They got the wrong person 512

There are many thousands of people imprisoned in Uzbekistan alone who should not be imprisoned and who suffer much worse conditions than even the genuine horrors of Wandsworth being visited on Julian Assange. But the Assange case has implications for ever deteriorating Western freedoms which should not be overlooked.

Then there are many war criminals who ought to be in jail and who are not. Most prominent of these are Bush, Blair, Cheney, Straw and their crew. A minor figurewho ought to be in jail is Anna Ardin. Here are two tweets she published after being “raped” by Julian Assange:

‘Julian wants to go to a crayfish party, anyone have a couple of available seats tonight or tomorrow? #fb’

‘Sitting outdoors at 02:00 and hardly freezing with the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing! #fb’

She subsequently deleted and tried to expunge those. I doff my hat to Rixstep:,01.shtml

For another avowed feminist trying to bring Assange down, analyse the use of language in this article by the Guardian’s useless Helen Piddle. For a worm like her to use words like bizarre and raggle-taggle in relation to John Pilger really defies rationality.

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512 thoughts on “They got the wrong person

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  • Suhayl Saadi

    ‘LOL’, you are Alfred.

    Excuse me, I was about to type a series of expletives, but then the astute CheebaCow would no longer be able to admonish me for being too nice (!) So I will replace the expletives with ellipses, as is the custom.

    Don’t you f…ing think that black, brown, yellow and red people who pay taxes and work just as hard as everyone else does, in Leicester or elsewhere (and stop going on about “genocide in Leicester”, it’s bullshit and you know it) will not also have to pay tuition fees? Don’t you think that we/they are as incandescent about it as white people? Don’t you think that many of the students demonstrating tonight in zero temperatures against a politicised police force and God-knows-who-else, Blackwater probably or Xe of whatever the f… they call themselves, are not black, brown, yellow, etc.? What tosh!!!!!

    If you want to criticise global capitalism and unregulated banksters and their screwing the people of the UK, the do that. But don’t turn it into a race rant. Because that’s what it is. And so here is this rant in return because that is the only way to respond.

  • MJ

    Alfred-LOL: I was vaguely with you until the last para. Be aware that in our society the relationship between being a resident and owning is at best a tenuous one.

  • alan campbell

    “Oddly enough, Alan, the men I’ve seen/heard say that tend to prefer them horizontal and mute..”

    I’m fine with vertical and vociferous too.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “vertical and vociferous…”

    This is becoming very ‘Perfumed Garden’…

    One suspects that a modern version of Victorian bromide (and harking back to the Independent article I posted earlier on this thread) would be to spend five minutes contemplating ‘The Anne Widdecombe Position’ and/ or ‘The Rupert Murdoch Position’. There are also jokes about Paradise and Susan Boyle, but I shall not repeat them here.

  • LOL

    “Don’t you f…ing think that black, brown, yellow and red people who pay taxes and work just as hard as everyone else does, in Leicester or elsewhere … ”

    I said “There’s plenty of people in Africa, the ME and Asia who’ll come to Britain and work in the healthcare industry or whatever looking after the old bastards who own the place now.”

    So how did you conclude that I had said immigrants to Britain didn’t work or pay taxes?

    It’s truly fascinating how any expression of opinion that falls outside the tiny universe of the liberal-left produces howls of hatred based on totally absurd and entirely fantastic stereotypes of those who is not adherents of totalitarian leftism.

    “(and stop going on about “genocide in Leicester”, it’s bullshit and you know it) ”

    Who said anything about genocide? Not me. You’re just engaging in knee-jerk hate speech.

    “will not also have to pay tuition fees? Don’t you think that we/they are as incandescent about it as white people?”

    You didn’t read my comment on tuition fees. If you pay tuition fees you’re a dupe.

    What f… ing (to use your term) use is a degree in Multiple Choice? It’s a scam. The Muslims mostly realize that. That’s why many of them keep their girls out of school and marry them off as teenagers.

    “Don’t you think that many of the students demonstrating tonight in zero temperatures against a politicised police force and God-knows-who-else, Blackwater probably or Xe of whatever the f… they call themselves, are not black, brown, yellow, etc.? What tosh!!!!! ”

    Yeah, I’m sure the red, yellow and brown people are in the front line demonstrating for more government handouts.

    But their all dupes of the lib-left totalitarian establishment. Money doesn’t grow on trees. (trees grow on money, actually, and if you don’t believe that, look into scam whereby the Forestry Commission pays out millions of taxpayers’ money to landowners who plant trees). If you want prosperity, you need a productive economy. As it is, you’ve got more than half the population living on crumbs from the bankers’ tables.

    “What tosh!!!!! ”

    Absolutely. Nearly everything promoted here is delusional Lib-Left rubbish, with, according to Tony, is genocidal in both effect and intent.

  • Apostate

    The empirestrikesback link awhile back was spot on.

    There’s hope for this blog yet. I trust all the mindless PC Left numpties who post here noticed that the empire comment board was unanimous on WikiLeaks being just another arm of the Zionist-controlled corporate media.

    A lot of you people no doubt fell for 911, WMD and 7/7 so there’s little wonder your credulity has led you up another garden path behind your 100% genuine “whistle-blower” Pied Piper host.

    Another scam they’ll use to curtail internet freedom will be the revisionist challenge to Holocaust fundamentalism. Said challenge has left the official tissue of Big Lies in tatters.

    You’ll be allowed to witter ad infinitum re-radical feminism and Julian Assange but you won’t be allowed to watch a short film like this:

    Said 100% genuine whistle-blower host finds the truth obnoxious!


  • LOL


    “Be aware that in our society the relationship between being a resident and owning is at best a tenuous one.”

    That’s what the natives of North America said when the white man first appeared.

    Now they say, we should have killed them all when the first arrived. A sensible view, except that it was impractical — the white men having the guns.

  • LOL


    “LOL, have you ever fought in a war?”

    My dear fellow, I don’t do personal details without reason. Certainly not in a hostile environment.

  • Clark

    It must be a dreadful thing, to fight or be involved with war. Humanity has to abandon war; no other species does it.

  • Vronsky

    Some interesting points made across at Tim Wilkinson’s, for example noting that the substance of the cables leaked to WL has already passed through many filters – “often not privy to the big picture, often self-censoring, often thick or just spouting off”

  • LOL


    “It must be a dreadful thing, to fight or be involved with war.”

    Some men break, others exult in battle.

    The history of man is the history of war, of nations destroyed, empires founded, empires toppled. War and the virtues necessary for success in war have thus been embedded in nearly every culture and in every successful civilization, and deeply embedded in western civilization — the most successful civilization of all.

    Tolstoy’s War and Peace provides brilliant picture of how a society accepts war and how men react to the prospect of immediate and violent annihilation in war.

    “Humanity has to abandon war”

    Almost no one thought that before the advent of “total war,” involving the mobilization of all national resources.

    With the advent of weapons of mass destruction, that view has become widespread.

    The solution? Global empire, or so it appears our ruling elite believe. And that means a new feudalism, an empire free of external challenge and thus of limitless corruption, the masses ruled, as they always have been, by elite management of belief.

    Perhaps the human story has just about reached its end point. We may wipe ourselves out, or sink into hopeless decadence. Unless we can keep the ball rolling by putting people in space capsules and shooting them off in all different directions in search of new worlds to conquer. Unlikely, I agree. More likely, humanity is a self-limiting phenomenon.

    “… no other species does it.”

    Not quite true. Some colonial ants, and probably some other insect species do it on a large and highly organized scale. Some of the higher apes do it in a haphazard fashion too.

    The rapid evolution of human intelligence almost certainly resulted from intense selection for strategic thinking, technological innovation and the capacity for cultural development that created the organization necessary for war.

    Good question Clark, and nothing funny about the answer so far as I can see.

  • somebody

    I wonder what LOL/Alfred thinks of the heir to the throne and his crocodile wife being attacked in their car on their way to the theatre. Windows broken and paint thrown over the car. Tut tut. The people are biting back. we have had enough.

    Inspector Knacker of the Yard will be taken to the cleaners on this. His boys with their batons, riot shields and gear, mounted horses and guard dogs were over the top today especially when they decided to kettle a peaceful protest.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “Genocide in Leicester” is precisely what you wrote as Alfred on previous threads galore, so this ‘Leicester’ reminder of yours is simply an overtone. We do remember. I’m really fed up with the way you attempt to fit everything into your little pet theory which revolves around fear of “invasion” (another or your favourite words).

    The parallel with the North American Indian situation is ludicrous and is one of the BNP et al’s favourite allusions.

    Same bloody discourse as a thousand times before. It’s just another diversion.

    Imperial war over decades is actually one of the central reasons for the economic crisis. The deregulated banking system is the other.

    Handouts (in the billions) are precisely what we have given the banking system, so they can go and screw us all up again.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Any further info. on the leaks?

    Tony’s introduction of the “genocide” nonsense allowed Alfred to come in with his usual rubbish.

    A distraction. Again.

    War. Arms deals. Leaks. Whistleblowing. Harassment. Arrest. Protest. Cyber-attacks. Freedom of speech.

  • Ruth

    And agents provocateur in the student demonstration?

    ‘The first outbreak of violence began at around 3.30pm when a group of around 20 protesters, all clad in black with black balaclavas covering their faces, charged the police lines with a pre-prepared metal battering ram. The core group of protesters broke through the police lines, triggering ugly scenes as protesters and police fought in small isolated groups.’

    From the Guardian tonight.

  • dreoilin

    “Some colonial ants, and probably some other insect species do it on a large and highly organized scale. Some of the higher apes do it in a haphazard fashion too.”

    So typical of you Alfred.

    Why can’t you stick to one name? It’s not the first time you’ve tried a second handle, but you’re far too recognisable to get away with it. What are you afraid of?

  • Parky

    well Charles and his current misses must at least be happy that they were recognised in public as royalty and not as some useless and rather pointless celebrities heading out to the west end in a big petrol guzzeling motor.

  • tony_opmoc

    I did say that Assange has woken people up…


    I am speaking for supporters of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, freedom of speech and democracy world wide.

    Julian Assange was arrested in London this morning. His arrest comes after a farcical judicial process in Sweden and an unprecedented Interpol red notice for a matter that could have been handled by phone. His arrest is in breach of agreements between the Swedish and UK governments and the European Convention on Human Rights. Once Assange is extradited to Sweden, we have no faith that the Swedish government will not use that cooperative spirit with the US which we read about in the embassy cables to have him extradited to the US.

    Julian Assange bravely volunteered to be the public face of a worldwide movement calling for democracy and press freedom. In doing so, he has exposed the supposedly democratic and open governments in the west for the fascist corporate dictatorships they are. Nothing we read in the Wikileaks releases is more telling than the abuses suffered by the first person in the western media who has stood up to tell the truth on a significant scale. If the world ever needed a more pure indication of how long and how much the world’s media has been lying, take a look at what happens when a media organization tells the truth.

    We will no longer submit to a paternalistic and secret form of governance, where everyone in the world running political, industrial, financial, media and military organizations are privy to information that we, the governed, are denied. We will never again believe anything we are told by the servant media, unless we have supporting evidence and a forum for verifying their interpretations. We, the people, now have the ability to store and communicate massive amounts of data. We, the people, also have the ability to logically process that data and come to the best conclusions possible for society. Together our brains are much more capable than the brains currently running the world, and an open transparent system will ensure potential abuses are spotted and stopped.

    The Wikileaks releases of this year have been our training period, a progressive course in getting the truth out and acting on it. We are now the strongest force the world has ever seen, a truly informed worldwide populace, the worst nightmare of a fascist world government. This is the moment we have been waiting for, for five or six decades, maybe since the beginning of time. This is our first, best and perhaps only chance for a worldwide democracy.

    Wikileaks is not a lone vandal hacker. It is an idea. We all have the idea. And you can’t bomb an idea, or send drones after it, or put it in jail. Do you think that people who have had the secrets to the BP oil spill, the environmental disasters, the pharmaceutical lobbies, the political corruption, the military abuses and the financial crash dangled in front of them will just sit back and be content again while “investigative reporting” serves up breast implants discovered on reality TV stars? If you manage to dismantle Wikileaks, those secrets will still be ours, we know you have them and we will get them.

    That is our idea. It is not anarchy, it is not vandalism, we call it democracy and transparent governance. It has never existed before. But now we have the ability and the idea, and you will not kill this revolution any more than the bullets that killed Martin Luther King and Malcolm X killed the civil rights movement.

  • alan campbell

    Certainty – either through religious belief or intellectual arrogance. There’s too much of it about. Including on this blog. I’m certain of that.

  • alan campbell

    As the poet Dammers put it:

    “This place, is coming like a ghost town

    No job to be found in this country

    Can’t go on no more

    The people getting angry..”

    I’m glad I’m here.

  • angrysoba

    I worry that the Internet will become a sentient being soon. Like SkyNet in Terminator.

    What I fear most of all is that the Internet will not be a benign sentient being but a deeply confused paranoid and resentful entity – the sum of all the dark, fearful fantasies of its users.

    I think we might need to prepare the Kill Switch!

  • tony_opmoc

    Check out this…

    It contains a link to a large email dump (he’s also copied many of them) from the original contributors to the idea of wikileaks from 5 years ago.

    If you read the entire lot of it, rather than just selected bits that have been published elsewhere you get a clearer view as to where these guys have come from. Sure some of them seem a bit mad – but it seems highly unlikely any of them were working for the CIA at the time. I still think its entirely likely that Assange is what he claims to be.

    Some of the other stuff on georgiebc from the last couple of weeks is pretty heavy with lots of threats of assassination – and threats against Assange’s kid – which he replied to complaining they hadn’t posted a nice photo of him.

    Reading stuff from some right wing Americans is not advisable after a strong curry.


  • LOL


    “I wonder what LOL … thinks of the heir to the throne and his crocodile wife being attacked in their car”

    Nothing interesting. What is supposed to be the connection between the the royal family and student fees?

    What do you think? Are these a few rowdies acting foolishly, or are there significant organizing forces striving to create a breakdown in social order?

    And why “crocodile” wife?

  • Duncan McFarlane

    off-topic but Isabel Losada just posted the following

    “Students are still being kettled on westminster bridge with mainstream media refusing to cover it. Reports from those on the bridge say that there is barely room to move, police are refusing to send medical help in, and that police are offering freedom for a photo and your name. Please spread the news as the BBC refuses to do so – This protest has NOT finished for up to 1000 people in Westminster.”

  • angrysoba

    “And why “crocodile” wife?”

    It’s a conspiraloon thing. Mohammed Al Fayed called Camilla a “crocodile wife” while rattling off his insane conspiracy theory in court about the plot to “murder Diana”.

    “In a bizarre five-hour performance before the Diana inquest he branded Prince Philip a “Nazi” and a “racist”, Camilla a “crocodile” and the Royals a “Dracula family”.

    The tycoon insists Diana was killed because she was pregnant with Dodi’s child and about to become engaged to his son.

    He repeated his claim that Philip, who he called Frankenstein, was behind the plot and said Charles “participated” in it.

    He said: “They cleared the decks. They finished her, they murdered her.”

    Those in the alleged plot, he said, also included Diana’s sister Lady Sarah McCorquodale, former police chiefs Sir Paul Condon and Sir John Stevens , ex-British ambassador to France Sir Michael Jay and Diana’s brother in law Sir Robert Fellowes.

    To laughter from the public annexe, Coroner Lord Justice Scott Baker said: “There were a lot of people involved in this cover up, Mr al Fayed.”

    But the millionaire was so unfazed he said the jury did not need to hear more evidence.

    He said: “The jury has seen all the proofs, all the major cover up.” ”'S+5-HR+COURT+RANT.-a0175002529

    I’m surprised you don’t know of and been convinced by this theory, “LOL”

  • LOL

    @ Suhayl


    “same bloody discourse a thousand times”



    The trouble with lib-lefties, Suhayl, is they think that because there seem to be no easy common sense solutions to the world’s problems they must impose on the world some totally insane idea like the dictatorship of the proletariat, or anarcho-syndicalism, globalization, atheism, everybody one happy human family, feminism or just about any other rubbish which leads only to chaos and disaster.

    Then, when confronted with reality they want to punish all those who mention it.

    From your comments, I have to take it that this is not a place for open debate but a fount of leftist propaganda.

    “Imperial war over decades is actually one of the central reasons for the economic crisis. ”

    Well, quite possibly, but a bit of a non sequitur, surely.

    “The deregulated banking system is the other.”

    That more certainly is true, but perhaps equally beside the point.

    “Handouts (in the billions) are precisely what we have given the banking system, so they can go and screw us all up again.”

    I think you have the decimal point about three places to the left of where it should be. The bailouts are actually in the trillions.

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