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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Max

    « Ce n’est qu’à l’arrivée des pompiers et surtout des gendarmes que Melvin va prendre conscience que “quelque chose de grave” est arrivé et s’éclipser discrètement en faisant un grand détour pour échapper à tout contrôle. »

    GG only went home after he heard (saw?) the police, and he went home with a grand detour. I’m not sure this is compatible with WBM’s MC (driving downhill over the main road). It could be, but I’m not sure. And wouldn’t WBM have recognized a trail bike? He did see it, because WBM remembers the slow driving and the ‘hard long look’

  • Pink

    Max that didn’t quite makes sense to me do you mean BM saw GG SOMEWHERE or just that he saw A motorbike but likely not GG.?

    P.S. I have to get some sleep catch up tomorrow.

  • michael norton

    The local ex-policeman Eric Devouassoux, who lives in Lathuile and wife’s parents live in Chevaline and fits the E-FIT-SKETCH like a glove, likes old guns and does not like outsiders and was recently “let go” from the force, is apparently utterly innocent.
    Yet he was fingered. His likeness to the E-FIT-SKETCH is remarkable.

    What if Eric Devouassoux was fingered by the actual shootist who is/was a cop
    and the shadow-swiping I’ve been accusing Eric Maillaud of, was done by the shootist/cop?

  • michael norton

    So who was the person or persons who guided the hand of the police artist to draw the remarkable likeness of Eric Devouassoux as the motorcyclist seen at the scene of the Slaughter of the Horses?

    If Eric Devouassoux is no-longer in the frame for involvement and the unnamed motorcyclist from Lyon is 95% innocent, where did the description of the mototcyclist with the very distinctive side-opening helmet,
    come from?

  • michael norton

    As the end of third year is coming soon, is it not about time
    Eric Maillaud gave the public a review of what they know and what they have got wrong,
    he could say, we are still looking for a motorcyclist with the distinctive side-opening helmet who looks like the E-FIT-SKETCH because this is the description given immediately after the slaughter by eye-witness ???

  • michael norton

    AREVA. – In Le Creusot, Saône-et-Loire

    employees are questioning the future “Areva, it has nothing to do”

    This is where AREVA manufacture the Reactor Pressure Vessels,
    like the EPR’s that have inconsistencies in the metal, making them 50% weaker,
    the RPV for Hinkley Point in Somerset are already forged.

    Does this mean that the work force are twiddling their thumbs?

  • michael norton

    I wonder if Sylvain Mollier topped up his welding skills here:–fabricants-de-grandes-pieces-forgees-et-moulees.html&prev=search

    2008: inauguration of the new factory welding school, an investment representing a million.
    Distinction awarded by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) to the factory for its strong contribution to the development of nuclear energy, “the Nuclear Historic Landmark Award”

  • Peter

    If Kadhim had any sense, he would not have kept any paperwork at all pertaining to that bank account in his home, nor would he have the bank send monthly or quarterly statements to him. Rather, like most offshore clients, he would have paid the bank a considerable extra fee, up to a few hundred CHF annually, to retain all correspondence for personal collection. (Nowadays, clients can opt to have all correspondence from the bank sent as signed and encrypted PDF files accessible via their online-banking platforms, but I don’t think that a man of Kadhim’s generation would have opted for that.) He could always have rung his CRM and asked about his balance, anyway.

    Personally, I dissolved my (declared) employee account, which my former Swiss employers allowed me to keep as a courtesy, just because of the aggravation that receiving my monthly statements caused me. Many Swiss banks recommend that their tax-evading offshore clients open a small declared (“white”) account in addition to the big undeclared (“black”) account, in order to furnish a plausible excuse for regularly exchanging phone calls with the bank. Tax authorities all over the world are wise to this stratagem, which is why even having a completely above-board, declared account with a Swiss bank attracts a lot of unwelcome attention.

    Thus, whether the money in Kadhim’s account was declared or undeclared, he would have been a fool to have the bank send him any statements or other correspondence.

  • michael norton

    AREVA reactor business taken over by EDF

    Critics say the plan could turn out to be a poisoned chalice for EDF because it is accepting huge risks by taking a majority stake in Areva NP, with Areva continuing to own a small part.

    The main problems that have laid low Areva are costly mismanagement of key projects, plus a lack of export orders as demand for new reactors slumped worldwide following the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan.

    Areva has not sold a new reactor since 2007

  • michael norton

    Of course, if there is a conspiracy to eliminate Sylvain Mollier,
    the person watching the cycle track from Ugine to Faverges
    does not have to be the person squeezing the trigger at Le Martinet.

  • Max


    The GG/Melvin quote was to show that I don’t think WBM’s MC was Melvin/GG.

    Because as I read it, GG was there driving his 125cc trial motor at least until he heard the pompier and police coming, so well after 16h … which probably is incompatible with WBM’s MC

    But I would like to know where exactly Melvin/GG was driving around? Was that above Martinet? (or east or west bank of the river?)

    But yesterday evening I got a new idea, which made me wonder a bit.

    GG was driving in the neighborhood of Martinet (is this true? I would like to know). Anyway, he says he DID hear the gun shots, although he was on his motorbike, making motorbike sounds. And maybe GG even had a helmet. So … he heard the shot, and maybe he was close to Martinet.

    Now, WBM didn’t hear any gun shots. WBM says it was because of the effort. Could be.

    « I literally pushed the window in because it was already crazed. Erm, and turned the ignition off. Then, I, things were a lot calmer then because the sort of engine wasn’t revving the wheels weren’t spinning and I started taking stock of the people inside »

    So, ‘things were a lot calmer’

    I wonder, didn’t he hear GG/Melvin?

    If he had heard GG/Melvin, he could have wondered if that was X. Yet WBM makes no mention of this.

    But suppose GG could have been heard from Martinet (after the engine had stopped). Why didn’t WBM tell this?

    And that was the little question I was wondering about last night

  • Peter

    @ Max, 11 Jul, 2015 – 12:36 pm

    If Melvyn was riding the white bike shown on his Twitter account dated June 2012, it is no wonder that nobody heard him: that is a children’s motocross bike (a. k. a. pocketbike or minicross bike) with perhaps 8-12 hp and a parent-friendly quiet engine.

    Genuine trial bikes, as opposed to MX or enduro bikes, are also fairly quiet, because their engines are optimised for torque rather than peak power. However, they are obviously not as quiet as toy bikes for children.

  • Good In Parts

    Max & Pink

    Let me run through my ‘neutral’ scenario:-

    GG is pootling around on the west side of the valley on, or near, the side track that runs from the main track in a kind of loop that leads back to the foot-crossing un peu south of martinet parking. This approximates to the Mont Beniot area which is ‘the other side of the valley’ to the shooting.

    Whilst there, he hears the shots. It is my opinion that he would be able to do so whilst wearing a helmet. As the crow flies he is the closest witness (maybe only 300m) and his location (Mont Benoit) is significantly higher than the main track at the bottom of the valley.

    My opinion (again) is that he could hear the shots but anyone at le martinet parking would have difficulty hearing him, not only because of the acoustics of the tree-lined valley but because of the quite loud white-noise generator at the bottom of the valley, known as l’Ire.

    So, GG hears the shots, apparently discounts them and keeps pootling around. Approximately 5 minutes later he exits this side track and re-joins the main track for a short period of time.

    During this short period he crosses WBM. He probably sees no one else and no one else sees him.

    He then turns off onto another side track in order to continue his appreciation of nature whilst riding his 125cc trail moto. He continues stooging around at least until he heard the pompier and police coming, so well after 16h … which therefore is compatible with WBM’s MC sighting.

    Max, you asked above “I wonder, didn’t he (WBM) hear GG?” and my answer is that he probably did not, at that point in time, because he had passed GG 3-5 minutes earlier down the main track and GG was by now probably stooging around on another side track. Not to mention the white noise generator.

    Implicitly EM & Co must accept something along these lines or they would have launched an appeal for another MC rider to come forward (or they have doubts and have been phone tapping and bugging the heck out of everyone who lives near the end of la combette).

    There are obviously other, shall we say less neutral, scenarios but I would like to hear your views on this one.

  • Good In Parts


    If the journo who wrote the original story is to be believed, then the motorcyclist would not have been easily mistaken for one of the ‘wee folk’.

  • Pink

    If he hadn’t collected it as he was unwell and may have not attended to the things he should have would it be handed over to the next of kin ?

    11 Jul, 2015 – 9:58 am

    “Rather, like most offshore clients, he would have paid the bank a considerable extra fee, up to a few hundred CHF annually, to retain all correspondence for personal collection.”

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 11 Jul, 2015 – 3:15 pm

    I should have known beforehand that any item described by journalists as a “trial bike” was less likely to be a trial bike than anything else in the known universe. As I have said, the thing that Melvyn rode in June 2012 according to his Twitter photos was a minicross bike, something like this

    He is very tall for his age, and this is a tiny bike, with the handlebars (the highest point) about one metre above ground level. Seated on this bike, Melvyn’s knees and elbows would be splayed out – “sitting like a monkey on a grindstone”, as the German phrase goes. Wisely, Melyvn had himself photographed standing up on the footrests, making himself look like Godzilla riding a full-sized MX bike.

    Anyway, these minicross bikes are designed to be quiet enough for children to be able to ride them around the garden without unduly disturbing the neighbours. In hindsight, his pootling around the woods on a bike like this makes a lot more sense to me than him riding a full-sized trial bike, because the forest wardens probably would have heard the latter and reacted accordingly. Yet, by the same token, he cannot have been the motorcyclist whom WBM saw, because WBM surely would have noticed the discrepancy in sizes between the rider and his bike.

  • Peter

    @ Pink, 11 Jul, 2015 – 6:42 pm

    Yes, if Kadhim had previously given his two sons power of attorney vis-à-vis the bank in case of his death or incapacity (as he would have been wise to do), then either of them could have collected the correspondence on his behalf.

    Saad’s hastily-planned trip to Geneva might perhaps have been an instance of him “racing” his brother for some up-to-date monthly account statements, but this is pure speculation.

  • Good In Parts


    Re Khadim and account documentation. Thanks for the insight into this
    aspect of private banking. It would make sense to collect correspondence
    personally on an occasional basis, given the very low transaction rate this
    account apparently had.

    The absence of any paperwork pertaining to this account kept at the family
    home in Claygate and the lack of statements arriving would also explain why
    ZAH could have been ‘aware’ of the existence of the account but not the
    amount of money it currently held.

    Incidently, it appears to me from what you have written in recent posts, that
    private banking is in some respect the exact opposite of retail and
    investment banking in the UK.

    What little insight I have is from an audit and regulatory perspective
    regarding record keeping of transactions and customer interaction.
    Seemingly every interaction was to be recorded, and side-channels such as
    personal mobiles etc. were verboten.

    About 10 years ago I did some restricted party trading compliance work – the
    blacklist being the product of the US State Department – check, check and
    double check, oh and record.

  • Good In Parts


    The youtube clip I watched years ago apparently showed GG on a trail bike not a trials bike. This bike was ‘normally’ proportioned for a trail bike, so not like a ‘monkey bike’ and not like a supermoto style bike. It also appeared to be road legal and not an actual enduro bike.

    The rider, if it was GG, was able to ride this bike with ease. The rear shock did not appear to have been dialed down, so the ride height was high compared with a street bike.

    So, for his age, he did appear to be a large lad.

  • michael norton

    So with several motorcyclist riding around Chevaline / Le Martinet / Combe d’Ire
    at the time of the Slaughter of the Horses, has anybody any idea who gave the identification to the police artist, I am taking about the motorcyclist with the special side opening helmet.

  • Good In Parts


    You know the rules. This is a local track for local people.

    You dont s*** in your own backyard and you dont pick pointless arguments with the children of your neighbours. If they are messing around up the combe it means they are not setting fire to your house. Simples.

  • Peter

    Good In Parts, 11 Jul, 2015 – 7:15 pm

    The Youtube clips on Melvyn’s channel that I watched recently had “un pote” (i. e., not Melvyn himself) riding a full-sized MX bike, albeit like a complete wuss. I don’t want to publish the gentle giant’s account details here, but it should not be too difficult to find M.M.’s Twitter account, check out his one published photograph there (from June 2012) and compare this to a full-sized bike. In the photo, the diameter of the wheels is equal to or less than the length of his forearms – meaning that he was riding a minicross bike.

  • michael norton

    Does anybody think that Eric Maillaud has come to understand that there were several motorcycle riders, in that part of France at the time of the slaughter of the Horses.

    If he has come to understand, he should tell the public, who are busy trying to figure out,
    which of their evil neighbours is the motorcyclist with the side-opening helmet, it is not useful to keep on duping the public.

    So why hasn’t Eric put out a further statement?

    A very good question but what is the answer?

  • Good In Parts

    If GG was riding a minicross bike and it was him that WBM saw then that should have been distinctive enough for him to take note of.

    So, was there another MC i.e. a second mobylette as per CA?

    EM hasn’t made an appeal so one may assume that if there were a second rider then they have come forward (or been traced) and have been eliminated.

    Anyway, I’m off out – back tomorrow.

  • Max

    (this is very far-out)

    Suppose JMC=X and he did bump into SM (as planned) when SM went beyond Martinet. Now maybe X already fired 3 times at SM there beyond Martinet, but SM made an escape downhill, only to be caught up and killed at Martinet.

    It could explain the 3 x 8 = 24 – 21 = 3 bullets missing (in case X had 3 full clips)

    Wouldn’t it be fun if you went beyond Martinet, say 2 kms further up, and find the 3 casings on the side of the road:)

    (If you would find these casings, it becomes 100% clear that SM as the target)

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