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7,992 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Nearly five months after the crash of Flight Air Algeria in Mali, a chambérienne family can finally bury their loved ones. Leticia Rastorgueff and Yvan son will be buried Wednesday. Their bodies were repatriated via Paris. This delay is explained by the survey needs and difficulties in identifying the victims. On 24 July an Air Algeria had crashed in the desert in Mali. There had been no survivors. The accident provoked a strong emotion in Chambery and Savoie since four members of a family were also killed. The Old Reynaud living Chambéry and participated in a great family trip. Six other members of the family from the Loire, perished in the disaster.

    Various actions were carried out by their friends and relatives since. A white march in September by the college of La Motte-Servolex and a football match by young SOC early November.

    The investigation has not clarified the circumstances of the crash that made 116 people, including 54 French.

  • michael norton

    Quite strange, that five months on The French ( who are acclaimed as some of the best air accident investigators in the world)have not yet determined how this aircraft met its demise?

  • michael norton

    When they talk about “the prefecture of Savoie requested a reinforcement gendarmes to prevent any risk of overflow in the Chambery district Upper, classified SPAs (priority security zone).”
    I suppose they might mean?

    13e Chasseurs Alpins based in Chambery, capitol of Savoie.

  • michael norton

    This Air Algeria plane crash in Mali, five months ago was stuffed with French special forces and secret service personel from Savoie.

  • michael norton

    The 13e seem to be based in Barby, Chambery.
    They seem to have an aerodrome adjacent or within their compound.
    And guess what is also adjacent—- Ravoire
    Yes Ravoire is where a man was found having been shot in the head, thought to have been killed by gypsies.
    Looking rather suspiciously adjacent to the 13e ground.

  • michael norton

    Ouagadougou Airport, Burkina Faso

    Described as a “key hub of the U.S. spying network” in Africa, Ouagadougou Airport is the home of a classified surveillance program code-named Sand Creek that includes “dozens of U.S. personnel and contractors” operating a “small air base on the military side of the international airport.” From the airport, unarmed PC-12 airplanes fly surveillance mission in Mali, Mauritania and the Sahara.

    So the Swift Air operated Air Algérie Flight 5017
    was flying from Ouagadougou Airport,
    one of the main DRONE bases in West Africa, stuffed full of French special service personel,
    yet they do not know after five months
    why it crashed?

  • bluebird

    Scot Young linked to Boris Berezovsky and Berezovsky maybe linked to Mollier (?) and all of them to al Hilli/al Saffar?

    Rwason: Billions of depths owed to the Russian/Turkish/Iraqi/Kurdish mafia.

    Mollier might have been the organiser of the bodyguards (members of french foreign legion) of Boris Berezovsky.

    Remember (search Berezovsky):

     Vendetta in Haute Savoie:

    quote from my 2012 post:
    Last night Mr Limanov, who is based in the small Alps village of Cluses in the Haute Savoie region of France, declined to comment about either the contents of the alleged dossier or his links to Mr Berezovsky.

    It gave an account by a journalist, Oleg Sultanov, who claimed to have worked there “undercover” as part of an exposé on Mr Berezovsky. Although the tone of the piece suggested that the author was no friend of Mr Berezovsky, it gave accurate details as to the precise location of Mr Limanov’s office in the Alps. Mr Sultanov claimed that he was paid a total of $35,000 to help write material that would bring the Kremlin into disrepute.

    Todays news regarding Berezovsky:

    Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky died from hanging and there was no evidence of a violent struggle before his death, police have said

    The results of a post-mortem examination carried out yesterday appear to support the theory that he killed himself.

    Police will now carry out toxicology tests on samples from his body to look for drugs and alcohol, likely to take several weeks, while forensic examinations continue at his house.

    Mr Berezovsky was left unguarded for five hours before he was discovered lying dead on the floor of his bathroom.

    His bodyguard said that he left his employer alone in the house at around 10am on Saturday to run a series of errands.

    He did not return until around 3pm, when he discovered a number of missed calls on Mr Berezovsky’s phone.

    He forced his way through the bathroom door, which was locked from the inside, and discovered Mr Berezovsky lying dead on the floor.

    According to the bodyguard, he was fully clothed. After checking for a pulse, he called a paramedic and Mr Berezovsky was pronounced dead at the scene.

    Mr Berezovsky’s body was removed from the property on Monday morning, and police said that while his death was “unexplained” there was no evidence to suggest the involvement of a “third party”.

    On Monday night Thames Valley police were waiting for the results of a post-mortem, which was conducted by a Home Office pathologist.

    Mr Berezovsky’s bodyguard, who reportedly formerly worked for Mossad, was the oligarch’s only remaining security.

    The oligarch, who had been the target of repeated assassination attempts, had previously employed a five-strong security detail to protect him, including former members of the French Foreign Legion.

    However, last year Mr Berezovsky became severely depressed after losing one of the world’s biggest ever private litigations against Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea Football Club.

    The case left him with a £70million legal bill and he became “extremely depressed”. He was forced to sell his home in Surrey and sack his security detail and chauffeur. One friend toldThe Daily Telegraph: “He thought after losing the case and all his money they wouldn’t consider him worth killing.”

    Yuri Dubov, a writer and one of Mr Berezovsky’s closest friends, arrived at the house hours after Mr Berezovsky was found dead and spoke at length to Mr Berezovsky’s bodyguard.

    He said that at 10.30pm on Friday night, Mr Berezovsky had given the bodyguard a series of errands for him to do the following day. It was the last time he was seen alive.

    The following morning, he left the house at around 10am. Mr Dubov said:”He [the bodyguard] was out. When he came in he saw Boris’s mobile phone with a number of unanswered calls.

    “He got worried and forced his way into the bathroom. He didn’t find a suicide note. He said Mr Berezovsky was fully clothed and there was no blood.”

    Mr Berezovsky’s former wife Galina, who owns the house and allowed him to live there, arrived while the paramedic was still there.

    According to friends she saw a scarf by his body and allegedly emerged from the scene believing he may have been murdered. Mr Berezovsky’s friends are also sceptical about suicide, including the widow of murdered KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko.

    The cause of Mr Berezovsky’s death has been the subject of fevered speculation around the world.

    Sergei Markov, an advisor of President Vladimir Putin, claimed on Monday that he may have been murdered by British spies to stop him leaving state secrets to the Russians.

    Less than 24 hours before his death Mr Berezovsky told a Russian reporter that he wanted to return to his homeland.

    Mr Markov said: “It became clear he was ready to give out all information to the Russian secret services on those in the Western secret services who are trying to work on throwing Putin down. So they got rid of him.”

    Despite Mr Berezovsky’s financial difficulties, a woman embroiled in a high-profile divorce claimed he had been “hiding” money belonging to her ex-husband.

    Michelle Young first made allegations against Mr Berezovsky two years ago when giving evidence during her High Court battle with former husband Scot Young.

    Mr Berezovsky had denied Ms Young’s claims, describing them as “false and ludicrous”.

    But one of Ms Young’s lawyers repeated the claim during a High Court hearing in London on Monday.

    Todays news regarding Scot Young:

    Many friends have refused to believe the death is a suicide, with one saying Mr Young ‘owed a lot of money to the wrong sort of people’.

    The confidant said in 2012 (ed. apparently at the same time when al Hilli and Mollier were killed) Scot was partying at the Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair when the Russian and Turkish mafia he owed money to dangled him over a balcony – and he still feared for his life.

    The man, who asked not to be named told The Telegraph: ‘I do not believe for one minute Scot committed suicide, my heart tells me he was killed. There is no way he would have jumped to his death.

    ‘We are all very scared about what might happen. I believe Scot was murdered. He owed a lot of money to the wrong sort of people.’

    A source who knew Mr Young well says the property developer had told friends just last month that he feared for his safety.

    ‘He was very worried, he said he knew someone was following him,’ says the source. ‘Many of Scot’s friends aren’t surprised that he died.’

    Last year, too, Mr Young had told friends he was worried someone was going to try to kill him. 

  • Mary

    16 December 2014
    French Alps murders: Brother says police ‘incompetent and racist’
    Zaid al-Hilli Zaid al-Hilli has called for a public inquiry saying French police had botched the investigation

    Related Stories
    Alps deaths ruled unlawful killings
    Alps murder victims remembered
    ‘No Alps link’ in ex-husband death

    The brother of a man who was shot dead with his wife and mother-in-law while holidaying in France has accused police of being “racist” and “incompetent”.

    Zaid al-Hilli said he was turned into a scapegoat over the death of his brother Saad because investigators saw the family as “a light touch”.

    Police had ruined the investigation by failing to secure the crime scene and missing evidence, Mr al-Hilli said.

    Both the French authorities and Surrey Police have refused to comment.

    ‘Saad al-Hilli, 50, was shot with his wife Iqbal, 47, and his mother-in-law Suhaila al-Allaf, on 5 September 2012, along with French cyclist Sylvain Mollier.


  • bluebird


    quite interesting. i remember having read the very same text already one year ago.
    must be a copy in order to fill space or else the date changed from 2013 to 2014.
    looks like “groundhog day”.

  • Pink

    This link was on french twitter as well.


    Annecy shootings: BFMTV and Le Parisien continued to broadcast pictures of the crime
    By AFP, published 05.12.2014 at 16:33 Updated at 16:33

    Grenoble – The BFMTV of editors and Paris as well as the journalist Dominique Rizet be judged correctional Annecy to broadcast pictures of the crime scene of the killing of Chevaline, said Friday the prosecutor told AFP.

    Both newspapers and journalist are subpoenaed Friday, February 27, 2015 at 14:00 in the Criminal Court of Annecy for helping to violate the confidentiality of investigations, affect the integrity of a corpse and reproduction of circumstances of a crime.

    These proceedings follow the broadcast by BFMTV in February of pictures, taken by Le Parisien, showing for an entire family before the shooting, and the other two scenes of the crime of the killing of Chevaline.

    A photograph taken by a helicopter of the gendarmerie, BMW showed the victims and the cyclist’s body lying on the ground, shot several times. Another picture of the car was taken at breast height.

    These photos were “deeply shocked family members of the victims”, said the prosecutor of Annecy, Eric Maillaud, shortly after broadcast, denouncing “attitudes (…) perfectly scandalous.”

    A complaint was filed by lawyers for the family of Sylvain Mollier, the French cyclist killed in this quadruple murder.

    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, Iraqi-born British engineer, his wife of 47 years, and her mother-in 74 years, were killed by several bullets in their car on a small forest road near Chevaline (Haute-Savoie).

    Sylvain Mollier, probable collateral victim, was also shot. One of the girls in the al-Hilli couple had been seriously injured while the second, hidden under the legs of his mother, was miraculously unhurt.

  • michael norton

    Mr al-Hilli has called for a public inquiry into the case as he believes the police have missed vital evidence after officers reported they had found a passport in Saad’s jacket in July- a year-and-a-half after the investigation was launched.

    I must say I do not remember that the police claimed they had found a passport in Saad’s coat, eighteen months after the murder, it seems bizarre?

  • michael norton

    It should not be long now before the five gypsies being held for the slaughter of
    Nicole Communal-Tournier
    are brought to court.
    that should make interesting listening

  • michael norton

    To be honest,
    I think Mr.Z. al hilli
    has some good points.

    Now he feels he has been cleared of any involvement in the slaughter and after the British Inquest has been held,
    I expect he thinks it is time to point out some of the French failings,
    let’s face it, there are many.

  • michael norton

    Just again re-played the BBC piece Interviewing Zaid al-Hilli,
    the video sound cuts out after a few seconds, yet this is the BBC!!!
    before it cuts out Zaid seems to say the French police have found passports,
    and one in Saaad’s coat which they have had for a long time before apparently discovering it, which must be nonsense but who is causing the nonsense, my guess would be the French.
    There does not seem to be any aknowledgement of when this interview was taken, when the whole thing was played or on what programme or who the interviewer is?

    Something fishey still going on.
    Personally I would very much like to hear what Zaid has to say, in detail

  • michael norton

    Still only a few seconds of play
    but Zaid clearly says that he has been told that the French police claim they have recently discovered the passports in his brother’s jacket which was found in the car.
    This jacket has been in the labs for eighteen months, so what other evidence have they missed?

    Well put Zaid
    but where is the whole interview with more context?

  • michael norton

    An update on the police sergeant who lived in La Motte-Servolex

    After their separation, he killed his wife, Isabelle Cervellin, 44, La Motte-Servolex, April 11, 2012. In front of the jury in the Assize Court yesterday Requet Franck, 48, a police officer accused of Grenoble murder, renewed his confession. While delivering a version different from those given during the investigation.

    “I said,” I do not get there without you. “She said “we have to stop to see.” In my bag, I felt my service weapon. I said, “I’ll fuck me in the air.” I pulled out my gun, she saw. She told me twice “not do that!”. She argued her arm. I was unbalanced, at the same time. The first shot was fired and after the other. I wanted to fuck me in the air and it was she who took the ball … “The victim received six shots of whom, at least, fired at a distance of less than 50 cm.
    “I killed her. I know that from the moment you pull someone with a weapon, it’s not an accident ”

    The president, François Bessy, not feigned surprise. “So it was an accident? Dropoff window. Franck Requet insane. “No, sir. I killed her. I am a police officer, I know that from the moment you pull someone with a weapon, it is not an accident. do you even lift

    History clarify nevertheless Advocate General Jacques Dallest insists. “We still feel that you describe accidental gesture.” Franck Requet shakes his head. “It does not. This is a completely irrational behavior. ”

    Franck Requet tells itself to that time “in total drift past fortnight.” Isabelle Cervellin had broken with him and had asked him to leave the shared home. He was in a relationship with her for a year. Just before she had been his mistress. He had a brief romantic relationship with her when they were students and he had found on the internet, twenty years later. Each was married with three children. Both were divorcing at the time of the murder.

    Franck Requet had just experienced the difficult years between a serious disagreement with a supervisor, resulted in his transfer command center at the police station of Échirolles and conflict separation with his wife. Stress drowned in alcohol. He summarizes his psychological state: “For me, it’s a” burn out “with a” raptus “it happened”. Uncontrolled episode, according to him, lasting “three to four seconds,” in which he emptied almost half a charger to the woman who refused to return to its breaking decision.

    “Very vulnerable to abandonment” analysis the expert psychiatrist, Dr. Patrick Blachère not be detected in his life explaining the panic of being dropped. “Almost infantile immature Deeply, he adds, impulsive in the marital context. “Son of military, grand-son of a figure of the Resistance in Grenoble, the officer had a smooth and honorable life, school uniform, in which he was a valued colleague, until the years before the tragedy.

    He swears that he intended to commit suicide after the murder. “For what I did, I knew the punishment that only my weapon could inflict. I could not go. “Yet he was arrested in Norway, where he had fled eight days after the crime.

    “Children, we can not apologize for what I did,” he launched yesterday at the three children Isabelle Cervellin. On it, however, in a full day of trial, he will not let a word that conveys an emotion, a feeling or simply affection.
    The faitsL’accuséLe April 12, 2012, the corpse of Cervellin Isabelle, 44, shot several shots fired at close range, was discovered at his home in La Motte-Servolex. On April 11, she had an appointment with his companion, Franck Requet, police sergeant in Échirolles, with whom she had broken two weeks ago. Only suspect, Franck Requet stopped April 19 in Norway, where he fled. He immediately accused of meurtre.Franck Requet, 48, police officer, is accused of murder (premeditated murder). He faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

  • michael norton

    A bit more about police sergeant Franck Requet
    (It could have been a moment of madness)

    Franck Requet was arrested April 19, 2012 in Norway after a week on the run. At Voss ski resort west of the country where he had friends with whom he had landed unexpectedly. He was, as the saying goes, sought by all the police after the discovery of the body of his companion. Cervellin Isabelle, 44, was found dead at his home in La Motte-Servolex, shot several bullets fired at close range.

    On 28 March, the couple had separated, Franck Requet had been asked to leave the shared home and – the entourage knew – he could not stand the break.
    From the start, Franck Requet was the main and only suspect in the murder

    In this context, a professional police officer (sergeant in the police station of Échirolles in the Grenoble area) in possession of a service weapon, it was immediately the main and only suspect. The car of his father with whom he had come, on 11 April at the meeting with his former partner, remained at 70, chemin de la Guetta, La Motte-Servolex, instead of the gruesome discovery, and that of Isabelle Cervellin was gone. In addition, Franck Requet had not left his gun in the armory of the police as it should have done by going on leave.

    Upon his arrest and his first audition, Franck Requet was also accused of murdering his girlfriend and facilitated his extradition and its provision of French justice. However, he challenged throughout the criminal investigation, the preparation of this crime. As it appears today at the Assizes on a charge of murder (premeditated murder) that placed her in the maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

    According to him, his loaded gun was not ready in his bag, April 11, to kill Isabelle Cervellin. Without being able to explain it, he would have seized and would have used a “moment of madness”.

    Franck and Isabelle Requet Cervellin had to share a meal and she had scarcely confirmed she refused to get back together.

    The verdict is expected Friday night, after three days of trial.

    Trial Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Friday 19 at 9 am at the Assize Court of Savoy, in Chambéry. The accused is defended by Bertrand Sayn, Joëlle Vernay and Véronique Pigeon. The plaintiffs are assisted by Catherine Anxionnaz. The prosecution is represented by Jacques Dallest, Attorney General.

  • michael norton

    Sorry, probably should have typed SIX SHOTS

    “April 11, 2012 with his service weapon, Franck Requet shot his wife, Isabelle Cervellin, 44, six shots including three deaths, the common home of La Motte-Servolex.”

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