On Being Angry and Dangerous 892

I learn the interesting news that David Aaronovitch tweeted to Joan Smith and Jenny Jones that I am:

“an angry and dangerous man who could as easily be on the far right as the far left”.

I had no idea I was on the far left, though I suppose it is a matter of perspective, and from where Mr Aaronovitch stands I, and a great many others, look awfully far away to the left. I don’t believe you should bomb people for their own good, I don’t believe the people of Palestine should be crushed, I don’t believe the profit motive should dominate the NHS, I think utilities and railways were better in public ownership, I think education should be free. I guess that makes me Joseph Stalin.

But actually I am very flattered. Apparently I am not just angry – since the invasion of Iraq and the banker bailouts everybody should be angry – but “dangerous”. If I can be a danger to the interests represented by a Rupert Murdoch employee like Aaronovitch, I must have done something right in my life. I fear he sadly overrates me; but it does make me feel a little bit warmer, and hold my head that little bit higher.

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892 thoughts on “On Being Angry and Dangerous

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  • Yonatan

    The Mail on Sunday (26 Aug edn?) supposedly has a photograph possibly captioned “The photo that proves Assange is innocent”. I haven’t been able to find it at the MoS site. However, there is a photograph with an MoS copyright in an article at


    It shows a relaxed group of people, including Assange centre and a woman, Ms A on the left. Her face is pixellated. If you look at the photograph from a distance (several feet from the screen) her face can be discerned.

    Eve more interestingly, on 20 August 2012, a Swedish site published part of the same photograph showing Ms A and Assange. Spot the difference! The caption also suggests the original untouched photograph is part of the official police file on the case.


    The article is worth reading insights on the Swedish judicial system. There are some comments on the politician / lawyer Claes Borgstrom’s handling of a case where he was supposedly the defence lawyer.

  • Jonangus Mackay

    Don’t know quite what to make of this.
    Within a few minutes of my posting a link to Prince Harry’s Knob (see above, 26 Aug 2.49pm)—the new work of minor genius by Attila the Stockbroker—someone posted a comment in response. He could be any Tom, Dick or indeed Arthur, for all I know. And Arthur may or may not be a rabid anti-Semite. Either way, I’d rather not be indelibly lodged in the depths of the Googleplex, possibly forever, as one who may be presumed—very mistakenly—to engage in anti-Semitic banter:
    “@Jonangus Mackay – Was Prince Harry circumcised by a rabbi, like his father Prince Charles was?”
    Within hours my twitter account, extremely modest in terms of total readership if not content, had acquired a new ‘follower.’ A rudimentary check reveals my new follower is by no means a joke; he does indeed exist. His account issues to troops frequent exhortations & rallying cries, usually in the form of quotations from scripture. His sudden interest in my twitter account may simply be coincidence: http://bit.ly/OFIcEj

  • Steve de Dalus

    @Robbie = Is there any broadsheet newspaper that I can trust to report this case accurately? = Morning Star, dude. It’s online free. Or the indispensible Counterpunch which also covers Brit & Euro news. For overviews check rense.com.

  • Diane Cummings

    Thanks Craig I agree with your view and see no reason why you should not name Ardin publicly or why television should be any different to the internet (where I found out as well and I wasnt even looking for her name).

    Talk about “Power” I cant believe that a woman’s flimsy claim can lead to the UK threatening to invade an embassy, seems this Ardin is the “powerful” one here, which of course is absurd, its just that she has power backing her.

    Do you know if Ardin is actually comfortable with Assange being charged with rape? After watching the Australian four corners program, I wondered why Ardin would make this “rape” claim and then thought that perhaps she is a vindictive jealous woman because Assange also slept with someone else. Actually I must correct myself as I understand it Assange hasnt actually even been charged with anything and they want to invade an embassy – this is insane. Please continue fighting for all our sakes, even the ones who dont get it, the need even more help.

  • Chris2

    That the US torture regime and its satraps in the UK and Sweden are determined to get their hands on Assange, to make an example of him, to encourage the others, and perhaps to assuage the anger they felt at being made to look contemptible in the eyes of humanity by Wikileaks, is not surprising. It is what one would expect of very nasty cynical careerists.

    What is surprising is the eagerness with which so many purporting to be of the “left” have taken valuable time off their campaigns against Syria, Russia and any other enemies of the Empire to put the boot into a fugitive Julian, on these specious trumped-up not-even-charges.

    What it tells us is how tough life is becoming for aspiring academics, trying to parlay a line in tired marxist patter and a spotless record of Socialist Worker sales into permanent refuge from the horrors of work and the obscurity of uncelebrated life.

    Not long ago the light in the cabin full of petty bourgeois parasites on the working class movement went on. “Fasten seatbelts. Turbulent times ahead.” it read.

    They realised that they had gone out on a bit of a limb when they took part in those marches for peace in 2003. They realised that they had been seen, and heard. They should have known that there would be one among them taking notes and CCTV.

    Then the chance to redeem themselves by joining in with Sarkozy and NATO against Ghaddafi, came up and they leapt at it. They leaped on the Syrian Revolution, sponsored by the Saud family and the USA, even more desperately.

    And now they are all over Julian Assange,just like Bernard H Levy, howling “rapist” and rolling their eyes, like the practised hypocrites they are. Just like a Revival Meeting, denouncing an erring sinner.

    They were wasted on the left they should be in Texas, or Washington, doing what Chris Hitchens used to do, only drinking less, and saving their pennies, thirty pieces of silver at a time.

  • Smeggypants

    426 replies to one blog!!!! Much of which is both off topic but valuable reading.

    Can I humbly suggest Craig starts a forum as the infrastructure of a blog is being outgrown appreciably.

  • Jay

    Lovely posting. We are all indoctrinated by society, It is not the individuals indoctrinated but those doing it that are equally under some allusuion.

    In South America amongst the indigenious the key word i believe is Nurture, describes alot.

    At fault.

    The filmakers, the tv producers, the economists and bankers, the corporation directors. e.t.c.

    Maybe the flip side to all this freedom will be total control.

    How do you bring up your kids.

    Helping in the community?


    Governments dont print money they borrow it of those that have the control of the current money system.

    Wizard of Oz of Gold. (smoke and mirrors)

  • Mary

    It is OK to drive a bulldozer, whilst demolishing Palestinian homes, to drive over and kill a young American woman and kill her. RIP Rachel Corrie.

    It is also OK for US military at Bagram (can you still hear the screams from the torture chambers there?) to burn copies of the Koran belonging to the prisoners and for others to urinate on the corpses of Afghan people. No charges will be brought against them. Instead they will be ‘disciplined’.

  • Mary

    Mr Yeo, pushing for a third Heathrow runway (bugger those who live under the flight paths), asks if Cameron is a ‘man or a mouse’, attempting to provoke him into making the ‘right’ decision.

    My question is ‘What sort of a man is Mr Yeo’. A hypocrite from my memory and from this reading from Wikipedia. He bends like a willow branch in the wind.


    Doing nicely from his directorships too. See that he backed Hague for the leadership.
    Enough said. Lacks judgement!

  • Computer Hobbiest

    The very very sick BBC R4 Today programme this morning…
    Jim Noughtie: “Rachel Corrie’s parents have failed in their bid for compensation…”
    BID FOR COMPENSATION? WTF? They wanted justice for their murdered daughter. How low can the BBC continue to sink?
    Because the BBC receives funding from the EU, which is a foreign political organisation, the current charter is not legally binding. This loop-hole means you can all stop paying the licence fee. You just need to fire of three letters. Save yourself £144 p.a. and tell the fucking shits you are not going to tolerate their lies, propaganda and blatant bias.

  • Komodo

    Some of the posts above have mentioned names such as G*v*n Esl*r and D*v*d **r*nov*tch. Komodo Legal plc would like to warn posters that these names should not be repeated. Should either of them be involved in an embarrassing sexual shenanigan in another country it will make them hard to prosecute / extradite. Also, plastering their names all over the blogosphere feeds their delusions of importance.
    Thank you.

  • Giles

    Thanks to Jon for the political compass. I ended up bang on top of that old fraud, the Dalai Lama. Interesting to see all the Republican presidential nominees (bar Ron Paul) huddled up in the top-right corner, with that well-known socialist, Obama, just a touch to the left of them.

    Must say it’s a fairly warped set of questions, though. Where I was tempted to veer to the right, the statements were presented in absolutist terms, making me feel like a right little greedy bastard, whereas statements pertaining to the left made me feel all warm and lovely inside as I headed for the “strongly agree” button. I suppose it’s all a matter of how you phrase it. Definitely written by a leftist.

  • nevermind

    Thanks for the bio’s on the dateline with Liar and charlatan Essler, Mary, good to know/see that he actually can’t fathom anybody opposed to his neocon views.

    Johnangus, most disturbing. Is this the new way to shut people up? a badge with a flag and lots of supporters? saying what? that dare you post anything against Arsonofabitch and we invade your twitter account with lots of nasty hasbarra’s?

    Shan’t want to twatter myself after such experience….

    thank you

  • John Goss

    Giles (Mandarin Duck), what you say is very true. Two wrongs don’t make a right. It is also true that the deaths inflicted on Iraqis by NATO make Saddam’s crimes pale into insignificance. Add the destruction of the infrastructure and the homelessness created by it, death from exposure to depleted uranium and . . . well, as Chris said, Saddam was hanged for his crimes. While I am opposed to capital punishment I would still like to see Blair and Straw, Bush and Cheney and all the other war-criminals face justice.

  • Robbie

    Thanks, Steve Da Dalus.

    I’ll give them a go.

    Today’s Guardian features an article on Galloway by Damien Pearse and James Meikle in which they talk about ‘the rape charges facing Julian Assange’.

    It feels like the right time to move on.

  • Passerby

    Rachel Corrie’s mother quoting a ziofuckwit mercenary holding rank of a colonel: “there are no civilians in war”.

    This mission statement clarifies the position of the blood thirsty ziofuckwit murderers; “everyone from without is an enemy”. This pernicious world view is the basis of these supremacists’ dealing with the outside world, that in turn is approved by the plethora of bought and paid for lackeys in the wider world;

    The secular beatification of Rachel Corrie sums up everything that is wrong with modern solidarity with Palestine

    This hatchet job is diametrically opposite to every word in the leader of the said farticle;


    On goes the corruption of all things to cover up for the iniquitous and corrupt justice system that finds the murder of a nineteen years old American girl an acceptable price for creation of more settlements.

  • Komodo

    LOL @ Jonangus – the guy looks to be strictly from a tin foil hat.
    *Warrior class* indeed. Fifteen, zits, and probably not Jewish.

  • nuid

    Jonangus Mackay,
    I wouldn’t be too concerned about your new follower. I’ve been followed by the oddest people (considering what I post on Twitter.) Various IDF-associated accounts, ‘military wives’ in the USA, even one offical-looking GOP account. And I think that IDFrabbi character followed me for a while. They all left when they realised the tone of my postings.

  • nuid

    “Fifteen, zits, and probably not Jewish”

    Quite possibly, yes. Anyway, you’re not under any obligation to follow-back. If these idiots want to follow, it’s their lookout.

  • Passerby

    Jonangus Mackay
    It is a long practiced technique of the ziofuckwits to confront the “enemy” full on and deter them form any further action. Fact is in all probability the little bastard is some kind of zit faced adolescent creep. (there are not all those many rabbis to go around)

    You have lead a very sheltered life apparently! The ziofuckwits have a manual on how to go about disrupting any kind of meeting, conference, and or deterring dissent. The bag of dirty tricks at their disposal starts with “antis…….” and escalates.

  • nuid

    “Is this the new way to shut people up? a badge with a flag and lots of supporters? saying what? that dare you post anything against Arsonofabitch and we invade your twitter account with lots of nasty hasbarra’s?”

    Doesn’t work like that, Nevermind. Unless you follow someone – or they start attacking you, in which case you can block them – you don’t see a word they say/post.

  • Komodo

    UN report: Gaza won’t be ‘liveable’ by 2020 if urgent action not taken

    Job done. “2020, we open the gates and they push off to Lebanon or Jordan, and glad to go. Choice redevelopment land on the Mediterranean will then become available, Never mind free trade zones in the Negev, Poju…you want a piece of this, no?”

  • Arthur

    @Suhayl Saadi – clearly IDFRabbi disagrees with you on whether asking if the third in line to the British throne was circumcised by a rabbi, as the first in line to the throne was, has anything to do with Israel/Palestine.

    @Passerby – I’ve read the hasbara handbook (which is here) and toolkit (which is here). You refer to a manual. If it’s something different from these, please can you post a link?

    @Harriet – I don’t know how to pronounce ‘hasbara’ either!

    ‘Zionazi’ is an accurate term. Anyone who doubts, have a look at this.

  • Komodo

    Your starter for ten:
    The US has no plans for extraditing Assange. It is supremely uninterested in Assange. Assange needs to go to Sweden to face the accusations: he is in no danger of being extradited to the US….(let us assume…)

    So why this?
    Protecting Assange, who published classified U.S. military cables over the internet, is the latest in a series of conflicts with the U.S., including ties with Iran, which top U.S. lawmakers say justify re-imposing tariffs when the trade preferences expire in July.

    “This latest move completely undermines the relationship with the U.S. and virtually guarantees that Ecuador will be removed from the Andean trade preference benefits,” Arnson said in a phone interview from Washington.

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