together.

    Helping each other when all life is threatened, whether its extreme cold, fire or floods, is the stuff societal glue is made off, something that will be remembered, although i expect peace will be based on facts on the ground, requirements for two states to exist, not just emotional basics.

  • MJ

    “…the documents are little more than gossip, producing hurt feelings, without having obvious policy implications”.

    Well yes, so far. There are over 250,000 documents in total and so far only a few hundred have been released. It is possible that the tittle-tattle is being released first with more substantial stuff saved for later.

  • Vronsky

    Sibel Edmonds looks at WL from another angle: what if you already know some of what ought to be there, and wonder when/if it will appear?

  • somebody

    On the murder and attempted murder of nuclear scientists in Tehran.

    btw Marr was interviewing Yvette Cooper this morning. She is Shadow Foreign Secretary. When they had finished discussing the Middle East (Palestine, the lack of Gaza exports, Bliar, etc) Marr said,

    If there is one place in the world that is particularly dangerous right at the moment,++ it’s Iran ++ clearly. We’ve had story after story of Iranian nuclear scientists being killed and there must be suspicion that this is the Israelis behind it. And of course Wikileaks has revealed just how urgently the Saudis and others have been pressing the Americans to actually attack Iran. What’s your reading of the situation?


    Note his pathetic little bit of demonization of Iran.

    Mark Stephens, Assange’s lawyer, was also on the progamme.

  • Vronsky


    In Scottish newspapers, we have an unlovely coupling: the Herald and the Scotsman. they are rapidly attaining the status of the Russian joke about Pravda and Isvestia (‘The Truth’ and ‘The News’).

    What’s in Isvestia isn’t Pravda, and what’s in Pravda isn’t Isvestia.

  • Freeborn


    Is it just me or do the intellectual underclass that try to comment here bore you shitless as well?

    More Atzmon re-Israel’s Burning Bushes:

    By the way 40% Israeli Arabs deny the Holocaust:

    Now these Arabs are worthy of respect because they live with the consequences of the exterminationist myth every day.

    The PC brigade here kow-tow to the host’s proscriptions against “denial” but don’t have the intellectual confidence to either defend the official myth or speak out against it.

    Pathetic I call it……….

  • Alfred

    “It is possible that the tittle-tattle is being released first with more substantial stuff saved for later.”

    How could that be. Assange has stated:

    “… our promise to our sources is ‘get it to us and if it was witheld from the public we will release it.’ Then we had no choice but to release it.” (For the source, see above.)

    He didn’t say, we had no choice but to release it if and when we think fit.

    So If your assumption that the serious stuff is being held for later release, you are saying Assange is a trickster and a liar.

    That Assange’s promise to leakers is a lie seems confirmed by the distribution of “an encrypted ‘poison pill’ cache of uncensored documents suspected to include files on BP and Guantanamo Bay,” i.e., documents that someone has got to Wikileaks but over the release of which Wikileaks has exercised a choice, which is not to release them unless and until it suites Wikileaks to do so.

  • Roderick Russell

    Alfred at December 5, 2010 5:44 AM- It is being treated as a much larger issue here than you are suggesting, and I have commented on it in Canada’s mainstream press, and also in Open Democracy. Enough said.

    Suhayl – Got the URL for the PsyOps film. Thanks. One of an intelligence service’s disinformation techniques is to *** “Create Confusion over facts”.*** I.e. – Is wikileaks genuine or is it an intelligence operation, is it our intelligence operation or somebody else’s, etc. etc.

    I found wikileaks disclosure on CSIS, that can be viewed by clicking on my name, to be very interesting – and I think it poses several questions for Canadian Parliamentarians and Steve Harper.

  • Anonymous

    I suppose that even if some of these US cables were released which show that 911 and 77 were indeed inside jobs, would Larry the Loon still insist they were not or would he pack up his bags and move on ?

  • anno

    Assange asserts that the difference between democratic and non-democratic freedom of speech is ‘fiscal’. Our freedom of speech makes no difference to governments because the West a fiscal defence shield. Countries like China use government capital to bypass the rape of the exchequer by the banks, but can therefore be held directly accountable for policy.

    Democracy, which I approve of in theory, because it has recently removed extremely nasty, war-mongering, New Labour, evades accountability by blaming the system and whitewashing the facts.

    What planet is Desmond Tutu living on, that he can tick off China for human rights abuses, when the USEUUKIS alliance has squandered ballistics against the civilian populations of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan?

    The difference between democratic and non-democratic systems is fuck-all to do with fiscal. It’s to do with the very thin veneer of utterly hypocritical Christianity that the West has left.

  • Vronsky

    “Democracy, which I approve of in theory, because it has recently removed extremely nasty, war-mongering, New Labour”

    anno, a little respect please – it’s us you’re talking too. You don’t really imagine that nasty, warmongering New Labour has now been replaced by sweetly pacifistic Tories?

    The democracy of which you approve in theory has just replaced one extremely nasty warmongering party with another extremely nasty warmongering party. If the day ever dawns when the populace becomes tired of both, there is a third nasty warmongering party which they can vote for. So I guess the system works.

  • MJ

    “So If your assumption that the serious stuff is being held for later release, you are saying Assange is a trickster and a liar”.

    No, just that we shouldn’t reach conclusions based on 0.001% of the evidence. A quarter of a million documents is too much to digest all at once; a staggered release seems reasonable at this stage.

  • Vronsky

    “a staggered release seems reasonable at this stage.”

    Why? It doesn’t seem so to me. If Assange has anything of value, surely he’d want to unload quickly, before he’s stopped?

    It’s reminiscent of the Muslim terrorist calmly piloting his hijacked airliner to the Pentagon, executing that long, languid, circling descent. Either he was an idiot, or he knew the F16s weren’t coming.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Anonymous wrote: “I suppose that even if some of these US cables were released which show that 911 and 77 were indeed inside jobs, would Larry the Loon still insist they were not or would he pack up his bags and move on ?”

    Absolutely. If the cables provided good evidence that, say, nanothermite were spray-painted into the Towers prior to Sept. 11, I would have to accept the proposition.

    It’s just like proof of paranormal activity. If presented with solid evidence, a true skeptic would have to accept that there is such a thing.

    Note that, among the nutters, the converse is not true. The complete lack of evidence among the leaks (and with respect to any leak) does not challenge your conspiracism. You just expand the conspiracy – for instance, by claiming that Assange is part of the conspiracy.

  • MJ

    “If Assange has anything of value, surely he’d want to unload quickly, before he’s stopped?”

    Well, there is the insurance file. I don’t know; my understanding is that he has released all the documents to the MSM, which is publishing them as it sees fit. I may be wrong about this.

  • MJ

    “If Assange has anything of value, surely he’d want to unload quickly, before he’s stopped?”

    Well, there is the insurance file. I don’t know; my understanding is that he has released all the documents to the MSM, which is publishing them as it sees fit. I may be wrong about this.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    To paraphrase from the Psyops documentary, bringing the actual players to the surface and into full visibility (cutting through the PR operations), demonstrating their mechanics of operation, forcing them to expose their roles in perpetuation the system is absolutely crucial in what is a full-blown war of the mind.

    I agree. This blog is part of that war.

    As I’ve said on many occasions, the workings of contemporary imperialism are actually very clear; it is only the cornucopic self-delusion of those who consider themselves to be highly educated and cultured – what used to be termed, ‘false consciousness’ – that prevents them seeing the machine for what it is.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    anno, to give Tutu credit, he has criticised Western imperialism/ militarism (including specifically that is Israel) on many occasions – as well as, pointedly, the ANC government of his own country on, among other matters, wealth distribution, etc.

  • Apostate


    You’re right re-the boredometer rocketing when these guys pretend to communicate.

    Even the one with exotic name above sounds so effete and English it makes you cringe!

    Now they might be good at whispering sweet nothings to eachother while simultaneously boring everyone else to death but I think we can let Ubersturmfuhrer Murray know on his return that not one of them felt brave enough to defend the “Holocaust” myth!


    On the Machine check this out:

    They’ll get into a lot of trouble for reading this!


  • Anonymous

    Craig’s post July 6th: Apostate et al are banned from this board for persistent anti-semitism and Holocaust denial.

  • Ruth

    I think the next WikiLeaks’revelations will cause damage, maybe severe damage, and as such there will be a universal cry for such sites to be curtailed. Then step by step sites such as Craig’s which oppose government, corruption etc will come under scrutiny.

    This to me is the reason for WikiLeaks’ recent activities.

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