DIS Tried To Block Dodgy WMD Dossier 41

It is no surprise that Major General Michael Laurie of the Defence Intelligence Service (DIS) has admitted that the “dodgy dossier” on Iraqi WMD was a deliberate piece of spin for war. The DIS were furious about the dossier at the time it was written, and tried to rein in MI6 and the FCO, and particularly chief lie-writer John Scarlett.

It is five years since I published in Murder in Samarkand this FCO insider account, given to me in 2002 while I was Ambassador in Tashkent:

“You’re wondering why we signed up to it? Well, I can promise you it was awful. The pressure was unbelievable. People were threatened with the end of their careers. I saw analysts in tears. We felt, as a group, absolutely shafted. Actually, we still do. You know, I think that we are all a bit ashamed that nobody had the guts to go public, resign and say that the WMD thing is a myth. But MI6 really hyped it. The DIS tried to block it, but they couldn’t.”

(p. 60 in the US edition – I don’t have the UK edition on me).

It took eight years for DIS to get their revenge and expose Alistair Campbell’s naked lies. Of course, if you read my books you get the truth much quicker!!

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41 thoughts on “DIS Tried To Block Dodgy WMD Dossier

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  • mark_golding

    Gareth Williams, whose body was found in a bag in the bath requires a date to be set for the inquest.

    This chap was no spy, he was a cryptanalyst and it is thought he ‘broke’ AES-128 using chosen key relations in the middle. He proved moving to AES-256 does not upscale the resistance to this type of attack.

  • Clark

    Anno, do you believe me to be supplying cover for the bankers you describe as Zionist? Maybe you are right in your world-view, but you are wrong about me; my request for information was genuine.
    I see wars that seem to centre around hydrocarbons, and it is mostly Muslims who live above the greatest reserves. I see banks and finance grasping wealth and power through the use of credit and interest, and the short-term greed of ordinary people playing into their hands.
    And yes, I see much fear around me. People want their easy, hydrocarbon-fueled lifestyles to continue forever. They are so afraid of having to live a practical life that they deny that the years of plenty could ever come to an end. And people are scared of Muslims and Islam, and make ludicrous excuses for wars in Muslim countries and abuse of people elsewhere who look like they might be Muslim. But I doubt that they ever connect these two fears, or understand that they may stem from a common source.
    Please don’t call me a shill, Anno. It makes me feel sad. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong, but I truly care and wish for peace and equality.

  • mark_golding

    Intelligence rumours from UKN

    The film ‘Unlawful Killing’ has gotten everyone a bit antsy in the Duke of York’s Barracks, more so ‘in from the cold’ Richard Tomlinson, recently best mate to Michael Rifkind, Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee, privy council member (obviously) and knighted (Executor John Major’s honour list) in that fateful month of August 1997.

    Richard gave reassurances in 2009 that he will ‘keep schtum’ (silent). The ‘retreat’ is not safe Richard – move on now.

    Convent, Covenant or Covet? It’s all Chinese to me.

  • anno


    They pressurise the economy so that houses and businesses reach a peak, at which point they sell what they own. Then they depressurise the economy and get us to bail them out, and borrow lots more money from, guess who?, the same tribe who have just told us all our money is gone.

    You think the banks just take interest? Once they have created this pandemonium, they get their bitches, the Tories, who the likes of Craig have just put in, to sell off the remaining assets of UK plc and privatise the NHS. They eat up the remainder of the economy at bargain prices, crank up the cheap mortgages which the gullible buy and start another war against Islam.

    What are you talking about – people not connecting the bankers with the failure of the economy and with the wars and war propaganda against Islam? If you haven’t connected them, you must be the only person on this planet apart from Craig, who hasn’t done. I can forgive Craig, because he is riding the post-diplomatic gravy train and he doesn’t want his projects to fail
    because his blog allows criticism of the shit we are swimming in.

  • evgueni

    Danj: “there is kind of knee-jerk hostility to Israel among the coalition that assembled back in 2001 – you know the kind of Chomsky type approach that was perhaps once ok but now just comes across as bonkers”.
    Would you care to elaborate? Chomsky is methodically hostile to Israel’s and US foreign and domestic policy (and emphatically not to the states of Israel and USA). As I remember he refers to himself as a Zionist, in the original (positive) sense of the word: http://www.chomsky.info/interviews/19970609.htm
    (excerpt) CHOMSKY: This is a very complex problem. It depends on what you mean by Zionism. I was a Zionist activist in my youth. For me, Zionism meant opposition to a Jewish state. The Zionist movement did not come out officially in favor of a Jewish state until 1942. Before this it was merely the intent of the Zionist leadership. The Zionist movement for a long time stood against the establishment of a Jewish state because such a state would be discriminatory and racist.
    Chomsky’s conclusions are justified by meticulous research and backed up by extensive references. Now how about yours?

  • Clark

    Anno, I agree with your description of the dynamics of the “system” of finance. However, I suspect that there may be other psychological motivations. Greed is gluttony, and is identified in Christianity as a sin, ie a falling short of perfection, something that keeps one from the “Kingdom of Heaven”. Can the professional money-lenders ever be content? They are locked into a cycle of chasing an ever higher number, apparently unaware that the real numbers extend to infinity in both positive and negative directions! The futility of their quest stares them in the face, as they would see if they were to spend any time contemplating mathematics.
    Aggression is a response to threat, and probably some bankers are truly afraid that Islamic ethics could become dominant in banking and thus interrupt their pointless pursuit of infinity. I believe that this is inevitable, because ultimately only a zero-growth economy is sustainable, and indeed, it was reported that the Islamic banks suffered far less in the recent financial crash.
    But I also suspect that most of the interest-sucking leeches are too fixated upon their own high-score to give Islam more than an occasional passing thought. This will be their own loss. They can learn their lesson now while there is still time, or they can have the lesson inflicted upon them. When they induce the crash so large that the governments cannot bail them out, they will be left with an enormous quantity of money that has become valueless, but a huge deficit in that which has value, namely the good will of their neighbours.
    Shit. We’re all in it together.

  • evgueni

    I find your reasoning very strange indeed. So, the scramble for monopolistic control of the world’s resources is merely an elaborate cover for an even more sinister undertaking – the destruction of Islam?

  • Clark

    Evgueni, islamophobia is a real phenomenon, as is the oppression and violence against Muslims that it encourages. I regard this as convergent with the fight for hydrocarbons; each supports the other. So I find Anno’s reasoning a bit too tightly focused rather than strange.

  • mark_golding

    The equivocation that has existed since September 2001 has evolved into intention. The goal to anticipate another catalyst is foremost in the minds of intellectuals, students and scholars, visionaries, teachers, thoughtful and sensitive people; children with the gift of perception and enlightened non-believers; many ordinary people now realise the deception.

    Many of these people possess a strong power of intention, the few will teach the many, and the many will help overcome the power of the state murderers. the liars, the masqueraders, the torturers, the false demigods that deliver death by duplicity that left a nation of orphans, deformed babies and crippled teenagers. Now it is our time to pass judgement and deliver change.


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