From now until the referendum, I shall give ten per cent of my income to the campaign for Scottish Independence. My income is both meagre and unreliable, and I can’t really afford it, but people have died for freedom willingly, and this is a much smaller sacrifice by comparison.
I urge all my fellow Scots to do the same. The media is viciously anti-independence and the massive resources of the British establishment are going to be concentrated fully against us. This is our first chance for national self-determination since 1707, and if we are not to be “Bought and sold for English gold” again, we need to raise some of our own.
Mr Murray
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Salmond’s model Iceland?
Scotland is not turning it’s back on England. The problem is that London has turned it’s back on the rest of the UK despite all the nonsense Cameron spouts against Europe.
The name A1 was given to the main road from London to Edinburgh, the spinal route that joined us all together. When it came to High Speed rail, HS1 runs from London to Europe and any extension into the rest of Britain remains a dream. The UK no longer exists. I would love to see the rest of England split from London and join the Scots in re-building what was a great union.
Ingo wrote “You mean to tax yourself twice? Surely that is not a Scottish trait and against the proverbial conventions of being a thrifty Scotsman?”
The Icelandic people have done what we all should have done, refused to pay any money into failed banks.
it may surprise you to learn that Iceland is recovering and has a growth rate at least three times greater than the UK
That in other measures Iceland isdoing rather better than the UK
As Rob Royston hints at, the problem is not England, it is the British Estabishment, who rule for the benefit of the City and who spent the wealth of the nation in London.
Kent, The midlands, the West Country, Anglia, the North etc all are disadvantaged to Lodon’s benefit, which has a higher per capta spend than anywhere
Can us northern English join? We also get the rough end of the deal from the London and south eastern elite. Suggest England north of a line from Barrow in Furness to Flamborough.
Iceland has become the first European nation to recognize Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders.
Surely you are not suggesting that Kent, the West Midlands, the West Country etc take up Salmond’s idiotic lead and argue their respective claims for independence? To date there has been an absense of proper debate regarding the issue of Scottish independence. Salmond has not yet been sufficiently ‘grilled’ (no pun intended).
The likes of Galloway are eagerly waiting in the wings to destroy the flimsy arguments of the Scottish nationalists. When the issues have been properly aired and discussed, I’m confident that the Scottish people will have the good sense to vote ‘nay’.
I think that the potential news headlines of tomorrow: “Murray takes up position as Scotland’s Ambassador to Croatia”, are unlikely to come to fruition. Not that Mr Murray’s pro-independence stance has any bearing on any possible newly created well paid position in the sun, you understand!… nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
@ Daniel,
Salmond has used many examples of small nations punching above their weight. Iceland has succeeded in riding the crest of Banking Misery to come out of it stronger, They have imprisoned the crooked bankers that led their country into the fiery pits of hell in the first place, so it is not such a bad example.
Norway has a population and climate similar to ours and mineral wealth and a fishing industry.
What is it about Scottish independence that scares England ? As for currency Angry, the same as now to begin with. The Scottish Pound. It’s been around all my life !!I doubt Scotland will be clamouring to join the Euro.
The Union was weighted against the people of Scotland from the beginning as in the democratic impossibility of all Scottish MP’s getting what they want in a Parliament with over 600.No democracy since the Union began !!!
We said yes in a referendum way back in 79 but they counted a non votes as a NO, and therefore the bar which Thatcher had demanded of 40% of vote could never be reached.
Why should Scotland not enjoy democracy ? Our soldiers were supposedly fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq for that very thing.
BTW, I think it would have a positive effect on England too.The North of England has suffered economically in the same way as Scotland over the years.
The Scottish press does not represent mainstream Scotland and the “Scotsman” is a misnomer.
Cameron’s loyalties are not to England or a UK anyway.He serves the city of London. England needs independence too from the claws of the Banks.
As somebody who regards himself as a person who resides in a global city (London) within a provincial country (the UK), I find the notion of Scottish independence balmy. Please do not confuse my anti-Scottish indpendence position with what you might perceive as my support for Cameron and the tories. I’m anti tory but I’m also anti the breaking up of already small nations into even smaller ones.
I was oppposed to the break-up of the former Soviet Union and, moreover, I’m against the breaking up of many of the constituent parts therin that form this now broken entity. Thus, we have witnessed the breaking up of the former USSR into constituent parts of which, for example, Yugoslavia was a smaller element.
As a result, Yugoslavia subsequently broke up into yet more parts of which Serbia was yet another part. Kosovo has sought autonomy within Serbia. Where does this kind of madness end?
The breaking up of nations is a bad idea and leads to instability. A united Soviet Union, despite its obvious flaws, at least provided a counterweight to US hegemony and was stronger as a result. Similarly, the UK as a whole will be stronger united as opposed to broken.
I am against the fragmentation of Europe and I’m opposed to the breaking up of countries within it. I’m opposed to the UK effectively becoming a satellite state operating on the fringes of Europe. Our negotiating position is potentially stronger within Europe as a collective rather than a collection of broken pieces.
I’m not the stereotypical ‘little-Englander’, but neither will I endorse petty Scottish tibalistic nationalism. You see, I don’t view soldiers fighting in illegal wars who happen to reside in one particular part of ‘our’ country as ‘your’ soldiers, anymore than I would if the said soldiers just so happen to reside in say, Cornwall or Cardiff.
Various other parts of ‘our’ country have suffered economically too, on a par with Scotland – the southwest of England being a case in point. Scotland is one of the few parts of country that has a declining population that will almost certainly not be in a position financially to support and sustain separate armed forces, police, embassies, consulates etc etc.
However, it’s not only a financial nightmare but a logistical and fiscal one too. Further, we risk the potential for sectarian strife down the line. I regularly speak with catholic friends and they all have serious justifiable concerns for the minority of their Scottish west coast catholic counterparts.
This is not scaremongering but a serious concern. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We speak the same language, read the same newspapers, watch the same tv programmes, share similar cultural traits etc etc. It just seems to me to be absolute madness to break up this union of ours.
When the people of Scotland weigh up the supposed benefits of independence against the costs, I’m confident that they will vote in the negative.
Whatever Kent or Yorkshire does is up to them
I merely point out that this Union is organised for a narrow benefit that is not even England’s but a very sliver of British Society, that areas of England are disadvantaged by it
If you are trying to suggest that Salmond and the SNP have the benefit of a friendly or supine press then we should meet, just so that I can point and laugh at you
Galloway has already stood against the Scottish Nationalists at the last Scottish elections. Obviously, the Scottish voters did not fall for his “destructive” arguments.
Despite his rhetoric, some of his positions on major World events make people wonder whose side he is actually on.
Rob, your implication recalls the neo-con ‘you’re either with us, or against us’ rhetoric. What ‘major world events’ are you specifically referring to?
Erchie, excuse me if I point out to you, I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about.
I should point out that I had the “pleasure” of having George Galloway as my MP for many years.
I lived at the poor end of the constituency, in the East.
HE was only to be found hob nobbing with the nice folk of the West End
The only time we might catch a glimpse of him (we weren’t sure) was at election time when a big bus flying red flags full of richly dressed people would drive past.
Galloway is out for Galloway, no one else
Craig – 10% is a lot. Give what you can without breaking the bank. If that is 10% then good.
I give the SNP £25 a month, Newsnetscotland £25 a month and bits and bobs here and there for others.
That is my limit personally speaking – anymore and that would pose a problem.
I admire your stance but the SNP is doing well enough to get by with less than 10% of a man’s income.
Anyway, good on you for the spirit of liberty beating in your breast.
Which currency should we use – our own! Watch this and substitute UK for USA!
Kenny boy : “Can us northern English join?”
Yes but you will have to win the argument in your region.
Before we get carried away, the battle has to be won in Scotland. It’s very far from a certaintity, Scots need all the help they can get to take on the British State. Scots independence first then Freedom for the north of England. So kenny Boy help out in any way you can.
Scottish Republic,
Thanks for the concern, but I gave up 100% of a very well paid job for the principle of freedom already – so 10% of current income is a small sacrifice in a way.
Are you suggesting that MPs of the left stick to the time honoured tradition of wearing flat caps and rearing whippets?
Why are only the tories and establishment politicians deserving of the trappings of a modern forms of communication and utilization of the media to spread their message, which is what you are implying?
Isn’t it good enough for you that Galloway followed the courage of his convictions and was principled enough to leave a political party that he had spent most of his political life being a member of?
Why is it that you only seemingly apply certain standards to some but not others?
Do you think that Mr Murray is pro-Scottish independence without expecting a return by way of the likelihhod of a cozy job as a future Scottish ambassador?
Well flat caps and whippets are a northern English stereotype, not a Scottish one
No, I am saying that, having been a constituent of his, my impression of Mr Galloway is that he likes only to associate with the rich, doesn’t make much effort to help the poor, and that he skipped out of the party before he was thrown out.
My only comment on his communication was not to do with choice of method, but with timing. he only showed up for elections and the very, very rare media event.
Never, say, for local community events.
As to your comments on Mr Murray’s career prospects, dearie me
Point is, that even if George Galloway is now a stalwart defender of the poor and disadvantaged, he is not the big beast ready to dominate Holyrood that you and he certainly think he is.
No matter what his record, he was rejected when he tried, his time seems almost gone
Ok, we’ll have to agree to disagree about Galloway. What is your rationale for wanting the break up of this 300 year old union of ours?
Apart from the fact that the Union is the biggest force for social inequality in our lives?
Don’t be silly..It is not the union per se that has resulted in the greatest level of inequality since Dickens, but the socioeconomic policies of successive governments.
Daniel @ 10 Dec, 2011 – 11:35 am
I used to listen to Galloway on the radio until the night he talked about 9/11. That’s when I understood that he was pushing the establishment line 100% on that issue, so I now question if all his other bombast is a smoke screen.
So what you saying, is that you are a conspiracy theorist?
“Do they want to remain in the EU? are they getting a choice, will there be a Scottish central bank, run by government and not private interests ala BOE.”
Dave Toff
In addition to the issues I highlighted, these are the kinds of arguments that will expose the flaws in Salmond’s position come the time of the referendum debates proper.
The only thing that is likely to save him, is this vile tory government. The referendum will only be put to the Scottish people at such a time as he feels confident enough that he will win it.
For all his faults, one thing his detractors cannot accuse him of not being and that is a canny operator. For the time being, he will be happy to sit back and let the tories do his work for him.
“I was oppposed to the break-up of the former Soviet Union and, moreover, I’m against the breaking up of many of the constituent parts therin that form this now broken entity. Thus, we have witnessed the breaking up of the former USSR into constituent parts of which, for example, Yugoslavia was a smaller element.” Daniel.
Daniel, I understand and recognise your valid geopolitical point about the break-up of the USSR and of eastern European states. Of course, there are counter-arguments. My point here, however, is simply to remind people that Yugoslavia was never part of the USSR, it never shared a border with the USSR and it was not even part of the Warsaw Pact. I’m not sure, though, whether you were stating that it was, or whether you were simply using it as emblematic of the process. Just pointing out the obvious.
11 Dec, 2011 – 10:28 pm
You’ve got it, Im a conspiracy theorist and an anti-semite to boot. Are you George Galloway? He operates exactly like you do.
Hi Rob,
Zionists have wrongly accused Galloway (ie me????) of being an anti-semite, so I wouldn’t dream of accusing you of that. You implied that he pushed the establishment line on the issue of 9-11 because he doesn’t support the views propagated by demented 9-11 conspiracy theorists. There is no causal relationship between the former and the latter. Why did you make that false analogy?