Anders Behring Breivik posted links to the Atlas Shrugs website of the Tea Party’s Pamela Geller. Here you can see him under the name of Anders Behring (his middle name) posting links to Geller’s “Atlas Shrugs” site. That cache page is bing translated from Norwegian.
Here is a video of Pamela Geller addressing the Tennessee Tea Party convention. This is a list of links I just copied off her Atlas shrugs website to a stream of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles Geller has been publishing:
January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors –
April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway
2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims
2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II
2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway
2008: ISLAM ATTACKS – Death for Writer! Norway Hides
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
2007: Email from Norway
2006: Norway calls for Israel Boycott
The links themselves appear to have been disabled. You could still see the links on Atlas Shrugs here as I type this. Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.
Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League. Geller states on her website that she had been in Oslo to attend a pro-Israel rally. It would be interesting to know whether Anders Behring-Breivik was also on that rally.
We are told that Behring Breivik acted alone. In truth he had ideological and communication links with organised far right networks every bit as solid as the comparable connections of Islamic terrorists.
Seriously Craig? He was a fucking nutter – could have been linked to Georgette Heyer and he’d still be a fucked up loon.
Dick the prick, heard an emminent professor piece of mind on todays six oclock news, he says that Brevik does not show the signs of being a mentally challenged or deranged individuals, his planning was calculated and his execution ot the murders was cold blooded and calm. To make out that he is a madman, I myslef used the term, is wrong at this point in time.
This label is all too often thrown at rightwing terrorists for the convenienace of gettign them out of the limelight.
Remember Denis Michael Rohan, the Australian Christian who set fire to the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, he was equally dismissed as a ‘madman’ and that was the end of the story, buried.
Why is it that when a white person does such a thing he is called “crazy”, but when anyone darker than tan does this he is a terrorist? Yet again elevating certain humans above others based on the color of their skin.
hmmm sky news promoting the terrorists fascist message against muslims .
maybe there is more to this and the edl.
Wendy, The EDL may be an MI5 front operation:
Some of the ‘anti-fascist’ groups may also be MI5 fronts (there have been persistent allegations over many years about ‘Searchlight’, for example). On wonders whether a number of the more extreme Islamist and ‘Green’ organisations are MI5 fronts, too. Some of the Green ones may be – and indeed have been – specific industry corporate fronts to instill chaos into those who oppose them.
Anything, you see, to divide and rule, to fractionate, to split along whichever tribal lines are available, and so render impotent, opposition to the hegemony. That, of course, is the security and intelligence services’, and Special Branch’s, primary aim (and not to fight organised crime and stop terrorists, etc.; indeed, they are systemically in bed with – you might say, are ‘married to’ – both!).
I was wondering how long it would take before someone attempts to capitalize on these tragic events to prove some political point. I said two days before the left begins blaming Palin, but it in your case it was one.
He was also a Freemason, and belonged to organizations that had anarchist views a goals.
It says a lot about your character, Craig, that in the wake of the mass murders of 91 people you can’t wait two day before trying to politicize it.
Greetings from one of your brothers,
My brothers and sisters have been watching you human off spring for a very long time.
Some of us came to you and saw how they could take over your weak mines. You were in the infancy of your growth towards a higher state. But these who agreed to corrupt you with knowledge never made for you came and did break our laws.
In time you these who disobeyed had shown you weapons of War and reading,writing and math. They created strife amongst you and a belief that there are difference’s among your kind. they ruled with Iron fists and you desired the same.
When our Watchers came before our King, they brought back the report of what they had done. Once these Rebel’s learned of the knowledge that they had been found out, they pleaded for forgiveness, but we found none sincere and all corrupt in their war. They had corrupted what we had built by decree of our King for Human kind to attain to be even greater then we.
So, thus started their demise. The children they had reared from the flesh of your women were lost to ever having a true fleshly body and cursed by our King to never die but to roam this world as Evil Spirits testing man. At this time all of mankind was destroyed and given another chance at life on your planet once again.
But to our dismay our King didn’t rid your world of these who roam the Air you breath. These entities desire to have flesh to live in.
Your parents of old remained wanting and memories of past knowledge continued to be explored with the help of these who whispered into you ears the desires they heard from your constant chatter. Humans grew wiser in ways of War, with each and every new War came more Technologies to the point where Murder was a constant on your very weak willed minds.
You never progressed as planned and thus we sent another to teach you to LOVE and not HATE. To share with one another and have no one in want.
AS a Covetous Race, you took His life, for His Ways being our Ways were not the way you wished, for you enjoyed the comforts afforded to you and not to others.
Wars continued and technology increased and this to you was more important then what is important for you to gain a higher state of being. With you ever increasing knowledge you have lowered yourself back to prime evil Human beings with nothing but loathing for one another.
The needs of the Few are greater then the needs of the many.
Your Race enjoys Death of your fellow beings. Race has taken different views of others stating your exclusive rights to a God that is owned by no-one. But yet you insist that this God is on your side. Yet your very wrong.
The God of Murder and suffering is your God.
Our King wishes not for this Race to be as it is.
You have listened to Demons and doctrines of demons. You have believed the lies of those that have allowed to possess their Flesh. You have put them, these lowest of your kind over you. You have taken what was created for your well being and cannibalized all that your hands have touched, with thoughts that your way is better then any other.
You have taught yourself that the hand is not part of the body and can survive without the body, but you are so wrong in your thoughts.
Your thoughts come from Covetousness.
You wonder if there are other entities, and why have they not revealed themselves to you?
I have come to give you the answer all of Human kind by know should of seen.
If you could only of risen higher in your beings that you were made for you to would be able to see what we who have acended higher have seen.
The majority of you have become pretentious in your mind of being greater then your brothers and sisters.
There is a Way given you, but you prefer not to bring this about. You prefer to think more for oneself then for the whole.
This is why you will not be given another chance other then destruction in more ways then Man has ever seen.
There is an entity greater then thou.
Please look all around and see your own self injustices and stop yourself from the edge of the abyss for your Watchers are being removed from having these demons in the ultimate release upon you.
Your World is about to be shaken to Death by these very same demon entities.
Your Gold and Silver and hiding places will not save you. You have listened and learned from Doctrines of Hate and Murder and now you are about to suffer in the Bed you have made.
There will be no peace and safety from the storm on your horizon.
Watchers hold your world together, these who have, are leaving your Planet as I speak to you now.
We look upon it now as not a Blessed Earth, but as a Forbidden Planet.
When we come, it will be to clean your planet from all the scum you have permitted to cannibalize what was once what you had called the Garden of Eden.
Yes, you have pushed yourself to the Abyss.
So, there is a reason why you have not met your fellow beings.
The reason being, you would of killed us if possible.
You are now in a hopeless state.
Your Covetousness has done you in. All your self inflicted wounds are from this.
You have Pushed, pushed, pushed into the wrong way of being.
I feel sorry for you all, for you will not rid your Planet yourselves of these Evils.
This guy is too similar to the man who shot Congresswoman Giffords. Same MO as the Oklahoma City bomber. I agree with some of you, your point-that he had handlers. It’s a classic case of M K Ultra Mind Control/Monarch Butterfly. Programmed to massacre, but why? That is the question that needs to be answered. The handlers are the psychopaths/sociopaths. And just like the massacre in Tucson, there will be a news blackout to squash the truth. With the M K Ultra, perfected by the Nazi’s, the end result was to victimize and mind control blonde/blue eyed whites to create a master race. ???? That is insanity. But the mind control has branched out to all humans, not just the blonde/blue eyed. Check out The Trance-formation of America website. And if you have been paying attention, Sarah Palin herself said a few months ago that Obama’s plan was the “transformation of America…” When I heard her say this, it was an “Ah Ha!” moment. She slipped up and revealed herself, and verified what I sensed all along as to what was wrong with her. Another mind control victim. They are not hard to spot, once you’ve done the research on the mind control. They are everywhere, most of them in politics. Mind controlled puppets on strings.
Brother From Another Planet
Brother From Another Planet: I am familiar with the Watchers you speak of. And yes, many of them have left for the very reasons you mentioned. But my hope is with the good people of this planet, and there are many. Most of the Star Brothers and Sisters do not agree with your words. Yes, we’ve made a tremendous mess on this planet. And yes, it is up to us to rid this planet of all the evil that is here. But it starts on an individual basis, in each heart, mind and soul. That is where the growth needs to begin, and it has. But this earth will not be destroyed. If you were one of those spiritually advanced Star Brothers, you would not have written the words that you wrote. So my conclusion is that you are a cabal operative, because the people from the Stars communicate with unconditional love. They do not wish for, nor convey or respond with death and destruction. That is a cabal trait, not a trait of a Star Brother or Sister.
How to destroy the Earth:
Oh gawd, it’s Trekky and June.
Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?
One headline we’ve yet to see:
‘Oslo terrorist told English Defence League: “Take out a nuclear power station.”‘
Quite clear from his 1,500-page DIY manual/manifesto that the ‘Justiciar Knight Commander’ regards the EDF as milk sops.
He writes that the KT [Knights Templars] ‘view the EDL as naïve fools.’
‘ . . . the only meaningful resistance at this point in time is to use military force. So instead of monkey-screaming, they should instead focus on strategically demolishing one of the many British nuclear power plants, which effectively would completely cripple the British economy.’
“It says a lot about your character, Craig, that in the wake of the mass murders of 91 people you can’t wait two day before trying to politicize it.” Michale White.
Well, the alleged perpetrator seems very clearly to have told the Norwegian police that he did it for political reasons – to change Norwegian policy wrt multiculturalism and immigration, etc. and that this was why he attacked solely the Labour Party in Norway. Michael, it IS political. It’s not a question of capitalising on it. It’s there. The alleged perpetrator created the ‘capital’. To have ignored this central, political, aspect right from the start would be an intensely political act and arguably would demonstrate disrespect for the victims – precisely what you seem to be accusing Craig Murray of doing/being. How interesting.
‘…would have been’, that should have read.
That isn’t ‘Sir’ Michael White of Garudian fame is it? Sadly all that brown nosing around NuLabour didn’t pay off and the knighthood never arrived.
Breivik also writes: ‘I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders.’
He says that in 2002 — ‘in the very beginning’ —he supplied the EDL with ‘processed ideological material (including rhetorical strategies).’
Furthermore, Michale, the UK and US MSM treated this act as political while it was occurring and thereafter, attributing it initially and erroneously to Muslims. They, not Craig, made it political in the public sphere, Michael. Craig reacted – correctly, as it turned out – to clarify this approach as the knee-jerk prejudice and/or misinformation it was.
This is a recommendation from a friend who works in a university IT dep. Should you have a ‘lost’ document, or something that was in a place and is no more because it has been spirited away, then there is a place that backs up some 160 billion web pages. As long as you have the url, you can try and find it with this, very handy.
Thanks nomorewarforIsrael, Gilad Atzmon makes some very valid points and links.
This article has taken the immense false reaction over this massacre into account, a world at hate more than in love.
Could this have been a prelude, a psychological positioning before a much bigger calamity is to happen? Is this designed to confuse and galvanise us into black and white camps, defined by those who perpetuate the status quo? Are we being slowly cooked to be ready for what is to come, another world shattering calamity to focus our minds on war?
food for thought
I don’t care if the murdeiring swine was linked to the ‘tea-party’ or not, all I know is that Norway today has become one of the worst Jew-hating countries in europe. Jewish kids and teenagers are attacked by muslim thugs, Synagogues are torched, jewish graves are desecrated, elderly Jewish people are refused taxi-rides by Muslim taxi-drivers to a synagogue in Oslo. Life has certainly changed for the tiny jewish community of Norway & shrinking all the time, because of fear. The government doesn’t seem to care about protecting the vulnerable jewish community, as they are worried that they may invoke even more trouble from the Islamic community. many of these jews have already re-located to Israel or other less troublesome countries where they can live in security and peace away from their persecutors. It’s ok for muslims to demonstrate their solidarity for Islamic countries, but if jews demonstrate their solidarity for israel they are spat upn, attacked threatened with violence from the islamic community of Norway. I am one of those jews who’s family fled our homeland in the arab world with just the shirts on our backs, all our real-estate, savings, bank accounts, personal property was stolen from us, We numbered 1,000,000 in 1948, today barely 6,000 jews remain in the arab world, mainly residing in morocco and tunisia. (Not including Iran & Turkey)
Dog-eared clipping:
samir have you been offered $10.000 for moving to Palestine, as offered and rejected by some 40.000 of Irans jews who seem to have their religious freedoms guaranteed in the Iranian constitution?
Do you think that a pssible attack on Iran would spare these souls, or will they just have been written of to faith?
Why do you accuse Norways islamic populus, those who were showing their grief as much as others yesterday? why single out the islamic community with more hate, when it is all of Norway that is boycotting Israel for its inhumanity shown to Palestinians?
far from playing the violine here, try and find the reasons to your twisted queries in the West bank , east Jerusalem and in Ghaza, you could also look at the violations to international laws of the sea if you so wish.
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The same Samir?
Samir S. Halabi on August 31, 2010 at 4:16 am
I understand that Finland is a far safer country for jews to live, than that of Sweden or Norway.
It is shameful that an old established Jewish community living in Sweden for over 250 years found it necessary to uproot themselves and get the hell out of Islamofacist Sweden, why hasn’t the government done anything to curb those barbaric monstocities, and bring order and sanity once again to Sweden. What has been the contribution made to the welfare of Sweden from the immigrant muslims, many of them just live on welfare handed out to them by the Swedish authorities, If they don’t conform to Swedish law they should be turfed out of the country and sent packing to wherever they originated from. Why should the Swedish Jewish community have to suffer Jew-hatred attacks and living in fear of these scum, what hve the jewish community done to deserve this scourge which has fallen upon them by these hateful-beings.
Comment on
Samir, this must give you some idea of how Christians in the Holy Land feel about being driven from their country by the brutal Jewish occupation. Anyone in solidarity with the evil Israeli entity cannot expect too much respect, though some of the hatred you describe is inexcusable.
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You seem to forget that there are around 1.5 Billion muslims worldwide and only 14 million jews in the world. We the Jews of the arab world lost 10 times more than the arab refugees of the former BVritish Mandate4 of Palestine. We the jews of the arab world outnumbered the arab refugees of palestine by almost two to one. The real real-estate that we owned was almost five times more than the whole of Israel today. What you have just stated is tantamount to agreeing with the agression against the very small jewish community of Norway. The arabs residents of the british Mandate of palestine never considere4d themselves as palestinian, they olyn identified Palestinian with the jews of palestine. Palestine was since the Roman times ruled by the powers of the day whether it Be Saladdin the Kurd, Seleucids, Crusaders, Ottomans, and finally the British. Only when the jews started to come in numbers did the arabs show any interest, and only because palestine in the late 1920s and 30s was a much better place for them to live coming from all parts of the middle east, as the jews worked hard on the land, and created a better life, Medical treatment ie.
and work for those arabs that came to palestine many clandestinely to earn a better living. never once was Jerusalem seen as the arab capital, never once was there a arab palestinan King with the capital in jerusalem. The arabs in palestine always faced Mecca and had their backs towards Jerusalem. Today over 60% out of 7,000,000 of Israel’s total population are families and their descendants from the Arab world. Therefore today there 1.4 million arabs who hold israeli nationality who grew from the original 130,000 arabs who decided to say in the newly crated state of israel in 1948, and the remainder are of the european jews and their descendants. The jews of Norway should in no way experience any discrimination and attacks from the muslims, they are norwegians and not israelis. You have infact stamped your approval of what the(although not all)muslim community have endorsed ie. beating up of innocent Norwegian jewish citizens, Muslim taxi-drivers refusing fares to elderly jews on their way to a synagogue, desecrating jewish graves, firebombing synagogues. For what you have stated you should now be interrogated by the norwegian special services, what you have stated is tantamount to endorsing every nasty thing which has ohappened to these unfortunate Norwegian jews, many of them holocaust survivors. So it’s ok for muslims to demostrate against israel, but not ok. for jews to demonstrate peacefully for israel. You want to see israel destroyed, however it is you who should be investigated for stamping your approval on the hatred directed against the Norwegian jews.
The BBC has an article on the EDL founder
And this