A 3,000 Year Old Story in the UK Legal Environment 35

Nadira continues her rehearsals for her big role at Edinburgh

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35 thoughts on “A 3,000 Year Old Story in the UK Legal Environment

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  • KingofWelshNoir

    I must admit I felt this post fell way short of your usual high standards. I think if you are going to publish a picture combination which in tandem with the headline implies that Kate McCann is a murderer, it behoves you to explain what you mean and why you think that. Frankly, your statement that you don’t know the McCanns are murderers but you do know they are neglectful is bizarre.

  • mary

    ‘One of the clouds that hung over this trial is that the mother for 31 days did not report her missing daughter and under Florida law, there’s no provision that she violated,’ he said. ‘She did not break the law by failing to report that child. This bill addresses exactly that issue.’
    In a spectacular turn of events for a woman who was facing the death penalty, Anthony was found not guilty of first degree murder, aggravated murder and aggravated child abuse in court in Orange County, Florida, on Tuesday.
    She was found guilty of four lesser charges of lying to police but will walk free from from jail next Wednesday because of time already served and good behaviour.
    There is surely a great difference in the IQs of both mothers, Anthony and McCann.

  • evgueni

    Chiming in with Strategist and KingofWelshNoir. There’s nowt as queer as folk, so no – an off-the-cuff balance of probabilities type of argument is not an adequate response here. Also neglect is a PC term. It used to be (and in places still is) perfectly acceptable to let very young children play outside unattended.

  • dreoilin

    “It used to be (and in places still is) perfectly acceptable to let very young children play outside unattended.”
    Aged 3 and 1?? Not where I come from.

  • evgueni

    I was not implying that that was what the McCanns had done. I was just illustrating the range of ‘acceptable’ parenting behaviour around the world. I grew up in the Ukraine and this sort of thing definitely went on then (1970s and 80s). I am told that in parts of Sweden it is not unusual to see children asleep in prams that are parked unattended outside people’s front doors. The amount of trust in society seems to vary.

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