Who Funded Breivik? 343

There is an extremely important article here on Breivik’s funding, by Justin Raimondo.

It also makes plain that not only did Pamela Geller post a string of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles on her website, not only did she travel to Norway to address a hate rally, not only did Brehvik post to her website and quote it as an influence. She actively supported and encouraged those planning to use terrorism.

This is an excerpt from an email she says she received and posted on her blog:

“I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It is devastating in its matter-of-factness.

“Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000 immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000 immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women, there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of that city.

“Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt nevertheless it is their plan.

“From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around them.

“We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast.

As Raimondo says, Geller goes on to say that she is protecting the proto-terrorist’s identity so he won’t be arrested. We do not know how this wannabe terrorist in Norway relates to Breivik or his other “cells”. Geller may know but the police are not asking her.

There can be no doubt at all that, were Geller a Muslim, this amount of evidence and connection would have her in jail by now. Do not hold your breath.

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343 thoughts on “Who Funded Breivik?

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  • JimmyGiro

    If he were being funded, would he still need to move back in with his mother, as he did, in order to conserve money?
    Bring in the accountants.

  • Joan

    Thanks Craig for bringing this information to light. Geller seems to be a nasty piece of work.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    The quote from someone in Norway (via Geller) sounds disturbingly similar to the bilge and diatribes we’ve had ad nauseam over the past year or more on this blog from the likes of Alfred (‘Can Speccy’), eg. wrt ‘Leicester’. A pathological obsession with fertility rates, the contant rattling-off of completely inaccurate statistics, the use of utterly inappropriate, inciteful language.
    Just to remind people, Oslo is NOT “50% Muslim”, what utter tripe that is. Oslo has a Muslim population amounting to 7.5% of the total Oslo population. That’s seven-and-a half-percent. And Oslo has the highest percentage of any city/town/area in the country.
    Yes indeed, it would be most interesting to know where this mass murdering racist got his funding. Courtenay, you’re a lawyer in the Caribbean, right? Was he funded via shell companies? If so, who provided the shelll companies wiht funding? Could it some or other intelligence service…? They use such offshore-registered shell companies a lot, as does organised crime, the two sometimes being virtually synonymous. What d’you think? Are you familiar with these names?

  • Levantine

    From the atlasshrugs link above:

    “magnus andersson said…
    “A wonderful letter I agree!
    “Some facts (just naturally) exaggerated though. Not half the population in Oslo is muslims. About 22 percent of the population is immmigrants. Foreign born people mostly immigrated since early 90th (children not counted) and to 90 percent from the countries mentioned in the letter. So some less than 20 percent of Oslo citizen should be muslims. And that’s many! In Malmoe Sweden every 25 percent are muslims, and there’s real tension! (No more pork, probably only halal, in many public schools is only one consequence.)”

  • Canspeccy

    An interesting post that seems to contradict Norway’s Chief of Intelligence that Breivik acted alone (BBC Report: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14303363)
    Since this is an emotionally charged subject, it would be good if the moderators would restrict hate speech, as exemplified by Suhayl Saadi’s last comment.
    Also, commenters should, I suggest, try to be accurate in what they say and should give references where relevant. Since SS brings up what I have said about Leicester being a majority ethnic city, I shall be glad if I may be allowed to provide a reference that appears to verify my contention:
    Ethnic population forecasts for Leicester using POPGROUP by James Danielis, September 2007 Cathie Marsh Centre for census and survey research. A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MSc. in Social Research Methods and Statistics, in the Faculty of Humanities.
    Year 2011, Total population of Leicester 279933, Ethnic population 143,963 (51.43%).
    This fact has no relevance so far as I am aware in the context of discussion of the Breivik atrocity, but is presented simply to correct a misrepresentation on this thread by SS.

  • Canspeccy

    An interesting post that seems to contradict Norway’s Chief of Intelligence that Breivik acted alone (BBC).
    Since this is an emotionally charged subject, it would be good if the moderators would restrict hate speech, as exemplified by Suhayl Saadi’s last comment.
    Also, commenters should, I suggest, try to be accurate in what they say and should give references where relevant. Since SS brings up what I have said about Leicester being a majority ethnic city, I shall be glad if I may be allowed to provide a reference that appears to verify my contention:
    Ethnic population forecasts for Leicester using POPGROUP by James Danielis, September 2007 Cathie Marsh Centre for census and survey research. A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MSc. in Social Research Methods and Statistics, in the Faculty of Humanities.
    Year 2011, Total population of Leicester 279933, Ethnic population 143,963 (51.43%).
    This fact has no relevance so far as I am aware in the context of discussion of the Breivik atrocity, but is presented simply to correct a misrepresentation on this thread by SS.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Thanks, Levantine, for providing a quote from that same blog which illustrates yet more of the dangerous idiocy of these epople. Okay, as for that, there are 300,000 people in Malmo. See here for stats.
    As you can see, the percentage in the quote above is also a hugely inaccurate exaggeration. When one googles, ‘Malmo, Muslims’, mostly one gets mostly utterly hysterical rants.

    Excuse me, but a Far Right racist has just murdered almost 100 people, many of whom were children. Should any criticism not be being directed right now primarily and squarely at the Far Right? Instead, some people seem to be supporting his garbage inaccuracies and actually almost gleeful that this massacre has happened. I think that attitude says it all.

  • mark_golding

    Good link Joan – Walid Shoebat or is it Shu’aybat has made a fortune on books and DVD’s to boot here:
    I seem to recall from my information a deal go down with Alan Lake during Rabbi Nachum Shifren‘s address to the EDL in London last year.
    Alan Lake, a purported millionaire is keen to keep his dealings offshore, for now that is.

  • Stephen Morgan

    Apparently he was renting a farm formerly used for drug manufacture, if he inherited it and used it for the same purpose it could have provided some funds.

    There have always been “acceptable” terrorists, who get ignored or supported. Certainly if this was a Muslim attack then a gang of supporters and funders and other supporters would be rounded up straight away, maybe released later. We’ve seen it happen all too often. There was a suicide bomber in Oklahoma after 9/11, more people don’t know about it because he wasn’t a Muslim, but a right winger.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Furthermore, ought Geller not be prosecuted for complicity? She had been informed that someone in Norway was ‘stockpiling weapons and equipment’ and that ‘something was going to happen fast’ and she chose to maintain the anonymity of the poster. Even in the most sensitive areas, eg. medical practice, there is a civic duty to break confidentiality where there is imminent public danger. If someone came into me and told me (or e-mailed me, or wrote to me, etc.) that they were ‘stockpiling weapons and equipment’ and that ‘something was going to happen fast’, even if the situation were one of medical confidentiality, I most certainly would telephone the police at once. And I would be able to stand up in court and justify doing so.
    Now, Geller was in no such clinical relationship, yet it would appear possible, allegedly, that she chose not to take action in relation to the message, nor even to ignore the message, but rather, apparently, allegedly, to express her support of it and apparently, allegedly, to collude in covering-up its source. Is that not a potentially criminal act? Should Interpol not be considering issuing a warrant for her arrest? Should she not be arrested by the FBI as allegedly abetting international terrorism?

  • Canspeccy

    ““Genocide in Leicester” was a phrase used by Alfred (can Speccy) on this blog in the recent past. Hate speech…?”
    To call the process whereby the indigenous English of a major city are made a minority in a their own home genocide, as genocide was defined by Raphael Lemkin, the man who coined the term, is not hate speech, merely a statement of fact.
    To call those who oppose genocide and those who speak about it as “racists” is a brilliant inversion of reality.
    As with my previous comment, this statement has no direct relevance to the discussion of the Breivik atrocity, but is made to correct a gratuitous and irrelevant misrepresentation about me on this thread by SS.

  • YugoStiglitz

    No, Suhayl, we don’t jail people for receiving e-mails and not reporting to the FBI every single potential indication of someone out in cyberspace doing something wrong. Perhaps the fantasy world that you want to live in has such a law, but this is not how the Western world operates.

    Your analogy to medical practice is a fail. There’s a reason we compel doctors, and generally only doctors, to provide disclosure under certain circumstances. And even that is heavily contextual.

  • Richard Gadsden

    Has she edited the letter?

    The line “We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast.” does not appear on that page.

  • YugoStiglitz

    “There can be no doubt at all that, were Geller a Muslim, this amount of evidence and connection would have her in jail by now. Do not hold your breath.”

    Name me one Muslim who is in jail for merely receiving an e-mail message.

  • John Goss

    Couldn’t agree more Suhayl, she ought to be prosecuted for complicity. Who is she? I wouldn’t want to pick her up on the bottom of my shoe.

  • Roderick Russell

    I’m a strong believer in freedom of speech – even where one doesn’t like the message. But freedom of speech does not give one the right to promote criminal acts. Brievic seems to have been planning (fantasizing) these horrible murders for some time, and I do think that the Norwegian authorities need to look careful at all Breivik’s connections to see if any were encouraging illegal and criminal acts. Like Suhayl Saadi I would hope that if there is anyone who encouraged Brievic, or withheld knowledge of the impending tragedy, that they would be prosecuted. Of course we should prosecute those who promote violence, or fail to report on planned crimes.

  • mark_golding

    Breivik’s manifesto apart from ‘cut& paste’ internet garbage appears to be the ideal hand-book for a terrorist. It contains detailed and viable step by step instructions to make the explosive, picric acid from crushed aspirin albeit in extremely small text that needs zooming to 300%. Not the sort of information a mischievous or vexatious teenager should read. I have not seen such detail in any jihad or terrorist manuals online.

  • Levantine

    Richard Gadsden: “Has she edited the letter?”
    Yes, she did! I saved her webpage on my HD… minutes before she has taken the “weapons” sentence out!

  • YugoStiglitz

    So you folks seem to want to throw people (that is, your political enemies) in jail when they receive any e-mail by someone claiming to be stockpiling weapons.


  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Craig and Suhayl,
    I don’t want to go down a “conspiracy theory” route but there are some troubling and questionable aspects to this terror attack in Norway. Just some:-
    1. Surely incitement to commit a crime ( especially one of this magnitude) is an offence. At the very least those who supported or encouraged Breivik in killing, should all be persons of interest to the police.
    2. I watched his video and I note this. It is technically well produced, so I ask myself did he simply focus a camera on himself, produce the video himself and make all those technically smooth insertions into the video? I don’t think so, for either he is an expert in producing videos or he got technical help.
    3. I am not an expert in explosives, but applied common sense suggests a few things. The magnitude of the Oslo explosion suggests a huge amount of explosives. The type of explosive and/or the quantity used would suggest that one man simply did not set out, purchase, plant and explode to do this much damage. I see a deadly attack but don’t believe that it was simply the doing of one man.
    4. There is coordination with the second terror attack against the youngsters; his quick movement from Oslo to the second location also suggests technical planning and assistance.
    Adding this much of it together – there are questions to be asked which do need answers.
    The truth about offshore company formations is that these structures are permitted to exist because the powers that be want this facility in place. In a certain sense, “ offshore” is a misnomer. Each bank of substance offshore has an onshore parent or principal within the banking community to facilitate transactions. There are points of clearance for wire transfers and the entire banking world is an interlink whole.

    Some users of offshore facilities are motivated by tax-saving considerations and many people set out to hold on to as much of their money as they can. Another level is the transnational corporations. A service entity that actually functions in London, doing oil business in Saudi Arabia, being pay via a company that is offshore and a part of the money is declared for tax purposes in London. There will be political accounts, such as for the access by political parties or entities that need privacy for the source and application of the money. Another layer is the military and intelligence community. That is the reality of the world within which we live.
    To answer your specific question – was he funded via an offshore shell company. I cannot specifically say. Of course, it is perfectly within the realms of probability that the organization or interests that supported him would want a buffer between itself/themselves and the target terrorist. Offshore is, in that sense, one way to go.
    Let us hope that some hate-mongers do not go out and try some copy-cat attacks in Europe or anywhere else in the world. The total picture on this man, I do not have, but seen through my eyes so far, leads me strongly to believe that this was not a one man operation.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    I knew the Tea Party were nuts, but conspiring to hide the identity of terrorists? If it wasn’t for the crazy assumption that white people involved in terrorism must all be “lone nuts” they would be in so much trouble

  • Jon

    Richard G, yes that was my first thought. Thanks for the archive.org link – very instructive. It is one thing to have ignored it, but quite another to hide that she did so.
    I agree she looks complicit, but in a non-professional capacity, I don’t know how much responsibility one ought to have to report such concerns. Doctors yes, as explained by Suhayl – public servants generally, I should think. But Geller is not in a position of such responsibility (and good thing too!).
    But perhaps the wider problem is the use of gun imagery and rhetoric in American political discourse (and it is not solely a hard-right phenomenon). I suspect she has gotten inured to it to such a degree that the mental alarm bells had simply been disabled.

  • YugoStiglitz

    Duncan McFarlane: “I knew the Tea Party were nuts, but conspiring to hide the identity of terrorists?”

    Yes, the Tea Party people are mostly quite nutty. Tea Party folks believe some nutty things. Do you know who started the Tea Party?

    However, we’re just talking one person here. I don’t see what this one person has to do with the Tea Party.

  • Canspeccy

    “I don’t want to go down a “conspiracy theory” route”
    Why not?
    We’re supposed to consider the evidence that points to conspiracy, the money trail, for example, but then not consider conspiracy?
    When totalitarianism returns to Europe it will surely come as liberalism. Then everyone will have to wear blinkers, maybe in the form of a brain implant that prevents anyone thinking bad thoughts.

  • technicolour

    Well saved, Levantine.

    As for Alfred/CanSpeccy: yes, he lied about ‘genocide in Leicester’ (Muslim population around 3 percent); he can quote whoever he likes on the definition of genocide: we all know that it is, as the OED says, ‘extermination’ and that no-one in Leicester or anywhere in Europe is exterminating (def: ‘destroy utterly’) anyone. I would like to condemn him to a lifetime re-reading his blog posts, myself.

    Hurrah for the majority, to whom these aberrants are mere aberrations. Down with the killers, and their supporters, and any idiots, of whichever persuasion (Jon is sadly right) who think violence is cool, and killing sounds clever. Of course they have been driven insane by the wars around them, and for that the responsibility must lie with our ‘leaders’. But, yugostigglits (larry was easier to spell) Gellar had a responsibility as a human being to at least try and argue against this murderer’s ideas, or to condemn them: seems she did neither, rather, encouraged them.

  • technicolour

    Suhayl: “If someone came into me and told me (or e-mailed me, or wrote to me, etc.) that they were ‘stockpiling weapons and equipment’ and that ‘something was going to happen fast’, even if the situation were one of medical confidentiality, I most certainly would telephone the police at once.”

    Yep, me too. Larry apparently not??

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