Leave of Absence 1692

I was invited to be on the Murnaghan programme on Sky News this morning – which I always find a great deal more intelligent than the Andrew Marr alternative on the BBC. I declined because I did not want to get up and get a 7.30am train from Ramsgate on a Sunday morning. I had a meeting until 11.30pm last night planning a conference on human rights in Balochistan [I still tend to say Baluchistan], and I have a newly crowned tooth that seems not to want to settle down. But I am still worried by my own lack of energy, which is uncharacteristic. Is this old age?

I also have some serious work to do on my Burnes book, and next week I shall be staying in London to be in the British Library reading room for every second of its opening hours. So there may be a bit of a posting hiatus. I have in mind a short post on an important subject on which I suspect that 99% of my readership – including the regular dissident commenters – will strongly disagree with me.

This is a peculiarly introspective post, perhaps because my tooth is hurting, but I seem to have this curmudgeonly spirit which wishes to react to the huge popularity of this blog by posting something genuinely held but unpopular; a genuine view but one I don’t normally trumpet. The base thought seems to be “You wouldn’t like me if you really knew me”.

Similarly when I wrote Murder in Samarkand I was being hailed as a hero by quite a lot of people for my refusal to go along with the whole neo-con disaster of illegal wars, extraordinary rendition and severe attacks on civil liberties, sacrificing my fast track diplomatic career as a result. My reaction to putative hero worship was to publish in Murder in Samarkand not just the political facts, but an exposure of my own worst and most unpleasant behaviour in my private life.

I am in a very poor position to judge, but I believe the result rather by accident turned out artistically compelling, if you don’t want to read the book you can get a good idea of that by clicking on David Tennant in the top right of this blog and listening to him playing me in David Hare’s radio adaptation.

Anyway, that’s enough musing. You won’t like my next post, whenever it comes. Promise.

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1,692 thoughts on “Leave of Absence

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  • thatcrab

    Anyone can list wrongs to right, and anyone can collect claims about the wrongs of major rights and flood this place with them.

    SB: “I might add A=440Hz tuning as opposed to the 444Hz of Mozart, for example – leading to less social cohesion and more aggression.”

    That is just a staggeringly fantastic addition to your endless listing of pet factoids here SB

  • Zoologist

    H.R. 2995 (109th): Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005
    109th Congress, 2005–2006.
    Text as of Jun 20, 2005 (Introduced).


    (4) WEATHER MODIFICATION- The term `weather modification’ means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.

    Not widely advertised.

  • Zoologist

    SEC. 8. FUNDING.
    (a) In General- There is established within the Treasury of the United States the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund, which shall consist of amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (b) or received by the Board under subsection (c).

    (b) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Board for the purposes of carrying out this Act $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2015. Any sums appropriated under this subsection shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended.

    (c) Gifts- The Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property.

  • Mary

    David Miliband has just given a speech at a fundraising dinner for MAP. Medical Aid for Palestinians. Gross hypocrisy in view of his previous form when Foreign Secretary. He is also on the list of Hasbara authors.

    This is from his register of interests.

    b) (Registered 22 September 2010)
    (b) Name of donor: Tony Blair
    (b) Address of donor: private
    (b) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £27,000
    (b) Date of receipt: 20 September 2010
    (b) Date of acceptance: 4 October 2010

    Look at the large sums of money he is collecting including £75k for his directorship of Sunderland Football Club, part-time for 12-15 days! How can that be justified?

  • Zoologist

    UN 1976 Weather Weapon Treaty
    Adopted by Resolution 31/72 of the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1976. The Convention was opened for signature at Geneva on 18 May 1977.

    1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.
    2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or international organization to engage in activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.
    As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes–the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

    This was in 1976. We weren’t told about the Manhattan project until after they dropped 2 bombs on Japan.


  • thatcrab

    You dont even mind poisoning your own well SB. – I hope you eventually do so more work you can really be proud of instead of this frantic fantastic virtual opinionating which you are doing in vain.

  • Zoologist

    MoD test of aerial spraying over Norwich

    The Penetration of built-up areas by Aerosols at night – Porton Down Public Area Biological Warfare Experiments on Norwich

    This was a Ministry of defence test carried out on the city of Norwich on January 13th, February 10th, March 16th and April 14th 1964.

    As can be seen in the covering letter, the experiments were conducted in a high level of secrecy because “knowledge of them by unauthorised persons could be politically embarrassing.”

    This declassified Porton Down film, which is Crown Copyright, shows a Valetta aircraft making a number of passes in front of the camera – all the time spraying the Biological Warfare simulant – Zinc Cadmium sulphide. These experiments shown in this film were conducted during March 1958, and were conducted to determine the characteristics of an aircraft mounted Zinc Cadmium sulphide dispenser. The resulting information was then used in Porton Down’s later public area BW experiments, some of which (the Large Area Coverage or LAC) contaminated vast swathes of the UK.

    A similar procedure was adopted for the 1963/64 Norwich Trials. An aircraft, this time a Devon, sprayed the BW simulant Zinc Cadmium sulphide, at a rate of 2-3 lbs per mile, as it flew along a 62 nm track across Norfolk – at a distance of 24 miles upwind of the city of Norwich. When the massive aerosol cloud reached its target area, Porton Down scientists conducted clandestine sampling of the air at a large number of locations, across the city and surrounding countryside.

    During November 2006, BBC East broadcast a InsideOut 30 minute special – entitled Clouds of Secrey. This investigated Porton Down’s 1960s BW spray ‘attacks’ on Norfolk (with the city of Norwich as the main target). It also revealed a recently discovered series of sprayings, conducted in the Cardington Bedford area in the early 1960s, which involved the use of Porton Down’s clandestine spray vehicle – a specially converted 1 ton Morris van.

    DERA, the MOD agency then responsible for the CBW facility at Porton Down, stated:

    “In the event of a military question arising which could only be answered by conducting open air trials in areas which may involve the general public, Ministers have made it clear that they cannot rule out the need to conduct larger scale trials in the future to try to ensure the protection of the UK from attacks by peoples of states using biological or chemical weapons”.


  • Zoologist

    Zinc cadmium sulfide is not itself a biologic weapon, but it was used as a tracer to simulate the dispersion of biologic weapons in various environments. It is an inorganic compound composed of the elements zinc, cadmium, and sulfur. It glows bright yellow or green when placed under ultraviolet light, so it could easily be detected. At the time of the tests, zinc cadmium sulfide was thought to be nontoxic to humans, animals, and plants.

    7 December 2005
    The effects of cadmium spraying over a city in the 1960s are to be investigated after claims that it was linked with cancer of the oesophagus.
    North Norfolk MP Norman Lamb was told of the decision by the Department of Health after he tabled questions to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt. “There are many concerns about the possible effect of cadmium spraying in Norwich and the cancer,” Mr Lamb said.

    Mr Wyn Parry, a consultant at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and a specialist in oesophageal cancer, said more research was needed on this type of cancer.

    “I see patients across Norfolk and we would expect to see between 120 and 130 cases (national average) but we are seeing between 170 and 180. Perhaps 50% more than the national population.”


  • nevermind

    Zoologist. This treaty you are quoting does not cover space delivery weapons. the space talks have been abandoned by the US some years back.

  • Zoologist

    Nevermind, I don’t know about space weapons. Who knows what the funding was used for. I would like to know more about the capabilities of The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

    The prime contractor for construction at the facility was BAE Systems, Advanced Technology (BAE/AT).

    The fundamental goal of research conducted at HAARP is knowledge; to explore and to understand natural phenomena occurring in the Earth’s ionosphere and near-space environment. Information derived from this research will have major value in the design of future communication and navigation systems for both military and civilian use.

    The HF Transmitter is used during research campaigns to support interactive study of the ionosphere. A typical research period may last one or two weeks and several such campaigns may occur in a given year.


    How does bombarding the ionosphere with microwaves affect the global climate I wonder?

  • thatcrab

    “How does bombarding the ionosphere with microwaves affect the global climate I wonder?”

    Stop posting so much FUD about stuff you have never wittled half an oar to paddle through “Zoologist”.

    You wonder THAT and refute basic knowledge of how greenhouse gases affect the global climate!

  • deepgreenpuddock

    This is from a comment by Scousebilly.
    “The way that nature designed the earth/atmosphere ensemble roughly 90% of the IR radiation that cools our globe emanates from the atmosphere.
    It appears to be a quotation although I can’t see any citation or reference to origin.
    Curiously, it refers to a design by some entity called nature.
    Is intelligent design the intellectual foundation for the argument being posted with such fervent energy?
    Well perhaps, but let’s be accommodating and say it is a stylistic error in writing rather than some other prejudice, but then ask what serious scientist would be guilty of such a fundamental error as anthropomorphism. Such an error is very reminiscent of an immature intellect.It would certainly not pass through a review.

    ‘Nature’ is a shorthand term for the observations we make of the world around us and perhaps refers more to the natural world than systems of thought that are exclusively concerned with human artifice. Even that definition is rather doubtful.

    Scousebilly exasperatedly rants about people who don’t follow the basic science but in one of the earliest post by Scousebilly, he refers to the molecular structure of salt.

  • Mary

    We are teaming up with Canada in Ottawa with the Zionists Harper and Baird. Hague was 13 when he committed to supporting the Zionist state.

    “As the Prime Minister [David Cameron] said when addressing the Canadian parliament last year: ‘We are two nations, but under one Queen and united by one set of values,'” Hague said in a written statement to CBC News.

    “We have stood shoulder to shoulder from the great wars of the last century to fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and supporting Arab Spring Nations like Libya and Syria. We are first cousins.”


  • Scouse Billy

    Sunflower, that’s pretty funny – have you heard the one about turning corn crops into ethanol and putting it in our petrol so that we can feel smug whilst some poor peasants can no longer afford to eat?

    Ah well we can sort that out by giving them sterilising vaccines – ho ho ho.

    Sorry but that’s the really nasty side of this Malthusian idiocy that some don’t or won’t see.

  • Zoologist

    Nice one, Sunflower.

    “Over an ecosystem area of approximately 5.1 × 1010 m2, the effect of sea otter predation on living kelp biomass alone represents a 4.4- to 8.7-teragram increase in C storage. At 2012 prices (US$47 per ton of C), this stored C would be valued at US$205 million–$408 million on the European Carbon Exchange.

    What does our “precautionary principle” say about that? Should we be culling the buggers?

  • Chris Jones

    The way that some people react to others who do not toe the establishment line on global warming is sadly not that surprising but it demonstrates how effective the mass media and propaganda spin has been in this area. It is, after all, quite a lot to ask people to consider that their whole world paradigm is based on manipulation on such a mass scale.

    Members such as Clark who I believe would describe himself as an independent thinker, although not intentional i’m sure, display considerable naivety on how the real world works, as i’m sure a lot of us have, myself included.

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the Rothschilds and UN Environment Programme Secretary General Maurice Strong – trustee to the Rockefeller Foundation, head of the Rio summit and member of the Club of Rome. They openly declared to want “environment to vie with religion for people’s hearts” in order to shape them and their countries. The message obviously appeals to the best altruistic instincts and good will of decent people, many of whom, like we have seen here, are ready to sacrifice much to defend the planet earth against the nonexistent threat of CO2 caused global warming. All of this whilst the problem of real and damaging pollution is occurring all around us on a bigger scale than ever, as has been noted.

    This cruel trick of appealing to the good nature of the majority of people has ensured the worldwide implementation of eco-ideology, which is slowly morphing in to eco tyranny.

    The main plan is to de-industrialise the main rich countries and bring about population reduction. Anyone who has not considered what affects this is already starting to have and will have on population numbers has his or her head in the sand. It is not a nice thought how this could ultimately affect population numbers. ‘The Goals of Mankind’ report by the Club of Rome openly declares; “… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion.”

    Strong himself made his money through brokering, oil and gas and is a multi millionaire – corporatism is fine if the glove fits of course. These are not sensible calls for population containment and for showing responsibility for our planet’s health and its future well-being. This is the Anglo American eugenics god complex fantasy in plain flawed irrational and deranged Dr Evil view. If the Penny hasn’t dropped yet Clark, maybe in time it will. A penny of sorts seems to have dropped for Phil regarding what the actual science, or lack of, is about.

    Regarding the dreaded Oregon petition i’ll let the main instigator Arthur Robinson defend and refute the points Phil and others have so vehemently made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jYxyQ_mCEA I wouldn’t consider the petition as a main point of evidence-simply a link of relevance: the IPCC’s utter unreliability and mass misrepresentation by their own admission to me is far more important as a point of evidence.

    Even though the petition seems to cause some to recoil in horror, my conclusion is that the petition is sloppily presented and the website looks awful and i don’t agree with everything Robinson says, but ultimately it is important that the petition was made to challenge and hold a mirror to the so called ‘settled science’ and trickery of the IPCC and Kyoto Protocol.

    Compare the 32,000 Bachelors of science and PhD’s holders with what William Schlesinger, a long time and leading proponent of the man made global warming narrative, said when asked “how many members of United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were actual climate scientists” His answer; “something on the order of 20 percent have had some dealing with climate.”

    In other words, only 400 of the 2000 or so IPCC membership can be said to vaguely have ‘some dealing with climate’

    And i’m not sure how ‘being a republican running for congress’ or having worked for large companies automatically makes Robinson him an evil monster. Didn’t Al Gore and countless others do exactly the same thing on behalf of the flawed IPCC?

    Odd too how none of my links exposing the IPCC reports have not been addressed. I’ll repeat it once more for the sake of clarity: the IPCC are on record admitting that they change their science reports to fit in with the political agenda. End of.

    In other words, the jig is up and they know it. But these are obviously not rational people and they are getting panicky. As the saying goes: eternal vigilance is the price of freedom

  • Jives

    @ ScouseBilly,

    Ive read that link previously and it’s fascinating stuff,thanks for the refresh.


  • Scouse Billy

    Jives, thanks for your link – will watch with interest.

    Chris Jones – very well said, bravo.

  • Phil

    Chris Jones 23 Sep, 2012 – 10:11 pm
    “A penny of sorts seems to have dropped for Phil regarding what the actual science, or lack of, is about.”

    You presume something out of nothing mate. I have said nothing to indicate that conclusion at all.

    “I wouldn’t consider the petition as a main point of evidence-simply a link of relevance”

    Really? You previously offered it as evidence that 30,000/31,000/32,000 respected scientists refuted global warming. Now it is just a link of relevance? It’s only relevance is as example of transparent propaganda.

    You take the biscuit mate.

  • technicolour

    I believe that ‘eternal vigilance is the price of freedom’ is Luke Rhinehart, aka the Diceman and – curiouser and curiouser – I only found it today. I was looking him up to try & find a web piece he wrote a while back suggesting we just ignore the politicians.

  • Fedup

    Has David Miliband Changed His Spots?

    No, Blair is spreading the fat/wonga/dush/money around and looking after his old crew.

  • Ben Franklin

    One quality of blogs is the magnetic field seeming to attract the filings, falling off perfectly valid I-beams. The pathological need to be ‘right’, or correct, seems to delight in the shavings at the expense of the beam, which hardly notices the reduction, and services the only function and purpose of the activity; a fuse. Sad. There are other forums who solicit such patronage. Myopic ‘scientists’ often find valuable data in strange places. Scatatology is a respected science. So if you wish to search for particles of flea scat in the feces of rats, please do so elsewhere.

  • Clark

    Ben, you just nabbed comment number 777 on this thread; God’s own comment! I haven’t even read it yet, I saw the number in the comment stream.

  • Clark

    Oh, maybe it was actually Fedup. There is a discrepancy of 1 between the number at the top of the thread, and the number shown in the mods’ interface. Curious.

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