On Being Angry and Dangerous 892

I learn the interesting news that David Aaronovitch tweeted to Joan Smith and Jenny Jones that I am:

“an angry and dangerous man who could as easily be on the far right as the far left”.

I had no idea I was on the far left, though I suppose it is a matter of perspective, and from where Mr Aaronovitch stands I, and a great many others, look awfully far away to the left. I don’t believe you should bomb people for their own good, I don’t believe the people of Palestine should be crushed, I don’t believe the profit motive should dominate the NHS, I think utilities and railways were better in public ownership, I think education should be free. I guess that makes me Joseph Stalin.

But actually I am very flattered. Apparently I am not just angry – since the invasion of Iraq and the banker bailouts everybody should be angry – but “dangerous”. If I can be a danger to the interests represented by a Rupert Murdoch employee like Aaronovitch, I must have done something right in my life. I fear he sadly overrates me; but it does make me feel a little bit warmer, and hold my head that little bit higher.

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892 thoughts on “On Being Angry and Dangerous

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  • Scouse Billy

    Komodo – “Nato loses the tattered remains of any credibility it has not already thrown away in Afghanistan?”

    Look up Operation Gladio “a decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit”

  • Scouse Billy

    I’ll save you the bother


    “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State” – James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

    Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, ‘Operation Gladio’ reveals ‘Gladio’, the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe.

    This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as ‘stay-behinds’ these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

    Director Allan Frankovich

  • Passerby


    At the outset the notion of peace ought not to be treated as a bribe, a promise, or an extra ordinary sacrifice. Peace is the natural state of affairs, it is war that is unnatural, evil and ghastly. The “theoretical” experiment forwarded with regards to peace is a mistake that often many observers commit.

    The only piece ziofuckwits are after is; a piece of Gaza, a piece of West bank, a piece of Iraqi Kurdish territories, a piece of Syria, a piece of Egypt, a piece of Iran, a piece of the action anywhere, anyhow and anyway possible.

    Therefore the thoughts of peace process coming to a juddering halt, based on “undiplomatic approaches” is only; a fanciful notion, a fantasy, a dream. This is mainly due to the simple fact that there is no dividend in peace for any of the murdering bunch of mercenary thieves, these will be doing just fine through creating mayhem and war. Destruction is far more fun for these congenital lunatics than construction (no skill set required for destruction), and what is more: there is more money in destruction (zero investment, and pure profit on every stolen item).

    The fact that for seventy years, the planet has been pandering, yielding, acquiescing to the most nightmarish arrangements of a constant festering sore, that has resulted in millions of Palestinians made into refugees, millions of Palestinians kept in open air concentration camps, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians killed, maimed, and or sent to their early grave, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians tortured, imprisoned, and incarcerated on trumped up charges of “stone throwing”.

    The net result of appeasing these blood thirsty ziofuckwits has been;

    Yesterday on the very day that half of the Schiphol airport had been shut down due to an embedded unexploded world war II bomb in its ground.

    Also on the same day a Spanish airliner, for reasons unknown loses communications with the tower in Schiphol airport. The result of the loss of the communication; Dutch air force scrambles its fighter jets to intercept the airliner, because it is deemed “hijacked”.

    Let us expand on this; a European aircraft full of European passengers on its way to a European destination experiences a malfunction of its radio equipment. In response the Dutch air force sends fighter jets to shoot down the said European airliner full of European passengers.

    This is the direct result of appeasing the ziofuckwits for so long, and pussy footing around the issues of “wrong” is fucking “wrong” and no one ought to commit it, regardless of fucking religion, history, status, rank, race or any fucking other excuse under the Sun.

    Being nice to wrong doers is encouraging the wrong doers to flourish and to proliferate, hence the total shower of political elite who have fucking forgotten that the fucking air force jet paid for by the European passengers is there to protect them and not to shoot them down!

    The stupidity of the scenario of sending a fighter jet to confront a bunch of “hijackers” in a Mexican stand off never crossed the headlines of any of the fucking “media”. A hijacker bent on destruction, these days are assisted by the relevant air forces to do a far better job of blowing up the fucking airliner.

    This is the world in which the moral compass no longer operates, and in which we are encouraged to genuflect and pander to the “feelings” of the ziofuckwits. A world rendered dysfunctional by stupid imperatives, and false proprieties, and devoid of wisdom and logic.

    You may wish to carry on, but there are those of us whom have had enough, and are no longer subscribing to be “diplomatic” about our views, and opinions, regardless of the polarisations that may occur. Fact is truth and justice as yet are universal, and as per these no Biblical records, or historical myths can justify the wave of carnage that has been unleashed by the ziofuckwits and their sponsors on the planet. This has gone far enough when I as an airline passenger can look forward to being fondled, touched, humiliated, prior to boarding my flight, and then get to be designated as a target to be shot down by some pilot that flies an aircraft that I have contributed towards its costs of purchase, and up keep.

    There is the mistake that Palestine is the issue, sadly it is no longer the case, today the whole of the planet and the world are at issue. The proliferation of the politics of; unreason, aggression, theft, plunder and coercion in the guise of the neo ………. are now gnawing at the very roots of justice, equity, and legality.

    How about the thought experiment that if there never was a project for a land for people without the land. What could have been the current shape of political arrangement on the planet? Could these arrangements have deteriorated to the current levels of corruption and deviances?

    Silence in face of injustice is a mark of shame, and not a virtue!

  • CheebaCow

    Clark: Good to see you online again. I’m jealous of your holiday.

    Jon: Nice work, again.

  • Passerby

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday slammed the wide international participation at a Non-Aligned summit in Tehran as a “stain on humanity” following Iran’s denial of Israel’s right to exist.

    This is precisely the point that I have been making so far, in response to which I have been “encouraged” to be “diplomatic”.

    This unhinged lunatic, who murdered his psychologist in an attempt to shut him up, and stop him from whistle blowing, condemns 63 percent of the total of the ruling elite of the planet as: “stains on humanity” (the Scottish saying goes; everybody is oot o step except wor Jock).

    PS has my previous comment got trapped in the filter?


    Congrats on site and interesting comments also. Craig is refreshing compared to the media cowards.
    If OK does anyone think corner shop PayPoint could be used to collect cash for organisations instead for anonymous and easy system using say a website to print a barcoded donation slip with particular value or even cut out from newspaper?

    Anyway thanks again for the informative links and chat.

  • Passerby

    The gift that keeps on giving;

    This female character is so out of it, one could almost mistake her with that other out of touch bint Marie Antoinette;

    Whence there are no jobs, whence the working families are reliant on food banks and charities to ensure their children are getting fed at least two meals a day. To find this character encouraging the “jealous” poor to “drink less” and work more! Reading the addled disconnect is mind boggling.

    Whilst this female character is now running a divine security agency, that stops the “terrorist” through the weapon of prayers. How far down the poop-chute of militarisation has the world slid?

  • CE


    1) Your link to the bill doesn’t mention Israel joining NATO, it mentions an ‘enhanced role’. Not the same.

    2) Thankfully, the US Congress does not decide on the makeup or membership of NATO. It would never happen.

    But hey, don’t let the facts disrupt the indignant agenda.

  • Jon

    @Clark, welcome back, pleased you’re (present tense) enjoying that holiday. I’ll come to the next Rabbit festival!

    @CheebaCow, most welcome.

    @Passerby, I asked you two questions at [29 Aug, 2012 – 7:37 pm]. Fancy giving them a go?

  • Jon

    @DAEDU – collecting money online is pretty easy, so long as you’re not proscribed by the cartel! Just set up a Paypal account. Something involving paper or corner-store payment systems sounds unwieldy, and I’m not sure people would use it much. Donating money needs to be easy.

    There are tip-jar systems available for blogs and the like, but usually work on smaller fixed sums, if I recall correctly.

    You mention Anonymous – giving money to them is risky. They have no central committee, by design, and so no one place to donate to. You might end up giving money to a random tweenager who will spend it on booze and hash! It might be better to ask on Anon blogs/twitter as to how you can do so.

  • nuid


    A belated thank you for all you’ve done with the site. Pagination is great.

    (Were you warning me about Franklin Lamb, or were you just pointing out the amusing typo? –> daft/draft)


    Delta frequency: “It is the gateway to the Universal mind and the collective unconscious whereby information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.”

    I like that, I do.

  • Komodo

    Wanna bet, CE?
    Don’t you think having Israelis at the top table in NATO can be effected without their active participation? Do you think that they won’t push further? I’ve not seen any evidence lately that the Israelis are backwards in coming forward…

    Most of the Bill simply formalises existing positions. What it does do is tie the hands of the executive in a knot prescribed by AIPAC, and constrain its possible actions. It formally demonises Iran, and writes Israel a blank cheque to maintain its regional supremacy. It’s the size of Wales, with a population of 7M for fuck’s sake.. Note the commitment to a two-state “solution” – IOW a bantustan with no possibility of self-defence or free trade, spooned into the interstices of the Israeli settlement map. Do you seriously think it means anything else?

    Still. it’s good to know where you’re coming from. Here’s another link for your Mark Regev’s considered opinion-

    Israel’s security is important and I have voted dozens of times provide funds, weapons, and support. H.R. 4133 is more than “a sense of Congress,” more than feelings. It sends a signal to the world that Israel should be provided with the military capacity by the U.S. to strike Iran. That I do not support.

    Out of respect for the importance of the U.S. – Israel relationship I intend to vote “present” on H.R. 4133, but I must express my strong opposition to endorsing any actions by a foreign power that could potentially drag the U.S. into a military conflict with Iran.

    You can almost see the political pistol pointing at the good Congresswoman’s head. She voted for it, but she can see where it’s going.

  • OldMark

    Thankfully, the US Congress does not decide on the makeup or membership of NATO. It would never happen.

    I agree with you there CE. For a start Israel would have to settle (on Turkey’s terms) re the Mavi Marmara incident of 2 years ago, compensate the relatives of those killed, and formally apologise. Can’t see much sign of that happening.

  • nuid

    I’ll never understand why people involved in media aren’t more aware of the risks of ‘live mics’:

    David Chalian, Yahoo’s Washington bureau chief, says Mitt Romney is ‘happy to have a party with black people drowning’ during a ‘hot mic’ moment before beginning live coverage of the Republican convention on Tuesday night. Yahoo News sacked Chalian after the remark, a reference to the convention happening as Hurricane Isaac hit Louisiana.

  • Komodo

    Love your Section 5 link, btw, CE…does this mean that you support the return to currency of the N and Y words? Or are we simply concerned that religious bigots obsessed with other peoples'(and horses’) sexuality should get a free hand?

  • VivaEcuador


    Israel joining Nato? Pie in the sky nonsense, why even waste your time discussing it?

    Jose Maria Anzar has openly spoken of bringing Israel into NATO.

  • Mary

    War propaganda being carried on Hardtalk. Not Esler this time but Stephen Sackur speaking to a Brian Sayers, hired hand for the Syrian ‘opposition’. Based in Washington naturally. He won’t be doing any killing himself but he will facilitate the means to do so.

    I see that Hague is over there at the UN today with the same object in mind as Sawers.

    Western governments view the Syrian opposition with some ambivalence. They have offered limited material support, but not arms, and have expressed concern about a lack of coordinated leadership. Brian Sayers is the chief Washington lobbyist for the Syrian Support Group – a collection of Syrian expatriates determined to fund and arm the Free Syrian Army in its fight against the Assad regime. With violence threatening to tear the country apart and the death toll close to 20,000, just how credible is Syria’s opposition?{http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01m9s5f/HARDtalk_Brian_Sayers_Syrian_Support_Group/#}

    A view on Sayers, which includes the Hardtalk video.

  • Mary

    Sayers on Linked In
    Present Director of Government Relations at Syrian Support Group (SSG)
    Past Political Advisor/Officer at NATO
    Political Advisor to NATO Commander Kosovo at NATO
    Defense Operations Division at U.S. Department of State
    Managing Director at Private Digital Limited Corporation

    University of St. Andrews
    Georgetown University


  • VivaEcuador


    What superb “humantiarian interventionist” credentials Mr. Sayers has!!!

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