Plainly Not Fit and Proper Persons 165

Rebekah Brooks has now laid down several hundred jobs to save her own. She has also made way for the brand new super soaraway Sunday Sun. News International have evidently decided to gamble on the idea that there is no end to the gullibility of the British mass public.

But let us stop and consider. A great part of British newspaper history, a paper that supported imprisoned Chartists , has just been lost. With it have gone hundreds of jobs. It has been lost because the management of News International at the News of the World was either criminally involved or culpably negligent – there are no other choices. By their destruction of the News of the World, News Corp have proven beyond any doubt that they are not fit and proper persons to run media in this country. Ofcom must now act on this to use its powers to disbar unfit persons, and force News Corp to sell all its media interests in the UK.

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165 thoughts on “Plainly Not Fit and Proper Persons

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  • ahards

    So will Brooks last the weekend? Or does she have something big on Murdoch?

  • mark_golding

    Your site has good value Craig – I enjoy the excitement. One has to ask is this a ripple or see-change in public perception, I suspect the latter; the first decade of the 21st century represents an extraordinary crossroads of human history.
    Young people everywhere need charts of the worldscape ahead. They, collectively, will be responsible for the greatest transition in human history. We must teach young people to understand this century and play its complex game. Your contribution here Craig is valuable in that respect and more.

  • Herbie

    Cameron looks way way out of his depth. Clegg too of course.
    Seems neither were aware of the gangster state they’d inherited from Blair.
    It’d be a shame to see Tony escape his part in this affair.

  • anno

    The big cover up now is to stop the public finding out that mobile phones are being used as live recording machines.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Iraq War style embargo on the press from discussing this. By the way what happened to the snippet about Iraq deciding that criminal UK soldiers who committed crimes come under their jurisdiction and not the UK judiciary as the British have hitherto claimed. I listened to the news ten times to hear a second mention of this story. Another good day to bury bad news?

    Would the press want to discuss the use of mobiles to spy on people anyway? The UK establishment look totally ridiculous for maintaining this farce about the availability of cyber spying, and bank card fraud. If the control over cyber spying unravels, who’s to stop people recording the secret machinations of the inner state machine? Why not have 24 hour secret Masonic ritual screening alongside the Parliament channel? Why not film UK torture? There is already no shame, so why are still ashamed of shame?

  • Pee

    Congratulations, Craig, on your increasing readership. Let’s hope they stay to keep informed about all the other important issues you address, giving us a valuable forum for discussion.

  • mary

    Goodman the ex NoTW royal correspondent had been arrested.
    Speaking of royalty, I came across this little nugget. Apart from a small entourage consisting of the keeper of Kate’s locks, plus some secretaries, Sir David Manning is with the happy couple as they wend their way grinning and waving across the vastness of our North Amerikan icolony.
    Part of his Wikipedia entry. Note his connections. Like all the Iraq war criminals and their stooges, who have all landed lucrative directorships and placements, Manning has landed in Lockheed Martin, BG and Hakluyt Intelligence.
    Later life – Wikipedia
    He was appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG) in the 2008 New Year Honours. Sir David retired from HM Diplomatic Service in January 2008. Six months later, he joined BG Group (formerly British Gas plc) on a part-time basis at a reported annual salary of £80,000.[3] In 2008 he became a non-executive director of Lockheed Martin, the multinational arms manufacturer that made millions supplying military hardware for the war, and joined the advisory board of Hakluyt & Company, an intelligence company partly staffed by former MI6 officers.[4]

    At the beginning of 2009, Sir David was appointed by The Queen to a “part-time, advisory role”[5] in the newly-formed Household of HRH Prince William of Wales and HRH Prince Harry of Wales, since renamed after the marriage of Prince William to Catherine Middleton, the now Duchess of Cambridge now known as the Household of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and HRH Prince Henry of Wales.
    the entourage

  • Dunc

    News International have evidently decided to gamble on the idea that there is no end to the gullibility of the British mass public.

    Taking a look at the rat-fuckers we routinely elect to public office, that seems like a pretty safe bet…

  • harpie

    The Guardian’s Nick Davies:

    [@9:19] To me, it isn’t a story about journalists behaving badly. It’s a story about the power elite. It’s about the most powerful news organization in the world. It’s about the most powerful police force in the country. It’s about the most powerful political party in the country. And for good measure, it’s about the Press Complaints Commission, and about how they all spontaneously colluded together to make everybody’s life easier; about the way in which they casually assumed that the law didn’t apply to them; and in which they equally casually assumed it’s perfectly alright to lie to the rest of us because we’re little people; we wouldn’t know that they were doing it. I think that’s really what makes me ultimately feel angry about it. It’s the arrogance of those assumptions in the power elite.

    The story is being discussed at FireDogLake, here.

  • mark_golding

    “Until now it has been easy to argue that Mr Cameron was properly grounded with a decent set of values. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make that assertion any longer. He has made not one, but a long succession of chronic personal misjudgments.”
    Agent Cameron killed any chances of respect when he booted ‘webCameron’ into touch, spitting in the faces of a hundred commentators yearning for human rights, civil liberties and change that his prop man Dave Davies strongly advocated and who he later disregarded.
    Agent Cameron has had his day and should in my opinion hand the baton to Nick Clegg at least to stop him constantly nodding his head. Seriously, before you jump down my throat, Cameron has shrouded and muted Nick’s potential – let’s see what this man is made of, given the opportunity.

  • craig Post author


    It was David Manning who sent over the message from No 10 to Jack Straw’s office to sack Murray

  • The Dirty Digger

    Good on yer Craig, mate. Fair dinkum. Now fuck off and mind your own business.

  • mary

    Thanks for that Mark. Not as good as Craig’s day with his increased audience but much better than Cleggover’s and Coulson’s! Do you ever think like me that the whole shebbang is going to go down?

  • Annysqu

    Agree with comments on QTime-Hugh Grant was very good on Newsnight so I he’d already shown his articulate views on this topic.
    But a few points here
    1) I think that MP’s can now do what they are supposed to and retieve their reputation from the expenses scandal.I was even more impressed that Chris Bryant called for the emergency deabte having as we were told last night been threatened by these papers.
    2) John Prescott has been proved right –The Met are in this up to their necks and I hope that we can uncover even more unsavoury links that keep these things undercover e.g Freemasonry.
    3) Follow the money!

  • mark_golding

    I constantly hear that ‘the crash’ is imminent at weekly Zeitgeist meetings and many friends now have allotments where each grows different foods to share with each other and available in a ‘Doomsday’ moment. I personally have no tin foil hat only a throw-back hood with netting to protect me from bees when opening the hives!
    One can live off honey for a very long time in a crisis.

  • Jonangus Mackay

    BBC R5 Live reporting Daily Star has just been raided. When, oh when, will Mr Dacre receive a knock on the door?

  • harpie

    Supposedly Hugh Grant said this:

    The Culture and whatever-it-is Select Committee in… 2009, when they tried to bring Rebekah Brooks into see them and she refused… they kept asking and finally the message got through to the select committee “If you make me come, I will destroy your personal lives” and they backed off, terrified… this is a protection racket.

    Is that correct?

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