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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton


    Attack of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier: an ancient attendance Yassin Salhi “condemned” the act

    Frederic Jean Salvi aka Ali the Great, who attended Yassin Sahli at the time when he lived in Pontarlier, condemned the attack by the latter to Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, in an interview published Tuesday by the Est Républicain .

    “Yes, I condemn this act (…). And if I had had the opportunity to prevent it I would have done,” says the Big Ali, who lives in Leicester, in central England with his wife and five children.

    Presented by the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins as a “figure of radicalism in Pontarlier between 2003 and 2005,” Frederic Jean Salvi, 36, met Yassin Salhi in this city of Doubs.

    “I’ve known Yassin Salhi at the mosque in Pontarlier, as the people of the mosque know each other. I also attended his family. It was a nice and friendly person. When I found the information to his about last week, it made me much trouble, “said Frederic Jean Salvi regional daily.

    According to investigators, the Great Ali exerted its influence on a group of seven or eight young followers of radical Islam in Pontarlier, including Yassin Salhi. It is the attending Salhi that drew fleeting attention of the intelligence services between 2006 and 2008.

    “I never had any influence over him, much less been his mentor. Instead, we had a spiritual path parallel to a given time, at most,” retorts the person in his interview to the Est Républicain .

    Asked about the Islamic state group, he said he had “no knowledge of any connection between him (Yassin) and this group,” which “in no way represents Islam.”

    The Indonesian authorities had designated Salvi in ​​2010 as a suspect in a planned attack car bomb with al-Qaida militants in Jakarta. They had found explosives in a car that belonged to him. “I had sold before leaving” Indonesia says today the person, which ensures he had “taken part in any terrorist attack” and have “never been worried about this case, neither in France, or England. ”

    Currently teaching in combat sports, this former practicing Catholic who converted to Islam after a drug trafficking in prison today practice a shift ensures the closest possible to Islam “of the Koran and the prophetic tradition and example the first generations of Islam who transmitted as it is, without altering it. ” It is not wanted by the French justice in the investigation into the attack in Isère.

  • michael norton


    There are a few more possibilities around the setting off of Sylvain Mollier on that day.
    He could have been in Ugine with their baby, he had urgently to go out.
    He rang Claire, she said no.
    So he loads the child into his vehicle, loads his bike on to the cycle carrier, rushes to Grignon, drops off the child with a worried Claire, then heads off.
    Drives to a spot, unloads his bike and rides for the special encounter.
    Another option is he puts the baby in the vehicle, drives to Grignon, then sets off from the Pharmacie Schutz on the bike he keeps there.

    However as I have maintained before, I would find it utterly incredible, if Claire did not want her baby very close to her, almost all the time.

    I still think that Sylvain set off from Grignon, maybe with the bike on a car maybe not.

  • michael norton

    @ M 10.53

    Thanks, well if Cycling every day for Sylvain Mollier continued after the birth of his latest child, the only way it could have happened ( other than late evening -night cycling)
    bearing in mind he had left Cezus-Areva for a three year break to be the looker after parent whilst Claire Schutz secured their financial future by running the Pharmacie Schutz in Grignon, which she had recently become the sole owner, would be if Sylvain spent his days at or close-by the Pharmacie Schutz, so if he fancied a ride out and if it was O.K. with Claire he could slip off for an hour.

    Anything else would in my mind
    be exceptional.

    So, if Sylvain did not spend his days at Grignon he would have NORMALLY only been able to go out cycling from Ugine in the late evening or in the night.

  • michael norton

    That leads us on to this question:

    did the cycle ride that Sylvain Mollier go on, on 05/09/2012
    start out as normal

    or did it start out as eXceptional?

  • Peter

    @ Pink

    Even if SM had been absolutely flying up that hill, there simply was not enough time between his overtaking WBM and his being shot at the Martinet for him to have completed that steep stretch above the Martinet (which would have been the main attraction for him) in its entirety. If he was heading downhill at the time, he therefore would have to have turned back before completing the steep part. The latter is conceivable, though: from the vantage point of the hairpin curves above the Martinet, he might actually have heard and seen events unfolding below, and returned to help. Owing to the steep gradient, he could have ridden back down there in seconds, providing an unpleasant surprise for the killer, who (I would assume) kept checking the straight below the Martinet and therefore fancied himself alone with the AHs.

    Im his second interview, WBM said that the motorcycle he encountered on his way uphill was “unnaturally slow” (or words to that effect). I find that statement more credible than some journalist’s ad-libbing. For journos in general, vehicles always seem to be “speeding” or “racing” anyway.

  • Melrose

    Thanks for the link to that BBC report.
    It is intriguing to hear that on September 10, those vehicles were described as speeding away, since much later on Brett Martin insisted on having seen a motorcyclist riding down very slowly.

  • Peter

    The idea that SM was coming downhill when events kicked off actually makes a lot more sense than the killer patiently waiting for him to cycle uphill to the Martinet. It could have been like this:

    1. X watches SM cycle past the barrier.
    2. X watches the AHs arrive and checks that there is nobody behind them on the uphill straight leading up to the Martinet.
    3. Zainab goes to the toilet in the bushes whilst SAH idly checks the local map.
    4. X believes that the coast is clear and goes into action, shouting and threatening SAH with his gun.
    5. SM hears and sees that altercation from the hairpin curves above, but fails to appreciate its seriousness, perhaps assumes that the pistol is a replica starter pistol.
    6. SM turns around and races back downhill, yelling.
    7. As X’s attention is diverted away from himself through SM’s arrival, SAH seizes his chance and runs for his car, taking a shot in the back as he runs.
    8. X now has to divide his attention (and bullets) between SM and SAH. SAH actually intends to flee the scene leaving Zainab behind, because she is safely hidden in the bushes anyway.
    9. X has killed everybody in sight when Zainab emerges from the shrubbery. X wings her with a shot to the shoulder and, finding his last magazine empty, attempts to club her to death.
    10. X stops beating her, either because he believes that he has succeeded in killing her or because he realises that the next have-a-go interloper like SM could arrive at any moment, and that he would have to fight that person hand-to-hand.

  • Pink

    Yes that’s why I mentioned it Peter could be right but as EM is known for porky pies its something to keep in mind.
    Just as is the direction of the bikes.
    There was morphing early on maybe for good reason it’s not for me to judge, from the point of view of working it out its another discrepancy.

    Another discrepancy was the timings of Leila Lamnaouer’s tweets
    again might have a perfectly logical explanation, Straw4berry saved this on Icke I wouldn’t know I have no idea of how twitter clocks work .
    I think the original twitter has gone but it was there I saw it .

    Lamnaouer Leila @ leilalamnaouer
    Four people shot dead in # horse near Annecy. More http://www.
    Hide photo Reply Retweet Favored

    10:12 AM – 5 Sep 12 · Details

  • Q

    Did SM break routine to go for a bike ride due to a colicky baby? Incessant crying of a small, colicky infant could be motivation to feel an urgent need to cycle up a mountain. Or something.

  • Pink

    Peter if SM was shot in the back he couldn’t have ridden in to the shooting surely ?

    SM lived in turf war country all his life and if he had any concerns he would not be off cycling everyday making himself a target I cannot see any reason for any of them to be attacked ,if it was local a grudge would seem more likely nothing really convinces me one way or the other.

  • Peter

    @ Pink

    It could have been a case of athletic SM stopping and getting off his bike (which was found near the barrier, by the way, consistent with him coming downhill), confidently planning to X’s toy gun away from him, seeing SAH getting shot, belatedly realising that this funny-looking old Nazi gun was real, turning around to flee, and getting shot himself.

    “Turf war country” – I hope that was a joke. Anyway, yes, if SM had had any concerns about his personal safety, he would not have gone cycling all by himself.

  • Melrose

    A clockwork orange, Pink. But a Dick is a Dick.
    Male or female.

    Nice scenario/configuration. Who is Y then?

  • Peter

    PS: That is the thing about these Luger-type pistols. Nowadays, they are so outdated that, if someone pointed one at you, you would assume that it was a paintball or starter pistol rather than the real thing. Apart from those shocking-pink Colt revolvers that they sell in the US, it is probably the most unsuitable gun for threatening people with. You might as well threaten them with a shooting banana.

    If this incident was a robbery-gone-wrong, as some have suggested, that could have been one of the factors which made it go wrong.

  • Peter

    @ Melrose, 7 Jul, 2015 – 3:21 pm

    In that scenario, Y is X’s long-suffering partner in a violent, abusive relationship who knows or at least strongly suspects that he is the one who committed these murders, who perhaps even helped him out with a bogus alibi or assisted him in getting rid of the evidence, because she knows his “temper” and fears for her life if she ever were to “betray” him.

  • Pink

    To me riding down to play superhero does not ring true with what we have learned he seems to have been fairly laid back, ladies liked him ,he was a stay at home dad so trustworthy with a young child ,he would normally let Claire know if he was going to be late ,Q’s idea of cycling to take break would make sense to me I don’t get any impression he was the sort of person to get into a confrontation, has anything ever showed up that says he was ?
    I wonder what happened to his phone did they find it ?

    @ M I have seen it before and didn’t understand a word but seeing it again I have figured out what a picture is that puzzled me when I saw it the first time at 1.24 we had all sort of responses and now it’s obvious seeing it again 🙂

  • Good In Parts


    “probably the most unsuitable gun for threatening people with”

    If only he had held it sideways

  • Good In Parts

    The case of the missing word.

    #2 in an occasional series on voids and related items.

    Parry Chapter 16 – A hitman for hire – Page 213 – final paragraph discussing the motivations of contract killers:-

    They often come from a background or have used firearms regularly.

    Heck that’s disturbing, I come from a background too!

    Perhaps I may humbly suggest that there may be a word missing:-

    They often come from a military background or have used firearms regularly.

    P.S. I was prompted to write this one up now by the post from M. today at 3:37 pm who wrote:-

    At 1:01:00 there is reference to military men, several dozen were interviewed.

  • M.

    Pink, in the Non-Elucide, the phone was found with him, that is how he was identified, according Vinneman.

    Just a few other points I picked up on re-watching the episode, the photos in Arnand were between 15:12 and 15:17, they passed the builders a FEW MINUTES LATER.

    Much of the stuff written by TP is in this episode, of course this is before the Motorcylist was found and the suicide.

    Twitter time, 8 hours behind UK, 9 France.

  • Pink

    So the tweet was about 7.12 pm on the 5th is that right ?
    That would seem late she was one of the first there.

    Twitter time, 8 hours behind UK, 9 France.

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