A Triumph For Nadira! 11

The first review of Medea:

But this show is Janikova’s triumph. Constantly on stage, and with vast swathes of classical text to pick her way though, she navigates the highs and lows, the drama and the lightness, the moral complexity, with charisma and aplomb.

– Craig Singer

I was, incidentally, quite wrong in my view that the show would be better simplified. Now it is working properly (within the technical limitations of the Edinburgh fringe) Matt Eaton’s soundscape adds tremendously to the atmosphere and experience of the play. I was bigoted in commenting adversely on something of which I was not qualified to judge the potential.

I am proud of Nadira – I am hoping that eventually, rather than allude to her as my wife, people will think of me as just her husband. Of course, not only is she working with an extremely complex classical text, she is working in her fourth language. The mind boggles. Nadira is marvellous, but so is the whole cast.

If I have one quibble with Craig Singer’s revue, it is that I don’t think either Euripides or Stella Duffy had me in mind at any stage! Nor have I ever claimed to be a statesman. So I don’t quite like the little dig at me over an allusion that is entirely in his own head.

Happily, the show is starting to find its audience. Attendances have crept up to around eighty a night, and still growing, largely by word of mouth and it looks like Edinburgh people rather than Festival visitors.

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11 thoughts on “A Triumph For Nadira!

  • Stevie

    I would give the show 5 stars Craig. Having spent last Saturday at the Fringe seeing largely mediocre performances from mediocre performers, it was a pure delight to see Medea. Nadira was absolutely compelling with an extremely powerful portrayal – no wonder you are feeling so proud of her. Excellent supporting cast too, with Richard Fry outstanding in his three roles. Bravo Nadira!

  • Stella Duffy

    Very good point Craig. Working from 2 classic translations (both just for actual language) and also referring to several other texts for my own choices in adapting, I can assure you ‘statesman’ was the most appropriate word. It’s a funny notion of a writer that they might change a line in a script (that has already been successfully produced) to include the husband of a member of cast! Minor quibble though, it is a brilliant review, and well-deserved.

  • Stella Duffy

    Thank you Mary. But if you’re going to quote me, would rather you’d have made it clear I was referring to the Nika riots/rebellion of 532AD, not an assumption about what’s to come in London or Manchester. And yes, I agree, ‘they’ have condoned the non-defensive wars you speak of. But not on ‘home’ soil, and that would seem to be a prime difference for ‘them’ between the two.

  • Clark

    Craig, please pass on my congratulations to everyone involved, especially Nadira. I’m delighted that the play is now working so well, and I very much wish that I could get to Edinburgh to attend.

  • Catherine

    Craig, is anyone filming this? Never have I wished so dearly to be somewhere to see a production.

    Please say that someone is taping this event.

    Go, Nadira, and company! Keep breaking your respective legs!

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Craig,

    A sweet story. I lived with an actress for many years in London. She was a flat mate. Everyone disbelieved me ( thought she was too attractive for me not to be romantically involved). Always found it incredible how she would give me a script, not herself knowing the lines, and after a short time of memorising and having me read the other part – she would be squarely on top of her lines ( how do they do it?).

    Glad to hear that the Missus is doing well.

    As I said at the start – this is a “sweet story” – and yours, of course is a sweetheart story.


  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Craig,

    You said: “… people will think of me as just her husband”.

    Well – from the start of my blogging on your site – in my mind you have always just been Nadira’s husband – perfectly obvious to me.

  • ingo

    Congratulation to the team, Nadira especially, a springboard to more exciting projects no doubt, well done all.

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