Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party and EDL 213

Anders Behring Breivik posted links to the Atlas Shrugs website of the Tea Party’s Pamela Geller. Here you can see him under the name of Anders Behring (his middle name) posting links to Geller’s “Atlas Shrugs” site. That cache page is bing translated from Norwegian.

Here is a video of Pamela Geller addressing the Tennessee Tea Party convention. This is a list of links I just copied off her Atlas shrugs website to a stream of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles Geller has been publishing:

January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors –

April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue

May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway


2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims

2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II

2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway

2008: ISLAM ATTACKS – Death for Writer! Norway Hides

2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark

2007: Email from Norway

2006: Norway calls for Israel Boycott

The links themselves appear to have been disabled. You could still see the links on Atlas Shrugs here as I type this. Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.

Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League. Geller states on her website that she had been in Oslo to attend a pro-Israel rally. It would be interesting to know whether Anders Behring-Breivik was also on that rally.

We are told that Behring Breivik acted alone. In truth he had ideological and communication links with organised far right networks every bit as solid as the comparable connections of Islamic terrorists.

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213 thoughts on “Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party and EDL

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  • Courtenay Barnett

    Thank you for your kind compliment.
    I wonder whether out of this Norweigian tragedy there cannot be much water found to pour on the war fires around the world.
    I have watched keenly this war unfold in Libya, as I have followed previous wars.
    One of the servants of the Libyan war’s continuation is public opinion in the West. Sadly, we have elected representative goverments that do not represent the true wishes and feelings of the majority. I say that for two reasons relative to the Libyan war. The mainstream Western media ( include not just Fox news, but the New York Times, the BBC, CNN and others) are propoganda servants to the war cause.Service to the oligarchic social order is the the other reason ( I shall return to that).

    One way to gain public support is to publish outright lies. Another, is that one journalist in a big name newspaper runs a line, and others simply quote the original falsehood. All of this has happened in the coverage of the Libyan war. I noted the size of the pro-Gadaffi demonstrations and also noted the spin given by the BBC and others to diminish its implications. Millions marching in the street was not to be deemed as support by the majority of the Libyans for their leader.

    But, the point I am driving at is a link between the recent tragedy in Norway and the bombing of Libya.

    I read years ago where Leonardo Da Vinci had designed flying machines, but shelved them when he weighed the great damage to humans that such devices would do if ever made operative. He had some humanity; our modern humanity, by contrast, has been desensitised, but not totally. We do note that in the Western mainstream media’s reporting there are no Libyan human interest stories. Of course not – the Libyan mother who loses a child in a US/NATO bombing is not a human loss and tragedy to be counted. By contrast, in Norway, the Western media will be full of stories of the human loss and tragedy to the Noweigian mother, the Norweigian father, the Norweigian family. There will simply not be a majority of broad-brush politically motivated journalistic commentaries against ’the enemy’. The Norweigians can safely be projected to the reading Western public as humans – the Libyans cannot, excepet to state that there is an on-going ”humanitarian bombing mission” to save the Libyans from a leader that the majority want. Pro-war sentiments have to be nutured; anti-war sentiments have to be suppressed.

    How do we en mass bring all of us, human beings, back into contact with our common humanity? Do we juxtapose an image of the tears of a Norweigian mother against the tears of a Libyan mother; an Iraqi mother? That would be a very effective front page picture on one of the mainstream mass circulation Western papers. The similarity and commonality of human suffering, grief and loss is very human story that many of us would love to hear. And, wordsmiths and an able journalist could write the prize-winning story that helped to bring us back to our senses. But, it is not going to happen – the Libyan mother is the enemy as is the Iraqi mother. ”They” are not ”us” – so we must distance, differentiate and ultimately mininise the other’s humanity. That is how we in the West asssist the war cause. But, with Norweigians we can safely portray true human grief – ”we” are them – ”they” are ”us” – fellow human beings.

    I am suggesting that there is an actual political and psychological management of the global war agenda. What do I mean?

    George Kennan, the US architect of the cold war made these observations:-

    “It may be true, and I suspect it is, that the mass of people everywhere are normally peace-loving and would accept many restraints and sacrifices in preference to the monstrous calamities of war.”


    “We should cease to talk about vague and unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”


    “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”
    The adversary has to be created in al-quaida – in the Muslims – in the Islamists – in ”them” versus ”us” – so we must first be nurtured, taught and learn how to hate to find justification for the war.
    Someone said this:-
    “Without an enemy image you cannot have an oligarchial society” The video explains
    ( Methinks, like Winston, I am committing thought crimes).
    If we stepped back and considered what we have done over the past decade -from Afghanistan to Libya – we find this. A single man hold up in a cave supposedly orchestrated and masterminded 9/11 – so that provided justification to have carpet bombed an already devastated Afghanistan that had recently concluded a war with the then Soviet Union. In Iraq – I guess the Americans are still in occupation because they can’t leave before they find the WMDs. In Libya we have the perfect example of the Vietnam logic – “It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.” – the justification for the My Lai massacre. Thus, the “humanitarian bombing mission” over Libya.
    We from the West are making wars to save the people who are subjected to Western belligerence. We have a “war on terror” because, as George Kennan correctly observed, “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military establishment would have to go on…” and it and NATO’s militaries have gone on…and on….and on….and…..
    Peace! And, may we all be hampered by more idealistic slogans for the general good of humankind.

  • Jaded.

    Well said Mr. Barnett. It is a tough matrix to escape, but it is possible. Demilitarisation can occur, without too much economic turmoil, slowly over time. The problem is these sickos are just addicted to the money and power. They don’t want any solutions, even one they knew would be guaranteed to work.

  • Tom Welsh

    “Rupert Murdoch has a vegetable growing business”.

    Craig, that is no way to refer to readers of Murdoch’s newspapers and viewers of Sky.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    PeteB, yes, from what I’ve heard, I think Oslo is untypical in some respects – as, perhaps, are capital cities in general. There is a sizeable Pakistani community of long standing in Oslo, for example. Generally-speaking, community relations are excellent.

  • Canspeccy

    I’ve tried to add this comment twice already, the first time with two hyperlinks, the second time with only one hyperlink. Before I raise the question of censorship, I will try it with no hyperlinks at all:
    Who said this?
    As the Coalition launches its attack on Libya, ????? says, “It’s not about protecting ‘rebels’ – this is a War for Oil and neo-con colonialism.”
    “It’s madness, utter madness. The Coalition attack on Libya is the beginning of a new and ugly era – the Era of Energy Colonialism and Oil Wars. Cameron and Clegg have conspired with other US/New World Order puppets like Sarkozy to launch an unprovoked and illegal war on a sovereign state. …”
    Answer: Nick Griffin.
    So who benefits from Christian, nationalist lone nut mass murder in Norway?
    Seems clear: anti-Christian and anti-war nationalists, and liberal advocates of European genocide by mass immigration:

  • ingo

    Thanks for this Clark , another link that FB does not like.

    wellspoken Coutney, the Leviathan must rumble on, must act up to its Monroe doctrine and the project for the 21 st. century, there is a 14 trillion dollar debt reason for it and those bankers do like to get their pound of flesh.

  • Guest

    I deleted Sky news off my freeview a long time ago, looks like I am going to have to deleted BBC news as well, don`t watch any BBC programmes these days. Can`t get Russia today on freeview where I live!!!. Even shortwave radio is being closed down station by station!. Looks like the web is the last bastion of free speech/news in the western world…for how much longer will that be allowed ?.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    It seems that many of us – including myself – is trying to ascribe blame or ‘cui bono’ or behind-the-scenes machinations to groups they don’t agree with/don’t like, etc. That’s fair enough, and one ought to be skeptical in view of all the disinfo surrounding various deaths/massacres, etc., but in this specific respect in this particular case as it stands at present, might we not be guilty of doing exactly what we criticise the MSM for doing? Just a word of caution to myself as muh as to anyone else.

  • Mark

    Funny how quick people were to blame the Arab world when it’s believed to be Moslem perpetrator but when it turns out to be a Christian fundamentalist (i.e. a non-Jewish Zionist) then he’s just a lone nut.

  • Samir S.Halabi

    Norway today is a fanatically Jew-hating, Israel hating socialist/fascist country, I know the Norwegian Royal family are definitely not anti-semites, but these socialist scum are made up of Jew-hating vermin who will do anythinmg not to cause any trouble with their beloved muslim community, who fled their own fanatical islamic states in order to live a dem,ocratic life in the west, why is it that they then vent their filthy rotten Jew-hating animosity towards the tiny Jewish community of Norway, attacking Jewish children, firebombing synagogues, aswell as other jewish communal buildings, and desecrating jewish graves. These vermin are no asset whatsoever to Norway, they are just spongers and their children become radicalized by their islamic preachers of jew-hatred. There is now no future for the jewish community in that stinking country anymore, before the second world war many Norwegians wanted the jews to leave for palestine, when the nazis invadedmany weren’t shy to direct them to the Jews, now these msame norwegians and their descendants want the jews to get out of Israel and see it destroyed for good by arabs who kicked out almost 1,000,000 jews from the arab world in 1948.

  • Scott

    Let’s see if I have this right. Someone made a post to a site using a name different from the name that’s been reported in the press. But you are certain this alias is him. And, if it is him, you found he linked to exactly ONE post from Atlas Shrugs. And you use that to smear the entire Tea Party movement?


    I guess if I find a post that he’s written in which he links to The New York Times, that means he’s got a connection to The New York Times. And I can infer from that, and create a blog post that strongly insinuates, we ought to see a connection between the left wing ideology that spews from that paper on a daily basis and the commission of mass murder.

    See how stupid that sounds?

    Why not just say that because the sun rose in the east on Saturday he decided to go on a killing rampage?

  • Clark

    Do we assume that the Tea Party are using Megaphone now? I noticed that Pamela Geller’s video ended with a big Megaphone logo.

  • mary

    Just reading the BBC main news headlines on the TV. First comes Amy Winehouse, then the Queen’s condolences to Norway, followed by Cameron’s and then Theresa May saying that ‘UK police stand ready to help’. No Theresa, they are far too busy for that because they are answering questions, writing resignation letters, arranging their golden goodbyes, dealing with lawyers on how they will give evidence to the various inquiries and generally faffing.

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