Here is just one little story of the everyday humiliation, the destruction of Palestinian livelihood and culture, carried out by the ruthless, racist Israeli military machine.
I could post such stories every day, including many much worse, and could describe more of the political context which beggars belief – the Israeli Knesset, for example, has just passed through its committee stage a bill providing for Palestinians and other Arabs to pay the costs of the demolition of their own homes by Israel bulldozers. There is a horror to that which should not lead you to overlook a yet more horrible underlying fact contained in that sentence – exactly as in apartheid South Africa, thousands of Israeli laws are ethnically explicit.
I haven’t checked out this little olive tree story, I don’t have to. it is prototypical of thousands of such stories throughout my adult life. I have met victims and know such stories are true.
This is why I support all those working to give some justice and hope for Palestinains. And this is why I cannot understand how such controlling sections of the media and political establishments of the west have signed up so completely to defend the indefensible, to deny to themselves what kind of state Israel has in truth become.
@dreoilin, regarding the Netanyahu speech. Despicable indeed, I agree, but perhaps not a liar in one important sense. I regard the racism in Israel now to have reached such feverish proportions that people are starting to believe their own nonsense. There have always been enough people willing to backslap him for having extremist views that he eventually comes to believe it himself – perhaps a bit like our own sainted war criminal, Tony Blair.
Sadly the racism works both ways – whilst I place the burden of responsibility of the failing “peace process” on Israel, there is a racism from a section of the Palestinians that turns into implacable rejectionism. In my view, this goes to show how corrosive perpetual hate can be – people start to act even against their own better interests.
Thanks for that Freolin. To clarify caroline Lucas decision. She is clearly for a pro two state solution, but she has no backing of her membership for this, the debate over whether the Green Party should support a single Palestine with equal rights for all, or a two state solution, here preferred option, has yet to be had.
bearing in mind that not many decisions that Green party Conference undertakes have more than 10% of the membership voting for their policy process. Since the leadership issue was decided by those who left Labour over Iraq, top down decisions as such have come easy, a sad development.
The Green Parties foreign policy experience and their subsequent development policies are still in its infancy, a few more years will hopefully change their nous.
Israel has to offer international control over its nukes, a minimum for peace talks to resume, rather than taking them away, which is unrealistic as a first step.
One palestine has managed to live with many denominations for hundreds of years, it is as feasible an option, as a two state solution. I would prefer one state because it would be a re integration move, people would have to respect and live with each other, or learn to live again with their respective pasts.
Suhayl, have a look in your inbox for my mobile number, see you as planned tommorrow.
Yes, I got it, thanks, Ingo – I replied but it bounced back – maybe ’cause it was a temporary internet cafe address or something. See you tomorrow!
On the PSC’s logo, surely all it is is a stylised picture of Palestine-Israel, with no markings of any sort. The message I derive from it that peace and justice for the whole area of Palestine-Israel is what is being advocated, not the obliteration of Israel. I don’t see how anyone could draw that conclusion from the logo, frankly. Is the PSC supposed to have a logo that takes the West Bank and Gaza – it wouldn’t make a very good logo and would mean nothing to anyone, whereas the (to me!) scalpel blade-shaped logo of Palestine-Israel is instantly recognisable. A logo – this white shape – is not a precise statement of policy, any more than the Green Party’s (or Ecology Party, as it was before) particular yellow flower was meant to indicate that the Green Party only wanted to ‘save’ marigolds and buttercups but not tulips (by Lucas’s ‘reasoning’, might this mean they are anti-tulip, anti-Dutch and anti-Turkish?!!). Such a literalist approach is plain silly – and she’s not silly, so yes, at this time of intense political and actual struggle wrt the flotilla, the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, the Gaza situation and the unrest in the Middle East as a whole, I think she must be coming under intense pressure. Sad, really.
It was obvious from the beginning that DSK was set up. The media orchestration itself was enough for most observers of these games. But there were many other indicators too, as I pointed out at the time.
It’s not immediately clear why you think Sarko has the power to launch such an overwhelming worldwide attack on a domestic opponent using solely his own offices or indeed why you think his interests inimical to those of the banksters.
Had he at his command the NYPD, the New York prosecutors, the judge and world media? Of course not.
Today, only banksters have power like that.
Anyway, perhaps next time you’ll be more careful not to “pimp feminism” in the service of banksters. It’s incorporated enough to their service as it is.,b=facebook
Update on flotilla.
‘Israeli Official Does Not Deny Sabotage Allegations Against Gaza Flotilla’
Suhayl. Good analysis. Lucas should be displaying more backbone. Enjoy your meet up tomorrow. Are you all going to be wearing red carnations and carrying a rolled up copy of a certain newspaper?
Did you see DSK’s alleged victim’s lawyer live on Sky News a short while ago? The case is going ahead. There may have been irregularities with her asylum claim, but she deviates not one inch from her rape story. (And her asylum claim is irrelevant anyway if she was raped.) Her lawyer says she will now come before the press herself.
“Anyway, perhaps next time you’ll be more careful not to “pimp feminism” in the service of banksters.”
I did nothing of the sort. And I said from the very beginning that I was 50/50 on whether he was set up or whether he was guilty. Watch your mouth, Herbie. And stop thinking you’re inside my head, because you’re not.
Did you see the photos that emerged from Israeli sources recently purporting to be of (automatic? weapon/weapons – not sure about automatic) on the Mavi Marmara? The only reason anyone could see for why such a thing would take so long to emerge was an attempt at Photoshop. Netanyahu knows FULL WELL that there were no weapons for Hamas on the last flotilla, and none planned for this one.
If I was Palestinian, I’d hate too. How could anyone avoid it in the circumstances?? My answer to that is a simple “they didn’t start this”. Israeli claims to land they *might* have occupied 2,000 or so years ago are downright silly in my view.
I went to Cork not long ago to see a lecture by Dr Shlomo Sand (professor of history at Tel Aviv University) who argues that the vast majority of Jewish people who “came back” to Israel are in fact descended from converts, in Eastern Europe, mainly. He claims that modern Palestinians are the remnants of the Jewish people who were always there, and who converted (many of them) to Islam. Anyone read his book? I only became aware of it recently. It was on the bestseller list in Israel for 19 weeks.
“Dr Sand attributed his colleagues’ reticence to engage with him to an implicit acknowledgement by many that the whole edifice of “Jewish history” taught at Israeli universities is built like a house of cards”
Oh and Herbie, I don’t see why Sarko would need to have “at his command the NYPD, the New York prosecutors, the judge and world media”.
All he would need would be one woman with access to DSK’s hotel apartment, paid to lie.
[Mod/jon: deleted, abusive]
Herbie, your post was quite out of order. Your input here is valued, but repeated personal attacks don’t aid a discussion.
I wasn’t linking it to anything specific Mike. It just wouldn’t surprise me at all if some unknown threats were being made behind the scenes. I would argue the same thing for the bailout and privatisation agenda too. I think that many of the Greek elites probably aren’t keen on it. It’s essentially more about power and control than money in my view.
Re Gaza flotilla = Please phone the Greek Foreign Minister on
00 30 210 3681000
She was extremely helpful when I agreed that an EU member country detaining vessels belonging to other EU member countries when no crime has been committed may be illegal.
Craig – will you phone and speak to this lady?
This is outrageous. Who was it who said ‘The powerful own the law?
Greece blocks departure of all Gaza-bound ships
Greece issues statement forbidding departure of ships from its ports to maritime area of Gaza in bid to prevent breach of Israel’s naval blockade, further delaying the flotilla’s departure.
“On Friday, the Israeli army told journalists that they had found that Tarek Hamud, 32, a son-in-law of Khaled Meshal, the Damascus-based head of Hamas, was with the flotilla in Athens, playing a key role in its organization. Mr. Hamud lives in Damascus and is head of the Palestinian Association of Hamas, according to Lt.-Col. Avital Leibovich, a military spokeswoman.
“Flotilla activists denied any links to radical or terrorist organizations and said they had never even heard of Mr. Hamud, and Hamas denies having any role in the flotilla.
“Izzat al Risheq, a spokesman for Hamas in Damascus, said Mr. Hamud “has nothing to do with the flotilla in any way. He is in his house right now in Damascus. This is a lie by the Israeli army aimed at getting people to oppose this humane mission”.”
I believe the flotilla members over the Israeli army. But how do you prove that someone is NOT there?
Anyway, off to read Stieg Larsson and forget about the real world for five minutes!
Let our people go.
Our people are the 1.6 million Palestinian men, women and children who are virtual prisoners who cannot leave Gaza and who cannot get access to sufficient food, medical supplies and resources they need to live.
Our people are the Americans and internationals, including Jewish Voice for Peace members, who are risking their lives to show the world the injustice of the siege, and who bring a message of hope and solidarity to the Palestinians of Gaza.
You and I can’t be there in Greece or Gaza right now, but we can stand with peace activists from all over the world, including and especially from Palestine, who have taken up the nonviolent struggle to end occupation and assert the full humanity of all people.
These modern-day Freedom Riders need our help right now. Please take a moment to send a letter now and then tell your friends to do the same.
They are facing extraordinary forces of opposition from the Israeli and US governments—and yet, we already have won by bringing the world’s attention to the people of Gaza. But it’s not over yet. They need your help. Now.
Let our people go: Let the ships sail. Break the siege of Gaza.
As I hope and pray for safe passage, I can’t help but smile at the name of the U.S. boat: “The Audacity of Hope.” There is audacity in hope. Moses had it when he made his case to Pharoah. And we have it when we act to bring about a future where all of us are free.
Rabbi Alissa Wise, National Organizer
Jewish Voice for Peace
You can also contact the Greek government directly below if you are in Greece or able to call internationally.
General communication:
0030 210 6977000
Press office:
Tel: 0030 210 6924558
Fax: 0030 210 6929764
e-mail: [email protected]
Greek Interior Ministry Web-site
Picture of Greek Special Forces boarding US Vessel:
Greek SAS boarding picture – Greek Interior Ministry contacts – and more – thanks for rising-up friends.
dreoilin, hey, good to see you back. interesting, or in fact, not, to see those childish personal attacks on you, in a style so reminiscent of the good old days before moderation…
Jaded: I would say that, certainly, the Greek elites aren’t keen on the bailout, particularly its conditions. I suspect they fully realise that everything that isn’t nailed down is going to be flogged off. Within the next 2 or 3 years, I would say that foreign capital, a good chunk of which will be Chinese, will own much of what can currently be termed ‘Greek’. That’s bound to piss quite a lot of people off! That and the 150k jobs that need to be shed to get the EU cash.
In America and the UK the banks have spent their bailout cash on commodities. They’re far more civilised in the EU – they sell countries!
It’s all capitalism. Which, at the moment, is looking like yesterday’s ideology. But it’s still afloat, just. At the moment, water is being bailed out the boat FRACTIONALLY faster than the leaks are coming in…
Damn. Forgot the punchline. FRACTIONAL reserve banking. Geddit?
Oh well, please yourselves…
@dreoilin – I’d not seen that the Israeli authorities were trying a Photoshop special, but sadly it wouldn’t surprise me.
You’re right about not blaming the Palestinians who hate; I should have made that clearer. As the stronger side, with much more restraint to exercise, Israel has a responsibility to reduce its violence, to withdraw its settlers and agree to talks with no pre-conditions. I’m fairly sure Israel is petrified of talks, since no reasonable compromise will be good enough for how hard-right they have become.
The settlers’ determination is truly disturbing. On the few occasions Israel has agreed to remove a settlement, all hell has broken loose amongst some seriously misguided people (I’m sure YouTube has clips). And yes, they really do think a dusty book dating back a couple of millenia gives them a more solid claim to statehood than the well-documented statehood of the Palestinian people.
What puzzles me is why the Israeli right so eagerly accept assistance from Rapturist nutters in the US. Presumably the latter regard the Jews as all going to hell anyway, when End Times come, whilst they float off peacefully in their pyjamas.
sorry, dreolin for manglin’ your name, wasn’t intentional, good to see you back online.
looking forward to meet you tommorrrow Suhayl and Vronsky, tea at two.
Hi technicolour – good to see you. I thought maybe you’d left us. 🙂
Ingo, no worries. Enjoy your day. 🙂
Moderation is hopefully on the way out. I really was caused only by a technical problem. There is no intention to prevent personal attacks, if argues rather than straight abusive.
Why this? Why now? Austerity or a political ploy to avoid flak in view of the flotilla?
Τhe Consulate General of Greece in London will wind down its operations effective June 24th 2011. Consular services in the United Kingdom will be taken over by the Consular Section of the Embassy of Greece as July 1st 2011.
Effective 1 July 2011, the Consular Section of the Embassy of Greece in London will be receiving the public for consular matters ONLY by appointment.
All booked appointments (exempt from Visas ) have been cancelled. To book a new appointment, please follow the instructions below.
Appointments can be booked automatically, on our website, by clicking HERE.
Specifically, the days and hours for receiving the public will be the following:
1.Certificates (In General)Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9:30 – 11:00
2.Legalization Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9:30 – 13:00
3 Military service Tuesday & Thursday 11:30 – 13:00
4.Moving residence Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 11:00
5.Nationality Monday – Wednesday – Friday 11:30 – 13:00
6.Passports every day (Monday to Friday) 9:30 – 14:30
7.Power of Attorney Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9:45 – 13:45
For visas the procedure, mentioned on our website, will continue to be in force, by calling tel. no. 090 655 40744.
Come on Aristidis. Tell Papandreou to let the people go.
Embassy in London
Address : 1a Holland Park, London W11 3TP
Tel. : (004420) 72293850 – Fax : 72297221
E-mail : political[at]
Craig, just noting the style..
Technicolour, welcome back! Long time no read.
Jon, didn’t you know? Just in case, they get ‘called-up’ in the middle of the night, Rapturists don’t wear pyjamas!
That was a joke. I’m sure they do wear pyjamas, nice ones in pastel colours with little frilly bits and fluffy bears – that’s the guys. The women…? Thongs, probably. You know, ‘Go forth and multiply, join together, begat and joy unto thy soul… rapture!’
@Clark, 30 jun
“There has to be a structural cause.”
Yup. Israelis call it “Hafrada”, and it means the same as segregation and apartheid. For instance, in Israel the wall is not referred to as the “security” wall, but as the “separation” (same word in Hebrew), or Hafrada wall. Prior to 1948, when the institutions of the future Zionist state were being set up, it was with the principle of hafrada uppermost. Fantastic interview with Miko Peled, who has just written “The General’s Son” describes this and so much more:
When Netanyahu described the future of Israel & Palestine to the US, he described discontiguous bantustans for the Palestinians, because Israel wants the majority of the land but not its indigenous inhabitants. This is hafrada/segregation/apartheid. Racism perpetrated by a state on the basis of spurious differences, in this case religion. How can a bunch of bantustans surrounded on all sides by Israel, possibly operate as an independent state?
An American (Democrat) said to me that the Israeli right is quite happy to use these rapturous-pyjama-floaters for their own ends. That aside, the combination makes as much sense to me as bacon-and-egg ice cream.
Anne O’Nimmus, I don’t regard the internal attitudes in the Israeli power structures as a cause. There are always people who believe that their group has greater rights than others, but eventually such structures fall.
That Israel hasn’t fallen can be attributed to the support of other governments, especially the US. But there has to be a reason for that support. It costs the US a fortune, for a start. The US must be seeing some “return on that investment”. Or, the US being in the power of the big corporations, it’s the corps that see the return.
My working theory is that Israel is a beachhead in the Middle East. Destabilise, create chaos, harvest the oil.