The Mail on Sunday is doing a very good job on the odious Jack Straw’s involvement in torture and persecution. I think that at last the truth has entered the established narrative. There is a little box in the report about my own evidence to Scotland Yard. I will type it out here as the Mail’s box format here is not internet searchable:
“Torture” Evidence Handed to the Yard
Further pressure was piled on Jack Straw last night over the “rendition” of Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhadj after sensitive documents were handed to Scotland tard detectives.
Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, passed the documents to police as part of the inquiry into the behaviour of Ministers and intelligence officials over the detention of Mr Belhadj in Bangkok in March 2004.
The opponent of Colonel Gadaffi was flown to Tripoli, where he claims he was tortured.
Mr Straw, who was Foreign Secretary at the time, has denied ever condoning the use of torture to extract information.
But the documents appear to cast doubt on that position.
One memo, headed “Uzbekistan: Intelligence Possibly Obtained Under Torture” contains minutes of a meeting Mr Murray held with senior Foreign and Commonwealth officials on March 8, 2003 to discuss his concern that the UK could be in breach of international law by possessing intelligence obtained by torture.
The minute, dated March 10 2003, quoted Linda Duffield, then the FCO’s Director of Wider Europe, apparently justifying the use of such material as part of the fight against terrorism.
A second memo, dated March 14 2003, and written by Simon McDonald – the Straw’s principal Private Secretary – to Ms Duffield says Straw has read the minutes and “agrees that you handled this very well”.
Mr Murray is understood to have told police that during Mr Straw’s time at the FCO diplomats were told to only refer to the policy on torture verbally.
Mr Murray said last night “My evidence stated that Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing evidence obtained by torture to be used. I also told them that written evidence had been destrpyed, and we were told to not commit details into writing.”
There is a slight misquote in the above. It should say Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing intelligence obtained by torture, not evidence. In fact it was specifically stated such intelligence would not be produced as evidence in court (people were imprisoned without charge or rendered instead). The instruction not to put things in writing was given to me personally, I don’t know if others were told the same. As I was the only one protesting, perhaps not.
These links are to the documents in question.
The first two were obtained by Freedom of Information Act request. Details of the CIA’s colllusion with the Karimiv regime’s torturers have been redacted by the FCO. Last week Jack Straw came out and argued strongly for the effective abolition of the Freedom of Information Act. Now there is a coincidence for you.
(Craig’s other Berlin date in March)
Nice post
“They impoverish large sections of the population and they stopped serving the public interest years ago”
About 200 years ago in fact… Waterloo… The Rothschilds… backing both sides… Getting fellow Zionist Jules Reuters to report that the British were beaten… buying half the London stock market and a controlling stake in the Bank of England. The rest is (false) history, as they say.
In the great pyramid of banking corporations it is Rothschilds sitting at the very pinnacle with their control over the BiS. They are the ‘stakeholders’ that are never mentioned by name in the media that all the Western governments owe trillions upon trillions to.
Let us not forget that the Rothschilds own little Israel, who regularly likes to remind the World that if anyone attacks them they will blow the entire planet up (Sansom option).
In fact, whenever one looks at the great evils and ills plaguing the world you can usually find a Rothschild or two in the background making a buck or two.
ill gotten gains
My theory is to say this behaviour is all by design.
Individually we may be brilliant but collectively there are strange complex systems that control the design of all our realities to make our perception the way it is.
what makse us how we are and what we perceive is all too complex and this burden details and magnifies our thoughts.
“Hope for the best and love with all your heart”
So if the banking system is a sham what can we do to change it.
How about stop using cards and everyone hit the cashpoints and deal in cash.
Money will be electronic soon any how.
Mos of us know that the cost of money should be bowl of rice loaf of bread relavent.
How many bowls of rice will a trillion buy..
Taking of Rothschild Jay, the big ears and long trunk of Zionist puppet Sarkozy is back in the box. Hopefully Francois Hollande will move France away from American ‘order’ and aggression while conceding Iran is not a nuclear threat. Maybe ‘freedom fries’ will return; more seriously perhaps Britain will see sense and abandon it’s own austerity-first fiscal approach that has destroyed our NHS, welfare and employment prospects of young people.
All change. Actually, nothing changes.
‘And last year, Sarkozy’s France spearheaded NATO’s campaign for military intervention in Libya.
Sarkozy avoided mentioning Libya in Thursday’s debate after embarrassing allegations that his 2007 presidential campaign had received an offer of funding from Tripoli. Sarkozy is seeking legal action over the claim, but thought better of opening that particular can of worms in the closing moments of a potentially election-changing televised appearance.
Hollande’s public statements indicate striking Middle Eastern policy similarities to the current government. Like Sarkozy, Hollande has declared that an Iranian nuclear missile would be unacceptable for Europe. Like Sarkozy, Hollande has called for a two-state solution in Palestine while trumpeting Israeli security as a key French concern.
The Socialist leader has been necessarily vague over French foreign policy. He currently lacks a dedicated adviser for overseas affairs. Instead of laying out detailed plans for France’s global relations, the Socialist challenger has made a point of criticizing Sarkozy in this regard.
Looking ahead to the next term in office, Hollande has struck a remarkably similar tone to the current government.
Sarkozy and French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe have been among the most hawkish European officials to address the Syrian crisis, closing the French Embassy in Damascus and calling multiple times for President Bashar Assad to leave office. Sarkozy has issued incessant calls for a full ceasefire in Syria, and has somewhat ominously compared the restive city of Homs to Benghazi, Libya’s erstwhile rebel stronghold.
++Hollande, for his part, declared last month that he would support military intervention in Syria, “if done within a [United Nations] framework.” Juppe has offered words to the same effect in recent weeks.++’
PS Many French websites say that Hollande, like Sarkozy, is Jewish!
“perhaps Britain will see sense”
You’re joking, aren’t you?
The Admiral, first in the list that Mark gave earlier, was commander of the Sixth fleet during the Gulf War. Then he became Bush’s deputy homeland security adviser 2001-2003 after he had retired. He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford Univ like many of the psychopaths. eg Bill Clinton.
Look at the last two photos when he was in command.
ISRAELI Minister of Defense Yitzhak Mordechai (left) is greeted on board the nuclear powered aircraft by VADM Charles Abbot, Commander, Sixth Fleet. 1997.
That handshake looks strange???
Are we getting concerned by the lack of contact from Craig?? Hope everything is OK.
Craig is fine…just extremely busy at the moment..
Phuk! – With the ‘eye’ rather than the ‘brain’ – not a good read before bedtime. I now feel physically sick.
Extraordinary perception Mary – That handshake reveals all.
“So if the banking system is a sham what can we do to change it.”
There is nothing wrong with banking, just fractional reserve banking, i.e. making loans with money you don’t have. This would be impossible if currencies were based on precious metals and fractional reserve banking outlawed, as it once was.
Colonel Gaddaffi was killed because he was about to accept gold as payment for oil. Iran is about to start accepting gold from India in return for oil.
The Chinese and Russians are setting up a gold based currency for the SCO countries.
For these reasons there will be no reform of the banking system, just another global war to reset all the counters and restart the great ponzi scheme from scratch, less a few billion people and no doubt some reward for the Zionist project, which curiously seems to do well out of global conflict.
WW1 Balfour declaration on Israel.
WW2 State of Israel created
WW3 Temple ‘re-established’ in Jerusalem.
Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of the object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious’ rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country
Isn’t that an interesting statement, almost prophetic considering the “rights and political status” of Jews in Germany 20 years later, all with the blessing of the Zionist council, who was hoping to get the German Jews to leave for Palestine.
It’s odd that the British should make the point that Jews outside of Palestine should not have their “rights and political status” threatened. What like in Germany? Those Zionists will do anything to get their way.
Thanks Mary.
A very moving poem.
Harry Patch RIP.
Frazer, thanks for the update; please wish Craig well.
Ref Yates of the Yard in Bahrain. I see that he has an American colleague.
‘Big city police chiefs are transferring their skills to the international theater. Leonard Leavitt reports on his NYPD Confidential site that if Kelly embarks on a bid to be Bloomberg’s successor in City Hall, Bloomberg could ask him to quit as police chief and then appoint as Kelly’s successor someone with national experience such as Bratton, or someone with both national and international experience such as Bratton’s First Deputy John Timoney. Timoney, who subsequently ran police departments in Philadelphia and Miami, is now advising Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior in that country’s internal religious war.”
“Internal religious war” is a tactful way of describing the Khalifa dynasty’s methodical, lethal savagery against the Shi’a’s demand for elementary political rights.’
Do read the piece on brutality in the NYPD. Broken bones and groping women protestors as standard.
The Daily Mail is having a conniption over Hollande, and meanwhile Sky News is blatantly mourning Sarko. It would be funny if it wasn’t sick.
“Sarkozy will be missed in Israel where he was always seen as a friendly president without too many demands.”
Excuse me while I air a personal gripe:
ALL of the TV channels in these islands are mispronouncing Francois Hollande’s name. DESPITE the fact that they have been regularly interviewing French journalists live on air, and can surely hear what they’re saying.
The S at the end of Francois IS pronounced when followed by Hollande. Because it’s the equivalent of ‘Francois’ being followed by a word beginning with a vowel (an unpronounced H). The S is therefore carried over, and the name is pronounced as if it were ‘Francoise Hollande’. Can they not HEAR the French journalists saying it?? Grrrrrr
“That handshake reveals all”
Assuming we’re looking at the same picture, I can see nothing remotely odd about it.
As one person on Twitter puts it:
“Man who got his money from daddy and a 90 grand job in PR from his wife’s mummy loathes “something for nothing” society”
It takes a really hard neck to be David Cameron.
Thanks for the lovely poem,Mary, so danmn right, were would these fawning royals be without people sacrificing their lives for them so sucker others into murder and mayhem.
Greece has voted for a coalition yet to be decided and Hollande will realise that he has got strings attached already and before he can put his hand in his pocket, they’ll gonna be yanked out again.
O/T like all else, this artcile shows some more over the controversial fracking techniques used and how much fresh drinking water is proposed to be siphoned off from drought ridden England by just one drilling operation.
“Cuadrilla refused to answer my question of how much they paid United Utilities for the 2 million gallons of water (four Olympic sized swimming pools) they used for just one fracking test. A spokesperson said: “We don’t answer questions about costs for individual items deployed in operations.” United Utilities also declined to reveal the price paid.
Cuadrilla estimate the highest number of wells to be drilled and fracked is 800 wells upon 80 pads. Each pad is roughly the size of a football pitch, blighting and ripping through the beautiful countryside of north-west England.”
Thanks for letting us know Frazer, our best in return, tell him we are designing an alternative queens speech for the next blog topic….;)
would that be an idea to tackle.
” Today, my minority Government has decided to nationalise all private holdings in the Bank of England, my regrets to Nicholas Rothchild and others. Democracy in this country will be has failed voters and I decree government by random selection in future with no re elections possible….. next please
Clegg reminds me of the Black Knight in Monty Pythons “Holy Grail”.
The british people have spoken but Nicks not listening.
Doesn’t matter how much he is wounded, he still remains within the Govt.
“It’s just a flesh wound”.
Scandal after scandal unfolds and he remains like a faithfull dog beside his master.
Meanwhile the Lords reforms gets kicked into touch for the umteenth time.
He could actually do the country a favour and get this unelected bunch of idiots out of power and perhaps save the Lib Dems from total extinction.. But he doesn’t.
Abbot and Mordechai are definitely on the square.
Mordechai went to prison didn’t he ?
Nuid: Masonic? There’s a good photo of the Pope and Bliar here and another with Sharon. {}
Donny Darko: Following the trend for breeds of dogs being crossed with poodles, eg labradoodle, cockapoodle, etc, shall we henceforth name Cleggover ‘Libradoodle’ or ‘Libdemadoodle?
Nevermind: P Harry is off to the USofA to collect his ‘humanitarian’ medal and to visit the British team participating in the Warrior Games, an offshoot of the US Olympic Committee. We can always call Stratford the ‘Rapier Games’.
. The short piece is packed with the words ‘wounded’, ‘injured’ or synonymns.
“Civil war is coming to the US, and there’s no stopping it” – according to ‘Rosebud’ in the Department for Homeland Security…
Craig wrote about the CDC in 2010. His expectations were correct.
Reservoir Dodge
Paul Fletcher, now senior partner at Actis, who was chief executive of CDC when he sold the firm to himself in 2004.
THOSE who have followed the sorry saga of CDC, the UK’s state-owned investment fund, may not be surprised to learn that eight years after short-changing the world’s poor, the bosses at private equity manager Actis are planning to line their pockets further – through a massive and complex tax avoidance scheme.
CDC, formerly the Commonwealth Development Corporation, had for many New Labour years been putting profit before poverty relief. The greatest scandal of the era, exposed in the Eye, was the sale in 2004 of 60 percent of the fund management arm of CDC to its own management for a pittance, creating Actis.
What if policing is further privatised with ACPO becoming the arching body to regulate both private and public policing. What if people vote against it and refuse the validity of private companies to not serve themselves first.
Companies involved in criminalising those who, through globalisation, were led to believe that this meant a global workforce, should not be enpowered to criminalise and imprison the same people.
I refuse to be judged or policed by any private unaccountable force that is allowed to create its own demand for shareholders profits, without much regress. Sod KBR and all those coppers who, after retiring early are used by these tax hyenas to sweeten their applications for the work, without ACPO or anybody else being able to do anything, schocks, what a surprise.
KBR, our little helpers in all things war
“Nuid: Masonic?”
I knew what you were referring to, Mary. But in the specific case you mentioned above, which photo were you referring to? Was it this one?
Mary, Mark,
Commendable attention to detail.
So overt, and in your face. The pernicious, parasitic, poisonous “brotherhood” masquerading the reach of its wicked tentacles.
I know of at least three multinationals’ subdivisions driven to the ruinous disaster by the band of “brothers”; simply because these had to be “dealt with”. Resulting in many workers left without any redundancies, jobs, or means of earning their livelihoods, and many creditors bankrupted, to add to the tally of losers. I should imagine the supposed charitable facets rely on the principle of: “charity begins at home” wherever that may be!
Yes Nuid. I sense you disagree.
Stop the killing Obomber.
It might be 14 dead or even 20 but who knows. What’s a few Afghan lives?
‘NATO airstrikes killed Afghan civilians in two provinces, local officials reported Monday, and at least two dozen others died when floods swept through villages in a third province.
The extent of the alleged civilian casualties from NATO airstrikes in recent days in Badghis and Helmand provinces was not immediately clear. A spokesman for NATO-led troops in Kabul said the coalition was aware of the allegations of civilian casualties in the provinces but had no immediate comment.
There were conflicting accounts on the number of deaths in Bala Murghab district of northwestern Badghis province, where unconfirmed reports put the civilian deaths at 14.
The Badghis provincial governor, Dilbar Jan Arman, confirmed the loss of civilian lives in Sunday’s incident, but he said he did not have further details or an exact death toll.
The second attack killed six members of a family Friday in the Sangin area of southern Helmand province, according to the provincial spokesman.
The strike was called in after insurgents attacked foreign and Afghan forces in the area, he said in a statement. Helmand’s governor called the incident a mistake’.
Most of those handshakes look normal, if some a bit feeble. The Mordechai handshake is bad form because he is not looking the recipient in the eye. This could be due to shyness, but I doubt it in his case. More likely the mark of a black soul, evident in this picture: I’m sure my dog would bark at him were he to walk into the room.
Clark, slug or sniper rifle? And where is Craig? Has the Mossad got him?
Those who are complainging in east London are called nimbys and ‘not patriotic enough’. by some, this can onlt get more amplified as we go on.
This was the last time we had real austerity and the Government, right after the war, would not have dared to mix their buntings with HVM A5 missile launchers during the 1948 summer Olympics.
My point is that they are wrongly placed, that it is scare mongering to the whole world, that it has disrupted many people’s life’s, not just that of Brian Whelan, and that they get not very much out of the Olympics bar fine pictures on TV.
This has nothing to do with irational hatred, or, the other argument used by some PR fuzz, of not being patriotic enough, these launchers should have been positioned at Londons periphery, as it stands, the missile launchers are there as a last minute attack tool, when all other efforts have failed.
So, as the last possible option, after jets have been scrambled too late, didn’t have enough time, or comms were lost due to Xor Y, who knows what we will be jamming on the day, just to be sure, it is contemplated to shoot down a chesna/airliner/whatever over and above a busy metropolitan area, with millions of foreign visitors,regardless.
This is effectively the murderous aim of anybody who contemplates such terror attack in the first place.
If any airplane gets through as far as the Olympic site, then that can be already considered as a massive calamitous failure, if they so much manage to get through, there is no need to shoot them down, they would have already succeeded. At that point our reactions to such outrage would only add to a murderous equation, it would be inevitable that many would get killed.
For that reason alone I think that these batteries will be ordered to hold fire at all times, their presence is mere ineffective bluster!