Anders Behring Breivik posted links to the Atlas Shrugs website of the Tea Party’s Pamela Geller. Here you can see him under the name of Anders Behring (his middle name) posting links to Geller’s “Atlas Shrugs” site. That cache page is bing translated from Norwegian.
Here is a video of Pamela Geller addressing the Tennessee Tea Party convention. This is a list of links I just copied off her Atlas shrugs website to a stream of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles Geller has been publishing:
January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors –
April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway
2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims
2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II
2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway
2008: ISLAM ATTACKS – Death for Writer! Norway Hides
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
2007: Email from Norway
2006: Norway calls for Israel Boycott
The links themselves appear to have been disabled. You could still see the links on Atlas Shrugs here as I type this. Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.
Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League. Geller states on her website that she had been in Oslo to attend a pro-Israel rally. It would be interesting to know whether Anders Behring-Breivik was also on that rally.
We are told that Behring Breivik acted alone. In truth he had ideological and communication links with organised far right networks every bit as solid as the comparable connections of Islamic terrorists.
the cognescenti on the Net are noting that witnesses report there were multiple shooters – same as the RFK and JFK murders – and Norway had voiced support for Palestinians and was dropping some Israeli financial instruments. The shooter has the signs of a mind control cut out – proxy (see the Greenbaum speech and corydon hammond) and the violence of this action bears the signature of the Mossad and israel, which has a casual disregard for human life and property.
The Jewish Post is even reporting that the shooter is a Zionist. And if you do not know how ruthless Zionists are, study the bloody aftermath of the Russian revolution. Or even the boarding of the flotilla and the slaughter of the unarmed. Or the israeli attack on the U S S Liberty, which killed 31 American sailors in an all out act of war against the U. S.
“…for instance defending ‘Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state’ while race-replacing European populations…” Jamie.
The issue of Israel as a Zionist/ arguably Jewish Supremacist state is one thing. But “race-replacing” European populations? Are you referring here to, for example, Craig Murray’s Paris-born, Italian-origin great-grandmother who emigrated to Edinburgh in the late C19th? Whom, precisely, did she “replace”? Whom does Craig Murray “replace”? And whom, for example, might I have “replaced”?
Or is it just ‘replacement’ by people from outside the non-geographical construct of ‘Europe’ that you object to?
Black, brown and yellow people.
Better to be honest, and say so.
This mass murderer was indeed a racist, White Supremacist, Zionist, etc. The Far Right very recently has seen fit to embrace Israel as a bosom buddy because they know it’s political suicide to be openly anti-Semitic these days and because the new convenient ‘Enemy Number One’ is ‘Muslims’, a paradigm which delivers much more running in the public discourse at the present time. Also because Israel ‘bashes’ Arabs. And probably also because, at base, Zionism is a supremacist ideology which sits well with European and Norther American White Power ideologies.
“The problem isn’t really the various parties and movements, the problem is the concentration of money and ethnic power in one bloc.” Jamie.
Concentration of money is certainly the major problem facing our economies. But tying this up with ethnicity – why don’t you just come out and say ‘The Jews’ – is disingenuous. There are a lot of capitalists who happen to be Jews; there are a lot of capitalists who happen not to be Jews. Capitalists will do what capitalists do: acquire capital. With no, or reduced, institutional banking constraints, they will do this to the detriment of many other people and of the economies from which they acquire this capital.
And are you saying that the Far Right is not a problem? I think the massacre of close to 100 children (and God knows how many were injured) would suggest otherwise.
You seem to prefer the sun-symbol; try thinking of the darkness for a little while, the utter darkness that has enveloped hundreds of families in Norway today, precisely because of the nutcase theories of ‘replacement’ to which you allude. These theories helped to kill 20 million during WW2 and now have just helped to kill nearly 100 children in Norway. Nothing new, then.
Correction: 50 million, not 20 million, dead in WW2.
Pingback: Anders Breivik and the US Tea-bag ultra-right (2 items) :: News From Underground
tell us shamrock, what has the US tea party movement got to do on a Rally that supports the bombing of inncoent people in Ghaza with illegal weaponry?
Why was she allowed to spread her bile in Oslo in 2009, if the tea party had any credible policies, her fellow members would have discouraged her from this trip, nobody in Oslo will vote for her.
The parents of thos young principled teenagers will want to know exactly who he was, what the police found on his computers, where he travelled to, who showed him how to make sophisticated devices, and why the EDL and melanie Phillips are desperate to disassociate themselves from him.
If freemansory is such an honourable club of men, only, serving the public doing charity for ourn good, then they should volunteer information about the rogue in their midst, should they not?
So should fellow members of his gun club.
Scotland Yard, who saw nothing wrong with seizing Damian Green’s MP computer records on a spurious aquisation, and who follows up terrorist and their aquaintances in every other case, should now look at Melanie Phillips computer records, as she is referenced by this guy, so is the EDL, lets see some real help here for Norways grieving parents.
The BBC, after having been insesitive in Millie Dowlers case, are now repeatingly showing the picture of Anders, aiming a gun in a macho pose and smiling, what an insult to the victims parents to see these militaristic connotations over and over again, they recive teh BBC in Norway and watch it.
Has the BBC lost its empathy and feeling just as Anders has? have too much misrepresentation andlying changed our public broadcasting service into lackeys? Maybe they would like to explain why a picture of Anders in a freemasons apron is more inapropriate to show.
utter back scratching cowards!
Pingback: Norwegian Killer Hated Muslims, Wanted to Start European Tea Party
@Shamrock, @Shannon, wherefore art thou? I was rather looking forward to a response.
@ Suhayl
But “race-replacing” European populations? Are you referring here to, for example, Craig Murray’s Paris-born, Italian-origin great-grandmother who emigrated to Edinburgh in the late C19th?
Britain and most of western Europe are openly following a UN recommended policy of ‘replacement migration’ – it. In fact the British government began imposing this model on unwilling Brits decades before the UN came up with exactly the right name for it. It’s not about individuals, millions upon millions are involved in Britain alone. I speak as an Englishman concerned for my specific ethnic group here, so I object to the mass-admission of Poles and other Europeans as well as Africans and Asians.
This mass murderer was indeed a racist, White Supremacist
I don’t think it’s logically possible for a Norwegian in Norway to even be racist. But let’s just say for now that he does not appear to have had any strong feelings for or against any ethnic group on account of their race per se. Neither does he appear to have wanted to privilege Europeans over non-Europeans even in the Europeans’ homelands. However, it’s my understanding that in the case of one particular south west Asian people he argues that they should be privileged even over Norwegians in certain respects, e.g., Jews in Israel could and should discriminate against Norwegians whereas Norwegians in Norway must not and should not discriminate against Jews. So Jew-Supremacist might be more accurate. As I wrote at Dean Henderson’s blog, the anti-Jihadi propagandists who turned Breivik cuckoo aim to inculcate objectively pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, anti-European, anti-Muslim double standards.
The Far Right very recently has seen fit to embrace Israel as a bosom buddy because they know it’s political suicide to be openly anti-Semitic these days and because the new convenient ‘Enemy Number One’ is ‘Muslims’.
That’s what I said (all of it coming under “obeying the ‘terrible power of the Jewish purse’”), except I don’t call a liberal ‘far-right’ just because he’s hysterical about the threat of Islam or opposes race-replacement. On the latter point neither do you I suspect, except when he’s White. You can prove me wrong and say the Dalai Lama, for instance, is a far-right fascist merely for opposing the displacement of Tibetans by Han Chinese. I say he’s just normal.
The counter-Jihadi movement that spawned Breivik, true to its roots in the Trotskyite neoconservative movement, is not right wing in any real sense. See how Geert Wilders, Gates of Vienna, JihadWatch, Fjordman and Breivik himself all bitch about Islam from a perfectly politically correct liberal position: Islam ‘oppresses women’, Islam is ‘anti-gay’, Islam is ‘incompatible with liberal democracy’. To a real far-right these would be pro-Islamic arguments.
Concentration of money is certainly the major problem facing our economies. But tying this up with ethnicity … is disingenuous.
We agree about the concentration of capital setting aside ethnic factors. But money and power are both routinely used in service of ethnic agendas. Jews spend hundreds of millions every year on explicitly Jewish causes whereas every White ethnic group combined spends roughly zero in its own interests, but rather bizarrely does fund other groups’ ethnocentric pursuits. And there are other forms of social and political capital distinct from the purely financial resources that different ethnic groups are either able / unable to mobilise in their own self-interest:
Dedicated ethno-states and militaries; access to the media and entertainment industries enabling them to construct a positive self-image and to denigrate perceived enemies; lobbying organisations and the ability to influence governments and affect policy; charities, education programs, policy forums, journals and so on devoted to building and consolidating a group identity and pursuing the group’s interests…
Variance in all these factors among ethnic groups explains why it’s political suicide to be openly anti-Semitic and why the new ‘Enemy Number One’ is Islam — but also why it’s political suicide to say ‘England belongs to the English’. Jewry exercises effective control over these questions in Britain and most of the West.
And are you saying that the Far Right is not a problem? I think the massacre of close to 100 children (and God knows how many were injured) would suggest otherwise … precisely because of the nutcase theories of ‘replacement’ to which you allude. These theories helped to kill 20 million during WW2 and now have just helped to kill nearly 100 children in Norway. Nothing new, then.
You’re talking about the Poles ‘nutcase theories of replacement’ by Nazis, right? I agree, the Germans were just moving to Poland to make a better life for themselves.
Jeesh! If you ever grow out of maniacally labelling every White person who doesn’t want to be genocided a genocidal maniac you might also take a more sensible approach to assessing the blame for tragedies. (And you might also be more use to the Palestinians, whose situation is largely a result of the liberal use of the nazi-holo meme and the boost it gives to Jewish aggression globally)
Personally I’m not willing to blame the (liberal, as I’ve shown) counter-Jihadi movement en massefor what Breivik did, any more than I would blame all pro-immigrationists for the many more numerous crimes of immigrants or for imposing mass-immigration on resentful populations in the first place, so that anti-immigration sentiment could then be channelled by an ‘interested third’ into anti-Jihadi madness.
The ideologues of the anti-Jihadi movement, and the pro-immigrationists, are responsible for their own crimes – crimes already on the book, but, because they are crimes in which the establishment is also complicit, these crimes go unpunished: propaganda for genocidal wars of aggression; propaganda promoting the ethnocide or cultural genocide of certain European and certain middle eastern peoples; arguments made to justify the ethnic cleansing of certain European and middle eastern territories and statements disputing or minimising these various ‘crimes against humanity’. I’m for an objective and impartial application of all these existing laws — I rather doubt you can say the same.
I referenced Carl Schmitt’s concept of the ‘interested third’ — the types who manipulate people like Breivik, whose healthy instinct to oppose his people’s dispossession is turned into an outward aggression against an approved enemy:
Indigenous defenders of homeland soil, who died pro aris et focis, national, patriotic heroes who went into the woods, everything which was the reaction of a telluric force in the face of foreign invasion, has now fallen to an international and supranational steering committee, which helps and supports in the interest of its own specific cosmic-aggressive ends – and which protects and abandons accordingly. The partisan ceases to be merely defensive. He becomes a manipulated tool of worldwide revolutionary aggressiveness. [THEORY OF PARTISANS, 1963]
This is just as true for the generation of Asian and African ‘nationalists’ who booted Europeans out of their homelands then promptly turned up in Europe arguing that Europeans didn’t have the same right to boot them out.* In the case of the Muslims amongst them, what once seemed like a good deal, e.g.: Pakistan for Pakistanis, England for Pakistanis, now doesn’t seem quite so sweet. The international and supranational steering committee has once more turned against them.
I said … I don’t think it’s logically possible for a Norwegian in Norway to even be racist.
Going into this … Breivik is a Norwegian living in Norway so any attitude he has toward other peoples cannot be racist if racism is taken to mean an attitude ‘unreasonably formed to the detriment’ of an outgroup, as per my dictionary (FONTANA DICTIONARY OF MODERN THOUGHT).
Where a dispute or conflict of interests arises between Norwegians and non-Norwegians in Norway it is always right to give priority of consideration to the Norwegians, this is reasonable, it’s why we are all anti-colonists, anti-imperialists, anti-cultural imperialists (or believe we are). We should never insist that the Norwegians change to suit the preferences of the non-Norwegians. This is unreasonable, and to the detriment of a particular ethnic group, so could qualify as ‘racist’ (if we really must use this 20thC. neologism, popularised by Trotsky’s followers to stigmatise normal feelings of loyalty to one’s people, culture and nation in populations they targeted for subjugation).
Racism must by definition be directed outward, so no thought, statement or deed by a man in his own country about an alien can properly be described as racist.
“Racism must by definition be directed outward, so no thought, statement or deed by a man in his own country about an alien can properly be described as racist.” Jamie.
How very convenient.
I said … I don’t think it’s logically possible for a Norwegian in Norway to even be racist.
Going into this … Breivik is a Norwegian living in Norway so any attitude he has toward other peoples cannot be racist if racism is taken to mean an attitude ‘unreasonably formed to the detriment’ of an outgroup, as per my dictionary.
More semantics.
I agree, though, that useful automatons and people like Breivik (and the EDL, etc.) are used cynically by those in power – possibly the security-intelligence services, for example – to further their own ends, which largely comprise divide-and-rule, blackmailing politicians, judges, etc. and generating more money for themselves and the MI complex whom they represent.
I also agree that the Zionist lobby exerts disproportionate influence on Congress in the USA, the media in the USA and on many in the UK too. I do not agree, however, with your automatic ascribing of all this, and more, to “Jewry”. To some extent, It could be argued that Israel is a European-style, uber-nationalist settler state founded on the principles of Jewish Supremacism and which increasingly is tending towards Jewish Fundamentalism. Indeed, the two Israeli writers/ documentary producers were arguing precisely this – that even many pro-Palestinian people in Israel/ the West tend not to want to question Israel’s underlying dogmas – in their excellent pieces. I’ll try and find the links.
But you know, conflating all this – the Palestinian struggle – with the Far Right’s actions in Norway – and Breivik is of the Far Right and used the theories of the Far Right to explain and justify his actions, so the Far Right cannot wriggle out of this. It is disingenuous to try to do so.
Finally, Jamie for all your elegant theorising and sun-symbol spinning, you have not answered my very simple questions, which were (I have developed them just a little, and added one):
1) Whom, precisely, have Craig Murray, his wife and his child “replaced” in the UK?
2) Whom, precisely, have I “replaced” in the UK?
3) What do you propose to do about it?
And please don’t give us three chapters from, say, ‘The Life and Works of Colin Jordan’ as an answer to these two very simple questions. You see, it’s all very well theorising about blood and soil and homelands and so on, but when one comes down to it, one is talking about people, individuals and families, and ultimately one is talking about shooting children in the chest on an island in Norway.
Jamie, this is the essence of one of your arguments: ‘It is impossible for a Norwegian living in Norway to be racist’, or, to quote you exactly, “I don’t think it’s logically possible for a Norwegian in Norway to even be racist…”
So, if a Norwegian in Norway says to the equivalent of me, “You’re an fucking Muzzie raghead sandnigger (oh, and I’m going to shoot one hundred children to display my displeasure with your presence in my country)”, that, according to you, would not be racist.
I’m sorry, but that is just plain silly.
It must be nice for you to simply place blame on others, neatly absolving the individual who perpetrated this abhorrent crime of responsibility. It seems to me that by your way of thinking, no one is responsible for their actions because they can always point a finger to those others who supposedly “influenced” them. In the case of a battered woman, don’t blame the guy who beat her up; after all, she MADE HIM DO IT! Your way of thinking defies logic.
You say that the links of these articles in atlas shrugs have been disabled. This is plainly NOT TRUE. I found every single article on atlas shrugs. In NO WAY do these articles encourage violence. Pamela Geller scours the internet to find articles which she posts on her blog with her comments. If she finds out that an article is not true in any way, she always posts a retraction or rebuttal. SHE HAS NEVER ENCOURAGED VIOLENCE IN ANY FORM. She only wants to tell the truth about one of the most intolerant, violent ideologies the world has ever known. Have you ever read the quran, Craig Murray? Do you know about the law of abrogation where if there are two verses that contradict each other, the one written later is the one that is followed. Have you read the hadiths and the life of mohammed? Do you know that mohammed is held as the perfect man and that his is the example for muslims to follow? Do you know about takiyya? – that islam mandates deception when dealing with non-muslims. This deception is taught in the quran chapter 3 verse 28 and chapter 16 verse 106. Don’t take my word for it. Read it for yourself in the quran. (Before you dismiss me as a racist, remember that islam is NOT a race. I am a teacher and have a lot of muslim students. I treat everyone with respect and dignity and judge people by their character and actions, NOT by any other criteria.)
“disgusted” wrote: “I just love this “guilt by association” – attempting to blame the Tea Party movement for this lunatic’s evil actions. It is cowardly and logically incorrect, but since the US press has been trying to blame everything except sunspots on the tea party movement, it’s not surprising.”
Change “Tea Party” to “Islam” and this post is dead on. Which is exactly the point. If the same rationalizations and ‘logic’ of blame were applied to the radical right-wing in the US as is applied to Islam, then Bill O’Reilly and hundreds of ministers throughout the US would be in Gitmo for inciting terrorism. You can just as easily say there’s a “global network” or Christian terrorists (Army of God, Christian Identity), that people like Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, and Anders Breivik are members of it, and that Bill O’Reilly (“I’m not TELLING you to go kill abortion doctors, but if you do, you’ll be making Jesus very happy”) and others like him directly support it. All these things are said about Islam and Al Qaida all the time, yet what evidence is there? Some nutbag in Florida tries to blow something up and it’s said he’s “linked to al Quaida”, even though he’s never been out of his county, much less country, and can’t read Arabic. Then a nutbag shoots a bunch of people, clearly writes in numerous blogs and manifestos that he’s following the words of Jerry Fallwell or Bill O’Reilly or Sarah Palin, and everyone says “oh, but we can’t hold any of THOSE people responsible for his actions.”
The point ISN’T that we should hold Palin responsible for the Norway shootings…the point is that we should show the same reason and logic when the violence is carried out by a purported Muslim, too.
Extremism is the enemy of a rational and compassionate world. And there are violent extremists in all three of the major Western Religions. So far in the US, there have been far more terrorist attacks by people calling themselves “Christian” than those calling themselves “Muslim”. We recognize that the former do not speak for the majority of Christians…we should recognize the same about the latter.
Laslty, “disgusted” finishes with a comment that would be funny in its irony, if it didn’t show a very dangerous mixture of arrogance and ignorance. The idea that “Europe” doesn’t enjoy the “freedom” that the US does. He’s obviously never been to Europe…I’ve lived in Europe for almost ten years now (after more than twenty in the US) and I’m always amazed when I return to the US by how much MORE my life is controlled and monitored there than it is in Europe. The only “freedom” that’s greater in the US is the one to own deadly weapons, which of course only makes it a more dangerous country.
How very convenient.
It’s inconvenient only to those from outside a country who want to apply objectively discriminatory or hostile standards to its native peoples. Rather than whine about being fingered, how about you stop doing it?
More semantics.
I’m aiming to clearly define our terms. Precisely what’s needed when we’re dealing with a relatively new term that’s used to describe diverse, often contradictory behaviours. You object only because it suits you to say that freeing Asia from European colonists was anti-racism, while also claiming that Europeans who want to be free of Asian colonists are racist. The prevailing double standards favour you and yours while my consistent standards would remove that advantage.
I also agree that the Zionist lobby exerts disproportionate influence on Congress in the USA, the media in the USA and on many in the UK too. I do not agree, however, with your automatic ascribing of all this, and more, to “Jewry”.
It ain’t the Eskimos, dumbass.
But you know, conflating all this – the Palestinian struggle – with the Far Right’s actions in Norway
I ‘conflate’ the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and against displacement and dispossession with all other struggles for self-determination and against displacement and dispossession. You want to tell me why that’s flawed? Let me tell you again why I believe you want to pretend my thinking is flawed: because I say peoples that happen to be White are due equal consideration — no more, no less. But since you are to me what a Zionist colonist is to a Palestinian, you resist an even-handed approach to these questions.
On the other hand I do not conflate the counter-Jihadi movement with any struggle for self-determination, or with any real ‘far-right’ and have given my reasons why. You haven’t challenged my reasoning. The same goes for defining racism where I even quoted a specialist dictionary and showed that were I to use the word (I don’t tend to) it would be in accord with a scholarly and objective definition, where you prefer the targeted and weaponised use of the word a la Trotsky.
I answered the following questions already but note you failed to answer mine. Still, here for clarity:
1) Whom, precisely, have Craig Murray, his wife and his child “replaced” in the UK? 2) Whom, precisely, have I “replaced” in the UK? 3) What do you propose to do about it?
I do not know anything about these people or their ethnic background, so I do not know what part they have played in the replacement of English people with aliens. The important thing is to halt and reverse the process while we still can. The psychopathic ‘logic’ of replacement migration demands that new immigrants keep coming forever (unless the immigrant groups simply outbreed natives), and it is known where this will lead us:
quote: We investigated various cases of the island model with stochastic migration. If the population is infinite, the immigrants have a fixed gene frequency and the alleles are neutral, the gene frequency on the island converges to that of the immigrants. /endquote.
You see, it’s all very well theorising about blood and soil and homelands and so on, but when one comes down to it, one is talking about people, individuals and families, and ultimately one is talking about shooting children in the chest on an island in Norway.
Or more likely, simply taking a return flight and re-uniting people, individuals and families — something that hundreds of thousands of people are doing for fun these summer holidays. Oh, the horror of it!
Your language is designed to invoke fear and paralysis in the face of your ethnic attack. Terror on terror. It’s quite disgusting.
“But since you are to me what a Zionist colonist is to a Palestinian, you resist an even-handed approach to these questions.” Jamie.
O, you ought to be on TV, Jamie, you really ought to be on the Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Circuit, man. Such hilarious silliness. This really exemplifies the whole of your argumentation. So, now I’m the ‘IDF’? No, no, you’ve got it wrong. In truth, you’re an Aryan Warrior and I’m a holy cow!
Craig Murray, who is white British/Scottish, has married a wonderful, talented woman from Uzbekistan and they have a lovely child. So, now you know. Please answer the question: Whom are Craig Murray and his wife “replacing”, Jamie?
Here are some other questions. You seem like a very intelligent and articulate person, Jamie, I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty in answering these very simple, naive questions of mine:
1) What do you think of Lee John Barnes?
2) Do you like Led Zeppelin’s music?
3) Do you believe in either compulsory or voluntary repatriation of non-white people from the UK?
4) Do you enjoy Morris Dancing?
5) Whatever your answer to Question 4), do you know the likely origin of the Morris Dance?
6) Do you regard “miscegenation” as a bad thing?
7) How does seeing a black man with a white woman make you feel, really, deep down?
Please do answer with frankness. I think it’s important that views such as yours are aired and discussed and that you get a chance to put and defend them. Actually, I prefer open, honest Far Right belief to someone who hides behind a cloak of respectability. So, be open! Be blunt! Let your great sun shine down upon us all! Think only of this:
Glory, glory, the Norman prince has alighted ‘pon the shore. Hail, metal-head, hail, horn’d One.
Then imagine a Celtic knot, writ large and infinite across the firmament. Look closely. Closer.
In Old Brythonic, the knot spells out the word, ‘J-A-M-I-E’.
He has come.
“Indeed,” intoned the Druid, “He is come unto us. Hail the Teuton!”
And then, there came from the earth, the bellow of a great guitar and the wail of you-know-who: ‘Triquetra: 666’.
And the multitude cried, “The Beast of the Barnes is cometh. And behold, his name is not Lee John, but Jamie!”
I found these excellent and prescient articles by journalist, Gary Younge – sorry if it’s been posted here before – I found one of them via Harpy Marx’s site, so thanks to her for linking to it.
What Younge writes is to a large extent what I’ve been arguing on this, and other, threads, that Europe’s problems wrt racism and xenophobia are internal to Europe and have not be caused by the presence of ‘immigrants’ or ‘brown, black and yellow’ people. And that the Jihadist and Racist Far Right political ideas and actions are mirror-images of each other, because of course, they both are part of the Far Right, of the subcontracted industry of hate. As I said before – and I think we ought not tire of acknowledging this – the Holocaust had nothing to do with:
1) Muslims living in Europe.
2) Black, brown and yellow people living in Europe.
3) Immigration.
Pingback: Jesse Kornbluth: At their core, all extremists are the same — The Good Men Project
@ Suhayl.
Evasion, diversion, and smear. People will think you have no argument to make, S.
This really exemplifies the whole of your argumentation
I think it’s clear that my argument pretty much rests entirely on the claims 1) that all people are due equal rights and 2) that all indigenous peoples are entitled to control their homelands in their own interest — even if they happen to be White.
You call it elegant theorising, as though these arguments require some artful crafting to appear plausible. In fact it’s your position, that some people are more equal than others, that’s a product of clever – or sly – designing, including the erection of multiple taboos; the funding of numerous policy enforcers; the constant rewriting of school curriculums and history; the elimination of counter-opinion in the mainstream press; the criminalisation of dissent, and on and on.
A minor exception to the evasion and diversion, although you answer the question yourself:
Whom are Craig Murray and his wife “replacing”, Jamie?
If they live in Scotland they’re replacing Scots with Uzbeks — according to you. Uzbek>Scots replacement is hardly an issue, but World>English replacement is, and my focus.
Goodness gracious me, just found someone who refers to other people as ‘aliens’. What an utterly repulsive mindset: I’m so sorry for you, Jamie. I guess you must stick to your own neck of the woods – god forbid you’d ever travel. Presumably your tentacles would emerge as soon as you crossed a border!
Craig Murray and his family live in England.
So, Jamie thinks that Craig Murray and his wife and son are “replacing” English people with Uzbeks. Right, I’m glad we got that straight. No evasion, no diversion.
James is a Middle Eastern name. It comes from the name, ‘Jacob’ and it means, ‘he who supplants’. James was Jesus’s half-brother. Both Jesus and James were likely to have been brown men. So, Jamie, or should I say, Yaqub, you are named after a brown, Middle Eastern man. That makes you an “alien”. You have supplanted a British person with your alien brown-ness.
But Yaqub, you still haven’t told me your opinion of Lee John Barnes.
Pingback: Yet another reason… | Borked Code
Well, James, do you have any opinion on Lee John Barnes?
What’s happened? Welsh dragon got your tongue?
Uther would not have had such trepidation.
Ah, he’s run away. From history, from reality, from here. Good bye, Jamie. James. Yaqub.
@ technicolour:
Seriously, that’s where your sci-fi wire got tripped? No reaction at all to the UN’s sinister term ‘replacement migration’ or to the Bodysnatchers-style takeover of whole streets and suburbs by foreigners, but let one of the townsfolk call attention to the aliens’ inherent alien-ness and that triggers a response from you about how evil it is to resist invasion. Hilarious!
Of course in the next reel of the film of this thread you’d turn out to be one of the aliens or their traitorous, status-seeking hireling. How could it be otherwise when you side with the aggressors and try to tie the hands of those who’d be free?
@ Suhayl:
I’m delighted you’re so committed to this debate, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to continue our discussion at someone else’s blog when said discussion consists mainly of me contributing ideas and opinions and you asking unrelated questions.
Fortunately on your own blog’s first page there is an entry that lends itself as a suitable location site for this exchange to continue, the original post apparently concerning ‘double standards in the literary world contingent upon race’ (a persistent theme in our exchange) and a writer’s fantasies about executing his political enemies (having obvious relevance to the events that gave rise to the discussion in the first place).
I will begin the process of copying our very relevant exchange into the comments thread and we can leave Mr Murray in peace. Interested readers can of course follow us there:
Don’t you like the MC5, Jamie? Pity. They were a great band.
Dig it.
The literary industry in the UK is defined largely by elites – like most things, social class and elite institutions dominate the discourse and this results in de facto exclusion.
You disagree?
Unlike people like Geller, I am not communicating with nutters, nor am I encouraging their bigotry and racism, nor am I encouraging them in building-up arms caches.
I have written and spoken in such critical terms in public eg. The Nehru Institute, London, and George Washington University, in DC, on the radio, etc.), including on this blog, as it happens, many times. It’s nothing new, Jamie. Here are another couple of links in which you may wish to immerse yourself. They are not really relevant to this thread, but since you have raised the matter: