Straw in the Stink 1095

The Mail on Sunday is doing a very good job on the odious Jack Straw’s involvement in torture and persecution. I think that at last the truth has entered the established narrative. There is a little box in the report about my own evidence to Scotland Yard. I will type it out here as the Mail’s box format here is not internet searchable:

“Torture” Evidence Handed to the Yard

Further pressure was piled on Jack Straw last night over the “rendition” of Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhadj after sensitive documents were handed to Scotland tard detectives.

Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, passed the documents to police as part of the inquiry into the behaviour of Ministers and intelligence officials over the detention of Mr Belhadj in Bangkok in March 2004.

The opponent of Colonel Gadaffi was flown to Tripoli, where he claims he was tortured.

Mr Straw, who was Foreign Secretary at the time, has denied ever condoning the use of torture to extract information.

But the documents appear to cast doubt on that position.

One memo, headed “Uzbekistan: Intelligence Possibly Obtained Under Torture” contains minutes of a meeting Mr Murray held with senior Foreign and Commonwealth officials on March 8, 2003 to discuss his concern that the UK could be in breach of international law by possessing intelligence obtained by torture.

The minute, dated March 10 2003, quoted Linda Duffield, then the FCO’s Director of Wider Europe, apparently justifying the use of such material as part of the fight against terrorism.

A second memo, dated March 14 2003, and written by Simon McDonald – the Straw’s principal Private Secretary – to Ms Duffield says Straw has read the minutes and “agrees that you handled this very well”.

Mr Murray is understood to have told police that during Mr Straw’s time at the FCO diplomats were told to only refer to the policy on torture verbally.

Mr Murray said last night “My evidence stated that Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing evidence obtained by torture to be used. I also told them that written evidence had been destrpyed, and we were told to not commit details into writing.”

There is a slight misquote in the above. It should say Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing intelligence obtained by torture, not evidence. In fact it was specifically stated such intelligence would not be produced as evidence in court (people were imprisoned without charge or rendered instead). The instruction not to put things in writing was given to me personally, I don’t know if others were told the same. As I was the only one protesting, perhaps not.

These links are to the documents in question.




The first two were obtained by Freedom of Information Act request. Details of the CIA’s colllusion with the Karimiv regime’s torturers have been redacted by the FCO. Last week Jack Straw came out and argued strongly for the effective abolition of the Freedom of Information Act. Now there is a coincidence for you.

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1,095 thoughts on “Straw in the Stink

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  • Mary

    @Chris Jones – 11:22 pm

    It is a process called Rehabilitation of the Public Image of a War Criminal.
    May he and all the others in NuLabour who supported Bliar go to Hell in a handcart.

  • Passerby

    Well the best way of getting out of printing any “mews” on the subject of a minority elected coalition government that was resoundingly rejected by the said minority. The awful fact that one in three only bothered to take part in the charade we have come to know as elections. Leaving 2 out of three rejecting the system and walking away from the charade games, that beggars the question what kind of democracy are we living in?
    Instead young Adolf has been resurrected with new revelations, evidently he farted a lot, as New York Times puts it; “uncontrollably” so the mad man farted madly too, with mad farts! DM carries the story about Mein Canvass: the paintings of the said Adolf. Washington Examiner further clarifies that the madman farted madly too, craved cocaine, and fast cars, and had bull semen injected to keep up with the raunchy Eva. (what one ball story then?)
    The gaggle of BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, Sky, Mirror, etc. all wax lyrical about the paranoia of the mad man whom believed he could divine weather, and he was a messiah etc.
    Thanks fuck for Hitler, or the zionist would have no excuse for their barbarism. whilst the “news” media had to work harder to find another stupid subject to fill their air time/column inches, and Hitler History Channel would have had to lay off their staff.

  • Mary

    On Medialens an e-mail to BBC’s Wyre Davies.
    The BBC’s Wyre Davies whitewashing war criminal Tzipi Livni…short email…
    This shill for Israel cannot be forgiven either for his biased reporting of the USNato invasion of Libya to support the rabble rebels in the overthrow of Gaddafi and the seizure of the country’s assets.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    Jay – so what? Just because the Nazis favoured animal rights while being lunatics on other things, doesn’t mean animal rights are wrong. You can be kind to all humans and animals – you don’t have to be cruel to animals to be kind to people or vice-versa.

    The Nazis were also for gun control, does that mean everyone should be able to own AK47s? They were for public works programmes rather than austerity – that doesn’t make public works programmes wrong or austerity right (it’s failing just as it did in the 20s and 30s – letting the Nazis into power in Weimar Germany – with the support of conservatives like Hindenburg and industrialists and newspaper owners).

  • Duncan McFarlane

    Also from your wikipedia link
    “Although various laws were enacted for animal protection, there was a lack of enforcement. Also, some key Nazis thought that vivisection was important for research,[11] including research necessary for rearmament. As a consequence, the original regulations started to become weaker. The law enacted by Hermann Göring on August 16, 1933 banning vivisection survived only three weeks and it was revised by a decree of September 5, with more lax provisions, then allowing the Reich Interior Ministry to distribute permits to some universities and research institutes to conduct animal experiments.[21] According to Pfugers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie (Pfugers Archive for the Total Physiology), a science journal at that time, there were many animal experiments during the Nazi regime.[22] In 1936, the Tierärztekammer (Chamber of Veterinarians) in Darmstadt filed a formal complaint against the lack of enforcement of the animal protection laws on those who conducted illegal animal testing”

    So the Nazis pretended to favour animal rights to get votes, but actually didn’t give a toss about them.

  • jay

    It seems that we are a produce of extremist behaviour and that most events in history are reactionary as well as formulated.

    That said haven`t lessons been learned and why havent we formulated a system to stabilise the plight of many, and increase the common sense of well being for all.

    sometimes one can only look inwards and blame themselves.

    I for one feel guilt for what I have achieved in yonder

  • glenn_uk

    Duncan McFarlane: I believe Jay is employing the “poisoning the well” fallacy, a highly disingenuous tactic used by people wrt animal rights – generally speaking – who want to abuse animals without let or hindrance. This “Nazi” slur is waved at anyone questioning animal exploitation.
    Of course it’s ridiculous. Nazi Germany also championed fitness and excellence in engineering, and so on. Can you imagine the shrieks of horror if someone was found to own a couple of dogs, particularly Alsatians? Not sure if anyone’s ever been taken in with this “you’re-just-like-Hitler” crap should they promote animal rights, but it’s a well worn distraction.
    Wish Craig would update his blog a bit more often.


    The BBC insists that Sheik Mohammed has ‘confessed’ to being the mastermind behind 911, they fail to mention that he has been in solitary confinement for 10 years and has been water-boarded 140+ times, and today Hillary Clinton is whining about Chinese human rights.

    The BBC also ‘reports’ that the torture victim has ‘opted not to enter a plea until a later date’. This makes it sound as if the torture victim is exercising a legal right to a defence. The truth is Sheik Mohammed is a mentally ill man who is unable to comprehend what is happening to him.

    No one in the media is willing to speak up in defence of this man’s human rights and against his disgusting treatment. Indeed the BBC were more interested in finding out what the most popular method of execution for him is amongst the US public.

    Innocent until proven guilty? Not at the BBC.

  • Mary

    DWTSOT Have you noticed that the media, especially the BBC, display just two images of the 183 times waterboarded Sheikh Khaled Mohammed. One has him looking awry with his hair in a mess and a shirt falling off his shoulders (post arrest I assume or even post a waterboarding session) or another showing him with a long beard and a headdress. Shades of Abu Qatada or Osama Bin Laden there. First torture your victim and then demonize him.
    This is the military prosecutor in this kangaroo court. You could not find a kinder looking man!
    And of course the War on Terror in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere flowed from the destruction of the twin towers, not forgetting the pancake like collapse of WTC7. The official story supported the premise ‘No one could plan, keep every thing secret and carry out such mass murder’. No restraint was shown later in murdering a million Arabs and their country with it. And the paramount psychopath here was at their side immediately. It was not a judicial response but war.

  • Clark

    Mary, comments close seven days after a post, or three days after the last comment, whichever is later. So each time a comment is submitted the countdown is reset to three days (72 hours).
    Spam comments that get through the spam filter also reset the countdown, so if we all stopped doing anything now, the spambots would keep this thread open. However, when a comment is sent to the spam bin, the countdown reverts to the submission time of next most recent comment that is still displayed. So if I spammed all comments from the last 72 hours the thread would close, but I’m not about to do that!
    I’ve been considering opening a new thread just because this one is getting so long that it is taking ages to load. I don’t suppose Craig would mind, but it seems a bit presumptuous.

  • Clark

    Duncan McFarlane: “it [austerity] is failing just as it did in the 20s and 30s – letting the Nazis into power in Weimar Germany”.
    Yes, it’s exceedingly worrying.

  • Fedup

    Seeing as Craig has been too busy poor soul, and it would be unkind of anyone to expect him to tend to our need for a new thread, and taking on your suggestion on board, how about an open source new thread?
    The introduction of the this kind of a thread would technically apportion equal guilt onto the participants, letting you personally off the hook so to speak, and also this could be an experiment in taking the interactive pelbocracy a step further.
    I suggest an article on deception techniques, and the deception industry at the disposal of the governments, that has literally brought on the current bizarre situation in which most of our references seem to be inverted and upside down?
    How about each of us contributing a paragraph or two that in turn can be woven into a post and published, with a deadline set of course.
    Any takers?

  • nevermind

    It feels as if the blog is ephemeral, a blink in the moment of time.
    But what subject would Craig agree for us to blog on, Clark, not that it matters much as we all are conditioned by the news to react.
    France has elections this weekend and most likely will turn socialist, Greece on the other hand faces a lost generation syndrom, people at the end of their tethers, unemployed and reliant on handouts.
    Spain, with tourismn down and many speculative housing projects gone bust, will face a further rise in unemployment. The EU as we know it will crumble before 2013 is out, it feels.

    How about a debate on the unsustainability of our systems, financial as well as societal, about the lack of accountability of our so called leader, puppets on a string, with wishfull policies and no mandate, peoples disillusionement, etc.

    We could, as an end result, send a resume, a letter of sorts, to all papers readerscolumns.

    Or we could go in the garden and forget about it all, get wet and cold and dream of summer.:)

  • mark golding

    For those who have lacked a courtroom wherein they could battle to their conclusive ‘proof’ I offer this from Richard Clarke:
    On one screen I could see the situation room. I grabbed Mike Fenzel. “How’s it going over here?” I asked.
    “It’s fine,” Major Fenzel whispered. “but I can’t hear the crisis conference because Mrs Cheney keeps turning down the volume on you so she can hear CNN… and the Vice President keeps hanging up the open line to you.
    Clarke, Against All Enemies p.8
    My thanks to Mark Robinowitz & Michael Ruppert for confirming the sad fate of passengers at Cleveland airport on 11/9/2001.
    The Rubicon was crossed with the crash of Flight 93.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    Off topic.

    @ Craig,

    This one is for you:-

    Adrian Wiszniewski exhibition depicts love life of Robert Burns
    The paintings by Adrian Wiszniewski depict the colourful love life of the Bard
    Continue reading the main story
    Related Stories
    Tam o’ Shanter voted ‘best Burns’
    Tam O’Shanter shown on 20m mural
    Burns’ verse back in pub window
    An exhibition of paintings based on the controversial love life of Robert Burns opens to the public this weekend.

    The Man Who Loved Women is a collection of 12 new oil paintings, all produced in the last year, by Scottish artist Adrian Wiszniewski.

    They are going on show at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Alloway, Ayrshire.

    Mr Wiszniewski admitted that when he was young he found Burns off-putting but has now been “converted”.

    The Glasgow-born artist first came to prominence in the early 1980s as a member of the “New Glasgow Boys” who challenged the dominance of abstract, minimal and conceptual art.

    He is known for his colourful figurative work.

    He said a tour of the Birthplace Museum gave him a newfound appreciation for Burns.

    “I have been converted, ” he said.

    True romantic

    “When I was young I felt that Robert Burns was very much a symbol of the establishment which I found off-putting. I genuinely enjoyed reading his poetry and now see him quite differently.

    “Burns embodies the modern man of today despite living in the 18th century. He was in touch with his feminine side and unafraid to take a women’s perspective.

    “His love of women was genuine and core to his life. He was the true romantic.”

    Burns is well-known as a philanderer – he fathered 13 children, three of which were by women other than his wife, Jean Armour Burns.

    Every painting in The Man who Loved Women tells a different story, some romantic, some tragic, and Mr Wiszniewski said the work was “ongoing” as he is not yet ready to finish telling the story of Robert Burns.

    The exhibition runs till the end of August.

  • Mary

    The name of Harry Patch RIP is still being militarized. He did not want a grand funeral but it was gtaecrashed by P Charles’ second wife and another minor royal. Now a memorial stone is being unveiled. They are irrepressible. They cannot stop beating the drums. Besides which they never learn.
    {} his funeral
    Last Act of Harry Patch
    Wednesday 19 August 2009 Edited by John Rety Morning Star

    by Andy Croft

    “The noblest of all the generations has left us, but they will never be forgotten.”
    – Gordon Brown

    “We go to gain a little patch of ground/That hath in it no profit but the name.”
    – Hamlet

    “War is organised murder and nothing else.”
    – Harry Patch

    His murder was arranged at Ypres
    With half a million other men,
    But now he’s dead, the simpering vipers


    Come crawling out from Number 10
    To bury him with loud laudation


    And hymns to reconciliation –
    The poisonous, forked-tongued response
    Of those who tried to kill him once,
    Who justify each round of killing


    From Langemarck to Afghanistan,
    Then shed a tear for one old man.


    It’s hard to say which is more chilling.
    These snakes are deaf to what he said.
    There’s nothing else. And now he’s dead.
    Andy Croft’s poem moves me to tears.

  • DonnyDarko

    You’re right Clark, austerity isn’t the answer and won’t work.
    Small business is being suffocated because we have banks unfit for purpose and won’t lend.
    We, the public, lent to them , to pull them out of the brown stuff.
    That act alone show’S that we don’t actually need banks. Collectively , we are a very powerful bank and the country and all its minerals and assets including us, are the security behind whatever we chose to print or turn into money.
    As they are , Banks are unpatriotic. They avoid tax. They impoverish large sections of the population and they stopped serving the public interest years ago.Many of their products are confidence tricks.
    The latest confidence trick being Govt. turning education into a business.A young person taking a 4 year course at University will end up with a loan the size of a mortgage before he/she even begins to work.Then there are the mickey mouse courses springing up, so that more kids end up at university.Meanwhile the education itself is getting worse.
    There is nothing wrong with thrift and fiscal responsibility.The problem is , this Govt and the last 2 were/are neither.

  • mark golding

    Admiral Charles S Abbot – NPR Executive Director
    Jerome M Hauer – Director of the Response to Emergencies
    Rudolph Giuliani – Field commander
    Ralph Eberhart – War Games Commander
    Dave Frasca – CIA mole.
    Richard Bruce Cheney – Maestro and attack cordinator
    My name is Mark Stephen Golding and I am the voice of Iraqi children murdered in pursuit of a ‘War on Terror’ and World Oil Domination.
    The inner sanctum of a hidden government agenda will be revealed in memory of their short lives.


    Harry Patch was as anti-war as they come, he personally told Blair not to invade Iraq.
    Being called ‘The Glorious Dead’ is a small return for being sent to an early grave by corrupt politicians who are pursuing financial profits.

  • Wise up!

    “They impoverish large sections of the population and they stopped serving the public interest years ago”
    About 200 years ago in fact… Waterloo… The Rothschilds… backing both sides… Getting fellow Zionist Jules Reuters to report that the British were beaten… buying half the London stock market and a controlling stake in the Bank of England. The rest is (false) history, as they say.
    In the great pyramid of banking corporations it is Rothschilds sitting at the very pinnacle with their control over the BiS. They are the ‘stakeholders’ that are never mentioned by name in the media that all the Western governments owe trillions upon trillions to.
    Let us not forget that the Rothschilds own little Israel, who regularly likes to remind the World that if anyone attacks them they will blow the entire planet up (Sansom option).
    In fact, whenever one looks at the great evils and ills plaguing the world you can usually find a Rothschild or two in the background making a buck or two.

  • mark golding

    Thanks Mary – Attorney for Sibel Edmonds on ‘whistle-blowing’ –
    Following the money – pre WTC attack insider trading.
    CIA director George Tenet was ‘stabbed in the back’ for confiding in his counsel, agent Krongard who then arranged ‘put options’ on UA stock and thus expose ‘prior knowledge’ of the attacks. Krongard was VC of Bankers Trust (BT) which was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 1999. Krongard handed control of the Alex. Brown unit of Deutsche Bank to his mate, Mayo Shattuck who managed the criminal trading. Shattuck resigned suddenly on 12/9/2001.
    History tells us Alex. Brown financed the firm managed by Prescott Bush, Brown Brothers, Harriman (Frank R Kent, the story of Alex Brown & sons) and in refinancing the Carlyle Group in 2000 for it’s acquisition of United Defense technologies.
    Shattuck gained access to Cheney’s energy task force from his new position as CEO of Constellation Energy Group.

  • Komodo

    I sincerely hope Craig’s ok. A new blog post, even if it is only “Sod the lot of you” would be welcome.

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