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7,992 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    TRICASTIN does not have an unblemished safety record.

    I hope these ten banks who have loaned a huge amount of money to AREVA for nuclear fuel enrichment at TRICASTIN ( moments before Luc Oursel did a runner)

    understand that AREVA is in the shit!!!

  • michael norton

    You could not make this stuff up

    Th enrichment plant owned by Areva that has taken 2/3 Billion Euros from ten banks a few months ago is named after Georges Besse
    he was the CEO of Renault
    he was topped.( assasinated)

    The person whom the Idiot Holland has picked to be the next kingpin of both Areva and EDF is

    Philippe Varin CEO of Peugot

  • Good In Parts

    @ Michael Norton

    This is awfully serious for The French State.If these conglomerates ( The French State Owned Nuclear Industry) collapse, so does The French State.

    The superstructure is strong in this one.

    This is not the collapse you are looking for.

  • michael norton

    Just a thought but bare in mind New Caledonia

    Quote Le Dauphine Libre

    “The next October 24 the rest of the hunters still present in Africa will enter the barracks Cran-Gevrier those parties in New Caledonia will arrive the same day (145 soldiers).”

    So Nicolas Mollier Thomas has recently spent some time in New Caledonia.
    two days before Nicolas goes barrel rolling a mile from his home in Haute Savoie,
    145 soldiers of 27e return from New Caledonia to Haute Savoie.

    I wonder if Eric has been asked to take on this job?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    24 Nov, 2014 – 4:29 pm

    The full environmental consequences, in addition to that on humans, has never been properly documented or publicised. The negligence of the testing nations is so gargantuan it is eye watering, yet because those same nations – USA, Russia, Britain, France China – not to mention India, Pakistan, Korea – have I missed anyone – oh yes Israel – virtually control the world agenda, any adverse effects are either overlooked or conveniently forgotten. After all who would want to admit to global cancer and birth defects, consequences on weather patterns, wholesale contamination of the aquatic and tropospheric systems? Now of course we have Fukushima to add to the mix, which similarly does not appear on the front of the Sun, or any other paper.

  • Tim Veater

    All this (see below) was going on about the same time. It’s deeply embroiled with MI5/6 of course and events in Kenya and Horn of Africa and so with the over-arching christian/muslim confrontation.

    The ISC amazingly didn’t interview family members and friends who revealed the connections, one of whom was goaled, he alleges to shut him up. As a result the report’s credibility has been seriously undermined and arguably qualifies for, yet another, white=wash.

    Who might “Foxtrot” be I wonder? Sounds more “western” than “eastern” to me.

    “The ISC’s report identifies a “substantial” online exchange during December 2012 between Adebowale and a foreign-based extremist – referred to as Foxtrot – who had links to the Yemen-based terror group AQAP, but was not known to UK agencies at the time.

    Michael Adebowale has been jailed for a minimum of 45 years Foxtrot is reported to have suggested several possible ways of killing a soldier, including the use of a knife.

    After the murder of Lee Rigby an unidentified third-party provided a transcript of the conversation to GCHQ.

  • Tim Veater

    “Deeply embroiled” or “deeply emboiled”? “Perfectly legal to get information from torture as long as we don’t do it.”

  • michael norton

    It would be useful to know, how recently Nicolas Mollier Thomas
    returned to France from New Caledonia.

    I am not suggesting that somebody from 27e,
    who had just returned from New Caledonia had caused the death of Nicolas Mollier Thomas
    but I do think, all things considered, that it would be worth the authorities trying to assess if there is a link between what Nicolas was getting up in New Caledonia, the return of 27e and or other personel from New Caledonia, and the unusual, unobserved death of
    Nicolas Mollier Thomas.

    One question could be, was Nicolas Mollier Thomas working with 27e?

  • michael norton

    13th November 5.16pm
    Quote Peter “SAH was shot four times, once in the back as he ran towards his car, three times in the head as he sat behind the wheel. Only the round to the back got stuck in his torso, whereas the three head shots exited his cranium.”

    Quote The Daily Mirror November 10th

    “Saad’s body had seven gunshot wounds, in the head and trunk.”

    I obviously do not know if Peter is correct that SAH was shot four times but if Peter is correct, why would the Mirror state that SAH was shot seven times?

  • michael norton

    Justice would seem to be very slow in France, two years ago a French policeman in Grenoble shot & killed his female companion

    only now are they sorting him out

    Quote Le Dauphine 2012
    “Prosecutors in Chambéry opened yesterday morning a criminal investigation for “murder”, so retaining the notion of premeditation, after the death of Isabella Cervellin, this 44 year old woman, mother, whose body was found, Thursday afternoon at his home in La Motte-Servolex Savoie.

    The main suspect in this case is none other than his companion, she had just split a policeman Grenoble aged 46 who has not accepted the rupture. Franck Requet, sergeant in the South Division of Grenoble police station, is suspected of having killed several shots, fired from his service weapon. The death dates back to Wednesday night.

    According to the prosecutor of Chambery, premeditation brought against him would the fact “that he would have expressed his intentions in advance.” We do not know how.

    Yesterday, this man – who fled with his service weapon at the wheel of the car of the victim – was still missing.”

  • michael norton

    It would seem sergeant Franck Requet high tailed it to Norway and did not want to come home.
    You can read all the latest if you are prepared to cough up two euros, I am not.

  • bluebird

    Annie Machon and David Shayler, two MI6 whistleblowers, more than 20 years ago, though could there be parallels?

    The couple ended up in a French farmhouse. “It was in the middle of nowhere. No TV, no car. For 10 months we spent every day together. 

    A French judge ruled the extradition demand was politically motivated and released him. The couple then rented a flat in Paris and holed up for a year.


    Saad and Iqbal MI6 whistleblowers who searched France to hide like Annie Machon and her boyfriend David Shyler did, simply because France doesnt extradit British spies?
    Wasnt Saad somehow on the hide?

    What did they know that caused their quick assassination? It must have been a pretty dangerous information regarding the UK compared to what Annie Machon and David Shyler knew. Plus there was the “same day death” of Iqbal’s Godfather in the USA!

    Aren’t there any parallels?

  • michael norton

    It seems to me that France resembles the Titanic,
    the band plays on while the ship of state slides ever deeper into oblivion.
    This week they seemed to have recognized Palestine.
    The Idiot Hollande is in Africa.

    Why not concentrate on saving The French Economy?

  • michael norton

    Yet another Adviser to France’s President Hollande resigns over fraud accusations

    An adviser to French President Francois Hollande resigned Wednesday after being summoned to answer charges of fraud by a Paris criminal court, Reuters reported. Faouzi Lamdaoui, an equality and diversity adviser with close ties to Hollande, is the second ally of the president’s to step down in the last month. Lamdaoui is suspected of misusing corporate assets, money laundering and forgery from 2007 to 2008 related to a transport company he founded, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office. Previously, the junior minister for veterans’ affairs resigned in November after being accused of favoring relatives in the awarding of public contracts.

  • michael norton

    I am not for a moment suggesting that Franck Requet,
    Savoyard 44 years, police sergeant
    living in La Motte-Servolex, less than ten miles from Chevaline,
    had anything to do with the slaughter of the horses incident,
    it would seem this Grenoble policeman shot his girlfriend dead, a few months before.
    We await the trial.

  • michael norton

    A man was fatally shot in the head Wednesday in Ravoire Savoie. The body was found in a vehicle near a camp of people gypsies bordering the urban expressway.

    The victim is a man from Chambery district Upper. The police have completely locked the area, blocking all access to the crime scene. Heavily armed, including machine guns, they always patrolled the area on Wednesday night, looking for the shooter fled. Tonight, the prefecture of Savoie requested a reinforcement gendarmes to prevent any risk of overflow in the Chambery district Upper, classified SPAs (priority security zone).

  • michael norton

    Quote Le Dauphine Libre
    “The floor of Chambéry was Thursday night pending the results of the autopsy performed on the body in Grenoble Sofiane Bourbia. This 26 year old man was found dead Wednesday in Ravoire, near Chambery Savoie. He was inside his car, parked on a road leading to a camp of people settled travelers. They had apparently shot him in the head. The survey is conducted jointly by the police of the brigade research and research section of Chambery. If the victim has a criminal past, the public prosecutor of Chambery has been extremely cautious: “there is no indication that there is a link yet or that the Traveller community is involved.” Thursday, investigations gendarmes continued on the ground. They were looking for clues, including the murder weapon could have been abandoned near the shooter.”

  • bluebird

    Bourbia Sofiane, Algerian

    Scaffolding and ladders wholesaling and cats dealer.

    Fabrication en gros d’échafaudages et d’échelles

    Loueur monteur d’échafaudage sur la Savoie/ haute Savoie

  • bluebird


    but you can conduct that they live in algeria, france and sweden.

    algeria is no surprise because that name is algerian. france is no surprise because many algerians live in france. sweden is a surprise, though.

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