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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Pink

    Max in that scenario I would favour a hired killer it is ruthless to be going after one target for an unknown reason and kill an entire family just for being there ,wouldn’t the average Joe with a grudge have just legged it when the odds increased it’s not like anyone was shooting back forcing a shootout, or there must have been a lot riding on making sure SM was dead that does not sound like a grudge type thing to me but someone with a lot to lose what do you think ?

  • michael norton

    If the unnamed Lyon motorcyclist was X, two years later there would have been plenty of time for him to dump a special side-opening helmet and get rid of the powder burns on his hands, burn his motorcycle & clothes of that day / get his story straight.

  • michael norton

    Let us just say there was only ever one motorcyclist.

    Let us therefore think that the motorcyclist seen riding down combe very, very slowly, scanning the area like a shit house rat, as William Brett Martin ascended to the slaughter scene, was X.

    If there was only one motorcyclist, then Lyon motorcycle is in the frame,
    however if it was the motorcycle of Lyon unnamed man but a different person was riding that machine.
    Lyon unnamed man had only been heard by the authorities two years after the event, plenty of time to obfuscate.
    Although Lyon man is almost certain not to have done it, Eric is holding back 5%.

  • michael norton

    One other attempt at the theory of only ever one motorcycle.

    What if Lyon unnamed man had X on pillion.

    LMC drops off X then rides very, very slowly down combe, scanning the area like a shit house rat.
    meanwhile X is doing the business and walking off scene, no further contact between X and LMC.

    This also could tie in with reports of multiple rides up and down that day by LMC.

    I think this has merit.

  • michael norton

    The multiple rides could be to let X know when Sylvain Mollier was coming.
    LMC could easily ride to Ugine then back along the road, adjacent to the cycle track.
    So, in this story LMC drops off pillion X much earlier in the day, he does not have to drop him right at the murder scenr as X can walk a long way through the woods both to the killing site and away from the killing site.

    What X would like to know is
    how long before SM gets to X and is SM on his own.

  • James

    @ M.

    “….de ce qu’il allait faire ce matin-là” is curious. That Morning ?

    CS came home. SM was able to go cycling. And no time is known.
    But “that morning” is curious ?

    ONF2 (and by default MC) would be/should be able to confirm “where” and “when” they sighted Mollier on his bicycle. Was he just arriving ? Was he just departing ?

    One thing which is significant is… ONF2 (+ plus MC) saw SM.
    And yet ONF2 did not see WBM.
    The distance/time between ONF2 decending and WBM ascending, prior to the “turning off the route” by ONF2 could be “assumed” (ONF1 does not report seeing SM).

    For example (and just taking “one view”).

    ONF2 does not see SAH or WBM.
    ONF2 does not see “anyone” at the car park (ambiguous statement by Eric).

    ONF2 has to sight SM at some point between (point A) “the hairpins” and (point B) “the turn off”.

    This “may” include “sighting Mollier AT the car park” (however, this was reportedly “empty” when SAH arrived).

    So… SM would have to be
    1. Climbing the route at the time he was sighted.
    2. At the car park already.
    3. Heading towards the hairpins (and towards ONF2 and MC).

  • michael norton

    Well Pink,
    the Parapente landing area on Chemin Lateral dit du Genevrier, near Marlens, is only several metres from the cycle track so as you stand in the landing field you have an unimpeded view of the cycle track.

  • michael norton

    As an added bonus the Parapente landing site ( near Marlens)has a rough ( agricultural but O.K. for other vehicles) road running parallel to the cycle track, a few hundred metres along is LE FLASH, with a side road to Cons-Sainte-Colombe,

  • Melrose

    In my opinion, the “that morning” clause refers to when Mollier could have discussed his plans with his partner (or with his ‘in-law’). Not to when he started his ride! M. disagrees on that, and is reportedly an expert on french parlance, but he’s now on furlough I understand. Perhaps captain Max can enlighten us about this lost in translation.
    Otherwise I think you’re right about ONF2. The prosecutor always talked about what they DID NOT see but never clearly about what they DID see beside the now cleared MC. So the mystery goes on for us.

    “(this is very far-out)”
    Yes it is, but that’s an elegant twist/configuration/theory/scenario. Don’t you think the smart gendarmes must have searched for such evidence along the track several miles away? And if they missed, a random hiker could have later made the discovery and duly reported it to authorities? At the end of the day the twenty-one bullets fired only implies the killer had planned for more than one victim, meaning SM was not the (only) target.

    What we’re looking for is the singer not the song.

  • Pink

    Funny enough I actually thought there was scene of crime tent above the hairpin on the aerial view and then later on I couldn’t see it and thought I must have been mistaken I did say at the time, my eyesight can’t be trusted unfortunately.

  • James


    Which brings me to the point of “was this bike ride a special thing” or “an everyday/every other day occurrence” ?

    Letting someone know where you are going.. is rather “casual” and a route could possibly change.
    Out on his bike “every other day” would (in my mind at least) be something rather more “casual”.

    And yet if “he let his in-laws know”, that would be something “more formal”. And I just can’t grasp that.

    For TS “to know” Mollier was in the “wrong place (at the wrong time)”, then we are talking about a “formal” ride being undertaken. And that is curious.

    For instance…

    We are told (by the uncle of Mollier), that he knew the Combe D’Ire route. And had taken that route (many times) before.

    To therefore be “in the wrong place at the wrong time” would not be a problem. On that day, at that time… he decided to take that route. That decision proved fatal.

    Yet the suggestion (certainly by what we believe are the comments of TS) is that a “more formal” decision was made. A “specific route” was to be taken AND that route wasn’t the Combe D’Ire.

    The problem with this is, Mollier isn’t here to “confirm or deny” that conversation/decision ever took place/was made.

    The issue is… Was Mollier engaged in “some kind of subterfuge”.
    Did he “merely change his mind” on the route he would take that day.
    Or was he “on the route he was always going to take”.

    The motivation for him to climb the Combe D’Ire has to come from Mollier.
    But which was it ?

    After all, he wasn’t killed elsewhere, then taken there to be dumped there.
    He was seen by WBM, ONF2 and MC. Each of those parties are independent of each other.

  • michael norton

    @ James, I too have been saying,
    was the last journey of Sylvain Mollier special,( not the end of his journey, where he was slaughtered) the inauguration of this journey.

    Like you I see a big difference between an every other day event
    and a special journey.

    If it started out as a special journey, it certainly ended as special.

    So if this journey was like every other day,
    it is less likely Sylvain Mollier was the intended target.

  • michael norton

    If his last journey started out as a special journey,
    it is much more likely,
    Sylvain was the object of the hit.

  • Pink

    It may just be the way he said it I know , I do wonder if there was a second women who was not with this group at that point and why would she be kept aside .
    Who is going to make the case for me being wrong I don’t mind being wrong.

  • Melrose

    You are excused, Pink. Don’t you blush.
    The Didierjean party included two women. It’s one of them Monsieur Douchez is talking about.
    What a nice BBC document. Just by listening to the voices, you can tell the British from the French.

  • James


    That’s the thing.

    If it was just a normal, every(other)day, “run of the mill” bike ride… then his route may well have been known.

    If he was intending to go up the Combe D’Ire….
    then his route may well have been known.

    It’s that “everyone knows where Mollier was going…but he went to the Martinet instead” thing which has always got me.

    Clearly… he was on an “unsuitable” expensive racing bike.
    And if proof were needed, then that bike is it !

    1. He wasn’t on his “pre planned” route he’d told everyone.
    2. AND he’s on that bike.

    Just seems all a bit “logically” illogical.

  • michael norton

    Some of “Goldfinger’s” story may have resonance with Sylvain Mollier’s story

    The surveillance operation was based at an unlisted office within RAF Spadeadam, on the borders of Cumbria and Northumberland. The intelligence gleaned from the surveillance of Palmer and his associates led to a myriad of other operations being set up.

    They picked up Palmer doing business with crime bosses from the UK, Russia, Romania and Spain, and created an intelligence file that read like a who’s who of organised crime, according to sources.

  • Melrose

    ” Just seems all a bit “logically” illogical. ”
    Spot on. But it’s like in a jigsaw/rubic cube/sudocu. It could be “illogically” logical.
    If every thingy fits without tweaking a bit. If GG=MM=BMC, then methinks X must have been seen by one of the ONFs. They are trained watchers.

  • michael norton

    So, Sylvain Mollier gets a visit ( from a “business” associate)
    at the home he is renting in Ugine.
    Even though he thought he was out of the “business”
    he still has to undertake this job.
    So, he calls Claire.
    “Come home now Claire, I NEED to go out”
    Claire Schutz, leaves her business in Grignon and drive to Ugine.
    Then, straight away Sylvain is out on his push bike, thrashing his way along the cycle track, as he goes along the way he is “spotted”,
    his killer is alerted.
    and so on.

  • michael norton

    On the cycle route is the apartment of Patrice Menegaldo, the Parapente landing site, near
    Marlens, Camping Champ Tillet, Le Flash, carpenters, timber merchants, Faverges Firestation.

    Lots of opportunities to spot him on his ride.

  • michael norton

    Virtually all the campsites associated with this story are within a few of hundred metres of this cycle track

    Camping Le Solitaire du Lac

    Camping Europa

    Camping Ideal

  • Good In Parts


    Here is my take on your two points:-

    1. He wasn’t on the “pre planned” route his father-in-law had pontificated about. He was on the route that he had decided upon. One he liked and had used before.

    2. AND he’s on his nice new expensive bike. Which was perfectly suitable for the road up the combe, at that time of year, as evidenced by his quite respectable elapsed time.

    It is my view that he a grimpeur who used his best bike, not some weekend cyclist who, if they ever bought such an expensive bike, would put it on a pedestal, polish it but not ‘push’ it.

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