IoS on Werritty’s Case 63

Kudos to the Independent on Sunday, which yet again is the only mainstream media outlet with the nerve to continue to report the real information on Werritty, Gould and Israel.

The rest of the media are content to leave the public with the impression that the Secretary of State for Defence was obliged to resign merely over soliciting lobbyist funding for a too close male friend. It is not the fact of the cover-up which is so shocking; it is its near-total success.

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63 thoughts on “IoS on Werritty’s Case

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  • Ex Pat

    The 0.0001% have lost the information war.

    The 1% is not 1%. It is 0.0001% – the very few oligarchs prepared to use fascism and the methods of the Nazis. The rest will not resist social democracy by force of arms. Though there is another percentage who are their willing tools.

    They may win little battles with individual newspapers but educated people look to the internet. To your web site, to Press TV, RT and to Information Clearing House. That gives some perspective.

    Wikileaks has already changed the history of the last sixty years because we _know_ for certain that much of it was entirely fabricated by the Muppet Stream Media! (*)

    Of course they have not admitted defeat. Fascists and those using the methods of the Nazis don’t generally give up. But they are already defeated. Whether it be one year. Or twenty.

    And if they go to full-on fascism, and/or ‘turn off’ the internet, they are defeated sooner. Because then the truth cannot be denied. And they may very well end up dead, as well as defeated.


    Some will get show trials. Most will fade into the woodwork and keep very quiet. Where more will be winkled out for torture and genocide trials. Just as Pinochet and Charles Taylor were.

    Poor US Neo-Cons / Our Tony — Terrified of their date with destiny — A long drop on a short rope. – Nuremberg Mk II. –

    Mk I for comparison – Nuremberg Executions of N_zi Leaders for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ and ‘Crimes Against the Laws of War.’ – Original –




    Johan Galtung gave twenty five talks to East German churches on peace-by-peaceful-means. ‘At one the priest asked, ‘do you know that forty percent of the congregation tonight will be Stasis?’ ‘If there is anybody who needs this knowledge it is Stasis. It would be highly un-Samaritan, un-Christian to keep it away from them,’ says Galtung. HA!

    Soviet rule in Eastern Europe collapsed first in Poland. The protests spread to East Germany when a peaceful crowd of 50,000 gathered coming out of five churches in Leipzig on 9 October 1989.

    “The Russian military commander was asked what to do. ‘Shoot those who are being violent’ was the answer. ‘There is nobody violent,’ came the reply. ‘Ah-ha – starts getting serious!’

    AHEM ! – ‘If you use violence at someone very very clever at violence and much better equipped than you are it is not necessarily a sign of immorality it could also be a sign of stupidity. Or both. These two categories don’t exclude each other.’ @6.28

    ‘They woke up the Soviet ambassador that night. The Soviet ambassador woke Gorbachev. Who said ‘We will not interfere.’ NOT A WORD ABOUT THIS DRAMA IN THE WESTERN PRESS !!!’

    ‘Not reported in the western media and I can give you one reason why. “It looks suspiciously like the end of the Cold War was produced by the common people in the wrong town in the wrong country in the wrong block.”

    NOT the version you heard from the USUK MSM. What a surprise, etc. Not! –

    “It is produced by US. By Reagan. By being strong.” ER, No it wasn’t! “It was not Reagan’s strength that impressed them in the slightest.”

    – ‘Celebrating Peace on Johan Galtung’s 80th birthday at Voksenkollen’ – Part 5

    (*) Muppet Stream Media Newsflash, made with real Muppets ; ) – New – Utter rubbish – No change there, then! –

  • Mary

    3 Comments but only the two from Jives and Larry Levin showing??
    Yes where the f is Werrity. Fox is keeping a low profile too as is St Theresa of May since her spat with Brodie. What an absolute shower. I saw Cameron this morning going through the charade of telling Marr that he is going to do something about corporate pay and also youth unemployment. Just a talking mouthpiece with emphasis for good measure. A hollow man.

  • Jon

    @Mary – I think the comment count includes all comments, even ones that have been marked automatically as potential spam. I released an item from Ex Pat, which is the ‘missing’ comment.

  • Giles

    Jon, why don’t you do us all a favour and release yourself from your cherished little position of authority here? There’s really no need for moderation. What’s the worst that can happen?

  • Jives

    ” What’s the worst that can happen?”
    Clearly you’ve never had to endure 20+ addled Tony Opmoc late night posts then…

  • Brendan

    I have a take on this that thread author, and fellow posters, may not like. The IoS have followed this, albeit a touch tenuously – but could this not be part of the stratagem? In a previous post, Mr Murray told us that the reply to his FoI request was almost instant, which raised his suspicions, not unreasonably, that a strategy was in place to deal with tricky questions. Well, said strategy, presuming it exists, which I do, may also include small, limited disclosure in 1 or 2 outlets. Absolute silence is suspicious after all, whereas limited exposure in 1 newspaper serves to marginalize the issue …

    Ok. This is mayhaps at the level of conspiracy. But then, I don’t think it is unreasonable. I now think that the ‘liberal’ newspapers are sorely used, to an extent that my 18 year old self would have been surprised at. But there it is.

  • ingo

    Thanks for making me laugh, mary, just what the House needs, a politcal Jordan.
    I’m appalled that not a single newspaper, bar the IoS, is asking themselves where Werritty is, wanting to interview him with pointed questions, and/or the tittle tattle about his personl relationship with Liam….
    Mr. Murdcock is missing a chance for some serious tabloid tittle tattle.
    ‘How long did Adam Werritty sleep together in the same apartment than Liam Fox?’ ‘Why did nobody know about Liam Fox’s secret tete a tete with Werrity in MOD offices’ and did these two men use the MOD for other clandestine gatherings with likeminded men?’

    Our rogue tabloids just don’t know what they are missing.

  • Jives

    “I have a take on this that thread author, and fellow posters, may not like. The IoS have followed this, albeit a touch tenuously – but could this not be part of the stratagem? In a previous post, Mr Murray told us that the reply to his FoI request was almost instant, which raised his suspicions, not unreasonably, that a strategy was in place to deal with tricky questions. Well, said strategy, presuming it exists, which I do, may also include small, limited disclosure in 1 or 2 outlets. Absolute silence is suspicious after all, whereas limited exposure in 1 newspaper serves to marginalize the issue …
    Ok. This is mayhaps at the level of conspiracy. But then, I don’t think it is unreasonable. I now think that the ‘liberal’ newspapers are sorely used, to an extent that my 18 year old self would have been surprised at. But there it is.”
    Nope Brendan i think it’s entirely possible you’re right.When i saw the article it was my first thought.

  • craig Post author


    There is no advance moderation. The software has a spam filter which does catch literally thousands of spam items, including what look like frequent denial of service attacks. Occasionally the spam filter puts comments it is unsure about in a pending queue till a mod gets to them. There is no desire of advance censorship, but if we tool off spam filters the site would get frequently shut down – as you may remember the old one was.

  • Yonatan

    Just read the earlier entry “Werritty/Miliband: They Were All In It”:

    Mr Murray reports the FCO stated: “Since Mr Gould was appointed as HM Ambassador to Israel on 11 September 2010 there were three further instances on 1 and 27 September 2010 in London and a dinner on 6 February 2011 in Tel Aviv.”

    There is an error in this text – ’11 September 2010′ does not precede ‘1 September 2010’. Either the ‘1 September’ date is incorrect or the FCO does not know the meaning of ‘further instances’. Whilst this may seem to be a point of pedantry, it may have an impact on timelines (e.g. ‘a’ appeared to happen before ‘b’ whereas in fact ‘a’ may have been the result of ‘b’)

  • Yonatan

    Re: Herzliya – it seems to have two tracks, an open part and a closed ‘invitation only’ round table. Fox is listed as a speaker in 2009, 2010 and 2011, but there is no sign of any contribution in the open sections. Presumably the talks were delivered in the ‘invitation only’ sessions. Given he was there officially, it would be interesting to know what he saying.
    In 2009 and 2010, Sir Michael Pakenham, Former Chairman of the UK Joint Intelligence Committee played a part in several panels. In 2011 Michael Dugher (UK Shadow Defence Minister) was on the panel “Is Israel Losing Europe”, John Spellar (UK Shadow Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) was on a panel “Addressing the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy in Europe” and Lorna Fitzsimmons took part in “On Criticism and Prejudice: The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy”. Ms Fitzsimmons will be there again in 2012 rubbing shoulders with such pillars of the great and good as Theresa May
    The 2012 conference looks interesting. There is a session “THE 2012 HERZLIYA GAME: OIL @US$250” – hmm, I wonder what might cause oil prices to rise? The BP connection? Nick Butler (Fmr. BP Group Vice President for Strategy and Policy Development) and Sir Mark Allen (Senior Advisor for British Petroleum (BP)) will be there.
    It gets better – in the session “CYBER WARFARE AND SECURITY IN SOCIAL
    NETWORKS” a Mr. Eyal Udassin, Director, SCADA Security, C4 Security will take part (Stuxnet attacked SCADA control systems)
    From his LinkedIn page: “C4 specializes in attacking and protecting command and control systems and in the field of homeland security.
    The main environments in which C4 concentrates include:
    • SCADA/DCS and other civilian command & control systems
    • Military command & control systems
    • Trading applications of banks and other financial institutions”
    Both of these are ‘invitation only’ – no surprise there.
    Finally, just to prove they do irony – in 2011, Judith Miller (chief assistant aluminum tube fabricator) appeared in a panel session entitled “From Da’wa to Jihad: The Nexus of Indoctrination and Violence”.

  • Michael Stephenson

    Incidentally after reading that article it appears to be batshit insane. The Fukushima explosions were adequately explained at the time as a team explosion.

  • Smeggypants

    Craig says: “It is not the fact of the cover-up which is so shocking; it is its near-total success. ”

    Is it it so shocking? Look at the staged neocon photocall of the pulling down of Saddam’s statue and employing of Ahmed Chalabi’s thugs to slap it with shoes following the neocon invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Iraqi public themselves were prevented from entering the square. The Western mainstream media including the British State propaganda channel, the BBC, put out the scenario of a jubilant Iraqi people, et the complete opposite was the case.
    What is shocking to me is the quality, or lack of it, of the front cover of the Evening Standard who obviously employed the world’s worst photoshopper to fabricate the lie of a huge crowd. Hilarious …
    Problem is the majority of the masses who saw that Evening Standard front cover, saw it from a distance on the petrol station forecourt and absorbed it. Job done

  • Mr Jones

    Adequately explained as a team explosion? Adequate for who,there needs to be a lot more accountability before I would reject what the chosen ones are capable of.

  • Other Mod

    Giles, the worst that can happen is rampant sock-puppetry, reams of abuse, persistent thread diversion, floods of spam, denial of service attacks and the site becoming inaccessible, like wot ‘appened last time.
    Yeah, it’s the software that holds back a few comments. Us mods click on “approve” and then the comment becomes visible, like Jon said, he “released” one earlier.
    Jon’s a good mod. Be thankful. It could be like CiF.

  • anno

    Hollow trees are often very strong. Cameron is the rotten pith inside and from this rotten core another tree has seeded inside and grown quite large. sprouting out from Tory party. It’s called New Labour. They had to create an opposition to stay a democracy. I believe it has Site of Special interest status and legally cannot be destroyed.

  • ingo

    Have you seen this Mary, Gerald Ronson seems to have a direct line to this Government if he can dispense with Charity commission rules so easily.
    So its not just the Syrians who inform and spy on their fellow wo/men, the zionists must be running scared of their once guaranteed support for repressive measures. Moderate jews who now believe that only mutual acceptance and respect for each other is the way forward, are being harrassed by paid stooges and informed upon. STASI intimidation methods are used to shut up genuine critiques of Israel and its negative policies towards Palestinians. And the Tory’s are allowing this to happen on British soil.

  • Michael Stephenson

    I mean steam. The steam pressure built up in a sealed building until the seal popped blowing the metal surround apart, releasing enough energy to form a mushroom cloud.
    The fact that the concrete structure surrounding the reactor was not blown apart kind of rules out the nuclear bomb camera theory.
    Mushroom clouds my be generally associated with nuclear explosions, but they are simply the result of a physical process that while being produced by nuclear explosions are completely unconnected. Mushrooms clouds can be formed by any sufficiently large explosion.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “Giles, the worst that can happen is rampant sock-puppetry, reams of abuse, persistent thread diversion, floods of spam, denial of service attacks and the site becoming inaccessible, like wot ‘appened last time.
    Yeah, it’s the software that holds back a few comments. Us mods click on “approve” and then the comment becomes visible, like Jon said, he “released” one earlier.
    Jon’s a good mod. Be thankful. It could be like CiF.” Other Mod.
    Absolutely. Before the advent of moderation, it was still a great site, but was a little like the Wild West. Now, it’s still a great site and people can have discussion and disagreements without the prospect of serious, structural, sustained, instrumentalised disruption.

  • Mary

    Michael Morpurgo, author of Warhorse, the film of which had its premiere in London tonight.
    Speaking to BBC Devon, he said: “I think the reason that War Horse wasn’t very popular in this country – and remained not read that often before – was because people felt that war was this old-fashioned thing. We know wars won’t solve our problems.”

    “It was history. It was then, not now. All the wars were far away. They weren’t touching our shores. And if our boys were going to other wars, it was quietly. But now what happens with Iraq and Afghanistan, all over the world people see the coffins coming home, and they read stories of disabled soldiers and grieving families.”

    “Suddenly it’s real again, and it’s horribly real.”

  • boniface goncourt

    Bet we won’t see any more of the Werrity saga on the HeeBeeC…
    especially not the Hague-type activities.

    =Jon’s a good mod. Be thankful. It could be like CiF.=

    No! Nothing could be as bad as THAT.

  • Sophia


    You mentioned early on that the nomination of Gould is against official FO policy which is not to send Jews as ambassadors to Israel to avoid conflict of interest. What surprised me here is that Gould claimed openly his commitment to Zionism, ignoring this.

    When the colonisation of Palestine began British sent committed zionists to Palestine, sir Herbert Samuel (HC), Norman Bentwich (attorney general) and AH Hyamson (director of immigration office). I took the info from the excellent book of Jeremy Salt ‘The Unmaking of the Middle East’

    I wonder if it is not a conscient reversal of policy to send now committed zionists to Israel, not to encourage the building of the zionist state (it’s done and overdone) but to contribute to its wars…

    Of course, politicians will tell us that they are neutral and that everything is fine but they were already doing this double game at the beginning of the colonisation of Palestine. This is a game of deception and it has always been played by British in their colonies, as if the natives were undeserving of the truth and consequently of respect. This by the way is, among other things, at the origin of the fact that most Middle Easterners and Arabs believe in conspiracy theories.

  • Rocki

    Your article made it to Cryptome Craig..also take a look at this the ‘dummy’ runs have begun for the Olympics. Al Qaida mentioned four times in this small article. Robin Cook revealing Al Qaida was ‘The Database’ computer file may have cost him his life. Also watch once again Peter Power video on 7/7 London Bombings.

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