Anders Behring Breivik posted links to the Atlas Shrugs website of the Tea Party’s Pamela Geller. Here you can see him under the name of Anders Behring (his middle name) posting links to Geller’s “Atlas Shrugs” site. That cache page is bing translated from Norwegian.
Here is a video of Pamela Geller addressing the Tennessee Tea Party convention. This is a list of links I just copied off her Atlas shrugs website to a stream of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles Geller has been publishing:
January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors –
April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway
2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims
2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II
2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway
2008: ISLAM ATTACKS – Death for Writer! Norway Hides
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
2007: Email from Norway
2006: Norway calls for Israel Boycott
The links themselves appear to have been disabled. You could still see the links on Atlas Shrugs here as I type this. Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.
Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League. Geller states on her website that she had been in Oslo to attend a pro-Israel rally. It would be interesting to know whether Anders Behring-Breivik was also on that rally.
We are told that Behring Breivik acted alone. In truth he had ideological and communication links with organised far right networks every bit as solid as the comparable connections of Islamic terrorists.
Work on your reading comprehension skills. I did not defend Pamela Geller or her site Atlas Shrugs. I pointed out how idiotic it is for the author of this blog to link the suspect in the mass murders to the Tea Party simply because the suspect may have once linked to A SINGLE post from Atlas Shrugs in a comment on an internet forum.
The ONLY reason the author of this blog made that flimsy connection is political. He obviously does not like the politics of the Tea Party so he created this post to smear them. And he sent it out over twitter to stoke left wing hate against the Tea Party. What he has done is despicable.
Glenn Greenwald recommends this article in his Update II today:
How a clueless “terrorism expert” set media suspicion on Muslims after Oslo horror; Benjamin Docherty; 7/23/11
media experts and
then the “Message Force Multipliers” speak.
A document is circulating that claims to be Anders Behring Breivik’s manifesto, with the filename:
It’s very long. At first glance it looks as if it is real.
I do hope that this horrible set of events allows everyone – the MSM, in particular – to come to the conclusion that apart from being dangerous and wrong, jumping to conclusions wrt the perpetrators of terrorist outrages wrt to one or other community just makes those who do that look silly.
But I know that the MSM will no come to that conclusion – they didn’t eat humble pie, or learn, after the Oklahoma Bombing, when exactly the same (wrong) conclusions were leapt at.
Nike Cohen is scribbling as we speak.
what’s the going rate for a thousand words of bullshit.
At the very least, even taking this on its surface meaning, it would seem to suggest that the constant propaganda of Islamophobia and asociated Far Right mores has very real effects, that radicalisation in Europe is not something unique to Muslims. Of course, this is blindingly obvious from ‘European’ history. It is interesting that this killer attacked the Norwegian Labour Party, though, rather than specifically Muslims. Perhaps he had a hatred of multiculturalism or tolerance or whatever and blamed the Labour Party for these policies. So, the constant banging-on of a very small minority of the contributors to this blog (and far more widely on the www) in relation to, for example, the supposed purity of Europe/Britain, etc., the use of inappropriately extreme terms such as “genocide” when actully referring to cartel capitalist cheap labour migration, and the entire gamut of other such xenophobic emanations, does run the risk of contributing to an underlying ‘hum’ of propaganda that simply cannot be ignored or excused in the context of this massacre. As Courtney wrote, hate breeds death. I think that these people, who runs websites, etc., whether or not intelligence servive-operated, ought to face this – just as those Muslims – whether or not intelligence service-operated – who constantly talk about ‘jihad’ in terms of killing need to face the potential consequences of their hate-filled rhetoric.
For example, the material allegeldy written by Breivik does not seem all that different from some of the material to which I referred in the pevious post.
here we see the obsesion with th three Ms: ‘Marxists’, ‘Muslims’ and ‘Multiculturalism’, the same drawing of parallels b/w these groups/concepts and the Nazis of WW2 and so on.
Perhaps, the Norway massacre is the wake-up call in relation to all this nonsense.
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Look Scott if you are not happy with Pamela Gellens PR profile on here, please allucidate us to her aims and objectives with regards to Palestine, Scott?
Would you not agree, Scott, that people like Ms Gellen could give the tea party a bad name, a candidate/liability with such rabid views can not possibly hold a cosmopolitan global view, don’t you think?
Not that Ms. Bachmann has got anything over her, there must be a nest of them somewhere, who breeds these Palin clones?, they must have all met on the cross roads to oblivion.
That said, Scott, give us one good reason why we should follow the incessant US presidential schmoozing over here for the candidates of your choice, pal.
Do you really think you are your own determinant? has something far bigger gotten hold of you?
tell us!
Well,, hiiiiiihaaar think again!
Sometimes Craig I find your posts and many of those by your regular commenters insightful and interesting.
This isn’t one of those times.
Whilst you’re busy trying to make smear links here, you might want to consult the EU’s statistics on terrorism for 2010:
Glenn above seems to have ingested all the poison the progressives can concoct about the Tea Party… so let’s deconstruct a bit. Of course, his use of the offensive term “Teabaggers” tells us about his objectivity
“Disgusted” above – so the Teabaggers have never advocated violentce, eh?
I suppose “resorting to second amendment remedies”,
encouraging teabaggers to attend Democratic representatives’ Town Hall meetings *armed*,
racism endemic with its members, etc. etc., isn’t meant to be threatening in any way. “Freedomworks” and other front groups for Coche brother agitation set up the teabaggers precisely to appeal to the fear, ignorance and racism at the core of the movement.
Racism? I guess you actually believe that BS.
Ah yes, the well made signs where SEIU infiltrated a tea party rally to make it look violent. I think you’re one of the suckers they were targeting.
Teabaggers are full of talk about armed revolution if laws they don’t like are enforced by government. Spitting on congressmen for not voting the way they like, with mobs thousands strong.
The executive director is a white separatist, with a record for assaulting for assaulting a coloured person while using racial slurs.
Executive director? There is no such thing, since the Tea Party is a movement, not an organization. Your ignorance is on full display here.
“They claim Obama “hates white people” and is a Kenyan/Marxist/Nazi – take your pick. It never stops with these people”
Yes, some on the right claim that. But you are a typical bigot, stereotyping a very broad and deep movement by using the words of a tiny minority as if it represents the whole movement. Typical progressive lies and propaganda.
“Don’t retreat, reload!” Palin told her supporters, as the head of the teabagger movement. She’s made her image all about gun ownership and use.
And your problem with that is? In America, especially in the west, we recognize the value and the danger of guns. Of course, it was people of your ilk that immediately blamed the attack on Gifford on the Tea Party, before it came out that the schizophrenic who did the deed hates conservatives.
“Bachman is a dangerous lunatic, who hates gays, Muslims and anyone to the left of Mussolini. Their brand of far-right Christian white power is beyond question.”
Proof, or do you just engage in slander for the hell of it?
“Here’s a question for you, “disgusted” – how many Muslims, Blacks or other racial minorities are there among teabaggers? Racist? Violent? Perish the thought!”
Here’s a question for you, idiot: Did you know that the famous picture of the armed Tea Party member at the rally in Phoenix, cropped by the mainstream media, was of an African American tea party member? So much for your ignorant assumptions.
Confusing European right wing nationalism with US nationalism is a sign of true ignorance – European nationalists are much more radical and are often violent.But then, Europe has that glorious history in the last century, so they have history to build on.
Norway has suffered an incredible tragedy at the hands of a truly evil man. Using that event to target the Tea Party is as despicable as it is inaccurate.
Bless you Courtenay.
Pamela Geller – Jihad Watch
‘Drop an MOAB'{wiki [murder a thousand Palestinian children]
Oh Teabaggers, always the victims. It’s not like Teabaggers posted the private address of Representative Tom Perriello brother encouraging people to ‘drop by’. A day later a gas line was found severed.
It was Sharron Angle that suggested second amendment remedies.
I don’t know why people think Teabaggers are racist, founder and president Dale Robertson with a sign that said “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = Niggar”.
Springboro (Ohio) Tea Party founder Sonny Thomas posted a racial slur on the Springboro Tea Party Twitter webpage he managed “Illegals everywhere today! So many spics makes me feel like a speck. Grrr. Wheres my gun!?”
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spat on and heard people yelling ‘Nigger’ at health care protests.
Oh and it was a Teabagger who first used Teabag as a verb, people against Teabaggers found it hilarious and ran with it.
But honestly the worst thing about Teabaggers is that they just don’t get it. As made plainly clear in this blog posting. CM made clear in his first comment on this thread what he meant, but Teabaggers keep complaining and misunderstanding his intent. Teabaggers also have some legitimate concerns, however they blame the wrong people and embrace ‘solutions’ that exacerbate the problem even further. Reminds me of the Dylan song, ‘Only a Pawn in Their Game’.
CheebaCow… you can continue to incorrectly stereotype Tea Partiers all you want.
But ultimately you are lying, even if some the individual facts are true.
One can take any *large* group of people who have been scrutinized in depth for a couple of years, and find some who will say stupid things. For example, there are plenty of examples of the left calling for violence in the US in the last year – often against Tea Partiers. There was a black Tea Partier who was beaten by SEIU thugs, for example.
BTW, this one of your “facts” has been *thoroughly* debunked:
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spat on and heard people yelling ‘Nigger’ at health care protests.
There were many recordings made of the event where a bunch of democrat representatives attempted to provoke a Tea Party crowd. NONE of them showed that language. If Cleaver had a valid complaint, where’s his video? It’s not like they didn’t try to provoke this behavior.
I don’t keep track of all the spurious “facts” spread about Tea Partiers (who are NOT Teabaggers) so I won’t comment on all of your anecdotes.
You don’t have a clue about who tea partiers are and how they think, as is clear from your posting.
As long as you let your opinions be formed by media that is hostile to the Tea Party, you will continue to be an ignorant dupe.
So, let’s get back on subject. Please tell me why this vicious European nationalist killer is “linked” to the Tea Party and why anyone should give a damn about such spurious “linkage.” Is the claim that the Tea Party leads people to such behavior? If so, why did it happen in Norway, while in the US where we are armed to the teeth and have plenty of nuts, it didn’t happen?
No, this posting is nothing but a pathetic and noxious attempt to blame the Tea Party for the act of a classic *European* racist/nationalist.
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I don’t believe I am stereotyping, you asked for citations, I gave you some.
“But ultimately you are lying, even if some the individual facts are true.”
I love it. Amazing mental gymnastics you engage in.
“One can take any *large* group of people who have been scrutinized in depth for a couple of years, and find some who will say stupid things.”
Except most of my references were about leaders in the Teabagger movement. Rep Sharron Angle, founder and president Dale Robertson and Springboro (Ohio) Tea Party founder Sonny Thomas.
“There were many recordings made of the event where a bunch of democrat representatives attempted to provoke a Tea Party crowd.”
Perhaps it is your turn to offer a single citation.
“If Cleaver had a valid complaint, where’s his video?”
I dunno, maybe he doesn’t walk around with a video camera in hand at all times.
“As long as you let your opinions be formed by media that is hostile to the Tea Party”
Except for Fox News, the highest rating news channel in the US. Oh poor Teabaggers, everyone is against them.
“No, this posting is nothing but a pathetic and noxious attempt to blame the Tea Party for the act of a classic *European* racist/nationalist.”
Ok I will spell it out for you. The point of this blog posting was that the ‘linkages’ between Teabaggers and the Norwegian madman are as tenuous as many links used to condemn and jail Muslims. Got it?
“A South politician preaches to the poor white man
“You got more than the blacks, don’t complain.
You’re better than them, you been born with white skin,” they explain.
And the Negro’s name
Is used it is plain
For the politician’s gain
As he rises to fame
And the poor white remains
On the caboose of the train
But it ain’t him to blame
He’s only a pawn in their game”
“maybe he doesn’t walk around with a video camera in hand at all times”
Pretty lame. This event was well documented – you can find it if you look outside the lefty-sphere. The congressmen purposefully went through the middle of a big crowd of Tea Partiers hoping to be insulted. Then they claimed racial harassment to an eager media. In spite of all the media present, the congressmen and all their aides who knew they were being provocative, nobody can show a single video of any racist epithet.
The whole thing is a lie. You are perpetrating that lie. Put up or shut up.
Your repeated use of the term teabaggers is obviously an attempt to cause offense. So, enjoy being an offensive twit.
And if you think Muslims (at least in the US) have been jailed for links this tenuous, you are dreaming.
It is a *fact* that most acts of terrorism in the world, and in the US and Europe, are carried out by Muslim jihadists. You can deny and hem and haw all you want, but there’s nothing “racist” or whatever about stating that fact. It is a fact that a jihadist group claimed responsibility for this heinous crime – because they thought it was a Muslim who did it and they were so pleased with the deaths of innocents. When they discovered it wasn’t a Muslim, they had to retract their claim.
It is a fact that freedom of speech in the US, England, Denmark and other countries is in great jeopardy because of the threats from Muslim extremists, threats that polls show are approved of by large percentages of Muslims in the middle east and Europe.
It is a fact that many Muslims deny most basic rights to women, and are allowed to get away with it by the same lefties who scream to high heaven if a European offers any slight to females.
It is a fact that anti-Semitism is rising rapidly in Europe, where of all places, people ought to knw better. It is also a fact that anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment is rising rapidly there – partly due to the governments in Europe letting the more extreme Muslim views gain ascendancy – and that sentiment in Europe is among groups far more dangerous than the American right, where we still believe in due process and democracy.
It is also a fact that most people recognize that not all Muslims are jihadists, but it is also a fact that many on the left seek to portray the right (“far right”) as being of the same ilk as the jihadists. Nice tactic to use on your ideological enemies, but bigoted stereotyping.
Expert (didn’t get the name) on BBC ‘News’ this morning was asked what connection there might be between events in Norway and global terrorism. He obliged with a new and expanded definition of terrorism which I am sure we can expect to become current. Even if Breivik acted alone (says he) it’s terrorism if he had a declared agenda and/or reason to believe that he had the support of others for his opinions.
Mary: “Norway is forgotten now on Sky News and BBC News.”
Utter lying bullshit. I’ve just gone to the BBC website and the Norway killings is the top story.
“They are competing to find the most sensational and gossipy commentators on Amy Winehouse who was found dead two hours ago.”
I actually didn’t even know this until now. Enough of the compassion, oh compassionate one!
“Pure muck rakers.”
A muck raker is someone who clears away muck to reveal the real story. What’s wrong with that?
“Guess what the headlines will be tomorrow.”
BBC’s top headline is “Norway gunman ‘defends’ shootings”
”It is a *fact* that most acts of terrorism in the world, and in the US and Europe, are carried out by Muslim jihadists.”
This was obviously the work of the jihads:
If the police had only assumed this was a crazy Muslim from the beginning, what with the attempted ‘honour killing’, ….
Cho Seung-hui was really a deep cover al-Qaeda agent…
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‘Anders Brehing Breivik took part in online discussions with members of the EDL and other anti-Islamic groups’
“Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.”
I’ve mentioned it here before but here it is again. If you’re a Firefox user, there’s an add-on called Zotero. It’s for researchers who need to classify and store references to web sites. It is easy to use and can capture web pages complete with links. It can also extract authors, publishers, citation strings etc. where the pages are structured for this (as they will be on academic sites).
Off topic, but good: a succinct analysis of why continuing energy growth (and therefore economic growth) is impossible.
“The congressmen purposefully went through the middle of a big crowd of Tea Partiers hoping to be insulted.”
If you consider a Congressman walking through a crowd in the United States Capital provocation, you have a mighty low opinion of your fellow Teabaggers.
“Put up or shut up.”
I have provided multiple sources for my claims, you have yet to offer one despite my previous request.
“Your repeated use of the term teabaggers is obviously an attempt to cause offense. So, enjoy being an offensive twit.”
I’ll admit I do enjoy baiting people, probably a trait learned from my god father. I do find it amusing how incensed Teabaggers get about the term. It’s hardly the worst thing to be called, in fact some people rather enjoy the act. The racism (which the Teabagger leadership engaged in) I cited previously is far more offensive than the Teabagging joke (which as I pointed out earlier, was self inflicted).
“It is a *fact* that most acts of terrorism in the world, and in the US and Europe, are carried out by Muslim jihadists.”
A fact eh? Got any kinda source for that? As I pointed out in the Islamophobia thread, according to Interpol, terrorism in the EU between 2006-2010, Islamist terrorism accounts for about .5-1% of attacks in Europe.
“It is a fact…. It is a fact…. It is a fact”
Yet not a single source from someone who complains others don’t cite their sources.
“Nice tactic to use on your ideological enemies, but bigoted stereotyping.”
Angry From the time of the discovery of Amy’s body after 4pm, both channels in tandem (do they collude?) switched to coverage of that story. About three hours later they returned to the Norway killings. Sky broke the news first and the BBC followed suit. Do not tell me what I saw and heard with my own eyes. What is your point anyway?
The religious programme on Radio 4 this morning, Sunday, planted quite a few anti-Islam seeds in the listeners’ minds this morning. A range of topics was covered, a Republican conference in America, a conference at Lambeth Palace where the Anglican and Catholic Archbishops have been discussing the decline of Christianity in the Middle East,etc.
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You should have been listening to the World Service, you could have heard me pontificate!
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Can we listen again Craig? What was the programme? Sometimes they are repeated too.
My comment to Angry should have ended ‘