A Bunch of Tits 257

The BBC believes that Kate Middleton’s tits are a more important story than western diplomats in danger of their lives all over the Middle East. Says it all about today’s BBC, really.

Killing people is not the solution to the World’s problems. Killing diplomats is particularly heinous as they are guests in a country, and are charged with keeping open the lines of peaceful communication between nations. Almost certainly Ambassador Stevens and his staff deplored the making and distribution of hate videos, and absolutely certainly they had nothing to do with it. Nor do the diplomats under seige today in Yemen, Sudan and Egypt.

Oliver Miles, the extremely sensible former British Ambassador to Libya, while deploring attacks on Embassies and their staff, made the obvious point on Sky News yesterday that America’s unflinching support for an expansionist Israel was the root cause of hostile attitudes to the USA acroos the Middle East. His interview was instantly terminated.

Miles’ observation is true, as it is true that direct and killing intervention by the US in Libya and Yemen has caused the situations that are now blowing back – often with US supplied or at least encouraged weaponry. But yet again, none of that justifies the racist attacks on westerners. Just as all Muslims were not responsible for Islamic terrorists, so all westerners are not responsible for the far right purveyors of anti-Muslim hatred.

All decent people must despair at the prospect of yet another cycle of violence. Powerful interests both in the West and in the Middle East are not amongst those decent people.

Of all the signals the West could send out to try to end the horrors wrought by the promoters of the “Clash of civilisations”, the most powerful would be to arraign Bush and Blair for war crimes. This is not a deluded hope of idealists; it is an essential step if the world is ever to heal.

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257 thoughts on “A Bunch of Tits

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  • dutch

    Mark G.,
    “It was carried out by Israeli intelligence using paid proxy thugs with at least one English speaking ringleader according to my own source.”

    That was my first thought, at least the Israeli involvement at some level, and it may be true. But it does not appear that the film was the motivation for the coordinated attacks on the consulate and the safe house. These had to have been planned well ahead of time and carried out by professionals, not by an angry mob – of which there didn’t seem to be any at the time the attacks started.

  • John Goss

    Phil, and they also give advice to travellers to foreign countries about what to expect and what to avoid. If you think they only do the dirty work of governments you have not read “Murder in Samarkand”. I did qualify the Swedish Embassy example as being an exception, hopefully. I agree that governments exert pressure on embassy staff from the ambassador down, and that there are bad staff who concur with bad decisions. So tell me, would you rather there not be one of your country’s embassies in the countries to which you travel?

    Mary, I quoted that excerpt in my blog today.


  • lwtc247

    Craig. I doubt the US ambassador wasn’t as saintly with regards to the killing of Muslims by his government as you seem to be making out. Do you know Stevens’ stance history on the matter? Plus it’s entirely possible the pathetic video wasn’t in fact the reason why he was killed, but other factors relating to the US takeover of Libya.

  • Fedup

    As a muslim, I don’t care what non-muslims say or ridicule my religion or prophets, because I believe they will get their punishment for insulting and ridiculing the religion of God.

    There are few comments of this genre on this board, the question arising is why?

    Why should any Muslim pop into a blog and start talking about non violence, while the other Muslims at large are busy tearing the various joints apart?

    Is this par of the black ops extended to garner even more rage on the part of the “Western audiences”, or is this some attempt at putting a brake on the display of anger that could reach here too?

    Did it ever cross the minds of these Muslims, they are in effect condemning their fellow Muslims at large, and are reciting bits of Christianity that even Christians do not adhere to; “turn the other cheek” genre of stories? This is made more sinister with the said Muslims denouncing their fellow Muslims at large further, and show their disdain of various branches of the Islam. Is this an attempt in highlighting the sectarian aspirations of some of the said Muslims?

    In any case, fact that the enraged Muslims at large across the world having been tormented to the extent that these can no longer tolerate their humiliations and the constant racism directed towards them, somehow is getting misconstrued and interpreted as their “archaic attitudes”. This is without any irony that the same dismissive conduct of the West about the Muslims at large imperatives, and their values systems are at the basis of the uprising, therefore rubbing salt into the wound is not the best way of calming the situation that has gone critical?

    These pernicious comments promote even more hatred towards Muslims by further reinforcing the stereotypes in the West and holding these Muslims at large as violent psychopaths out on a jolly jut because some guy made a movie!

    Supposing; a not so complimentary Holocaust movie was made and put on the youtube, what would be the reaction of the same bunch of tosspots?

    How long will the movie last on the Youtube?

    How many governments at once would be pressing charges and clambering for the extradition of the culprits whom dared to commit such a heinous act, by recourse to the laws set in place and rushing these offenders to be put on trial PDQ?

    Lets face it, the racist undertones of such crass statements are the very reason that the Muslims have been provoked in the first place, but the fact that racists do not count these Muslims at large as equal counter parts in humanity, their subsequent rage in reaction to such iniquitous and unfair persecution, is further made out to appear undue and over reaction, which is to further humiliate these Muslims at large even when they are enraged at their treatment.

    As of the importance of tits now that is whole new ball game, because how dare any bastard take a photograph of the royal boobs and then publish their handiwork for the delectations of the Jonny Foreigner?

    Unfortunately dead diplomats are an all too apparent consequence of the gun boat diplomacy that has been systematically replacing any kind of civilised transactions across the international boundaries, and destroying and putting pay to any kind of interrelation conventions and treaties. ie in the bandits world there can be no trust or let!

  • Arsalan

    Hmmm trying to get back to the origional discussion.

    Come to think of it?

    I do care more about kates tits than I do about Ambassador Stevens.

    True I don’t believe royals should have rights we don’t have. But I wouldn’t want people to take pictures of my bits and past them on newspapers.
    Would anyone want to take a wild guess at what I being a Muslim (And not one of them cuddly moderate ones)do to a photographer who took such pictures of mine?

    So yahhh, I don’t think what happened to her is right.

    When it comes to Libya. A whole bunch of people have died there. what makes this guy so special? what makes him so worthy of attention? If anything I would say his death is one of the least reprehensible in Libya. Because his death seems to be an accident. What I mean is. People in the demo did stuff to the building. It caught fire, he died of breathing in smoke. Some people tried to do property damage. Something a lot of people do in a lot of demonstrations. And some guy died.
    Well a lot of people die in demos.
    mainly the demonstrators?
    One of them died in a demo in lebanon. But he isn’t white, or a diplomate, so his life is just not as worthy of comment as the life of the American is it?

    So I will comdemn the killing of the Lebanese demonstrator, and the newcons can condemn the death of their diplomat.

  • guano

    Can we have a box-set of the entire royal family posing naked, just to remind everyone that they are not royal and the religion for which they are the figureheads is not God’s religion.

    Obama’s job has always been to re-capture the lost African colonialism. Lost by us bastards from the UK who are capable of 23 years compound interest political lying to their own people let alone anyone else.

    What kind of fantasy world does Hellary Ciinton live in?
    While our royals enjoy showing their boobs to the newspapers, Ciinto poses like Boudicca with Al-CIA-da after releasing 800 tonnes of explosives on the Libyan people to take the oil wealth of Libya from them.

    For those who have no shame, let them do whatever they like.
    Muslims use the pretext of an insult to our prophet, peace be upon him, to express their absolute and total detestation of US neo-colonialism. Diplomacy is not diplomacy when accompanied by 800 tonnes of destructive fire.

  • guano

    In other words, this stunt attack by Al-CIA-da militants against the US embassy in Benghazi, is to convince the Libyan people that Al-CIA-da is not the glove puppet of US power.

    You can fool some of the people some of the time but I for one will never forget that UK=US=IS=political Islam. They are all liars, serving their own pockets, and rapidly running out of luck or ideas.

  • Phil

    @Jon Goss

    The one time, many years ago, I did turn to a UK embassy, for help with an ill friend, they told us, a bunch of council estate teenagers, to piss off. Sorry to mention class but it possibly wasn’t irrelevant.

    No, I haven’t read “Murder in Samarkand”. How does it end? As Arsalan said, Craig Murray is the exception. He lost his post, and was hounded, precisely because he wouldn’t play ball with murderous policy.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    I agree Dutch; the ‘trick’ was scrupulously put together with insider help, a lightening bolt to the insidious permeating influence of those involved in the development and expansion of the state of Israel. And of course it was the death of a good American that left their marks on the foreheads of American/British foreign policy decision makers and their kibitzers.

  • holywar

    Interesting. The US, trying for a placatory touch – in its usual bumbling manner – wanted to denounce denigration of religion in a UN statement. Secular France demurred. The US can’t address the issue head-on by denouncing hate speech. The US government entered a reservation to CCPR Article 20, since state-sponsored hate speech is America’s national pastime (and crucial to its war propaganda.)


    But even this trivial concession could be partisan ammunition in this election year of competitive militarism. The Obama administration will hedge this with an extra helping of pink mist.

  • Mary

    Camp Bastion is under attack. Injuries reported and damage to buildings and ‘flight line’. P Harry aka Captain Harry Wales is stationed there with his Apache killing machines.

  • macky

    I remember watching movies as a kid, and whenever an American was ever in a spot of bother aboard, they used to always say, “You can’t do that, I’m an American citizen”, or they would tell a translator to convey to those in charge, “Tell them/him that I/we are Americans”; sometimes it seemed as if it was meant as a threat, and other times, that being an American was meant to be so wonderously special, that people automatically treated them with utmost esteem & respect; guess it’s no mystery how they don’t use that line anymore in movies.

  • Chris Jones

    @ Mark Golding “Quite correct Chris and I empathise your words. Maybe we should stop it, perhaps combine, unite, band together and close ranks. Call ourselves the ‘Weathermen’… – ”

    …sounds like an incredibly sensible idea…lets call this the start then

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    He was doing his job Chris2 -transporting that robe of Churchillian importance that American political evangelists do after their swearing-in ceremony and necessary to develop their contacts. He knew the Arab new order was relentless, tumultuous and unruly.

    He also knew within himself that America had wavered and relinquished decency, honor, veneration and power.

    This he knew after Palestinians were blowing themselves up on Israeli buses and Israeli troops were assaulting and wasting West Bank villages.

    He lost his life doing the business he was taught by Zionist Ambassador Indyk

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    He was doing his job Chris2 -transporting that robe of Churchillian importance that American political evangelists do after their swearing-in ceremony and necessary to develop their contacts. He knew the Arab new order was relentless, tumultuous and unruly.

    He also knew within himself that America had wavered and relinquished decency, honor, veneration and power.

    This he knew after Palestinians were blowing themselves up on Israeli buses and Israeli troops were assaulting and wasting West Bank villages.

    He lost his life doing the business he was taught by Zionist Ambassador Indyk and out on the front-line.

  • Phil

    @Chris2 14 Sep, 2012 – 10:31 pm

    Thanks, a very interesting link. It appears ambassador Stevens was very far from a benign diplomat.

  • John Goss

    Phil, Murder in Samarkand has no ending insomuch as all political situations are ongoing. Massacre in Uzbekistan has not been released yet. But here’s the trailer.


    I know what you’re saying about lack of understanding, especially towards the young. (I have an MP who for a few years I thought the only iron in his bag was anti-social behaviour, and he’s not done much to convince me otherwise since). But denigration of the young is everywhere, in Job Centres, council offices, even in hospitals, if you get the wrong person. But most people who believe in what they are doing, teachers, doctors, (yes and diplomats too), are, or should be, concerned with doing a good job. Sometimes they fail. Sometimes we all fail. But when a young ambassador, old ambassador (sorry Craig), or any other person takes a job abroad, they know there are risks attached. Stevens’death, like all deaths, will cause much grief to his loved ones. There is nothing to show he was carrying out any US-based plots to further destabilise Libya. That was done by NATO.

    There are ambassadors and embassies that worry me as well as the Swedish Embassy in Phnom Penh. The UK ambassador to Israel is Jewish. The US ambassador to Israel is Jewish. The Canadian ambassador to Israel is Jewish. The fact that the Canadian ambassador is Jewish is particularly worrying in the light of this report.


    Again I seem to be confirming your suspicions. But I am sad for the family of ambassador Chris Stevens, especially after he took on such a difficult job as the destabilised Libya. Must get to bed.

  • Fox's Party Rings

    Sticking on topic – did anyone see Diane Keen’s on the “Sweeney!”? Sweet lord Jesus.

  • Chris Jones

    @ Mark Golding – start it hear for all to see and contribute- no secret societies, no nothing? …..just people..call it an open conspiracy if you will

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Chris Jones – I hate secret societies but starting something here is like crashing a party and I regret that.

    But yes on the positive side our spoken word is our Molotov cocktail delivered in the most prominent of places and it only takes a small group of enthusiastic revolutionaries to commandeer the mantle of others and all of their membership lists.

    Our aim – well – to topple the top tier of imperialism in the current pyramid scheme called capitalism.

    Our intention would be to provoke that leap of consciousness necessary to promote confidence in ordinary folks and stir imagination to join in the struggle against violence and deception; to serve a victory for people oppressed, coerced, misled, miseducated and misused and to break from the accepted norms of a theatre where the actors are the elite 1% Cameronoid zombies whose hearts have been wrenched from their bodies and whose minds have been deluded by greed, power and a self-righteous sense of superior virtue.

  • Chris Jones

    @Mark Golding – indeed….at this point in time the priority should surely be to arrest these criminal sociopathic victorian throwback megalomaniacs. At this point in time, and as Metallica once stated – ‘Nothing else matters’…

  • Jives

    Get to f*ck Alan Campbell.

    Thats about the fourth time youve posted that link today.

    Does your ego need the attention?Looks like it.

    You’ve been outed many times here over the years.


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