Werritty Finances 130

A civil service mole has promised me some insider news about Gus O’Donnell’s planned whitewash of Fox relating to how they will treat Werritty’s finances in the investigation. This entry is being posted 45 minutes after I leave home to meet them, by an unorthodox route and method of transport, to an improbable location. Oh, and neither of us is carrying a mobile phone either. So don’t bother, you’re stuffed.

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130 thoughts on “Werritty Finances

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  • Eddie-G

    It’s a small point, but as an Edinburgh alumnus, I feel a duty to highlight that Werritty graduated with a desmond in social policy. This is nothing against social policy as a subject, but Edinburgh handed out 2.2s in social sciences almost apologetically. Those who got 1sts were exceptional, most of us got 2.1s, and the remainder, the very average students who limped through the honours courses, got given 2.2s or 3rds. If you were identified as having any sort of smarts, the tutors worked hard to make sure you got a 2.1 you were capable of.

    So among other plain facts, Werritty has not gotten ahead through being bright, and it’s not why he became Liam Fox’s best friend.

  • angrysoba

    This entry is being posted 45 minutes after I leave home to meet them, by an unorthodox route and method of transport, to an improbable location. Oh, and neither of us is carrying a mobile phone either. So don’t bother, you’re stuffed.

    Why not just tell everyone when you get back instead of teasing the Lizard Men like this?

  • mark_golding

    ‘Atlantic Bridge’ primary source of funding is BICOM, a so called research centre whose aim is to influence the main media. BICOM, chaired by billionaire Poju Zabludowicz donates to the Conservatives via CFI an unincorporated association (not subject to tax).
    Zabludowicz, a London-based billionaire has generously funded the Conservative Party in the UK through the Conservative Friends of Israel. Zabludowicz has a stake in a shopping centre in Ma’ale Adumim, an illegal settlement under international law on a hill in Jerusalem.
    Zabludowicz’s fortune originated from Soltam, the Israeli arms manufacturer set up by his father Shlomo Zabludowicz.
    Poju Zabludowicz has donated funds to David Cameron through his firm Tamares Real Estate Investments. (Register of Interests)
    Israel’s ‘linchpin’ settlement:
    I suspect Adam Werritty was employed by BICOM itself but I have failed to find evidence so far. FOA requests may reveal the truth, but I need help with the forensics.

  • John Goss

    I love it. Very sensible: ‘Oh, and neither of us is carrying a mobile phone either.’

  • mary

    Well said Mark and to think that Fox and Werritty were meeting up with the Israeli war criminals at the Herzliya conference. That is where they gather each year to arm their resolve to keep the Zionist state and the cruel Occupation going at full strength. As they say on the website:
    The Annual Herzliya Conference Series
    The Herzliya Work Cycle: Anticipatory and Policy-Oriented
    The Herzliya Conference, the flagship event of the Institute for Policy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya, is a year-long work cycle consisting of the following phases:
    § Preliminary research and analysis conducted by the Herzliya Taskforces and commissioned experts;
    § The Conference, at which major policy statements and initiatives are delivered, and Herzliya Roundtables are held, followed by deliberations and the presentation of specially commissioned reports and studies;
    § Executive Herzliya Reports presented to key policy-makers, summarizing the Conference’s proceedings, findings, and major policy recommendations.
    The Conference, held under academic auspices, in a non-partisan, informal atmosphere, facilitates and encourages an informed debate on the most pressing issues on the national and international agendas. The Conference covers the military and diplomatic domains, as well as increasingly important matters as economic viability, social cohesion, government performance, education and world Jewish affairs. Undertaking a policy-driven and action-oriented approach, the Herzliya Conference supports the formation of a ‘grand strategy’ for Israel and the region by shaping decisions and influencing policy outcomes.
    While the overall theme of the Conference series is constant, each year’s agenda addresses the topics considered to be most important and urgent and those issues where an integrative approach can be expected to yield particular value and impact.
    The cumulative product of the Herzliya Conference Series – the proceedings, reports, and policy recommendations – frames policy discourse and debates and provides timely input into policy-making in Israel and abroad, at times with direct involvement of the senior team of the Conference.
    The Herzliya Impact: Setting the Agenda
    The integrative assessments and concrete recommendations deliberated at Herzliya have had a demonstrable impact on Israel’s national policy, often implemented. In many areas, the Institute for Policy and Strategy, through the Herzliya Conference, was the first to place items on the national agenda.
    First to identify the Iranian drive towards nuclear weapons and regional hegemony as the primary strategic threat to Israel and the region and assess the implication of a poly nuclear Middle East;
    First to apply path-breaking methodologies for comparative national security assessments;
    First to set-out proactive communication strategies for Israel’s international public diplomacy;
    First to realize the opportunity of deepening Israel’s relations with the Western world – NATO and the Euro-Atlantic community;
    First to truly incorporate Jewish peoplehood input into Israeli foreign and national security policy-making;
    First to trigger a comprehensive reform of Israel’s school education system;
    First to single out the key engines for long-term economic growth in macro-economic planning in Israel.
    The Herzliya Network: Convening Power and Global Outreach
    The Herzliya Conference draws on its range of networks and convening power and assembles the senior policy-makers of Israel along with international leaders and renowned global thinkers, for informed and non-partisan deliberation. The Conference convenes the exclusive participation of senior opinion leaders, strategists, military personnel, academics, diplomats and politicians from Israel and around the world.
    The Institute for Policy and Strategy has established and marshaled a unique network of affiliations with prominent institutions, research centers, think tanks and government agencies from around the globe.
    The 11th Conference – 2011
    The Herzliya Conference is Israel‘s primary global policy annual gathering, drawing together Israeli and international participants from the highest levels of government, business, and academia to address pressing national, regional and world strategic issues. (More…)
    Note that there is mention of the Palestinians in the foregoing.

  • Komodo

    @ Quelcrime…he must have pulled a few strings even to get on a PhD course with a 2.2. But, obviously, he didn’t.

  • mary

    Quelcrime We overlapped on Herzliya! Well found.
    This relevant too. Lord Guthrie spoke there in 2006 and 2007.
    ‘When Lord Guthrie was speaking at a conference in Herzliya, Israel, in January 2006 and 2007, it would of course have been unnecessary to speak of his commercial interest in small guns. His subject in 2007 was “Upgrading Israel’s strategic partnerships with the Atlantic community: the US, NATO and the EU”. There was a good sprinkling of Israeli warriors there like Netanyahu and Perle. Being subject to the Official Secrets Act and to military honour, he would have confined himself in speech and debate. After all, as an ex-chief of defence staff he must know the whole shebang.’
    Requiem for principle and law in Britain
    28 January 2008
    How Britain’s political and military leadership pays scant regard to justice and the law, especially when it comes to the Palestine-Israel conflict.

  • mary

    This piece of Craig’s is quoted on MediaLens. Pete Fainton has just posted this that Sir Gus O’Donnell is quitting.

    Re: Werritty Finances
    Posted by pete f on October 11, 2011, 11:22 am, in reply to “Werritty Finances”

    from @christopherhope: “Big news in Whitehall, Cabinet Secretary and Civil Service head Sir Gus O’Donnell to quit and his job split in two”


    All change at the top of Whitehall
    Posted by pete f on October 11, 2011, 12:09 pm, in reply to “Re: Werritty Finances”


    “Who is the man who is stepping up to replace Sir Gus? Jeremy Heywood was brought back into No 10 in 2008 after a spell in the private sector as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley. Before that, he’d been principal private secretary to both Norman Lamont and Tony Blair.”

  • angrysoba

    Daily Mail:

    Johnson and Boswell, Holmes and Watson, Batman and Robin – to those we can now add another duo to embody muscular, Christian, manly and most of all platonic affection. Fox and Werritty. And in case you suspected there was anything Dorothyesque going on here, let it be recorded that Dr Fox twice made mention of Mr Werritty having a popsy.

    Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy gave the thing a fair whack but he was not helped by his own side harrumphing too much at Fox. Silent disapproval is always far deadlier. And then Dennis Skinner (Lab, Bolsover) made a semi-coherent intervention, and Dr Fox said: ‘It is certainly possible to keep a good bottle a little too long.’

    Translation: the old boy’s gone gaga. Widespread laughter, and not just from Tories.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047656/Liam-Fox-Adam-Werritty-cosy-steak-dinner-US-general.html#ixzz1aTUiaR5j

  • mary

    Telegraph piece fine here Clark.
    Q Would Sam Weller in Pickwick Papers have pronounced Werritty as Verity or Verity as Werritty? I can’t remember which way round his speech impediment worked.
    It is a very unusual surname anyway. Only five on 192.com. Three in London, one in Kent and one in Scotland.

  • Vronsky

    “Werritty as Verity or Verity as Werritty?”
    I thought it was the Life of Brian thing – you know – Fwee Wodger.

  • mark_golding

    I lay my case to you on Zabludowicz’s funding influence on a corrupt Conservative Party completely and utterly dissinterested in serving the British people; instead intent on serving the interests of the 1% elite in Britain; the powerful minority determined to rule all our destinies.
    On September 30th this year in a little known press release the English court in a judicial review ruled that Sheikh Raed Salah, an activist speaking out against the appalling conditions Palestinians suffer under the apartheid system in Israel, was entitled to damages due to ‘wrongful detention’.
    Raed was taken into custody upon entering Britain and detained for 21 days. This while changes to the laws governing Universal Jurisdiction allowed a known criminal, Tzippi Livni, into Britain on a ‘special mission’. Thus the arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah in Britain will give Israel the green light on detention and deportation and is a decision in identification and congruity with Israeli policies of racial discrimination against Palestinians.
    Theresa May considered Raed as “not conducive to public good” while a series of emails revealed her correspondence with the Community Security Trust or CST who publically considered Raed to be an ‘anti-Semite’ and backed May in the popular press.
    A board member of CST is billionare and owner of a Mall in the illegal West Bank settlement – Poju Zabludowicz.

  • deepgreenpuddock

    This site and the comments sometimes go sublime-and this is surely one of those moments. I don’t know where to laugh most. Is it the farce-not sure if this is a bedroom farce-that is the Werrity /Fox thing, but it sure as hell must go down as one of those weirdnesses that crop up so often among our high and mighties. To be honest, I am mind frazzled to think that such dullness, such amateurish shenanigans is what passes for one of the ‘very important’ positions in a cabinet. Fox is a laughing stock, as well as being a dull-witted twat. It is all a terrible indictment of what is now passing for a government of 60 odd million soul’s- an entity which is supposed to be negotiating and articulating the best interests of us all. Combined with the Cameron and Coulson debacle and the Hague and his rent-boy room-mate, one is bound to wonder wtf is going on. How long can this farce go on?

    And the speed that everybody gets on the case is also mind boggling. Congrats to all for this magnificent contribution to the gaiety of the nation. I am following this story with much wonder and amazement and amusement.

  • mary

    On the previous thread there is mention of Kuwait telecoms in a link from the Yorkshire Ranter.
    Bliar has a multi million contract with the Kuwaiti government and did a deal with the Israelis to allow Wataniya into the West Bank thus giving the Palestinians mobile phone availability. Wataniya are part owned by Qatar and Kuwait interests. Presumably Bliar took multiple cuts on the deal.
    It would be interesting to know if Fox and Werrity were involved?

    ‘Tony Blair Associates has as a client Kuwait, and by implication its royal family, while Blair has met with the finance minister of Kuwait while representing JPMorgan Chase. Wataniya Palestine is substantially (57%) owned by investors from Qatar and… Kuwait. For the former, it’s Qatar Telecom. But for the later, it’s the Kuwait Investment Authority, which operates on behalf of the State of Kuwait — Tony Blair Associates’ client. So when Blair lobbies for Wataniya, who is he representing?

    While awaiting the UN’s answers, we note that in June 2009, “Wataniya Palestine CEO Alan Richardson recently called on Middle East envoy and former British prime minister Tony Blair to intervene on behalf of Wataniya to get the frequency released. Richardson previously has been involved in controversial cell phone projects in Iraq, with Orascom and Iraqna, contracts which the U.S. Pentagon urged the Coalition Provisional Authority to cancel. ‘

    Oh what a tangled web we weave….

  • mary

    Anon David Miliband is a creep, Why didn’t he get his act together when he had the chance as Foreign Secretary 2007-2010 when Cast Lead was enacted on Gaza at the end of 2008?. His department did nothing when the MV Dignity, on its way to Gaza with surgeons and aid, was ++thric++ rammed by the Israeli Navy in the middle of the night in international waters and in rough seas. This happened on December 29 2008 and the passengers were left for dead. Thankfully the boat did not sink and the passengers survived to land at Tyre in the Lebanon.

    When I heard about the attack, I rang the Foreign Office in the early hours pleading for their assistance as a relative was on board. They did nothing and did not even ring me back.

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