The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty 603

The planned scenario for a war with Iran is playing out before our eyes at frightening speed now. Unfortunately. as I have frequently said, Iran has a regime that is not only thuggish but controlled by theocratic nutters: the attack on the British Embassy played perfectly into the hands of the neo-cons. William Hague is smirking like the cat who got the cream.

The importance of the Fox-Gould-Werritty scandal is that it lifts the lid on the fact that the move to war with Iran is not a reaction to any street attack or any nuclear agency report. It is a long nurtured plan, designed to keep feeding the huge military industrial war machine that has become a huge part of the UK and US economies, and whose sucking up of trillions of dollars has contributed massively to the financial crisis, and which forms a keystone in the whole South Sea Bubble corporate finance system for servicing the ultra-rich. They need constant, regenerative war. They feed on the shattered bodies of small children.

Gould, Fox and Werritty were plotting with Israel to further war with Iran over years. The Werritty scandal was hushed up by Gus O’Donnell’s risibly meagre “investigation” – a blatant cover-up – and Fox resigned precisely to put a cap on any further digging into what they had been doing. I discovered – with a lot of determination and a modicum of effort – that Fox, Werritty and British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould had met many times, not the twice that Gus O’Donnell claimed, and had been in direct contact with Mossad over plans to attack Iran. Eventually the Independent published it, a fortnight after it went viral on the blogosphere.

The resignation of the Defence Secretary in a scandal is a huge political event. People still talk of the Profumo scandal 50 years later. But Fox’s resignation was forgotten by the media within a fortnight, even though it is now proven that the Gus O’Donell official investigation into the affair was a tissue of lies.

Take only these undisputed facts:

Fox Gould and Werritty met at least five times more than the twice the official investigation claims
The government refuses to say how often Gould and Werritty met without Fox
The government refuses to release the Gould-Werritty correspondence
The three met with Mossad

How can that not be a news story? I spent the most frustrating fortnight of my life trying to get a newspaper – any newspaper – to publish even these bare facts. I concentrated my efforts on the Guardian.

I sent all my research, and all the evidence for it, in numeorus emails to the Guardian, including to David Leigh, Richard Norton-Taylor, Rupert Neate and Seumas Milne. I spoke to the first three, several times. I found a complete resistance to publishing anything on all those hidden Fox/Werritty/Gould meetings, or what they tell us about neo-con links with Israel.

Why? Guardian Media Group has a relationship with an Israel investment company, Apax, but the Guardian strongly denies that this has any effect on them.

The Guardian to this day has not published the fact that there were more Fox-Gould-Werritty meetings than O’Donnell disclosed. Why?

I contacted the Guardian to tell them I intended to publish this article, and invited them to give a statement. Here it is, From David Leigh, Associate Editor:

I hope your blogpost will carry the following response in full.

1. I know nothing of any Israeli stake in the ownership of the Guardian. As it is owned by the Scott Trust, not any Israelis, your suggestion sems a bit mad.

2. The Guardian has not “refused” to publish any information supplied by you. On the contrary, I personally have been spending my time looking into it, as I told you previously. I have no idea what the attitude of others in “the Guardian” is. I form my own opinions about what is worth publishing, and don’t take dictation from others. That includes you.

3. I can’t imagine what you are hinting at in your reference to Assange. If you’ve got a conspiracy theory, why don’t you spit it out?

I can understand your frustration, Craig, when others don’t join up the dots in the same way as you. But please try not to be offensive, defamatory, or plain daft about it.

As I said, it would be honest of you to publish my response in full if you want to go ahead with these unwarranted attacks on the Guardian’s integrity.

Possible some Guardian readers will get drawn to this post: at least then they will find out that Werritty, Fox and Gould held many more meetings, hushed up by O’Donnell and hushed up by the Guardian.

It should not be forgotten that the Guardian never stopped supporting Blair and New Labour, even when he was presiding over illegal wars and the massive widening of the gap between rich and poor. My point about Assange is that he has done a great deal to undermine the neo-con war agenda – and the Guardian is subjecting him to a campaign of denigration. On the other hand Gould/Fox/Werritty were pushing a neo-con project for war – and the Guardian is actively complicit in the cover-up of their activities.

The Guardian. Whom does it serve?

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603 thoughts on “The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty

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  • passerby

    I declare we appoint Fedup as our official Troll Finder, s/he was the first commenter who sniffed out the demented troll (Ken), and warned others about it.
    Judging by the Troll Attacks on this board, and the stream of ad hominem directed at Craig, and the commentators, we can safely assume Craig has hit a raw nerve, resulting in the ensuing dispatch of the keyboard defence brigade to this board, and the fuckwit farrago thereafter.

    I had a chuckle about this;
    Glenn and Fedup having been engaged in a debate, Glenn fires off a comment and later he writes to Fedup.
    Glenn says to Fedup; “I wrote in haste, sorry ………”
    Fedup says to Glenn : “No need, I had assumed that already ……”
    Only for the troll to start an attack on Fedup;
    Troll says to Fedup; “Well if it not fedup back to insult me yet again.I have lost count….”
    On this occasion the Troll has butted in a separate exchange between two people, that does not concern the Troll in anyway and taking offence has proceeded to denounce the comment.

  • havantaclu

    I used to come to this site in the expectation of finding reasoned arguments, supported by interesting links.

    Today I’ve arrived to find a sharkfest, more worthy of a racist site, with hatred and cruelty expressed in the most insulting, bigoted and obscene language.

    Craig – where are you? You’re needed to bash some heads together!

  • nuid

    “Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation.”
    May I suggest that people go back and re-read the interaction with Ken, from the top of the thread. (It’s easier of you use Edit/Find, and search for the name Ken.) It seems to me he’s had a rough ride here, and that this blog (or, I should say, the comment section) is moving in a direction of slandering and abusing anyone who disagrees with the dominant thinking expressed – or, in some cases, just happens to irritate a “regular”. Something I consider rather sad. As well as self-defeating and boring. (*And unless I’m misreading Havantaclu, he/she agrees with me.)
    Ken began by criticising the Guardian. Later on when Jives said about Assange/Wikileaks “What did he really reveal? Tittle tattle largely.Nothing of earth shattering proportions IMO..”
    Ken responded by citing the cockpit video and saying “I would think that a US military helicopter cockpit video of two journalists being killed and kids and unarmed civilians being shot or murdered is pretty much earth shattering …” and later saying to Fedup “If you believe that what wikileaks have released is not truthful then that would be your problem,the evidence suggests it is.”
    Fedup then became sarcastic:
    “Why should that be my problem Ken?
    What evidence are you referring to Ken?
    Who validated the evidence? How this evidence came to be?” etc
    Ken replied with (among other things) this:
    “The video was handed to them in 2009 and was coded,wikileaks did not decode it until the first half od 2010 and it was released on April 5 2010.”
    At which point Fedup replied with this:
    “The video was in circulations without the particulars of the mission, ie blanked out parametric, yonks before the “leak” date, if you hadn’t seen it, then perhaps you are a bit too slow on the search Ken …
    Dubious film you say Ken, now you prove you are are a troll Ken, because you are covering up for the sick bastards whom stand guilty of crimes against humanity.
    Your kind are sick Ken, and I have no time for tossers.”

    Jives then to Ken:
    “Haven’t you heard of selective leaking? It’s what spooks do.Amidst a mass of possible disainfo and yes,tittle tattle,they will and do allow the occcasional real horror to get rhrough(as in the disgusting cockpit footage).”
    Whereupon they seem to have agreed to differ.
    However, Fedup carries on with
    “Troll does as trolls do … (quotes Ken)
    ON goes the contradictory run of bullshit, and bullocks, to tie up the thread.”
    Further down, Ken says
    Iran is not a democracy at all. The Iranian regime is brutal to its people and that is not some spin from Jews or the BBC,it is well documented by many human rights organisations.”
    After attacking Uzbek in the UK, Passerby then helpfully announces,
    this Ken character is outed as a troll further up the, don’t feed the wanker.”

    I don’t go along with this at all.
    I agree with Jon, that some/many of us are probably unwilling to criticise Iran at the moment in case we are seen as joining in the anti-Iran demonising (even warmongering) chorus we’re getting from politicians and the MSM, and no, I don’t think anyone should be forced to condemn something or somebody on demand, but I do think Ken was attacked here first, and for no good reason. I’m not surprised he made so many attempts to defend himself and clarify his position.
    Passerby made some congratulatory remark recently to the effect that this blog was not like others in being a “circle jerk” setup. I fear me he may have been off the mark. I won’t take dictation from a couple of posters as to who is a troll and who isn’t. Sorry.
    As I’ve said here before, if we have no input from those who disagree with us (and Ken wasn’t even disagreeing with most people) this place will become nothing but a repetitive circle where (some) folk get their validation and keep repeating themselves.
    [I prefer to read Komodo, or anyone else who posts new information, or links A with B when it hasn’t been done before. Etc.]

  • passerby

    I am sorry that you have been abused, however, I should like to share with you about my old mentor whom always maintained; if you are walking along the street and step in the dog poop, it is not wise to waste your time to find the guilty dog, and argue the finer points of hygiene, and best toilet practices. It is a dog, an animal, it cannot understand, and cannot do any better.
    Therefore, your initial comment that has resulted in the rude and racist outburst of (Bjorn) is precisely the kind of retort that proves the very essence of the current thread. Jewish Supremacists running wild, plotting, scheming, and busy feeding their paranoia by conjuring up yet another enemy, all the while serving their sponsors in the military industrial complex.
    I am sure I reflect the others sentiment on this board; we value your input, and your comments and we are all sorry to see you were abused and insulted by a patently obviously racist fuckwit.

  • nuid

    “I declare we appoint Fedup as our official Troll Finder, s/he was the first commenter who sniffed out the demented troll (Ken), and warned others about it.”

  • nuid

    Re Bjorn …. “I hope the moderator today will remove the post.” — Azra
    I second that.

  • passerby

    Socrates proclaimed “Life is not worth living”, shortly before he killed himself in front of his distraught companions.’
    This makes him sound like a suicidal depressive, yet it is perfectly accurate. Of course the complete phrase (which itself is only part of a sentence embedded in a discourse about an imagined scenario) is: “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Moreover Socrates had been sentenced to death by drinking poison, and he was carrying it out according to the law. So quotes can be literal and accurate but truncations can change the intended meaning drastically. (Nextus)

  • Komodo

    Thanks for bringing in the Emap deal. I’d neglected it in favour of Trader Media, but it’s certainly relevant.
    Above is a perfect instance of a topic (or any meaningful input) getting hijacked. If Ken and Stephen are trolls, they must be patting themselves on the back: job done. They hardly had to do any work. Distraction, deflection, diversion. I hope someone has the energy to read the substantive posts above -as a rough guide they contain links.
    MORAL: Don’t Feed the Trolls.

  • nuid

    “So quotes can be literal and accurate but truncations can change the intended meaning drastically”
    Sure, and if anyone feels I’ve misrepresented them, please say so. And show me where.

  • nuid

    “Above is a perfect instance of a topic (or any meaningful input) getting hijacked. If Ken and Stephen are trolls, they must be patting themselves on the back: job done.”
    IF, Komodo. And who is going to decide that? I’m certainly not taking Fedup’s interpretation as some sort of gospel. I’ll be back later.

  • Komodo

    Who is going to decide that? You are. Whether it is a troll or some misguided asshole who can’t shut up and is getting in the way of your argument is not important. Stephen’s “Why aren’t you complaining about Iran’s human rights record” is a troll question. We weren’t discussing human rights in Iran. Ken’s pointing out that Mary’s source was a holocaust denier was entirely legitimate, on the other hand. Anything that induces quabbling is probably a troll.
    You’ll never prove what a person’s intentions are. All hasbara posters (for instance) deny that that is what they are, automatically. So it is a waste of time trying to identify them as such.
    Craig, Your Excellency (Retd), it is time you offered us some more insights.This topic is exhausted (and bleeding)…

  • passerby

    Hi Komodo,
    Can you get your tongue working and find out if the scoundrel in chief A. L. Blair, as well as Bu$h, have any oil interests in Iraq, along with that harridan Ann Clwyd whom may have interests in Iraqi Kurdistan?
    The Iraqis have been whipped into old Germans, and they dare not even mention such a gossip, hence finding that kind of data is proving to be difficult. Therefore who will leak this kind of stuff outside Iraq?

  • Herbie

    Komodo is right. The function of trolls is to hijack and direct debate into pedantic byways where the main message is lost.
    The reason there’s no point in discussing Iran’s human rights is because it’s already very well covered in MSM, just as Israel’s much greater abuses are much less well covered, and centrally that Iran is threatened with western attack whilst Israel is not.
    I see the function of alternative blogs as rebalancing that disparity.
    The trolls are here only to ensure that the message from MSM is not rebalanced.
    That’s the big picture. Those who don’t understand that are little more than “useful idiots” for the trolls, and the trolls understand all this too.

  • nuid

    @Komodo, I’m glad to see that (in general) we’re on the same page about trolls.
    And Craig, yes, depending on what you’re doing and how busy you are etc etc, we do need a new thread.

  • stephen

    “Criticism from the Left of Iran would aid the neocons’ war drive.”

    No – this is exactly the same fallacy that was employed by the original fellow travellers with regard to what was happening in Stalinist Russia. I’m afraid that the left ignoring basic truths just means that you leave the argument open to the conservativesand end up fighting the debate on their terms. You also end up in letting ends justify the means – and that ultimately distorts what you are. What Orwell said in the 30s and 40s is just as relevant today as it was then.

  • Komodo

    “Komodo has been wittering on about what an unpleasant company Xstrata is, how it’s really Swiss, how he doesn’t like the politics of its boss, how it’s part of the capitalist system (well, duh!), I forget the rest. So, the question is, does Komodo simply not understand my point? Is he an argumentative type who, having made a point irrelevant to mine, is not willing to let go and keeps banging on about it despite my attempts to get back to the point I was making? Or is he a troll attempting to take the conversation away from the idea that Occupy may be being subverted and having its focus on banks blurred?”
    Read the exchange for yourselves, folks, and decide who was trolling there. Antelope still fails to understand the (technical) term “global capitalism,” and its application to colossal organisations which exist only to parasitise productive industries worldwide, incidentally.
    But I won’t feed it….:)

  • Herbie

    There’s an argument to be had in terms of the difference between what the banksters have been up to and what your normal productive business is at.
    At the very top though where Xstrata functions in global mining it’s the same as for the oil companies. There ain’t no difference.

  • avenir

    No problem, I thought that link was interesting particularly the offshore stuff with the Cayman Islands – who’d have thought, the Guardian using tax havens. A useful start to further investigations into possible third-party funding of the Guardian. It probably needs someone skilled in financial analysis to work out what’s going on here.

  • Jon

    @stephen – we come at this from different political bases. That said, I think I am closer to your position than you think. Craig’s writing has certainly influenced me in that direction, over the years.
    Nevertheless, the points I made earlier stand, insofar as they try to understand why people take a certain position. I maintain that there is legitimacy in making criticisms in context, and a neocon war drive is certainly context that one needs to be mindful of.

  • Franz

    The problem with ignoring trolls is that they continue posting regardless, until it becomes difficult to find the non-troll posts. Eventually someone loses patience, responds, and lo, the troll has a “bite”.
    One way of dealing with it is to troll the troll, by posting “DO NOT FEED THE TROLL” after every one of their posts. Time-consuming but it’s sometimes quite effective.
    Of course I am helping feed the troll just by posting this 🙂 But I’m close to giving up on this site so I don’t really care – another victory for TPTB.

  • Komodo

    @ Passerby:
    Blair’s sticky fingers are all over Iraq. On leaving office, he took a job “in a senior advisory capacity” with JP Morgan Chase, at a salary of ca.£500K.
    “We are pleased that the Coalition Provisional Authority has selected the J.P. Morgan consortium to help establish and operate the trade bank in Iraq,” said Joseph Evangelisti, a J.P. Morgan spokesman. “This is a critically important assignment.” ”
    The pictures you may remember of Blair all but kissing Ghaddafi, btw:
    Follow the oil. Follow the money.

  • passerby

    That is exactly what has been argued further up. The current rash of trolls is telling of the weaknesses in the plot, and unfulfilled dependencies compelling the keyboard generals directing their slime mongers to this board.
    Fact is, we all know Hamas was democratically elected in Gaza, despite the Palestinians being in full cognisance of the subsequent ziofuckwits reprisals. This is the ultimate expression in democracy, alas the “MSM” carry on with vilification of Hamas as “terrorist” organisation. The same bunch of pusillanimous toadies deliberately forget and choose to ignore the origins of the ziofuckwitery in Irgon, Hagana, etc. which in fact were terrorist organisations.
    Further ignored are Gould of Tel Aviv officially apologising to the offspring of the terrorists whom blow up King David hotel, killing many British. The same offspring whom herself (Livini) stands Guilty of War crimes and the British Law has had to be changed to accommodate her visits to UK. Therefore to find the risible and simplistic portrayal of Iran as an “oppressive regime”, so prevalent, which we can safely attribute to be a caricature and handiwork of the same bunch of wankers.
    Further we can deduce the torrent of deliberate distortions, and lies have brought on a tenuous grip on power for a handful few fuckwits, often hailed as “bright”, which is even a bigger pack of lies for bribery and lawlessness cannot be considered or attributed to a higher IQ. However the precarious hold on power by the same operatives then compels the said fuckwits to unleash the paid, and ideologically susceptible morons onto the blogs, and boards to reinforce the same message as that of the “MSM”.
    Hence the current fuckwit farrago on display on this thread, and on the same subject that was shunned by the “editors” and so far has only barely made it out into the “mainstream”. Further corroborated by the patronising comments and ad hominem directed at Craig.
    In the old days it used to be the conference room door locks stuck with super-glue, missing literature printed for the event, missing chairs and tables, and even the thugs employed to march in an disrupt the meeting by beating up the attendees. These days it is the soulless ziofuckwits directed at the blogs to disrupt the debates.
    In short they are losing the game, and it is getting more and more apparent by the day. As reflected in the haranguings of Leon Panetta (himself a Jew) Israel must get to the “damn” peace table . In other words we are winning, and the sure sign is the bums’ rush to derail this thread.

  • passerby

    Heads up, need to start chasing some of the more obvious links, it is true sometimes the woods are barley visible! Thanx.

  • Herbie

    You’re right. All over the world ordinary people are rising up against the criminal corporate coup.
    Their big mistake was in crossing the Rubicon, in turning their weapons legislative and violent upon the American people.
    Hubris, always hubris.
    My enemy’s hubris is my friend.
    “Vanity is my favourite sin”

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