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310 thoughts on “The Quest for Somali Oil

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  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    I have read some kind remarks thank-you. And some believe I am mistaken or even wrong which is fair comment.
    Anticipating or forestalling war can be a nefarious calling. My belief in the power of intention tells me that without the wisdom and strength of feeling of my followers, the effort is doomed to fail. Kingfelix like most of us hope that war can be avoided and others doubt that ‘silly games’ or ‘playing ‘evil’ against itself’ is my misfortune.
    In Iraq invasion aftermath widened divisions so dangerously that they helped unleash a civil war. A sense of entropy lingers. In Libya a Human Rights Watch researcher estimated there are 250 separate militias in the coastal city of Misurata, the scene of perhaps the fiercest battle of the revolution. From being heroes, those militias have become the most loathed in the country. Deception as disinformation and propaganda by the West brings with it misery and chaos.
    Consider the siege of Homs where foreign terrorists, traitors and defectors have murdered civilians and French fighters have recently been identified despite denials by French minister, Alain Juppe. The denial of UNSC sanctions by Russia has prevented the ‘awesome death-dealing of NATO’ which Craig described in his post, ‘Death in Syria’ hoping that Syrians are saved from that escalation of civil war.
    According to British and Israeli intelligence Russia has upgraded the Jabal Al Harrah surveillance station it maintains in Syrian territory in order to provide Iran early warning of an Israeli attack.
    The surveillance station, located south of Damascus, had been able to monitor air traffic in Israel as far south as Tel Aviv, as well as northern Jordan and western Iraq.
    The monitoring station had been providing Mr. Assad with information on the Syrian resistance movements.
    Russia also has expanded the capabilities of a Russian-equipped Syrian radar station on Lebanon’s Mount Sannine in order to extend its range to include Cyprus and Greece, and observe U.S. and Israeli naval and aerial movements in the eastern Mediterranean.
    This expansion also would permit Russia to provide Tehran with a warning if American planes head east from the Mediterranean in the direction of Iran.

    While the upgrade of Jabal Al Harrah was under way from January through mid-February, the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov was in the Syrian port of Tartus, where its electronic systems maintained an alert for possible Israeli air formations heading east.
    Though inveterately cynical image-makers may disagree with me I took note of Putin’s unartfully spontaneous outburst of fraternal tenderness when he kissed an unknown child, a boy, in the Kremlin yard before the gaping eyes of his dumfounded excursionist-parents. Putin is not inclined to narcissism, leads not rules, without imposing his personality and making a cult of it and he has learned from mistakes and those of others.
    Today, protection of the security and the interests of own citizens is an absolute rule for any civilized country. So, it seems we have lived to see really crucial changes, even if they are just declared. The concept of indivisible unity of foreign and home policies is something I believe in. Putin says that neither of them should be superior, but both be mutually subordinate and synergic: both should be the instruments, goals and means of each other.
    I risk tribulation, affliction, mockery and torment, nevertheless I have played my cards according to my own conscious and can only await the outcome.

  • technicolour

    “Putin is not inclined to narcissism, leads not rules, without imposing his personality and making a cult of it and he has learned from mistakes and those of others.”

    Is this Kevin Putin from Bognor? Mark, I think this is a bit irrelevant(to the people in Russia) but also symptomatic. I remember the Greenham Common schism, where half the people disagreed with those meeting peace groups in the USSR because by doing so they were supporting opponents of the regime. Go figure, as Uzbek in the UK says.

  • Fedup

    Mark Golding – Children Of Iraq,
    Thanks about the elaboration on Kuznetsov and the associated data.
    Fact is you and I and others, that is many others, we are legion in our opposition to the smash and grab policies of the morally, ideologically, and financially bankrupt bunch of sharp operators, whom akin to the local drug infused addicts on a mission to rob little old ladies leaving bingo parlours.
    Murder is wrong, theft is wrong, bullying is wrong, and to stay silent whence the murderous thieves are in sight is wrong. World is tired of the mass murder of innocent people, and the plunder spree dressed up in the phoney concerns about rights, and values.

  • kingfelix

    Thanks for your extra comments. I only bothered to write you because I have respect for what you say (and also for passerby and mary).
    It seems we all agree on the goal, trying to avoid war, while disagreeing on the motivations of those who might also play a part (Russia/China). I think it’s pretty clear that my position is it doesn’t really matter (for now) what the motivation is to stop the US, so long as the US and its allies *are* stopped. If Putin does it because he’s how you depict him, fine, if he does it because he is not, fine.
    So, how are you going to feel about the fact that the upcoming Russian election probably isn’t fair (although no unfairer than the one’s sanctioned as ‘successes’ by US and its allies). Seems rather asymmetric, for the people of Russia, democracy is the loser, while for us it will be the pain of sitting through a full media week of hypocritical finger-wagging and endless pontifications on the sacredness of the ballot box.

  • Mary

    Dirty ops or psyops?
    18 French officers and 100 paratroopers captured in Homs, a Lebanese MP claims
    A Lebanese parliament member, Asem Konsoa, claims that the French are interfering in Syria’s politics, citing 118 French military caught in Homs fighting alongside rebels
    MENA, Friday 2 Mar 2012

    France says Syrian president’s promises ‘manipulation’ France condemns Homs massacre, urges UN to act A pro-Syria Lebanese Member of Parliament (MP) accused France of secretly sending troops to Syria.
    The Lebanese Baathist MP Asem Konsoa claimed that the Syrian regime forces arrested 18 French officers and 100 paratroopers, along with 70 Lebanese for joining and fighting within the ranks of the protesters in the restless city of Homs.
    Konsoa added that such a “scandal” might threaten the political future of the French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The MP vowed to divulge more information kept under wraps about the Lebanese “conspirators.”
    The Lebanese MP anticipates that the armed conflict will cease within a month’s time, claiming the Syrian army is increasingly imposing its control on the Baba Amr neighbourhood in Homs.

  • Mary

    Are Cameron and Hague going to demand a £200m refund following the destruction of the war graves in the Benghazi cemeteries? I can hear the outrage in the Millbank Tower from here.
    Libyan authorities have apologised after video footage emerged showing graves of British servicemen being attacked by armed men in Benghazi.
    {} A low estimate I would say.

  • Anon the one and only


    “Consider the siege of Homs where foreign terrorists, traitors and defectors have murdered civilians”

    Very unfair to call Assad a foreign terrorist – unless you are argiong that his wife put him up to it.

    “Putin is not inclined to narcissism, leads not rules, without imposing his personality and making a cult of it and he has learned from mistakes and those of others.”

    Yet another comedy momemt based on what I hope is ignorance. As for the public kissing of children in public perhaps you note that this was one of Stalin’s favourite tricks.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Netanyahu’s informal meeting with Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is a Machiavellian precursor to his engagement with US president Obama in which he hopes to exert further pressure on America for a strike against Iran’s nuclear energy sites before Obama’s tenure ends.
    Canada has lucrative military trade with Israel and since being elected in 2006 Harper has promoted strong Canadian support of Israel, stronger, in some respects, than that of Israel’s biggest patron, the United States.
    Netanyahu will attempt to ‘screw’ Obama down by projecting these strong ties with Canada in his negotiations on Monday.
    I say this to Harper – the world remembers that the Canadian expression of goodwill toward the Palestinian people was left on the cutting-room floor when Foreign Affairs Minister Baird addressed the United Nations General Assembly September last. Copies of the draft texts of the speech, obtained under the Access to Information Act (FOI), show Baird used a radically reworked text when he represented Canada for the first time at the General Assembly on September 26, 2011.
    Harper either suffers from amnesia or more likely apathy and indifference over Israel’s attempt to sneak into Jordon and assassinate a senior Hamas operative using Canadian passports, a deception that required Canada to recall its ambassador to Israel.
    Canada was the first country to boycott the new Hamas government — even before Israel. Canada and most Western countries consider Hamas a terrorist organisation.
    I also remind Harper and Obama that Canada supports the so-called two-state solution and that means resetting Israel’s borders to those in place prior to 1967.
    I will publically declare Obama’s Nobel prize for peace null and void if he bows to Israel’s demand to destroy another sovereign state on fabrication, subterfuge and vilification, a bloody ball-game that will murder and maim thousands of innocent children in Iran’s town and cities close to nuclear installations, breed hatred and revenge and even precipitate world war.

  • Mary

    Obomber is speaking to AIPAC at the moment. Won’t hesitate to use force..recognize Israel’s right to exist..

  • Anon the one and only

    “For the record I don’t engage in banter!”

    “I will publically declare Obama’s Nobel prize for peace null and void”

    I beg to differ.

  • nevermind

    This letter published in the Independent yesterday is backing up all comments here, Somalia is another one on the list to come.

    letter to the Indy on Saturday by Prof. Wade Mansell, University of kent, Canterbury.

    headed: ironies of Israels new submarine
    Your report concerning the possible strike on Irans nuclear facillities by Israel (feb. 29th.)might have alluded also to Israels apparent attempt to obtain “second strike” facillity.
    Curerently undergoin sea trials is a new Dolphin class submarine built for Israel by a subsidiary company of Thyssen Krupp in Kiel, one of three to be delivered. This submarine, 68meters in lenght and understood to be capable of carrying nuclear weapons, is the largest submarine built in germany since the second world war. It is claimed in the German press that these new submarines have the advantage of being more difficult to detect, and to have less need to break surface, as they run on fuel cells. The apparent intentions is to mount a permanent patrol of the coast of Iran.

    perhaps of equal interest is that one third of the purchase price of a third submarine to be built will be [paid for by Germany up to 135 million Euros and as part reparations – this was revealed in a Wikileaks report from the US embassy in Tel Aviv. The reperations element seems to relate to Israeli claims against the GDR before reu8nification.
    The disparity between reporting of Irans nuclear policy and the almost total silence concerning Israels nuclear weapons and its refusal to join the Non Proliferation Treaty or even to allow international inspection must be a matter of incredulity in Middle eastern States, if not in Europe.

    And just to heap irony upon irony, according to the Jerusalem Post in 2010, the Iranian state holds a 4.5% stake in ThyssenKrupp.

  • Fedup

    Obama and his cringing genuflections to the ziofuckwits gathering ought to have done his knee caps no good. It is a wonder he could be heard with his head so far up the collective butts of the “master race” gathered in the gala.

  • Mary

    Perhaps he wears knee pads!
    He kissed the women on the stage and shook hands and/or hugged the men. There was a
    standing ovation. Apparently Peres was the warm up act.
    4 March 2012 Last updated at 18:15 Share this pageFacebook Twitter Email Print Share this page
    Obama warns of force against Iran, but urges diplomacy
    Barack Obama addressed the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee
    Iran nuclear crisis
    Oil embargo impact
    Q&A: Nuclear issue
    Key nuclear sites
    Q&A: Sanctions
    President Barack Obama says the US “will not hesitate” to use force to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, but says diplomacy could still succeed.
    The report has been changed since it was released. A video of Obama speaking has been removed. Wonder why?

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    US President Obama has told AIPAC today, “When the Goldstone report unfairly singled out Israel for criticism, we challenged it. When Israel was isolated in the aftermath of the flotilla incident, we supported them. When the Durban conference was commemorated, we boycotted it, and we will always reject the notion that Zionism is racism.”

    What is the Golstone Report?

    It is a United Nations condemnation of the attacks upon the civilian infrastructure of Gaza and the objective of Operation Cast Lead, which was to punish the civilian population. For example, para. 1884 of the report reads: ‘In this respect, the operations were in furtherance of an overall policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population for its resilience and for its apparent support for Hamas, and possibly with the intent of forcing a change in such support.’
    Operation ‘Cast Lead’ murdered 352 children – These are their names (Peace be Upon Them)
    Jawaher Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (4), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Dena Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (7), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Samar Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (12), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ekram Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (13), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Tahreer Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (17), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Sedqi Zeyad Mahmoud al-‘Absi (4), Yebna Camp, RAFAH
    Mohammad Zeyad Mahmoud al-‘Absi (13) Yebna Camp, RAFAH
    Ahmad Zeyad Mahmoud al-‘Absi (12), Yebna Camp, RAFAH
    Ebtihal Abdallah Tawfiq Keshko (7), Gaza City, GAZA
    Yasmin Wa’el Dhaban (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Hanin Wa’el Dhaban (15), Gaza City, GAZA
    Mustafa Khader Saber Abu Ghanima (16), Gaza city, GAZA
    Mohammad Basel Mahmoud Madi (17), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Lama Talal Shehda Hamdan (4), Beit Hanoun city, NORTH GAZA
    Ismail Talal Shehda Hamdan (9), Beit Hanoun city, NORTH GAZA
    Haia Talal Shehda Hamdan (12), Beit Hanoun city, NORTH GAZA
    Abed Rabbo Iyad Abed Rabbo al-Astal (8), al-Qarara, KHAN YUNIS
    Mohammad Iyad Abed Rabbo al-Astal (11), al-Qarara, KHAN YUNIS
    Abed as-Sattar Waleed Abed al-Raheem al-Astal (11), al-Qarara, KHAN YUNIS
    Yousif Abed Hasan Barbakh (14), al-Shawkeh village, Rafah, RAFAH
    Musa Yousif Hasan Barbakh (16), al-Shawkeh village, Rafah, RAFAH
    Marwan Hasan Abed al-Ma’thoun Qdaih (4), al-Qdaihat, ‘Abasan, KHAN YUNIS
    Mohammad Hussam Elaian (17), as-Sawarhi neighbourhood, CENTRAL GAZA
    Azza Salah al-Samouni (2), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Helmi Talal al-Samouni (5 months), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Al-Mo’tasem Bellah Mohammad Ibrahim al-Samouni (1), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Akram Abu-Daqa (14), Abassan al-Kabira, KHAN YUNIS
    Ibrahim Akram Abu-Daqa (15), Abassan al-Kabira, KHAN YUNIS
    Tawfeeq Khaled Ismail al-Kahlout (11), Sheikh Zayed City, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Habeeb Khaled Ismail al-Kahlout (13), Sheikh Zayed City, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Khaled Ismail al-Kahlout (14), Sheikh Zayed, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Shaban Adel Hamed Hanif (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismail abu-Snima (14), al-Shawkeh village, Rafah, RAFAH
    Hani Mohammad Mousa al-Silawi (6), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Hasan Naseem Amer Hejjo (15), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Mousa Ismail al-Silawi (11), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Lina Abed al-Meni’m Nafez Hasan (9),al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Basem Ahmad Shaqoura (8), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Bilal Hamza Ali Obaid (17), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Nour Mo’in Shafeeq Deeb (3), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Aseel Mo’in Shafeeq Deeb (9), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Esam Sameer Shafeeq Deeb (13), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mustafa Mo’in Shafeeq Deeb (13), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Mo’in Shafeeq Deeb (16), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Abdullah Mohammad Shafiq Abdullah (10), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mahmoud Khaled ‘Elaian al-Mashharawi (14), al-Remal, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Khader Diab Sbaih (17), al-Remal, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismail Adnan Hasan Hawila (16), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Bayan Khaled Ibrahim Khleif (12), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Bara Iyad Sameeh Shalha (6), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Osama Said Mohammad Lubbad (17), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Suliman Mohammad Baraka (11), Bani Suhaila, KHAN YUNIS
    Bashar Samir Mousa Naji (13), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad al-Samouni (4), Gaza City, GAZA
    Maryam Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (9), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Aya Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (11), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Zainab Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (8), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Reem Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (4), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Aysha Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (2), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ghassan Nizar Abed al-QaderRayyan (16), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Abed al-Qader Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (11), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Abed al-Rahman Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (5), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Osama iben Zaid Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (2), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Aya Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (1), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Halima Nizar Abed al-Qader Rayyan (4), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Asad Deeb Tbail (15), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Moaz Yaser Abed Abu Tair (6), ‘Abasan, KHAN YUNIS
    Rajeh Nahed Rajeh Zeyadeh (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Tareq Yaser Mohammad Afani (16), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Rafeeq Abed al-Baset Saleh al-Khudari (16), al-Remal, Gaza City, GAZA
    Amjad Majdi Ahmad al-Bayed (15), al-Remal, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Rahman Jaballah (13), Sekka St, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mahmoud Mohammad Mahmoud Jaballah (13), Sekka St, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Nabeel Mahmoud Mohammad Abu T’aimeh (16), Abasan, KHAN YUNIS
    Qasem Tal’at Jameel Abed an-Nabi (6), al-Falouja, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Basem Tal’at Jameel Abed an-Nabi (11), al-Falouja, Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Osama Khaled Hussein Abu Rjaileh (16), Rumeida, Bani Shaila, KHAN YUNIS
    Mahmoud Mohammad Khamees Abu Qamar (14), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Jameel Abdullah Qdaih (14), Khuza’a village, KHAN YUNIS
    Mamdouh Msa’ed Mohammad Qdaih (17), Khuza’a village, KHAN YUNIS
    Mohammad Atta Hassan Azzam (13), al-Meghraqa town, GAZA
    Hasan Atta Hassan Azzam (1), al-Meghraqa town, GAZA
    Ezz al-Dein Adel Khaled al-Fara (13), Al Qarara, KHAN YUNIS
    Mohammad Maher Sayah Abu Sweireh (16), as-Sawarhi, CENTRAL GAZA
    Tamer Hassan Ali al-Akhras (5), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Karim Zeiad al-Nemer (13), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Suhair Zeiad al-Nemer (17), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Shahad Mohammad Hejji (3), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Fatima Ra’d Zaki Jadallah (10), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Samir Hejji (14), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abdullah Nasser Abdullah al- Sdouri (6), an-Nusairat camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Ahmad Osama Mohammad Qurtom (6), al-Ghafri, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismail Mohamad Ibrahim al-Samouni (15), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ishaq Mohamad Ibrahim al-Samouni (13), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Zakaria Hamed Khamis al-Samouni (7), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Huda Na’el Fares al-Samouni (16), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Walid Rashad Helmi al-Samouni (16), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Rezqa Wa’el Fares al-Samouni (14), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Fares Wa’el Fares al-Samouni (12), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abdullah Jehad Hosain Judeh (15), Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mustafa Rashad Fadel al- Khaldi (17), Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mahmoud Zaki Issa Hmaid (17) , Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ali Musa Sameer al-Qatnani (15), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Ahmad Hassan Ma’rouf (14), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Abed al-Rahman Mohammad Ghaben (14), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Haitham Yaser Yousif Ma’rouf (10), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Maha Yaser Yousif Ma’rouf (15), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Fatima Mohammad Rushdi Ma’rouf (14), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Khawla Ahmad Ramadan Ghaben (14), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Sahar Ahmad Ramadan Ghaben (16), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Farid al-Ma’sawabi (15), Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Noor Ezz al-din Mohammad Musa (15), as-Sabra neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Oyoun Jihad Yousif an-Nasleh (15), an-Nada towers, Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Almoe’z Ledeenillah Jihad Yousif an-Nasleh (2), an-Nada towers, NORTH GAZA
    Iyad Nabeel Abed al-Rahman Saleh (16), al-‘Awda, Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Hamzi Zuhair Rizq Tanteesh (11), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mahmoud Zaher Rizq Tanteesh (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Thaer Shaker Qarmout (16), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ahed Eyad Quddas (13), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Husam Rae’d Sobuh (11), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Rola Fayez Nour Salha (1), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Baha’ al-Deen Fayez Nour Salha (4), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Rana Fayez Nour Salha (11), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Deia’ al-Deen Fayez Nour Salha (13), Mashrou Beit Lahiya, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Areej ‘Ata Hasan Ermailat (2 months), Sheikh Zayed city, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Bara’ ‘Ata Hasan Ermailat (1), Sheikh Zayed city, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Sabreen ‘Ata Hasan Ermailat (15), Sheikh Zayed city, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Salameh Abu Aitah (15), al-Hawa, Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Anwar Salman Abu Aitah (6), al-Hawa, Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Malak Salameh Abu Aitah (2), al-Hawa, Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ayat Kamal al-Bana (11), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    ‘Arafat Mohammad ‘Arafat Abed ad-Dayem (12), Izbet Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Islam Jaber ‘Arafat Abed ad-Dayem (16), Izbet Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Khaled Sami al-Astal (11), as-Satr al-Gharbi neighbourhood, KHAN YUNIS
    Ali Kamal al-Nader (10), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Amer Kamal al-Nader (15), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Aicha Ibrahim an-Najjar (3), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Hamada Ibrahim Ali Mesbeh (15), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Adam Ma’moun al-Kurdi (3), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Emad Mohammad Abu Askar (13), al-Fakhoura, Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Imad Nabil Abu Khater (14), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Wesam Akram Eid (13), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Rajab al-Awadi (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Mos’ab Subhi Modad (16), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismat Fathi al-Qarm (15), Gaza City, GAZA
    Ala Fathi al-Qarm (13), Gaza City, GAZA
    Nabeel Kamal Mohammad Mekhraq (17), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Feras Fayez Kamel Abu Samra (17), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Jalil al-Halis (8), ash-Shate’a camp, Gaza City, GAZA
    Raneen Abdallah Saleh (11), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Abdullah Mohammad Abed al-Juju (16), Tel al-Hawa, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Hakem Khader al-Sultan (14), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Faraj Hassouneh (15), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ezz al-Deen Isa Abed al-Hadi al-Batran (3), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Belal Isa Abed al-Hadi al-Batran (6), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Ehsan Isa Abed al-Hadi al-Batran (10), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Iman Isa Abed al-Hadi al-Batran (10), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Islam Isa Abed al-Hadi al-Batran (14), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Mohammad Atef Abu al-Hasna (12), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Aya Ezz al-Din Abu al-Aish (13), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Mayar Ezz al-Din Abu al-Aish (14), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Nour Shehab al-Din Abu al-Aish (16), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Luai Yahia Salman Abu Halima (17), as-Seefa, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Deia’ al-Din Aref Abu Khabiza (14), an-Nusairat Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Mohammad Abdallah Abu E’taiwi (17), an-Nusairat camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Bilal Mohammad al-Ashkar (5), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Shihda al-Ashkar (3), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Kamelia Ra’fat al-Bardini (13), Deir Al Balah, CENTRAL GAZA
    Ezz ad-Deen Ali al-Bars (16), an-Nusairat Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Farah Ammar al- Hilou (1), az-Zeitoun neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Naji Nedal al-Hamlawi (15), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Ayat Yousef al-Defda’ (12), at-Tuffah neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Zakaria Yahia al-Taweel (4), an-Nusairat Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Rakan Mohammad al-Err (4), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Feda’ Mohammad al-Err (17), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Mohammad al-Err(11), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Rawan an-Najjar (6), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Ala’ Ahmad Jaber (11), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Majed Ali Hussein (16), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Thaer Suhail Ali Hussein (17), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ghanima Sultan Fawzi Halawi (10), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Mosa’ab Abed al-Mohsen Ali Khader (13), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Shaher Khdair (12), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Sahar Hatem Dawoud (16), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Adham Na’im Mohammad Abed al-Malek (16), at-Twam, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mahmoud Nabil Ghabayen (13), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Nada Radwan Mardi (5), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Suad Khaled Abed Rabbu (9), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Amal Khaled Abed Rabbu (2) , Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Khalil Mohammad Halas (15), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Asma’ Ibrahim Afani (12), az-Zeitun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Odai Rajab Mansi (6), Deir Al Balah, CENTRAL GAZA
    Mohammad Jaber Hweij (17), at-Tuffah , Gaza City, GAZA
    Sharif Abed al-Mo’ti Ermailat (15), al-Shawkeh village, Rafah, RAFAH
    Mahmoud Sami Asaliya (2), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Wadee’a Omar (2), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Weam Jamal al-Kafarneh (3), Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Jaber Mohammad ‘Elaian (15), Aslan, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Omniya Nafez al-Helou (13), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Reiad as-Senwar (3), az-Zahra, Gaza City, GAZA
    Amer Ibrahim Khalil Ba’lousha (9), Zahra’, CENTRAL GAZA
    Shahd S’adallah Matar Abu Halima (1), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Hamza S’adallah Matar Abu Halima (7), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Zaid S’adallah Matar Abu Halima (13), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Abd al-Rahim S’adallah Matar Abu Halima (13), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Matar S’ad Matar Abu Halima (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Hikmat Abu Halima (16), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Hammam Mohammad al-Khudri (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Sameer Mohammad Kamel Mqat (17), at-Tuffah , Gaza City, GAZA
    Shaima’ Adel al-Jadba (8), az-Zarqa neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Nassar Mohammad Ibrahim al-Samouni (5), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hosam Mohammad Esleem (7), al-Ghafri, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Mohammad Esleem (13), al-Ghafri, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mahmoud Salah al-Ghoul (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Majed Ka’bar (16), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Mahmoud Jamal Hasan Mohammadain (16), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ali Kamal Badawi Khader (13) at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Khalil Mohammad Musa Bhar (12), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Jihad Sameer Fayez Erhayem (8), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hanady Basem Kamel Khalifa (12), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mo’men Mahmoud Talal E’law (10), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Sameeh Ahmad al-Kafarneh (17), Beit Hanoun City, NORTH GAZA
    Angham Ra’fat al-Masri (10), Beit Hanoun City, NORTH GAZA
    Aseel Muneer Matar al-Kafarneh (1), al-Amal, Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Nareman Ahmad Abed al-Kareem Abu Odeh (15), al-Amal, Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Samed Mahfouz Abed Rabbo (16), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Fawaz Ahmad Saleh (4), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Fawzeya Fawaz Ahmad Saleh (3), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Yasmin Adel al-Jadba (14), az-Zarqa neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Hameed Jamal Khaled as-Sawi (14), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Islam Odeh Abu Amsha (11), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Jaber Hweij (6), at-Tuffah , Gaza City, GAZA
    Yousif Mohammad Fuad Ahmad Farahti (16), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Majdi Nahed Harb Esleem Lebsous (14), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Medhat Harb Esleem Lebsous (10), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Jehan Sami Sa’di al-Helou (16), al-Remal, Gaza City, GAZA
    Aya Osama Nayef al-Sersawi (5), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Nadia Mesbah Salem Sa’d (12), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Abed Ali Bannar (17), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Samer Mohammad Abu Asser (17), ash-Shujaeya neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismail Haidar ‘Elaiwah (6), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Lana Haidar Ismail ‘Elaiwah (9), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Moamen Haidar Ismail ‘Elaiwah (12), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Moatasem Haidar Ismail ‘Elaiwah (13), Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Radwan Mohammad Ashour (11), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abed al-Rahman Mohammad Ashour (10), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Yahia Ibrahim Farouq al-Hayek (11), Tel al-Hawa, Gaza City, GAZA
    Fadlallah Emad al-Najjar (1), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ghaida’ Amer Rizq Abu Aisha (7), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Amer Rizq Abu Aisha (9), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Sayed Amer Rizq Abu Aisha (11), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Yousif Saed al-Kahlout (17), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Shadi Yousef Ghaben (13), al-Amal, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Yahia Said al-Baba (11), al-Manshiya, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Nash’at Raed al-Feeri (11), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Basma Yaser al-Jalawi (5), Beit Hanoun, NORTH GAZA
    Anwar Marwan Fayeq Shehadah (13), Leghbari, Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Eyad Taher Shehadah (16), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Shahad Hussein Nazmi Sultan (6), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Qlaiq (17), Um an-Nasr, Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Mostafa Fraih Sa’id (17), Gaza City, GAZA
    Salsabil Ramez Fayez ad-Dayah (4 months), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (7 months), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Bara Ramez Fayez ad-Dayah (1), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Rab’a Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (2), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Yousif Mohammad Fayez ad-Dayah (2), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Areej Mohammad Fayez ad-Dayah (3), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Sharaf ad-Din Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (4), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Qamar Mohammad Fayez ad-Dayah (5), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ala Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (6), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Amani Mohammad Fayez ad-Dayah (6), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Khetam Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (8), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ali Iyad Fayez ad-Dayah (10), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Tamer Omar Ismail al-Louh (17), Gaza City, GAZA
    Jihad Rashad Sha’ban Daloul (15), Gaza City, GAZA
    Ruba Mohammad Fadel Abu Ras (13), Gaza City, GAZA
    Shatha al-Abed Mohammad al-Habbash (10), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Isra’ Qusai Mohammad al-Habbash (12), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Atteiah Rushdi Khalil al-Khouli (15), Gaza City, GAZA
    Fares Tala’at Asa’ad Hamouda (2), Tal al-Hawa, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Nader Khalil Abu Sha’ban (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Tala’at Asa’ad Hamouda (15), Tal al-Hawa, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mahmoud Ahmad Fares Juha (16), Gaza City, GAZA
    Mustafa Mohammad Naser al-Ashi (17), as-Sudaniya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hala Essam Ahmad al-Munai’e (8 months), Tal al-Hawa, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Salam Awad Terfawi (4), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Hathem al-Kahlout (17), Jabalia camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Kamal Subhi Awaja (8), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Amaal Najib Mohammad ‘Aloush (12) Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Ala’ Khaled Khalil an-Najjar (15), Khuza’a village, KHAN YUNIS
    Nader Bassam Ibrahim Qadourah (16), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Abed al-Rahim Rajab Suliman (17), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Mamdouh Walid Asad Shhaiber (17), Gaza City, GAZA
    Moneer Sami Ameen Shhaibar (15), as-Sabra, Gaza City, GAZA
    Tasnim Yaser Jaber al-Rafati (1), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Hadeel Jabr Diab al-Rafati (8), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Wesam Ibrahim Mosbah Nabhan (16), Jabalia City, NORTH GAZA
    Belal Jamal Ismail Abu ‘Awwad (17) Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Issa Mohammad Jaber Abu Eidah (15), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Mo’in al-Abed Joha (14), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad as-Sayed Mohammad Akela (7), an-Nasr, Gaza City, GAZA
    Jihad Kamal Hasan Ahmad (17), al-Baidar, Gaza City, GAZA
    Sondos Sa’id Hasan Abu Sultan (3), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Yousef Awni Abed al-Rahim al-Jaru (1), as-Sabra, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hashem Awni Abed al-Fattah Jadou’ (17), as-Sabra, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hanin Fadel Mohammad al-Batran (8), Jabalia, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Maher Ahmad az-Zainati (16), al-Karama neighbourhood, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad ‘Ala al-Din Falah al-Sawaferi (14), Gaza City, GAZA
    Mahmoud Majed Mahmoud Abu Nahla (16), Rafah City, RAFAH
    Ahmad Rasmi Mohammad Abu Jazar (16), Rafah City, RAFAH
    Sabreen Mohammad Azara Abu Samah (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    ’Aaed Emad Jamal Khera (14) ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ramadan Ali Mohammad Felfel (15), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Hasan Ratib Mohammad Sam’an (17)
    Abdullah Mohammad Hamdan Abu Rok (16), Khuza’a village, KHAN YUNIS
    Zeyad Mohammad Abu-Snima (9), an-Nasr, RAFAH
    Ibrahim Mohammad Shorab (17), Khan Yunis, SOUTH GAZA
    Alsayed Jawad Mohammad as-Seksek (15) at-Twam, NORTH GAZA
    Abdullah Mu’ataz al-Dahnoun (7), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Ibrahim Rawhi Mohammad Aqel (16), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Anas Aref Aref Barakeh (7), Abu al-Ajeen, Deir al-Balah, CENTRAL GAZA
    Mohannad Amer Khalil al-Jadili (7), al-Bureij Camp, CENTRAL GAZA
    Mahmoud Khader Mohammad Abu-Kamil (13), al-Meghraqa, Central Gaza
    Kareem Misbah Mohammad Abu-Sido (15), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ismail Hussein Yaseen (17), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ahmad Fawzi Hassan Labad (17), Gaza City, GAZA
    Sahar Ali Esleem (15), al-Ghafri, Gaza City, GAZA
    Abdallah Nabil Sh’aban Esleem (16), al-Ghafri, Gaza City, GAZA
    Deema Said Ahmad al-Rehel (5), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Akram Mohammad Meqdad (17), ash-Shatea Camp, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mohammad Maher Nemer Badawi (17), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Sojoud Hamdi Juma’a ad-Dardasawi (13), ash-Shujaeya, Gaza City, GAZA
    Suhaib Mohammad Ibrahim al-Qaran (15), Az Zawayda, CENTRAL GAZA
    Widad Mohammad Ibrahim al-Qaran (16), Az Zawayda, CENTRAL GAZA
    Baha’ Muayyad Kamal Abu Wadi (7), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Ala’ ‘Odai Salameh al-Haddad (13),Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, Gaza city, GAZA
    Emad Maher Saleh Farwaneh (17), Gaza city, GAZA
    Mohammad Khader Abed Rajab (16), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA
    Tamer Riyad Ibrahim Faza’ (17), Gaza City, GAZA
    Issa Mohammad Eyada Ermailat (11), Rafah, SOUTH GAZA
    Abed al-Rahman Ahmad Abedallah Haboush (4), at-Tuffah, Gaza city, GAZA
    Omar Mahmoud Ahmad Elbaradei (11) ad-Dahdouh, GAZA CITY
    Omar Mahmoud Ramadan al-Marnakh (17), At-Twam neighbourhood, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Younis Naseer Abu Jame’a (17), az-Zaneh, Bani Shaila, KHAN YUNIS
    Mohammad Ismail Abed Abu Daqqa (17), Bani Shaila, KHAN YUNIS
    Abed al-Rahman Ahmad Abed Rubo al- Atawneh (15), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Omar Khader Mohammad Jumaa (17), Beit Lahiya, NORTH GAZA
    Mohammad Taysir Mohammad Zamlat (10), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
    Fathiya Ayman Saleem ad-Dabari (3 months), ash-Shuhada’ village, Rafah City, RAFAH
    Sa’eb Nafez Sha’ban al- Bahteeti (17), at-Tuffah, Gaza City, GAZA
    Mustafa Nehad Taleb Abu Sido (11 months), at-Tuffah, GAZA
    Nancy Said Mohammad Waked (5 months), az-Zeitoun, Gaza City, GAZA

  • Mary

    So terribly sad. We must never forget them and all those adults who were killed too.

  • DownWithThisSortOfThing

    The internal social-political-economic climate is turning against the right-wing extremists who control Israel, leaving a frustrated population which has very limited alternative political representation.
    Tel Aviv can’t get more than 1 in 5 Israelis to support an attack on Iran, a fact that doesn’t seem to dampen their demands that the ‘West’ take military action.
    Record numbers of Israelis are now using legal/religious loopholes to avoid national service.
    More Jews left Israel in 2011 than ‘returned’, a statistic that is trending upwards for 2012.
    US public support for Israel is now at it’s lowest since 1967.
    Obama knows all this, which is why Netanyahu will be going home having been firmly told that if Israel attacks Iran it will be on its own. Obama’s message will be simple, no Iranian bomb, no attack on Iran.

  • Tee-Hee

    Thank you Mark Golding.

    Unquestionably Israel is a menace to world peace, a barbaric illegitimate theocratic, intolerant genocidal, nuclear-armed threat to all of us.

    Bloodthirsty inhuman monsters prevailing on the weak and vulnerable. Evil Shits.

    Our own governments and all three main political parties, assisted by a dysfunctional mendacious and indisputably equally culpable media, have been for a long time and remain spineless and treacherous collaborators in this mass-murdering despotism. It’s time we put our own house in order and indicted them for treason – openly and willingly in the service of a foreign-based criminal conspiracy – and as accessories before and after the fact to crimes against humanity, we need no other authority than our own people’s will, the evidence is irrefutable and over-whelming.

    I have reliable information that the perpetrators and ringleaders in this inhabit a ‘safe house’, protected by just a small number of armed thugs, at 10 Downing Street, London, a fortress, but one that could not withstand a prolonged siege; and are known also to congregate and plot their next outrage with others of their gang, in a disreputable place called the Houses of Parliament, also London, again easily engulfed by outraged humanity, till its very walls relent. It should be possible to arrest a large number of them in one fell swoop and given that these are capital offences and guilt so palpable, execution should be swiftly and efficiently carried out. I’m not suggesting anarchy or mob-rule, though we need some of that now and again; some notable, if by then unrecognisable corpses could adorn the Olympic venues with their grisly remains and still other live wriggling wretches could add a joyous celebratory note to the events with their gurgling demise, for the benfit of the crowd. Let’s make this Olympics one the world will never forget. With Cameron’s filleting as its centerpiece.

  • crab

    That wasnt very drole tee-hee.

    “Obama knows all this, which is why Netanyahu will be going home having been firmly told that if Israel attacks Iran it will be on its own. Obama’s message will be simple, no Iranian bomb, no attack on Iran.”

    Here is hoping this is true DownWith. Really hoping, because lack of popular support for war, hasnt stopped the destruction of peoples and values so far.

  • angrysoba

    Mark: Though inveterately cynical image-makers may disagree with me I took note of Putin’s unartfully spontaneous outburst of fraternal tenderness when he kissed an unknown child, a boy, in the Kremlin yard before the gaping eyes of his dumfounded excursionist-parents.
    Holy crap! I thought baby-kissing was a well-known routine of politicians but when I saw him doing it I had to go out and vote for him. Several times.
    On the other hand, I don’t think it is always the mark of a man with a good heart that he fondles and kisses unknown children in front of their gaping parents. In fact, it is often a mark of quite the opposite.
    Even our own venal, useless, know-nothing politicians wouldn’t dare do that kind of thing for fear of the public pillorying they would receive. It’s much easier to avoid that kind of ridicule if you are a known ex-KGB agent who finds it a jolly good wheeze to let people think he murders his opponents, rigs elections and will close down parties and media outlets that criticize him.
    You’ve probably heard that old joke about Putin meeting Stalin in a dream and asking him how he can become the President again. “Oh, that’s easy,” says Stalin, “Rig the elections, kill your opponents and paint the Duma blue.”
    Putin is silent for a second before asking Stalin, “Why blue?”

  • DownWithThisSortOfThing

    @Crab: Here is hoping this is true DownWith. Really hoping, because lack of popular support for war, hasnt stopped the destruction of peoples and values so far.
    Don’t sweat it. The Whitehouse, the Defense Department, the CIA, the Pentagon, The NSA and about half a dozen other intelligence agencies have confirmed that there is no Iranian nuclear bomb program, there are no bomb making facilities and their is no desire to develop nuclear weapons.
    Obama has always said that the US will only use military action to prevent Iran obtaining a weapon. Obama always clearly talks about nuclear weapons whereas the Israelis talk about “capability” and “programs” to try and conflate the issues.
    So no Iranian nuclear weapons no US attack. This is why Notayuman is seething. I don’t think the Israelis will be stupid enough to attack Iran on its own. The best Iran can hope for from the US is material support. I also don’t believe, although anything is possible, that Israel will be stupid enough to use a false-flag attack on the US.
    What we are seeing with Israel is a desperate attempt by the ruling elite to stave of the impending collapse of Zionism by starting a huge war against an ‘existential threat’. It’s glaringly obvious and most Israelis are not swallowing it.
    Israelis are beginning to understand that the longer Zionists rule the less likely there will exist a country called Israel in the future, let alone a ‘Jewish State’.

  • DownWithThisSortOfThing

    @angrysoba You’ve probably heard that old joke about Putin meeting Stalin in a dream and asking him how he can become the President again. “Oh, that’s easy,” says Stalin, “Rig the elections, kill your opponents and paint the Duma blue.”
    Putin is silent for a second before asking Stalin, “Why blue?”

    Got any Boris Yeltsin jokes? That dipsomaniac was a favorite of the West wasn’t he?
    He was always pissed and allowed Russia’s wealth to be handed over to organised criminals causing an economic collapse which enabled many Western corporations to do their vampire act on the Russian people.
    That is why Yeltsin was popular in the West and derided in Russia. While Putin is despised in the West he receives almost 7 out of 10 votes from Russians.
    Putin is no mug of Western interest like Yeltsin was, or you even, which is why he is demonised by the West. Putin makes Western leaders look immature teenagers.

  • DownWithThisSortOfThing

    Radio 4’s Today program seems to be exclusively devoted to assassinating the character of Putin and his legitimacy as the democratically elected head of the Russian Federation.
    I don’t remember them going on this much when massive postal vote fraud was uncovered in the UK 2004 and 2010 elections.
    And the best evidence that the BBC can come up with for the ‘rigged election’ nonsense is that Putin received more air-time on TV.
    I’m sure Ron Paul will sympathise with that. After all it was the BBC who gave in-depth profiles on the likes of Michelle Bachman and Herman Cain and even hypothesised what a US would look like under their presidency while curtly deriding Ron Paul and quickly dismissing him as a no-hoper.

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