Straw in the Stink 1095

The Mail on Sunday is doing a very good job on the odious Jack Straw’s involvement in torture and persecution. I think that at last the truth has entered the established narrative. There is a little box in the report about my own evidence to Scotland Yard. I will type it out here as the Mail’s box format here is not internet searchable:

“Torture” Evidence Handed to the Yard

Further pressure was piled on Jack Straw last night over the “rendition” of Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhadj after sensitive documents were handed to Scotland tard detectives.

Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, passed the documents to police as part of the inquiry into the behaviour of Ministers and intelligence officials over the detention of Mr Belhadj in Bangkok in March 2004.

The opponent of Colonel Gadaffi was flown to Tripoli, where he claims he was tortured.

Mr Straw, who was Foreign Secretary at the time, has denied ever condoning the use of torture to extract information.

But the documents appear to cast doubt on that position.

One memo, headed “Uzbekistan: Intelligence Possibly Obtained Under Torture” contains minutes of a meeting Mr Murray held with senior Foreign and Commonwealth officials on March 8, 2003 to discuss his concern that the UK could be in breach of international law by possessing intelligence obtained by torture.

The minute, dated March 10 2003, quoted Linda Duffield, then the FCO’s Director of Wider Europe, apparently justifying the use of such material as part of the fight against terrorism.

A second memo, dated March 14 2003, and written by Simon McDonald – the Straw’s principal Private Secretary – to Ms Duffield says Straw has read the minutes and “agrees that you handled this very well”.

Mr Murray is understood to have told police that during Mr Straw’s time at the FCO diplomats were told to only refer to the policy on torture verbally.

Mr Murray said last night “My evidence stated that Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing evidence obtained by torture to be used. I also told them that written evidence had been destrpyed, and we were told to not commit details into writing.”

There is a slight misquote in the above. It should say Jack Straw introduced a policy of allowing intelligence obtained by torture, not evidence. In fact it was specifically stated such intelligence would not be produced as evidence in court (people were imprisoned without charge or rendered instead). The instruction not to put things in writing was given to me personally, I don’t know if others were told the same. As I was the only one protesting, perhaps not.

These links are to the documents in question.




The first two were obtained by Freedom of Information Act request. Details of the CIA’s colllusion with the Karimiv regime’s torturers have been redacted by the FCO. Last week Jack Straw came out and argued strongly for the effective abolition of the Freedom of Information Act. Now there is a coincidence for you.

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1,095 thoughts on “Straw in the Stink

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  • Komodo

    Jenvey’s a fantasist. Everything I’ve seen rather puts him in the Breivik camp: possibly a little saner – as as far as I know he hasn’t actually shot anyone – but the mindset is parallel. He fancies himself as some kind of secret agent, working nobly outside the SIS box to defeat Islam and save the country for, well, not white people, exactly, since he is Asian, but, you know, something. The fact that his profile is way too high to be able to trick any but the most naif or venal jihadist seems not to have entered his thinking. Secret, he isn’t. But Mercer (bluff, direct infantry officer-type, not encumbered by intellect (creationist)), frustrated by political correctness and the perceived leftiness of the intelligence community, may well see Jenvey as a useful friend, particularly if he hasn’t looked too deeply into the CV Jenvey handed him…

  • Komodo

    And while I doubt any of the Israeli intelligence agencies would touch the guy with a kosher bargepole, “John Galt”‘s avatar on aforesaid disreputable forum consisted of a waving flag which mutated (thanks to .gif animation) between US and Israeli.

  • Clark

    Komodo, thanks, and thanks for your opinion of Jenvey. Was it through investigating Jenvey that you arrived at this blog? I don’t wish to pry, so only answer if you wish, but I’m interested.

  • Clark

    The comment of 15 May, 10:12 is by “Statesponsoredkilling?”. The three following are by someone else.

  • Komodo

    No, Clark, can’t actually remember why I came here, but it certainly wasn’t Jenvey. Mainly, I think as a relief from a largely US redneck forum I used to annoy for fun but which became too same-ish.
    Wonder if the Statesponsoreds feel, like Pollok, that there is too little about (censored) here to characterise it as anti-(redacted)? You have heard of proxy servers, I hope, Clark.

  • nevermind

    Indeed they are Clark, they were directed at statesponsoredkilling, for just positing a link without the confidence to comment.

    Caroline will be making place for another hopefull, a noble side step for am centralist party. A lot of commenters do not realise that Greens are turning a blind eye to blatant anti democratic excesses during election time, whether its colluding with the media or with other party’s to exclude Independents from debates.

  • Komodo

    There are several trails which look worth following there. One is GJ’s alleged connection with Sri Lanka (see Fox/Werritty, passim). Another is the International Analyst Network (website “temporarily” down), another of whose members, in addition to the entire cast of the US neocon project, is one David Nordell. This guy is now living in Israel and may still hold a UK passport as well, as he is (or was – the details are out of date -) the Israel chairman of Conservatives Abroad.
    That’s our very own Tories, no-one else’s. Nordell is into all sorts of ways of screwing the system, and here he is on Linkedin:
    For added entertainment, Google “Republicans Abroad”. Who knew that 300,000 dual-nationality Yanks lived in Israel and claim two sets of voting rights? I didn’t.

  • Passerby

    Billy fourteen pints Hague has overdosed on the coffee, hence his fishwife diplomacy, in a pre, pre, pre, pre preemptive move to keep up his threats, and promises of he will: huff, and puff, and fart and turn blue, etc.
    Fact is the current EU situation is so crap that the scheduled talks on Iran sanctions have been dropped, and Billy fourteen pints in fact in the next sentence admits it too;
    “Without that, of course we have sanctions we have imposed. They will not only be enforced but, over time, intensified,”
    This is in line with the world view of those totally untethered from reality who: cannot see the implosion of Euro economy which will further suffer badly with the upward price trends of the oil. Therefore any moves towards sanctions and the inevitable threats of instability in the oil markets are as welcome as a fart in a funeral.
    Billy fourteen pints, however, believes he can bluff his way out, and create some headlines with his tough stance, alas, no site is worse than watching a pansy acting the tough guy.
    These self appointed cretins out on vigilantly troll to find the next “terrorist” as in “search Internet for terrorist entities” and then get the acronym and set up a website, as “site”, as in the case of Rita Katz whose father was hung as a spy in Iraq, etc. That in turn sets up the scene for even more self appointed “experts” to feed the pathetic propaganda organs we have come to know as the media.
    These cretins are paid form the tax dollar aids, that in turn takes their “findings” so that these can be promoted by the myriads of the public relations companies employed to make the apartheid isreal look less brutal, and promote jewish supremacy as a matter of course. This in turn inspire the pubescent little key board warriors, and or old hateful settlers to crap the Internet with their version of kid the goyim and though shalt be raptured cock and bull.
    As the above link state sponsored bullocks goes, evidently the great and the good in Mossad were not expecting their operatives to be so quickly found, pumped and hanged, hence the move to highlight the death of a mercenary who got just deserts, for killing a father, a husband, a son, and a law abiding clever man for a miserable $120,000.

  • Komodo

    I don’t often do schadenfreude, but it is rather good to see Brooks with bags under her eyes and moisture in them (think she’s been airbrushed, even so)after seeing so many pictures of her with a smirk and a champagne flute standing next to someone influential. I hope the CPS has got it right this time.

  • nevermind

    Before being an Independent I was in the Green Party for some 23 years, wrote policy, some regulating caroline Lucas and Jean Lamberts relationship with the Green Party. I short listed employees for their offices and much more.

    I have intimate knowledge of most of what happened during the Green 2000 phase, ten years of takeover by centralists and now, that the Greens have become centralist under Caroline’s leadership adn I’m not a member of the party, I have been banned by the Guardian to comment on her demise as party head.


    Under Caroline’s reign, UEA lecturer and fellow UCU member Rupert Read colluded with the exclusion of Craig Murray from a BBC debate on, get this, education, that was the byelection Chloe got elected. Rupert knew he was rector of Dundee university but still felt nothing for democratic practises, then and still does not.
    Same again during the mayoral election just finished. Ms Jenny Jones colluded with the media/other parties to exclude others like Siobhan Benita, the Independent candidate who did very well for a first time, from any publically televised debates.

    Its astonishing that the Guardian is protecting caroline from even the slightest criticism, just the smeers are let through, what has she ever done for them? Hmmm the mind boggles…
    My knowledge comes from experience, not hearsay, so why ban me?

  • Passerby

    I do often enjoy the comfort of schadenfreu and boy watching her try and send coded messages and threats is making my day, fact is we all know too much of that and here we go Kelly, or could there be a bag-man sent to turn the heating up?
    CPS better get their sums right otherwise the guy who drops the ball will get Soweto necklace, as a parting gift.
    Mind yesteryear Alistair Campbell was given a couple of kicks on the shin yesterday, which he appeared to be somewhat bored with. Will that prick and his evil master wind up in some hot soup or not is the question?

  • Passerby

    Welcome to my shitty world, and stop asking why they banned me?
    Start realizing: they fear you. You are toxic, and your kind of thought is a virus that ought to be contained. The stage is being set for the nest bout of the shell game, for the benefit of the sleep walkers and box tickers.
    Start enjoying our shitty world, the stories that you thought were the truth and nothing but the truth, can no longer be subscribed to, and with your eyes wide open, you will soon see the cretins in their fully cobwebbed frail glory, and the precarious and tenuous grip of their feeble skeletal hands on the levers.

  • Komodo

    La Brooks will have the best lawyer Murdoch can buy, I guess. Still, I think Leveson may have got a little more out of her than she knew she was giving. Pace other commentators, better that her session with Leveson preceded her charges. She can simply refuse to co-operate now, as it would prejudice her defence.
    I hope it is a long sentence and she is LOL*
    *Let Out Later

  • Mary

    Nevermind. Agree with you totally on Greens. A dangerous crowd. Jenny Jones was heard to say she would work with whoever won the London mayor election. Like the vile LDs in \May 2010, they are desperate for power, however little they end up having.
    Komodo. Please Sir! I knew about the dual Israel/USA passport brigade. Wonder how many dual Israel/UK here.

    Just when you think things cannot become more horrific, the ‘EU forces’ have been bombing Somalia. Someone called Rondos announcing it as bold as brass. When their damned Euro and their vast bureaucracy that props it up is on a cliff edge, all they can think of doing is some more killing of brown skinned people.
    This is Rondos, a Greek.

    Another YCNMIU.

  • Mary

    15 May 2012 Last updated at 14:19
    Somali piracy: EU forces in first mainland raid EU forces have previously destroyed pirate ships at sea

    EU naval forces have conducted their first raid on pirate bases on the Somali mainland, saying they have destroyed several boats.
    The EU forces were transported by helicopter to the pirate bases near the port of Haradhere.

  • DonnyDarko

    It’s colonialism, pure and !
    NATO did it… but it’s a faceless giant backed and guided by the US.Who do you blame ?
    EU, another giant that’s capable of embroiling us in war it seems and you cant kick them out,cos we never voted them in.
    And we have wee Willie Winkie making more threats and his party are a f****n minority. How do we stop them ?
    It’s being done in our name.
    The evil march of democracy just doesn’t lose pace.
    The quicker the EU crumbles the better.

  • Mary

    Another ConDem scandal. Buried in the Politics section on the BBC website. I heard nothing on the ‘news’.

    15 May 2012
    Ministers end A4e contract for welfare-to-work scheme
    A4e handles government contracts worth millions of pounds for welfare-to-work schemes

    The government has ended a contract with welfare-to-work company A4e after deciding that continuing would be “too great a risk”, it has said.
    Wait for the unemployment figures tomorrow. Look at this D Mail headline today.
    Britain’s army of male part-timers: Number of men seeking full-time work doubles in just four years
    Official figures show that 1.4million men are taking on shifts and casual work because they cannot find a full-time job
    600,000 men were working part-time in December while looking for full-time positions, compared to 293,000 at the end of 2007.
    The east of England has shown the biggest increase under-employment

  • mark golding

    I note a strange mix of companies have jumped on the DLA to PIP (People in Poverty) Bonanza Mary.
    Relative newcomers to the scene are security guards G4S, who have also been shortlisted for every contract. Their forensic medical arm, though more used to helping catch rapists and paedophiles, won a small contract to pilot PIP assessments last year. In 2010, three G4S security guards were bailed after the death, whilst they were restraining him, of an Angolan refugee being deported from Heathrow.
    Serco, another company with a heavy security presence, have been shortlisted for Northern Ireland. Amongst many other contracts, Serco run prisons, detention centres and immigration removal centres in the UK and abroad. In Australia, a Serco training manual is alleged to have taught employees how to use pain, including punches and kicks, to subdue asylum seekers.
    Capita, which runs the Criminal Records Bureau on behalf of the Home Office and is invariably referred to as ‘Crapita’ by Private Eye, has also been shortlisted for all regions. The company has been involved in a number of less than successful public service contracts in the past, including Individual Learning Accounts which were subject to fraudulent claims on an unprecedented scale and which were shut down after just one year.
    Other potential providers include Avanta, Ingeus Deloitte, APM UK, Reed In Partnership and Vertex.
    A4E, currently mired in fraud investigations, did not make it through to any of the shortlists.

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