The Mail on Sunday is doing a very good job on the odious Jack Straw’s involvement in torture and persecution. I think that at last the truth has entered the established narrative. There is a little box in the report about my own evidence to Scotland Yard. I will type it out here as the Mail’s box format here is not internet searchable:
“Torture” Evidence Handed to the Yard
Further pressure was piled on Jack Straw last night over the “rendition” of Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhadj after sensitive documents were handed to Scotland tard detectives.
Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, passed the documents to police as part of the inquiry into the behaviour of Ministers and intelligence officials over the detention of Mr Belhadj in Bangkok in March 2004.
The opponent of Colonel Gadaffi was flown to Tripoli, where he claims he was tortured.
Mr Straw, who was Foreign Secretary at the time, has denied ever condoning the use of torture to extract information.
But the documents appear to cast doubt on that position.
One memo, headed “Uzbekistan: Intelligence Possibly Obtained Under Torture” contains minutes of a meeting Mr Murray held with senior Foreign and Commonwealth officials on March 8, 2003 to discuss his concern that the UK could be in breach of international law by possessing intelligence obtained by torture.
The minute, dated March 10 2003, quoted Linda Duffield, then the FCO’s Director of Wider Europe, apparently justifying the use of such material as part of the fight against terrorism.
A second memo, dated March 14 2003, and written by Simon McDonald – the Straw’s principal Private Secretary – to Ms Duffield says Straw has read the minutes and “agrees that you handled this very well”.
Mr Murray is understood to have told police that during Mr Straw’s time at the FCO diplomats were told to only refer to the policy on torture verbally.
Mr Murray said last night “My evidence stated that Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing evidence obtained by torture to be used. I also told them that written evidence had been destrpyed, and we were told to not commit details into writing.”
There is a slight misquote in the above. It should say Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing intelligence obtained by torture, not evidence. In fact it was specifically stated such intelligence would not be produced as evidence in court (people were imprisoned without charge or rendered instead). The instruction not to put things in writing was given to me personally, I don’t know if others were told the same. As I was the only one protesting, perhaps not.
These links are to the documents in question.
The first two were obtained by Freedom of Information Act request. Details of the CIA’s colllusion with the Karimiv regime’s torturers have been redacted by the FCO. Last week Jack Straw came out and argued strongly for the effective abolition of the Freedom of Information Act. Now there is a coincidence for you.
from the link you posted {}:
“Gillard, Julia [2010 Aug] The attached photo appeared in The Australian newspaper online today in the following link:
It shows Labor Party MP and Treasurer Wayne Swan and Independent MP Bob Katter exchanging Masonic handshakes in the presence of ex-Satanic lodge head and toilet vampiress, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.”
I’m no fan of Julia Gillard, but surely you don’t subscribe to that nonsense? I’ve read that Rudd wouldn’t knuckle under to the CIA so he was removed in favour of Gillard, who is only too happy to oblige, and that much I can believe. But that quote above is ridiculous.
“Most of those handshakes look normal, if some a bit feeble.”
As they do to me. I fear people can get carried away by their suspicions.
Al Qaeda is a real threat to the London Olympics. There may well be a press release from them, or even worse a grainy video release through a blatant psy-op site.
I for one will sleep much sounder knowing that the British Government is facing down the AL Qaeda threat directly by using cheap, tacky, factually disprovable, scaremongering PR provided by a compliant media.
I’ve read that Rudd wouldn’t knuckle under to the CIA so he was removed in favour of Gillard, who is only too happy to oblige, and that much I can believe. But that quote above is ridiculous.
Rudd was removed for kicking out the Israeli ambassador and demanding an apology from Israel for using stolen Australian identities to commit international crimes.
This only happened two years ago and was widely reported, where the hell does one dig up “Rudd wouldn’t knuckle under to the CIA”? It should be remembered that Gillard’s partner is a top lobbyist for the tribe and her common-as-muck Aussie accent is totally faked, she is in fact from Wales.
Gillard is a frequent visitor to Tel Aviv (where she receives ‘leadership’ training) and provided vocal support to Israel during Cast Lead. Indeed, she was was such a prominent and passionate supporter of Israel that Murdoch foot-soldier Andrew Bolt has trouble with it…
“Gillard said on ABC 774 this morning that as Deputy Prime Minister she excused herself on decisions on Israel that might raise this conflict of interest. How could she possibly do the same as Prime Minister? I’m surprised she doesn’t instantly see how inappropriate this arrangement now is.”
The first American Civil War was a trial of strength between a self-exiled, Unitarian, value-centred philosophy and a devious/political, polytheistic/Trinitarian, European establishment.
The central point of the European/Roman tradition is that God delegates his authority to Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and thus also to Royalty, democratic governments and now to Global financial power.
Europe’s colonialism above all tried to infect the Muslim world with its own spiritual disease, with mysticism, monasticism, political activism and terrorism.
The War on Terror was accepted by the US population , including US Muslims principally because it was perceived rightly or wrongly as a continuation of the ideological war against spiritual deviancy, which was the main theme of the civil war. The people of the US actually believe that they are helping Islam to correct the deviancy they acquired from the Colonial European powers.
If there is a division in the US, it is between those people in politics who want Empire and deviancy, and those who want human freedom and the American dream.
The problem is complicated because Judaism represents itself as a friend of Unitarianism because they are Mono-theistic in faith.
But this monotheism is only skin-deep. Judaism and particularly Zionism actually do not share the instincts of freedom of the US people. They are neo-c(ol)on(ialists), masquerading as a theological ally of Unitarianism.
There will not be a civil war in the US, because they are a very homogenous and united people, who are being cynically manipulated by a tiny minority of neo-cons. There will be considerable oppression by the minority of the majority, building on their media confusion.
But the cat is out of the bag after Libya.
The megalomaniacs of Islam, the mad mullahs are in league with and paid for by the Zionists/neocolonialists who are in league with the Zionists/old colonialists of Europe. But the hearts of the people in the US, like the hearts of the Muslims, clean of the crazed ambition of their leaders. If you prod this sleeping mass of human conscience too hard, you will get rebellion.
The master can only beat his slaves for so long before they rebel.
Civil war – bring it on, and bash the brains of the megalomaniacs out with blocks from the road.
The Thatcher reforms have merely passed colonial power from an old aristocracy to a new one. The Arab spring will pass power from secular dictators to religious ones, both parties wriggling their wide bottoms into the still-warm chairs and thrones of the outgoing occupiers.
These new occupiers of power, secular and religious are not going to rock the boat until they have squeezed their trivial billions out of this world. It is a slogan of revolution to con the masses.
Plus ca change, plus ca always stay the same fucking meme chose.
“I’ve read that Rudd wouldn’t knuckle under to the CIA so he was removed in favour of Gillard, who is only too happy to oblige, and that much I can believe. But that quote above is ridiculous.
“Rudd was removed for kicking out the Israeli ambassador and demanding an apology from Israel for using stolen Australian identities to commit international crimes.”
And you think those two things are incompatible?
“It should be remembered that Gillard’s partner is a top lobbyist for the tribe and her common-as-muck Aussie accent is totally faked, she is in fact from Wales.”
Yes, she is. But she was reared in Australia from about age four, if I’m not mistaken. Surely you don’t expect her to have a Welsh accent? And none of the above has anything to do with her being an “ex-Satanic lodge head and toilet vampiress.”
Which was my main point.
“The megalomaniacs of Islam, the mad mullahs are in league with and paid for by the Zionists/neocolonialists who are in league with the Zionists/old colonialists of Europe”
Yup. No one seems to be aware that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a Jew, which kind of screws up all that ‘new Hitler’ propaganda*.
To counter this glaring contradiction you may read that since his conversion to Islam he has been filled with hate against the Jews, yeah right. That must be why 10,000 of them live happily in Tehran, interestingly all of them oppose Zionism, not Judaism.
* Hitler’s grandfather was the illegitimate son of a maid who became pregnant while employed by the Rothschilds.
“And you think those two things are incompatible?”
No, but they are DIFFERENT. Are you suggesting that a set of false assumptions are ‘compatibale’ with facts if they reach the same conclusion?
Could we get back to those handshakes please?
From the link you posted {}:
“Gillard, Julia [2010 Aug] The attached photo appeared in The Australian newspaper online today in the following link:
It shows Labor Party MP and Treasurer Wayne Swan and Independent MP Bob Katter exchanging Masonic handshakes in the presence of ex-Satanic lodge head and toilet vampiress, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.”
I’m no fan of Julia Gillard, but surely you don’t subscribe to that nonsense?
“Surely you don’t expect her to have a Welsh accent?”
My point about her being from Wales was that she has two Welsh speaking parents, possesses a decent education from Melbourne and yet she talks like a character out of a Ned Kelly film. Even Aussies point out her accent as not natural.
As an example of what I mean a friend returned from 10 years in New York with his 5 year old daughter who still has a yankee twang, even though she is now 13. This is mainly due to talking to her American mother all her life.
“Could we get back to those handshakes please?”
“ex-Satanic lodge head and toilet vampiress”
“surely you don’t subscribe to that nonsense?”
Toilet vampiress? C’mon dude, surely you have a sense of humour?
The Order of the Toilet is a traditional left hand path initiatory body whose members adhere to the largely neglected latrine doctrines of the Vama Marga. Order members are encouraged to engage in Bathroom practices as often as possible and no less than daily. The teachings and ordeals of the Outer O.o.t.T. are divided into the categories of the Champagne and the Caviar initiations.
The Order of the Toilet seeks to inculcate within its membership and the wider world, a cultivated love for and re-establishment of the hitherto secret magick of the night-soil tradition of the Western Sinister current.
The Mysteries of the Menses and of the Vomit as well as those of Spit and swallow are all taught within the white-tiled splendour of our Order’s numerous disinfected Temples.
The Order of the Toilet asks young women (sixteen years and over) who wish to dedicate themselves to the urinary and faecal curriculum of the O.o.t.T. to forward an up to date medical certificate as to sexually transmitted disease and a full frontal naked and autographed photograph of themselves to the Outer Head of the O.o.t.T. together with a five-hundred word essay explaining their understanding of the latrine doctrines.
The Outer Order of the Toilet recognizes the following Grade attainments:
1.Toilet Goddess
She holds the jewels on Her cruel hands. Her nails are lacquered in love. Her adorations are screams.
2. Piss Princess
Hers is the Golden Shower that falls upon the Magus, that He may be washed and made enlivened. Her weapon is the Cup.
3. Princess of the Porcelain
Hers is the glamour of redolent movements in the night and the erotic passing of wind. She is an ordained Priestess of The Third Eye and Dark Pathway.
4. Dominatrix of the Cubicle
She offers Her Chalice and opens Her Back-Door. She bedaubs and cleanses those who offer up themselves. Her tool is the wand.
5. Mistress
Her weapon is the Whip, for She is girt with a sword. Her principal enchantments are Her smile and inventiveness.
She redeems with Her blood, for Her weapon is the stiletto. She communicates Her spells orally. Your word is Her Coin.
4. Dominatrix of the Cubicle
She offers Her Chalice and opens Her Back-Door…
Phwoaaaa! ROFL.
“C’mon dude, surely you have a sense of humour?”
I don’t believe Mary is joking about the so-called “importance” of these handshakes. And why assume I’m a “dude”?
I would like to see Mary’s answer, rather than your interruptions. She’s the one who posted the link to all these images of supposed “dodgy” handshakes.
I would like to see Mary’s answer, rather than your interruptions. She’s the one who posted the link to all these images of supposed “dodgy” handshakes.
Firstly, I’m not interrupting. This is a public comments section.
Secondly, Mary was interested in people seeing a collection of pictures of handshakes (in which I see nothing revealing BTW) but you have decided to focus on one caption to one of those pictures, a caption which is to be taken with a pinch of salt but which you feel Mary must publicly distance herself from.
We don’t need a Witch Finder General to guard our moral well being thank you very much.
“C’mon dude, surely you have a sense of humour?”
why assume I’m a “dude”?
I’ll take that as a ‘no’ then.
“We don’t need a Witch Finder General to guard our moral well being thank you very much.”
I don’t need your permission to be here either. You see “nothing revealing” in these handshakes, and neither do I. And neither does Giles above.
The whole thing smacks of conspiracy theory to me – a subject which used to be a frequent topic here. Before your time, I believe, DWTSOT.
But Mary is uncharacteristically quiet.
Doesn’t “Hollande” begin with a hard “h” in French? It’s la Hollande, after all, not l’Hollande.
Shouldn’t that mean that the final “s” in Francois Hollande’s name is not pronounced?
The S&M Society was used as recruitment ground for some of the most perverted geniuses I have ever met. And with the advent of the World Wide Web, extreme hardcore Bathroom Sex came into its own as a sub-genre to be taken seriously.
Today such stars as Alexia Cage (and Her growing number of friends) are enjoying careers that would have been inconceivable but a few short years ago. Indeed many Toilet Sex starlets are committed Satanists and Alpha Lodge members or affiliates. By their presence in the world does the Prince of Darkness achieve his aim of exporting enlightenment into the Objective Universe.
In Australia and throughout what used to be the Soviet Union, Downs Syndrome pornography is an expanding market and an acquired taste.
Approximately one new D.V.D. – like The Gangbang of Mary Mongoloid Series (1998-2001) or Downer Syndrome Follies I-II (2001-2003) – hits the underground market every couple of months.
Before that were the still popular Paedophiles’ Paradise and Toil-art videos. Cutting as it does through all of society; boutique pornography offers many opportunities to the Alpha Satanic Lodges. With the reform and application of the mercantile system to the Western World the opportunities for well organized crime and well-placed puppets burgeoned!
The council of pooh bah has declared; not the brothers handshake but a conspiracy, as per recommendations of all three. I am sold, and I declare “Masons” do not exist!
However missing goes the point: what kind of fucking weak watered, cowards can go on about their business: skulking and in stealth, other than burglars, murderers and bugerers? Only a bunch of ne’er do well masquerading as “worshipful” masters of the craft!
The linkages and reactions are so obvious and so amusing.
Thanks Mary
The handshake pictures reveal that all of them are ” on the level “.
Mark Golding
Not so sure about another civil war in the States, but I can see trouble as Fascism rears its ugly head.
Austria after WW I saw the “Heimwehr” formed. Translated it means Homeland Security.It was formed to protect the population from the ideas they didnt agree with,such as Socialism.It became more and more fascist, and had a cross symbol not unlike the Swastika.There was a ” fighting fellowship ” with their brothers in the NSDAP, the Nazi Party of Germany.
Now that Obama changed the law to allow the Army to carry out policing of the civilian population, Homeland Security can direct the might of America against any dissenters,trouble makers.. people that don’t agree with his policies… like the 99%.
But they might just get tougher themselves after having bought 450 million bullets.
It’ll be nasty.
Thx Mary , I loved the fotaes of these guys on the level
That is not a masonic handshake – you can’t see the part that might indicate that it would be, either. No, I am not a mason. The photo merely highlights the symbiotic relationship US politicians (and their servants) who want the Jewish vote and campaign funds have with Israel. And this is well documented, and has little if anything at all to do with the Masons or the Rothschilds.
Despite what Press TV would like us to believe.
A good reptile can easily balance on one muscley forearm and paw, using the weight and drag of the tail to stop him falling forward, and bite off the head that used to belong to the outstretched greeting hand before checking if the fingers were presented in the correct Masonic style.
You can always ask questions later when there is more time.
“you can’t see the part that might indicate that it would be, either”
The weird angle of the thumb an its general direction ought to be sufficient, or is there an imperative need for court approved evidence?
As you said, Guano –
“These new occupiers of power, secular and religious are not going to rock the boat until they have squeezed their trivial billions out of this world. It is a slogan of revolution to con the masses.
Plus ca change, plus ca always stay the same fucking meme chose.”
The Rothschilds are soooo century before last…
yeah, Fedup, you got me there. They’re both Level 33 1/3 Hypermasonic Master Adept 17th Dan Time Lords, who as is well known base their evil magic rituals on ancient Cabbalistic practices involving the slaughter of Gentile babies and drinking their blood. (As if drones and DU shells weren’t good enough for them). And Abbott doesn’t want his fingers broken…personally I think this Masonic/Rothschild crap is past its sell-by. Just follow the money. That’s evil enough.
Don’t be user unfriendly there, the only way to fight corruption and crony+ism is to expose the latent and hidden terms of transaction carried out in secret. Given the fact that the last time around Chris Mullins MP tried and failed to shine any light on “Masons” and their membership, lest we forget the grand master who did not divulge any names and replied to the official questions: “with all due respect I cannot give you the list of names”.
Fact that the little tosser dwarf sitting atop of the pyramid by virtue of his family name, they have been buying agents for centuries. Further the little dwarf leaves no trail of transactions, after all when you own all the cash and the banks you need not declare any other than jack shit.
Further, given the pernicious reach of these bastards that can be found in every walk of life, following the money becomes meaningless. Who and why appointed David Israel Davids to go to isreal and verify their nuclear peaceful nuclear intentions and industry during Tony Benn’s tenure as energy secretary? Incidentally David reported back: all is well, and Tony Benn accepted the report as per his own words
The secretive masonic bastards have their fingers in every pie starting from handing out unemployment benefit and housing benefits to fuck knows what. Cursorily dissing any attempt to highlight these evil doers’ corruptions, somehow does not lessen the impact of their evil influence.
Could try a few meditatioun techniques. Capable of creating a new reality?
One of love.
good news and peace.
Nuid (I preferred you when you were Dreoilin – less sharp and less animus!) I was ‘unusually quiet’ as you said because I was out. I do not spend all my waking hours online. I thought the handshake was masonic and googled ‘masonic handshakes’. The link which I put up was simply the first on the list. I spotted the two photos of the Pope with Blair and Sharon but did not see anything about Gillard. Others disagree about the photo but a friend who is knowledgable about masonry says that the pressure exerted by the thumbs would not be shown in a photo.
Komodo. You can jeer and might think the subject has no significance but think of Breivik. On a local level, it is a club that gives preference to its members when council contracts are given out, known as a fact in the council where I used to work. Quite an eye opener I can assure you.
This storm in a teacup is totally irrelevant in the context of the political upheaval in Europe, the likely eurozone collapse, the continuing outpouring of the propaganda in the ‘war on terror’ (eg this morning’s latest on the so-called underpants US bomb plot -yes another one} and the increasing domestic penury as a result of the cuts. Even the coalition is collapsing.