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26 thoughts on “Homeward Bound

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Drop dead gorgeous Craig! See you Thursday meanwhile:

    A World of Order versus A World of Disorder.
    Like it or not American/British/Israeli global rule will continue well into the 21st century. Even with ‘counter-hegemonic’ powers such as China, Russia and Iran increasingly presenting a challenge to this trio firmly in the drivers seat.
    I say to people who argue that world power in moving away from the West that the 21st century only looks less like an American/British era than did the twentieth.
    The United States with Britain has structured the current order so as to reinforce it’s supremacy and dominance in the systems that define order, such as fiscal, global energy and the security of these systems through military might – permanent garrisons of soldiers, spooks and special forces straddling the globe. It is within this order that sanctions can be dealt and enforced with a degree of success against non-nuclear states, such as Iran, who refuse to play by the rules.
    How then does America express dominance over the nuclear states such as Russia or China, countries that must constrain certain policy pathways such as the Security Council and resolutions?
    To answer that we must understand the difference between empire and hegemony. It was Bush and his planners that made a fundamental mistake of creating an ’empire moment’ using the ‘war on terror’ – a neocon ‘blitzkrieg’ of disregard for established norms and international law – a PNAC moment of American imperialism and crusade that introduced and reintroduced preemption, rendition, ‘black’ camps, torture, death squads, DU, phosporus, war rape, war sodomy, Abu Graib prison, Camp Delta, a ‘coalition of the willing to accept bribes’ and Blair’s god.
    In an empire American and Britain act unilaterally and outside the order, violating the established rules. A fall-back to hegemony was a pragmatic requirement; we would return to the rules of our institutions and operate within them. Obama’s back-office would change as much as it dared without weakening the order and anything else would be draped in the cloak of national secrecy enforced by imprisonment and confinement or assassination accident/suicide. Above all else the goal of asserting US disciplinary power at the global level would be maintained.
    The rhetoric of the ‘war on terror’ is dropped to be replaced by a remotely controlled ‘war on al-Qaeda terrorists’ to maintain a safe world for capitalism while ensuring American hegemony within that capitalist world, both of which reinforce each other. America would exert control over oil reserves and covert conditions under which those reserves are released onto international markets.
    Obama now asserts the right not only to target American citizens for assassination without judicial review if intelligence suggests they are involved in plotting terror, but to hold some terror suspects in jail indefinitely without trial.
    So, in real terms we are the terrorists, we are the world’s disorder, we are the ones who demand clarity between freedom and security. For President Obama, it would seem, one can be both with us and against us – or not with us, but not quite against us.
    You may ask at this point does an alternative exist for this world of order. I believe, no, not in a capitalist world. Democracy and capitalism cannot coexist in my final analysis. Democracy alone is mob rule and we are aware a republic is a joke and the commonwealth is another allied joke.
    Well, care to join me in a commune. I will be there after the financial crash – No need for a Guy Fawkes mask – a packet of seeds will do and bring a stoat stick to defend against ‘terrorists’ trying to steal our resources – “Tempus fugit, nulla mutat.”

  • Courtenay Barnett


    When you said this:-

    ” In Florianapolis, Brazil”

    I thought you we shitting the people. Sounds like Florida in Brazil.

    Anyway – there are also a lot of lovelies in Florida USA – so – enjoy what you got – now go back to your Nadira.

  • Courtenay Barnett


    ” I say to people who argue that world power in moving away from the West that the 21st century only looks less like an American/British era than did the twentieth.”

    Like the song says – slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.

    The West cannot hold it ( the power – that it used to have) because structurally, financially and in terms of the countervailing forces of nuclear power – the power keeps slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.

    “Power” alone does not make for effective domination. If it did – then the Vietnam war would have been won by the US. They can’t even defeat the rag tag fighters in Afghanistan – and you think that they have another PNAC type future ahead of ’em?

  • Dick the Prick

    Just to raise the general tone a little “You must pinch yourself sometimes, Craig”, “Every single day Peter”, well i’ve never heard it called that before! Aythankyou…ber dum dum tish.

  • Mary

    The fire in the Doha shopping mall.
    Posted by adamski on May 30, 2012, 3:51 am
    Hi guys.
    If you havent heard, we had a major fire in a shopping centre on Monday just down the road where we do our grocery shopping. 13 children were killed, 4 teachers and 2 firefighter in a child care centre within the shopping centre. My wife was there and escaped unharmed (luckily on other side of the building to where the fire was). The Ministry of Interior held a press conference with their first words being “no Qataris were killed”. These bastards live for money and power, where any shortcut is permitted just to get the job done and give the appearance that it was done properly, where young fit welders working in the same employer, same location die in their sleep only to be categorised as natural deaths. The value of life here, expat life means nothing and values such as compassion, empathy, remorse and responsibility are totally alien to the national psyche. They are happy to help invade other countries on the back on “democracy, justice, freedom and liberty” just dont mention these words here. The economy operates on the facade of regulation. Enforcement?? Maybe next time.
    Exit doors locked, sprinkler system did not work, no evacuation plan, no floor plan for the emergency services, no trained emergency response staff, staff telling people to keep shopping as its was “just a false alarm”. The fire fighters did not have a chance to rescue these kids, nobody knew what to do. 2 tried and died without the proper PPE. My neighbour’s friend, New Zealanders, lost 3 sons – triplets. Nobody of importance will be held accountable, no-one will be sent to prison, the report will not be made public and any recommendations will be ignored. A white wash. Of course the Filipino workers looking after the kids will be scapegoated and deported. The shopping centre will re-open like nothing happened.
    I live in a country where answers such as “it was God’s will and has nothing to do with us” is mainstream. I live in a country where nobody cares. I am pretty emotional at the moment- anger, disgust and devastation come to mind.
    Bodes well for the World Cup in ten years’ time.

  • cid

    Mary – Why did you go to Qatar, was it not to make loads of money your self. Stop complaining, it was sad, but if you don’t like it you can always go back to your own country, UK, USA i am assuming. We all know the arab countries are full of bastards but I am sure you chose to go there.

  • Mary

    Cid Wake up Cid. I did not write it. It was posted on Medialens by Adamski on the link!

  • Mary

    Coulson detained by police on allegations of perjury arising from the Tommy Sheridan case.
    Andy Coulson held in Tommy Sheridan trial perjury inquiry
    Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson gave evidence at Mr Sheridan’s trial

    Prime Minister David Cameron’s former director of communications Andy Coulson has been detained by police investigating allegations of perjury.
    Mr Coulson, 44, was detained at his home in the Dulwich area of London at 06:30 by seven officers from Strathclyde Police.
    He is being held on suspicion of committing perjury at the trial of former MSP Tommy Sheridan in 2010.

    Mr Coulson is being taken to Glasgow, where he will be questioned.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Hi Courtenay
    No – I do not think that America has another PNAC future because slowly, slowly, slowly America and Britain have resorted to military dominance to gain hegemony over the world’s important regions (fossile fuels and strategic areas) while slipping, political and economic might.
    What I have just said is key to a sea change or a broad transformation. Politically America and Britain is dead. The trust established after WWII has, again, slipped away. Russia knows this. That is why Russia right now is so sensitive to allegations of supporting child killing in Syria; strangely Cockburn is so wrong – Syria has now become crucial in exposing the dreadful deception of the West (even the West’s own people are expendable).
    There is a distinct chance right now a corner can be turned by applying the same humanitarian principles that won the ‘cold war’ to bring to bear some urgently needed lessons. While greed has worked it’s own magic to collapse the economies of the West –
    The Arab Spring provided the window we needed. From that phenomena sprang the ‘Occupy’ movement – Occupy must grow with the faith to turn that corner in the way I have described. EVERY GOOD HUMAN BEING MUST GIVE TRUTH A CHANCE – We have to take the bitter medicine of disorder to achieve a new order where human life, mature or virginal is venerated globally.

  • evgueni

    Mark G,
    “Democracy alone is mob rule” – this is received wisdom, please question it. What do you mean, what proof do you have? Also, you imply that capitalism and democracy are mutually exclusive, but are they? The capitalism we know is constrained by an extremely weak form of democracy. From this we cannot conclude that a strong form of democracy is unable to constrain capitalism to the point where the positive tendencies are retained and the negative ones are supressed.
    Capitalism little constrained by democracy is the reason why the ideas of property and possession are continually confounded – this serves the interests of the few. The former motivates to exploit others, the latter motivates productive labour. The inevitable effect of strong democracy is eventual recognition that property is illegitimate, only possession is fair. (ref Proudhon, George etc). Capitalism based around the idea of property (not possession) is what you mean by ‘capitalism’ perhaps?

  • nevermind

    Cameron will be pleased to see you and so will Nadira, my best to all of you.

  • Mary

    E-mail just in
    Join us in London on Saturday 30 June at Netroots UK. We’re backing an important event for digital activists in Central London next month, that we thought you might be interested to know about.
    The Netroots UK project will be getting together 500 activists and campaigners for a day of shared learning, ideas and debates.
    Netroots UK events are a space for left and centre-left activists and campaigners to build skills and contacts, both individually and collectively as a movement.
    It’s a great chance to get practical training in campaign skills or digital technologies, as well as to take part in discussions on campaign strategies, and hear about upcoming developments and challenges for activists.
    This year, there’s a special focus on the continuing campaign to protect our NHS, with workshops on different ways activists can get involved to protect local services fro privatisation or keep up the pressure nationally.
    You can book online now to reserve your place. Tickets (strictly limited) are ÂŁ5, or free to unwaged/student participants.
    If you’re a trade unionist, anti-cuts campaigner, environmentalist, political supporter, equality activist, tax campaigner, or anyone interested in progressive politics and issues, join us and others at Netroots UK to learn from each other’s experiences, and help plan future collaborations.
    Book your place now

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    You are right- certainly received ‘wisdom’ from the establishment where capitalism and ‘democracy’ are compatible and appear to reinforce each other. Democracy here is not liberal democracy and those in power often disregard/falsify due process, civil liberties and human rights.
    Property is capitalism and a source of theft in many ways. A good example is property or proprietary rights over computer software that enables the owner to steal or change resources unknown to the operator using back-doors or entry enabling code to core functions. This exploitation is in direct contradiction to what the property owners promise. It is the source of deception.
    “The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, ‘This is mine’ and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: ‘Beware of listening to this impostor; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one.” – Rousseau.

  • Courtenay Barnett


    If I read you correctly:-

    Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now efforts against Syria and Iran – would be expression of the process you have described about pursuit of military hegemony?

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Absolutely right Courtenay – I have admiration for John Goss who realised months ago now the seriousness of the situation in Syria. The heinous situation in Syria where those French/American/British ‘heartless warmongers’ contrive and subvert to engineer a massacre by their paid guerrillas in order to ‘Libyanize’ the country and prepare to blaze a path this year 2012 towards Iran and it’s resources.
    So what is the aim? World governance? Not really not now. America and her allies are moving fast to be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries (China, Russia) from pursuing a military build-up in the hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the Western group. This can be achieved by coveting fossil fuels. (Iran supplies China and Gazprom and Lukoil contract with Iran). This build-up is the mission, the objective, regardless of loss of human life. Our lives and others are expendable, replaceable, superfluous.
    Hitler said, ‘Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz’ – the welfare of the nation/group takes precedence over the selfishness of the individuals.
    I ask, is it ungenerous to consider every being, every spirit as sacred?
    Is it time to change the world tomorrow? In the eyes of the elite (the Blair’s of this world) we are rebels, the mutineers.
    It really is time to get organised.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    Your observation:-
    “So what is the aim? World governance? Not really not now. America and her allies are moving fast to be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries (China, Russia) from pursuing a military build-up in the hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the Western group. This can be achieved by coveting fossil fuels. (Iran supplies China and Gazprom and Lukoil contract with Iran). This build-up is the mission, the objective, regardless of loss of human life. Our lives and others are expendable, replaceable, superfluous.”
    makes a good addendum to what I wrote back in 2006:-

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Absolutely Courtenay – The point of no return has been crossed. 9/11 – The Iraq war – Peak oil have signaled a change of course in world events so profound that everyone is effected. We must take back our world before our world takes not only us, our children’s children children as well.

  • Guest

    “Absolutely Courtenay – The point of no return has been crossed. 9/11 – The Iraq war – Peak oil have signaled a change of course in world events so profound that everyone is effected. We must take back our world before our world takes not only us, our children’s children children as well.”

    Mark Golding, as is the case with your posts, you are spot on AGAIN.

  • nevermind

    gentlemen, we are talking up a third world war scenario, the west against the rest.
    Is this an inevitable consequence of a speccy unable to live in harmony with others, an unsustainable malignent growth on the liver of mankind?

    If this is the case, then we might as well start organising more obviously, next years round of county council elections, or this Novembers elections of police commissioners who just been told that they can be overuled by their FBI equivalent here, should all be contested, by Independents and pirate party activists.
    lets don masks of Guy Fawkes, for all I care lets found the Guy Fawkes party and make it obvious to the inept, but pissed off public, that we are not standing for it.

    If Afgahns can blow empires out of the water, so can all of us.

  • Mary

    A million Afghan people died in the process of ‘blowing the empires out of the water’ Nevermind. That is according to Rory Stewart. How does he know. Who has counted? It could be many more.
    Just three little ones the other day.
    The photo is from SANA. The caption is on the medialens message board.
    This is background on recent US multiple drone attacks in North Waziristan. {}
    I rage inwardly at all this flag waving going on around me. The bloody flag is bloodstained but people do not want to or cannot think it. Patriotism is the watchword. In solidarity with all the mothers who have lost their children to our wars, I am having nothing at all to do with this ‘Jubilee’.

  • evgueni

    Mark G,
    we could use stronger language than merely call absolute property ‘theft’. If someone is able to do as they please with land or resources that they ‘own’, then ultimately they are ‘entitled’ to deny the use of these to others who need them for survival. But you did not address my main point – why dismiss democracy with a single sentence?
    To reduce capitalism to property is simplistic and unhelpful. In most people’s minds property is a positive concept, for the reason that absolute property and possession are confounded into one. Most would prefer to ‘own’ their home and everything else that they have earned. So until property and possession are disentangled in our minds, all calls to ‘abolish property’ are futile I think.

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